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Lozano, J.; Malo, A.F. 2012 Conservation of the European Wildcat (_Felis silvestris_) in Mediterranean Environments: A reassessment of current threats
Book Chapter
Lozano, J.; Mole˘n, M.; Virg˘s, E. 2006 Biogeographical patterns in the diet of the wildcat, _Felis silvestris _Schreber, in Eurasia: factors affecting the trophic diversity
Journal of Biogeography (33)
Lozano, J.; Virgos, E.; Malo, A.F.; Huertas, D.L.; Casanovas, J.G. 2003 Importance of scrub-pastureland mosaics for wild-living cats occurrence in a Mediterranean area: implications for the conservation of the wildcat (_Felis silvestris_)
Biodiversity and Conservation
Lozano, J.; Virg˘s, E.; Cabezas-Dˇaz, S.; Mangas, J.G. 2007 Increase of large game species in Mediterranean areas: Is the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris_) facing a new threat?
Biological Conservation (138)
Luaces, I.; Dom‚nech, A.; Garcˇa-Montijano, M.; Collado, V.M.; S nchez, C.; Teierizo, J.G.; Galka, M.; Fern ndez, P.; G˘mez-Lucia, E. 2008 Detection of _Feline leukemia_ virus in the endangered Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (20)
Luaces, I.; Lutz, H.; Barreiro, B.; Montesinos, A.; Pizarro, B.; Martinez, F.; Garcia-Montijano, M. 2002 Feline leukemia virus, immunodeficiency virus, coronavirus and panleukopaenia virus seroprevalence in free-living and captive wildcats _(Felis silvestris) _from Spain
Conference Proceeding
Lubis, A.; Bastoni,; Risdianto, D.; Adhiasto, D.N.; Khilman, E.; Suyanti, E.; Rejeki, I.S.; Arinal, I.; Wasillah, I.; Tumbelaka, L.I.T.A.; Kholis, M.; Nurdin, N.; Sudarwati, R.; Nugraha, R.T.; Sumampau, T.; Azmi, W.; Wardana, W.; Pusparini, W. 2012 Penyelamatan Harimau Sumatera - Pedoman praktis pencegahan dan penanggulangan konflik antara manusia dengan harimau
Full Book
Lucchesi, M.; Tedaldi, G.; Vercillo, F.; Fazzi, P.; Bottacci, A.; Ragni, B. 2014 Il gatto selvatico (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) nell'appennino centro-settentrionale: il caso di studio delle Riserve Naturali Casentinesi
Full Book
Lucena-Perez, M.; Marmesat, E.; Kleinman-Ruiz, D.; Mart¡nez-Cruz, B.; We‡ek, K.; Saveljev, A.P.; Seryodkin, I.V.; Okhlopkov, I.; Dvornikov, M.G.; Ozolins, J.; Galsandorj, N.; Paunovic, M.; Ratkiewicz, M.; Schmidt, K.; Godoy, J.A. 2019 Genomic patterns in the widespread Eurasian lynx shaped by Late Quaternary climatic fluctuations and anthropogenic impacts
Molecular Ecology (29)
Lucena-Perez, M.; Soriano, L.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Marmesat, E.; Fernandez, L.; Palomares, F.; Godoy, J.A. 2018 Reproductive biology and genealogy in the endangered Iberian lynx: implications for conservation
Mammalian Biology (89)
Lucherini, M. 2001 The kodkod (Oncifelis guigna) and the Patagonia Mountain Forest linking two conservation priorities
Full Book
Lucherini, M. 1998 The Kodkod (Oncifelis guigna) in Argentina - An ecological survey in Los Alerces and Nahuel Huapi National Park
Full Book
Lucherini, M.; Birochio, D.; Luengos Vidal, E.; Merino, M.J.; Soler, L. 2002 Linking education and research for the conservation of the Andean mountain cat - part 2
Full Book
Lucherini, M.; Birochio, D.; Sana, D. 1998 Report on the survey on the Andean mountain cat in the proposed Aconquija Nationa Park, Argentina
Full Book
Lucherini, M.; Birochio, D.; Vidal, E.L.; Merino, M.J.; Soler, L. 2002 Linking education and research for the conservation of the Andean mountain cat - First progress report, April 2002
Full Book
Lucherini, M.; Guerisoli, M.; Caruso, N.; Casanave, E.; Vidal, E.L. 2014 Correlates of puma-livestock conflicts in the Espinal of Central Argentina
Conference Proceeding
Lucherini, M.; Guerisoli, M.d.l.M.; Luengos Vidal, E.M. 2018 Surplus killing by pumas _Puma concolor_: rumours and facts
Mammal Review (48)
Lucherini, M.; Luengos Vidal, E. 2003 Intraguild Competition as a Potential Factor Affecting the Conservation of Two Endangered Cats in Argentina
Endangered Species UPDATE (20)
Lucherini, M.; Luengos Vidal, E.; Merino, M.J. 2008 How rare is the rare Andean cat?
