IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            1375 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Murdoch, J.D.; Munkhzul, T.; Reading, R.P. 2006 Pallas' Cat Ecology and Conservation in the Semi-desert Steppes of Mongolia
Cat News (45)
Murdoch, J.D.; Munkhzul, T.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2007 Do Nature Reserves Adequately Protect Pallas' Cats in Central Mongolia
Conference Proceeding
Murdock, E.; Harrison, R.; Frank, A.; Bonnardeaux, D. 2001 Endangered Cats of North America - Wildcat NWF Report Executive Summary, Contents & Acknowledgements
Full Book
Murdock, E.; Harrison, R.; Frank, A.; Bonnardeaux, D. 2001 Endangered Cats of North America - Wildcat NWF Report Common issues in north American cat conservation
Full Book
Murdock, E.; Harrison, R.; Frank, A.; Bonnardeaux, D. 2001 Endangered Cats of North America - Wildcat NWF Report Conservation needs and recommendations: Florida Panther
Full Book
Murdock, E.; Harrison, R.; Frank, A.; Bonnardeaux, D. 2001 Endangered Cats of North America - Wildcat NWF Report Conservation needs and recommendations: Ocelot & Jaguarundi
Full Book
Murdock, E.; Harrison, R.; Frank, A.; Bonnardeaux, D. 2001 Endangered Cats of North America - Wildcat NWF Report Conservation needs and recommendations: Jaguar
Full Book
Murdock, E.; Harrison, R.; Frank, A.; Bonnardeaux, D. 2001 Endangered Cats of North America - Wildcat NWF Report Conservation needs and recommendations: Canada lynx
Full Book
Murdock, E.; Harrison, R.; Frank, A.; Bonnardeaux, D. 2001 Endangered Cats of North America - Wildcat NWF Report Conservation needs and recommendations: Cougars
Full Book
Murdock, E.; Harrison, R.; Frank, A.; Bonnardeaux, D. 2001 Endangered Cats of North America - Wildcat NWF Report NWF Recommendations
Full Book
Murgatroyd, M.; Chynoweth, M.W.; Blount, D.J.; Rayaleh, H.A.; Buechley, E.R. 2023 First recent photographic record of cheetah in Djibouti
Cat News (77)
Murgia, C.; Murgia, A. 2012 Home range and habitat selection of the Sardinian wildcat (_Felis silvestris libyca_) in an area of southern Sardinia
Present Environment and Sustainable Development (6)
Murgia, C.; Murgia, A.; Deiana, A.M. 2005 Caratterizzazione biometrica di popolazioni selvatiche di gatto selvatico sardo (Biometric characterisation of the Sardinian wildcat population)
Rendiconti Seminario Facolta Scienze Universita Cagliari (75)
Murgia, C.; Murgia, A.; Luiselli, L.; Angelici, F.M. 2007 Movements and activity patterns of Radiotracked Sardinian Wildcats,_ Felis silvestris libyca _ Forster, 1780
Revue d'‚cologie (La terre et al vie) (62)
Muriuki, M.W.; Ipara, H.; Kiringe, J.W. 2017 The cost of livestock lost to lions and other wildlife species in the Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya
European Journal of Wildlife Research (63)
Murphy, E.C.; McDonald, R.A. 2000 Stoats as conservation pests in New Zealand
Mammal Review (30)
Murphy, K.M.; Felzien, G.S.; Hornocker, M.G.; Ruth, T.K. 1996 Ecological relationships between bears and predation by cougars on ungulates Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Murphy, K.M.; Potter, T.M.; Halfpenny, J.C.; Gunther, K.A.; Jones, M.T.; Lundberg, P.A.; Berg, N.D. 2006 Distribution of Canada lynx in Yellowstone National Park
Northwest Science (80)
Murphy, P. Jungle Hunt: Observing Jaguars in the Wild
Full Book
Murphy, S.M.; Wilckens, D.T.; Augustine, B.C.; Peyton, M.A.; Harper, G.C. 2019 Improving estimation of puma (_Puma concolor_) population density: clustered camera-trapping, telemetry data, and generalized spatial mark-resight models
Scientific Reports (9)
Murphy, W.J.; Eizirik, E.; O'Brien, S.J.; Madsen, O.; Scally, M.; Douady, C.J.; Teeling, E.; Ryder, O.A.; Stanhope, M.J.; de Jong, W.W.; Springer, M.S. 2001 Resolution of the Early Placental Mammal Radiation Using Bayesian Phylogenetics
Science (294)
Murphy-Mariscal, M.; Barrows, C.W.; Allen, M.F. 2015 Native wildlife use of highway underpasses in a desert environment
The Southwestern Naturalist (60)
Murray, C.K. 2017 The lion's share? On the economic benefits of trophy hunting. A report prepared by economists at large for Human Society International
Full Book
Murray, D.L. 2006 On improving telemetry-based survival estimation
Journal of Wildlife Management (70)
Murray, D.L.; Boutin, S. 1994 Winter habitat selection by lynx and coyotes in relation to snowshoe hare abundance
Canadian Journal of Zoology (72)
Murray, D.L.; Boutin, S. 1991 The influence of snow on lynx and coyote movements: does morphology affect behavior?
