IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Leutenegger, C.M.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R.; Riols, C.; Liberek, M.; Lups, P.; Fehr, D.; Hartmann, M.; Weilenmann, P.; Lutz, H. 1999 Viral infections in free-living population of the European wildcat
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (35)
Lever, C. 1997 The AfriCat Foundation
Oryx (31)
Lever, C. 1995 Domestic Cat (_Felis catus_)
Book Chapter
Levin, S.A. 1977 A more functional response to predator-prey stability
American Naturalist (111)
Levin, S.A. 2000 Multiple Scales and the Maintenance of Biodiversity
Ecosystems (3)
Levin, S.A.; Dushoff, J.; Keymer, J.E. 2001 Community assembly and the emergence of ecosystem pattern
Scientia Marina (65)
Levy, O.; Dayan, T.; Porter, W.P.; Kronfeld-Schor, N. 2018 Time and ecological resilience: can diurnal animals compensate for climate change by shifting to nocturnal activity?
Ecological Monographs (89 )
Lew, A. 1997 Ecotourism Trends
Annals of Tourism Research (25)
Lewin, R. 1996 A strategy for survival?
New Scientist
Lewis, C. 1988 Jenny and Ducan end tiger hunt
Lewis, D. 1992 A job for the jaguar
BBC Wildlife
Lewis, D.; Kaweche, G.B.; Mwenya, A. 1990 Wildlife Conservation Outside Protected Areas - Lessons from an Experiment in Zambia
Conservation Biology (4)
Lewis, D.M.; Alpert, P. 1997 Trophy Hunting and Wildlife Conservation in Zambia
Conservation Biology (11)
Lewis, J. 2000 Contraceptive guidelines for the tiger EEP
Full Book
Lewis, J.; Alam, M.M.; Dey, T.K.; Barlow, A.C.D. 2012 Bangladesh Tiger Action Plan Manual: Wild tiger capture and immobilisation
Full Book
Lewis, J.; Barlow, A.C.D.; Dey, T.K.; Alam, M.M. 2010 A Basic Manual on Wild Animal Capture and Immobilisation
Full Book
Lewis, J.; Tomlinson, A.; Gilbert, M.; Alshinetski, M.V.; Arzhanova, T.D.; Goncharuk, M.; Goodrich, J.; Kerley, L.; Korotkova, I.; Miquelle, D.; Naidenko, S.; Sulikhan, N.; Uphyrkina, O. 2019 Assessing the health risks of reintroduction: The example of the Amur leopard, _Panthera pardus orientalis_
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (67)
Lewis, J.C.M. 2004 Field use of isoflurane and air anesthetic equipment in wildlife
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (35)
Lewis, J.S.; Logan, K.A.; Alldredge, M.W.; Carver, S.; Bevins, S.N.; Lappin, M.; VandeWoude, S.; Crooks, K.R. 2017 The effects of demographic, social, and environmental characteristics on pathogen prevalence in wild felids across a gradient of urbanization
PLoS ONE (12)
Lewis, K.P. 2003 A comparative analysis of play behaviour in primates and carnivores
Full Book
Lewis, L.; Wenger, C.R. 1998 Idaho's Canada lynx: pieces of the puzzle
Full Book
Lewis, M. 2005 Indian Science for India Tigers?: Conservation Biology and the Question of Cultural Values
Journal of the History of Biology (38)
Lewis, M.A.; Moorcroft, P. 2008 ESS Analysis of Mechanistic Models for Territoriality: the Value of Scent Marks in Spatial Resource Partitioning
Journal of theorectical Biology (210)
Lewis, M.E. 1997 Carnivoran paleoguilds of Africa: implications for hominid food procurement strategies
Journal of Human Evolution (32)
Lewis, R.E.; Lewis, J.H.; Atallah, S.I. 1968 A review of Lebanese mammals, Carnivora, Pinnipedia, Hyracoidea and Artiodactyla
Journal of Zoology (154)
Lewison, R.; Fitzhugh, E.L.; Galentine, S.P. 2001 Validation of a rigorous track classification technique: identifying individual mountain lions
Biological Conservation (99)
Leyequien, L.; Balvanera, R.M. 2011 Jaguars in the east of the huasteca region in San Luis Potos¡
Book Chapter
Leyhausen, P. 1992 Field study Profelis caracal, Felis libyca and Felis nigripes
Full Book
Leyhausen, P. 1972 The Iriomote Cat (Agenda Paper IUCN CSS 72/28)
Leyhausen, P. 1987 Tiger
Book Chapter
Leyhausen, P. 1977 Facts about Iriomote Island
Full Book
Leyhausen, P. 1975 Live baiting of tiger
Leyhausen, P. The Magic Figure of 300 or: What is a Viable Tiger Population?
