IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Purnawan, B.I. 2006 Inventarisasi Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango
Full Book
Purvis, A.; Gittleman, J.L. 1998 Carnivore extinctions: a phylogenetic perspective
Conference Proceeding
Purvis, A.; Gittleman, J.L.; Cowlishaw, G.; Mace, G.M. 2000 Predicting extinction risk in declining species
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. (267)
Purvis, A.; Hector, A. 2000 Getting the measure of biodiversity
Nature (405)
Pusey, A.; Packer, C. 1983 Once and future Kings - Groups of male lions compete for the chance to rule a pride and mate with its female
Natural History (8)
Pusey, A.E. Dispersal and genetic structure of Lion populations National Animal Behavior Society Convention 11-17 June, Northern Kentucky University
Conference Proceeding
Pusey, A.E.; Packer, C. 1987 The evolution of sex-biased dispersal in lions
Behaviour (101)
Pusey, A.E.; Packer, C. 1994 Non-offspring nursing in social carnivores: minimizing the costs
Behavioral Ecology (5)
Pusey, A.E.; Packer, C. 1994 Infanticide in lions: consequences and counterstrategies
Book Chapter
Pushett, D. 2000 Assisted reproduction and subsequent embryo development to form embryos for transfer and cryobanking in endangered cats using the domestic cat as a model
Full Book
Pusparini, W.; Batubara, T.; Surahmat, F.; Sugiharti, A.T.; Muslich, M.; Amama, F.; Marthy, W.; Andayani, N. 2017 A pathway to recovery: the Critically Endangered Sumatran tiger _Panthera tigris sumatrae_ in an "in danger" UNESCO World Heritage Site
Oryx (52)
Pusparini, W.; Lubis, M.; Wijaya, D.; Kjairanis, R.I.; Kholis, M. 2016 Assessing patterns and local perceptions of human-tiger conflict in the Leuser Landscape, Sumatra, Indonesia
Conference Proceeding
Pusparini, W.; Wibisono, H.T.; Reddy, G.V.; Tarmizi,; Bharata, P. 2014 Small and medium sized cats in Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia
Cat News (Special Issue 8)
Putman, S.B.; Brown, J.L.; Franklin, A.D.; Schneider, E.C.; Boisseau, N.P.; Asa, C.S.; Pukazhenthi, B.S. 2015 Characterization of ovarian steroid patterns in female African lions, and the effects of contraception on reproductive function
PLoS ONE (10)
Putra, A.E. 2011 Kajian Musim Kawin Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_) pada Lembaga Konservasi di Indonesia
Full Book
Putri, A.M.M. 2010 GIS and remote sensing for habitat suitability analysis of Sumatra Tiger (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_) in Bukit Tigapuluh National Park and its surrounding areas
Full Book
Puzachenko, A.Y. 1993 The European Wildcat (Felis silvestris) in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine
Conference Proceeding
Puzachenko, A.Y. 1993 On the taxonomic status of Felis silvestris Schreber 1777 on the Caucasus with some comments on the variation between the European and the African wildcat
Conference Proceeding
Puzachenko, A.Y. 2002 Hybrid syndrome and method for indentification of hybrids in museum collections of _Felis silvestris _and _Felis libyca_
S„ugetierkundliche Informationen (5)
Pwma, 2006 Conservation strategy and action plan for the lion in Zimbabwe
Full Book
Pyritz, L.W.; BĀntge, A.B.S.; Herzog, S.K.; Kessler, M. 2010 Effects of habitat structure and fragmentation on diversity and abundance of primates in tropical deciduous forests in Bolivia
International Journal of Primatology (31)
P‚rez, J.; Calzada, J.; Le¢n-Vizca”no, L.; Cubero, M.J.; Velarde, J.; Mozos, E. 2001 Tuberculosis in an Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardina_)
Veterinary Record (148)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)