Mammalia (72)
Lucherini, M.; Luengos Vidal, E.; Reppucci, J. 2009 Factors affecting small cat abundance in the high andes of Argentina
Full Book
Lucherini, M.; Manfredi, C.; Luengos, E.; Mazim, F.D.; Soler, L.; Casanave, E.B. 2006 Body mass variation in the Geoffroy's cat (_Oncifelis geoffroyi_)
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (79)
Lucherini, M.; Manfredi, C.; Soler, L.; Luengos Vidal, E.; Castillo, D.; Casanave, E.B. 2005 Spatial Ecology of Geoffroy's Cat in the Pampas
Cat News (43)
Lucherini, M.; Merino, M.J. 2008 Perceptions of Human-Carnivore Conflicts in the High Andes of Argentina
Mountain Research and Development (28)
Lucherini, M.; Merino, M.J.; Casanave, E. 2007 Measuring Progresses of an Education Programme for the Conservation of the Andean Cat
Conference Proceeding
Lucherini, M.; Palacios, R.; Villalba, L. 2012 A new Strategic Plan for the conservation of the Andean cat
Oryx (46)
Lucherini, M.; Reppucci, J.I.; Soler, L.; Gonzalez, A.; Ciccia, P.G.; Palacios, R.; Pereira, J.A.; Zapata, S. 2018 Analizando los esfuerzos para la conservaci¢n de carn¡voros terrestres en Argentina
Gayana (82)
Lucherini, M.; Reppucci, J.I.; Walker, R.S.; Villalba, M.L.; Wurstten, A.; Gallardo, G.; Iriarte, A.; Villalobos, R.; Perovic, P. 2009 Activity pattern segregation of carnivores in the High Andes
Journal of Mammalogy (90)
Lucherini, M.; Rios, L.; Manfredi, C.; Jose Merino, M.; Arellano, J. 2008 Human-Puma Conflicts in Three Areas from the Southern Cone of South America: Preliminary Data
Cat News (49)
Lucherini, M.; Soler, L.; Luengos Vidal, E. 2004 A preliminary revision of knowledge status of felids in Argentina
Journal of Neotropical Mammalogy (11)
Ludlow, M.E.; Sunquist, M.E. 1987 Ecology and Behavior of Ocelots in Venezuela
National Geographic Research (3)
Ludwig, C.; Wachter, B.; Silinski-Mehr, S.; Ganswindt, A.; Bertschinger, H.; Hofer, H.; Dehnhard, M. 2013 Characterisation and validation of an enzyme-immunoassay for the non-invasive assessment of faecal glucocorticoid metabolites in cheetahs _(Acinonyx jubatus_)
General and Comparative Endocrinology (180 )
Luecht, M.; Stagegaard, J.; Conraths, F.J.; Schares, G. 2019 Toxoplasma gondii in small exotic felids from zoos in Europe and the Middle East: serological prevalence and risk factors
Parasites Vectors (12)
Luechtrath, A.; Schraml, U. 2015 The missing lynx - understanding hunters' opposition to large carnivores
Wildlife Biology (21)
Lueders, I.; Ludwig, C.; Schroeder, M.; Mueller, K.; Zahmel, J.; Dehnhard, M. 2014 Successful nonsurgical artificial insemination and hormonal monitoring in an Asiatic golden cat (Catopuma temmincki)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (45)