Leyhausen, P. Population dynamics of tigers
Leyhausen, P. Subspecies and captive breeding of Felidae
Leyhausen, P. The tame and the wild - another Just-So Story?
Book Chapter
Leyhausen, P. Remarks on the Nomenclature of Felidae
Book Chapter
Leyhausen, P.; Garcia-Perea, R.; Hemmer, H.; Ewer, R.F. (Taxonomy of the Felidae) - Different taxonomies
Leyhausen, P.; Pfleiderer, M. 1994 Field investigations on the ecology of three felid species, the African wild cat (Felis libyca), blackfooted cat (Felis negripes) and caracal (Profelis caracal) in the mountain Zebra National Park
Full Book
Leyhausen, P.; Pfleiderer, M. The Iriomote cat (Prionailurus iriomotensis Imaizumi, 1967) and the subspecies of the Leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis Kerr, 1792)
Bonner zoologische Beitraege
Leyhausen, P.; Pfleiderer, M. 1999 The systematic status of the Iriomote cat (Prionailurus iriomotensis Imaizumi 1967) and the subspecies of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis Kerr 1792)
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research (37)
Leyhausen, P.; Tonkin, B.; Peters, G. Cat Vocalisations
Full Book
LfL, 2017 Was tun bei einer Rckkehr von Luchs, Wolf und B„r? Informationen fr Nutztierhalter und Beh”rden in Bayern
Full Book
Lham, D.; Cozzi, G.; Sommer, S.; Thinley, P.; Wangchuk, N.; Wangchuck, S.; Ozgul, A. 2021 Modeling distribution and habitat suitability for the snow leopard in Bhutan
Frontiers in Conservation Science (2)
Lham, D.; Cozzi, G.; Sommer, S.; Wangchuk, S.; Lham, K.; Ozgul, A. 2021 Ecological determinants of livestock depredation by the snow leopard _Panthera uncia_ in Bhutan
Journal of Zoology (314)
Lham, D.; Thinley, P.; Wangchuk, S.; Wangchuk, N.; Lham, K.; Namgay, T.; Tharchen, L.; Tenzin,; Phuntsho, T. 2016 National snow leopard survey of Bhutan 2014-2016 (Phase II): Camera trap survey for population estimation
Full Book
Li, G.; Davis, B.W.; Eizirik, E.; Murphy, W.J. 2016 Phylogenomic evidence for ancient hybridization in the genomes of living cats (Felidae)
Genome Research (26)
Li, G.; Davis, B.W.; Eizirik, E.; Murphy, W.J. 2015 Phylogenomic evidence for ancient hybridization in the genomes of living cats (Felidae)
Genome Research (26)
Li, G.; Figueiro, H.V.; Eizirik, E.; Murphy, W.J. 2019 Recombination-aware phylogenomics reveals the structured Genomic Landscape of hybridizing Cat species
Molecular Biology and Evolution (36)
Li, G.; Figuieiro, H.V.; Eizirik, E.; Murphy, W.J. 2018 Recombination-aware phylogenomics reveals the structured genomic landscape of hybridizing cat species
Molecular Biology and Evolution

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)