Oecologia (88)
Murray, D.L.; Boutin, S.; O'Donoghue, M.; Nams, V.O. 1995 Hunting behaviour of a sympatric felid and canid in relation to vegetative cover
Animal Behaviour (50)
Murray, D.L.; Kapke, C.A.; Evermann, J.F.; Fuller, T.K. 1999 Infectious disease and the conservation of free-ranging large carnivores
Animal Conservation (2)
Murray, D.L.; Steury, T.D.; Roth, J.D. 2008 Assessment of Canada lynx research and conservation needs in the southern range: another kick at the cat
Journal of Wildlife Management (72)
Murray, J.L.; Gardner, G.L. 1997 Leopardus pardalis
Mammalian Species
Murray, L. 1997 Melanism - first photo of 'black' golden cat in wild
BBC Wildlife (1997)
Murray, M.; Caro, T.M.; Dobson, A.P. 1992 The Dynamics of Serengeti Research
Tree (7)
Murrow, J.L.; Thatcher, C.A.; van Manen, F.T.; Clark, J.D. 2013 A data-based conservation planning tool for Florida panthers
Environmental monitoring and assessment (18)
Murtaugh, P.A. 2007 Simplicity and complexity in ecological data analysis
Ecology (88)
Murugesan, 1998 Tigers captured on film
Mushtaq, M.H.; Juan, H.; Jiang, P.; Li, Y.; Li, T.X.; Du, Y.; Mukhtar, M.M. 2008 Complete genome analysis of a highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza A virus isolated from a tiger in China
Archives of Virology (153)
Musoke, J.; Hlokwe, T.; Marcotty, T.; du Plessis, B.J.A.; Michel, A.L. 2015 Spillover of Mycobacterium bovis from wildlife to livestock, South Africa
Emerging Infectious Diseases (21)
Mussi, M.; Palombo, M.R. 2001 Human/carnivore interaction in the Middle Pleistocene of Latium (Central Italy): an open question
Conference Proceeding
Mustari, A.H. 1997 Kunjungan ke Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
Media Konservasi (5)
Mustoe, J. 1993 Lynx with the past in the Black Forest
Enigma (710)
Muthanna, P.M.; Vasudev, D.; Kumar, M.C.V. 2014 First village successfully resettled from Dandeli-Anshi Tiger Reserve
Oryx (48)
Muul, I.; Liat, L.B. 1971 New Locality records for some Mammals of West Malaysia
Journal of Mammalogy (52)
Muul, I.; Lim, B.-L. 1970 Ecological and morphological observations of Felis paniceps
Journal of Mammalogy (51)
Muzzachiodi, N. 2007 Lista comentada de Mam¡feros de la provincia de Entre R¡os
Full Book
Mu¤oz-Pedreros, A.; Rau, J.R.; Valdebenito, M.; Quintana, V.; Martinez, D.R. 1995 Densidad relativa de pumas (Felis concolor) en un ecosistema forestal del sur de Chile
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (68)
Mwafongo, G. 1987 Man-eating lions of Tunduru
Mwampeta, S.; Magige, F.J.; Belant, J.L. 2020 Spatial and temporal overlap of caracal and serval in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
African Journal of Ecology (58)
Mwampeta, S.B.; Wiltin, C.M.; Mkasanga, I.J.; Masinde, L.M.; Ranke, P.S.; Roeskraft, E.; Fyumagwa, R.; Belant, J.L. 2021 Lion and spotted hyena distributions within a buffer area of the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem
Scientific Reports (11:22289)
Mwebi, O.; Nguta, E.; Onduso, V.; Nyakundi, B.; Jiang, X.-L.; Kioko, E.N. 2019 Small mammal diversity of Mt. Kenya based on carnivore fecal and survace gone remains
Zoological Research (40)
Mweetwa, T.; Christianson, D.; Becker, M.; Creel, S.; Rosenblatt, E.; Merkle, J.; Dr”ge, E.; Mwape, H.; Masonde, J.; Simpamba, T. 2018 Quantifying lion (Panthera leo) demographic response following a three-year moratorium on trophy hunting
PLoS ONE (13)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)