Luedicke, T. 2005 Chronoethology and _Environmental Enrichment_ in zoo biology and the application in the keeping the Carpathian lynx (_Lynx lynx carpathicus_)
Full Book
Luja, V.H.; Guzm n-B ez, D.J.; N jera, O.; Vega-Frutis, R. 2022 Jaguars in the matrix: population, prey abundance and land-cover change in a fragmented landscape in western Mexico
Oryx (56)
Luja, V.H.; Navarro, C.J.; Covarrubias, L.A.T.; Hernandez, M.C.; Chan, I.L.V. 2017 Small protected areas as stepping-stones for jaguars in Western Mexico
Tropical Conservation Science (10)
Luja, V.H.; Rodr¡guez-Estrella, R.; Guzm n-B ez, D.J.; Jim‚nez, L. 2021 The bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) in the Nayarit Coastal Plain, M‚xico: presence, relative abundance and activity patterns
Therya Notes (2)
Lukarevskii, V.; Baidavletov, R. 2010 On the field survey in the Ily river valley: investigation of the possibilities of tigers presence in the region and opportunities for its reintroduction
Full Book
Lukarevsky, V.; Akkiev, M.; Askerov, E.; Aghili, A.; Can, E.; Gurielidze, Z.; Kudaktin, A.N.; Malkhasyan, A.; Yarovenko, Y.A. 2007 Status of the leopard in the Caucasus
Cat News (Special Issue 2)
Lukarevsky, V.; Askerov, E.; Hazaryan, G. 2004 Condition of the leopard population in the Caucasus
Beitr„ge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung (29)
Lukarevsky, V.; Malkhasyan, A.; Askerov, E. 2007 Biology and ecology of the leopard in the Caucasus
Cat News (Special Issue 2)
Lukarevsky, V.S. 2001 Comments and Proposals for a discussion on Far Eastern leopard protection Session 1.Managing Leopard Habitat in SW Primorski Krai
Conference Proceeding
Lukarevsky, V.S. 1996 Modern distribution, location, and number of Persian leopard (_Panthera pardus_) in Turkmenia
Full Book
Lukarevsky, V.S.; Berkeliev, T.; Marochkina, V.V.; Saparmuradov, D.; Kamakhina, G.L.; Kurbanov, O.P. Econet of Turkmenistan
Full Book
Lukas, J. Report on methods used to condition three western pumas, Felis concolor stanleyana for release
Full Book
Luna-Soria, H.; Lopez Gonzalez, C.A. 2005 Abundance and Food Habits of Cougars and Bobcats in the Sierra San Luis, Sonora, M‚xico
UDSA Forest Service (36)
Lundgren, E.J.; Ramp, D.; Middleton, O.S.; Wooster, E.I.F.; Kusch, E.; Balisi, M.; Ripple, W.J.; Hasselerharm, C.D.; Sanchez, J.N.; Mills, M.; Wallach, A.D. 2022 A novel trophic cascade between cougars and feral donkeys shapes desert wetlands
Journal of Animal Ecology (91)
Lundholm, D. 1952 The extinct Cape lion
Annals of the Transvaal Museum (22)
Luo, S.-J.; Johnson, W.E.; David, V.A.; Menotti Raymond, M.; Stanyon, R.; Cai, Q.X.; Beck, T.; Yuhki, N.; Slattery-Pecon, J.; Smith, J.L.D.; O'Brien, S.J. 2007 Development of Y Chromosome Intraspecific Polymorphic Markers in the Felidae
Journal of Heredity (98)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)