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Rozhnov, V.V.; Lukarevskiy, V.S.; Sorokin, P.A. 2011 Application of molecular genetic characteristics for reintroduction of the leopard (_Pantehra pardus_) in the Caucasus
Doklady Biological Sciences (437)
Rozhnov, V.V.; Naidenko, S.V.; Hernandez-Blanco, J.A.; Chistopolova, M.D.; Sorokin, P.A.; Yachmennikova, A.A.; Blidchenko, E.Y.; Kalinin, A.Y.; Kastrikin, V.A. 2021
Zoological Journal (Russian) (100)
Rozhnov, V.V.; Sorokin, P.A.; Naidenko, S.V.; Lukarevskiy, V.S.; Hernandez-Blanco, H.A.; Litvinov, M.N.; Kotlyar, A.K.; Yudin, V.G. 2009 Noninvasive Individual Identification of the Amur Tiger (_Panthera tigris altaica_) by Molecular-Genetic Methods
Doklady Biological Sciences (429)
Rozhnov, V.V.; Zvychainaya, E.Y.U.; Kuskin, A.N.; Poyarkov, A.D. 2011 Noninvasive Molecular Genetic Analysis in Studying the Ecology of the Snow Leopard: Problems and Prospects
Russian Journal of Ecology (42)
Rozylowicz, L.; Popescu, V.D.; Patroescu, M.; Chisamera, G. 2011 The potential of large carnivores as conservation surrogates in the Romanian Carpathians
Biodiversity and Conservation (20)
Rubayat, A.; Hussain, I.; Akter, R.; Barlow, C.G.; Hossain, T.; Chowdhury, M.N.R.; Islam, M.R.; Child, T. 2012 BTAP Communications, Education and Public Outreach Strategy - Local Campaign 2012-2016
Full Book
Rubec, C.D.A. 2008 Management plan for the Hawizeh Marsh Ramsar site of Iraq
Full Book
Rubin, E.S.; Boyce, W.M.; Hayes, C.; Torres, S.G.; Jorgensen, M. 1996 Mountain lion predation on bighorn sheep in the Peninsular ranges of California Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Rude, K. 1985 Aiding the Elusive Snow Leopard
Endangered Species Technical Bulletin (2)
Rudiansyah, 2007 Pemodelan Spasial Kesesuaian Habitat Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_ Pocock, 1929) di Resort Ipuh-Seblat, Seksi Konservasi Wilayah II Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat
Full Book
Rudnai, J. 1984 Conservation Policies in Kenya
Conference Proceeding
Rudnai, J.A. 1983 The Ecology of Lions in the Kitengela Conservation Unit, Kenya
Full Book
Rudnai, J.A. 1973 Reproductive biology of lions (Panthera leo massaica Neumann) in Nairobi National Park
East Africa Wildlife Journal (11)
Rudnai, J.A. 1974 The pattern of lion predation in Nairobi Park
East Africa Wildlife Journal (12)
Rudnai, J.A. 1976 Activity rhythm of a free ranging lion population
Conference Proceeding
Rudnai, J.A. 1979 Ecology of lions in Nairobi National Park and the adjoining Kitengela Conservation Unit in Kenya
African Journal of Ecology (17)
Ruedi, D. 1984 Zoo Basel - The first breeding success with snow leopards
Book Chapter
Ruediger, B.; Claar, J.; Gniadek, S.; Holt, B.; Lewis, L.; Mighton, S.; Rinaldi, T.; Trick, J.; Vandehey, A.; Wahl, F.; Warren, N.; Wenger, D.; Williamson, A. 2000 Canada lynx conservation assessment and strategy
Full Book
Ruell, E.W.; Crooks, K.R. 2007 Evaluation of noninvasive genetic sampling methods for felid and canid populations
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Ruell, E.W.; Riley, S.P.D.; Douglas, M.R.; Antolin, M.F.; Pollinger, J.R.; Tracey, J.A.; Lyren, L.M.; Boydston, E.E.; Fisher, R.N.; Crooks, K.R. 2012 Urban habitat fragmentation and genetic population structure of bobcats in coastal southern California
The American Midland Naturalist (168)
Ruell, E.W.; Riley, S.P.D.; Douglas, M.R.; Pollinger, J.P.; Crooks, K.R. 2009 Estimating bobcat population sizes and densities in a fragmented urban landscape using noninvasive capture-recapture sampling
Journal of Mammalogy (90)
Rueness, E.K.; Jorde, P.E.; Hellborg, L.; Stenseth, N.C.; Ellegren, H.; Jakobsen, K.S. 2003 Cryptic population structure in a large, mobile mammalian predator: the Scandinavian lynx
Molecular Ecology (12 )
Rueness, E.K.; Naidenko, S.; Trosik, P.; Stenseth, N.C. 2014 Large-scale genetic sturcturing of a widely distributed carnivore - The Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx)
PLoS ONE (9)
Rueness, E.K.; Stenseth, N.C.; O'Donoghue, M.; Boutin, S.; Ellegren, H.; Jakobsen, K.S. 2003 Ecological and genetic spatial structuring in the Canadian lynx
Nature (425)
Ruggiero, L.F. 2000 Preface: Ecology and conservation of lynx in the United States
Book Chapter
Ruggiero, L.F.; Aubry, K.B.; Buskirk, S.W.; Koehler, G.M.; Krebs, C.J.; McKelvey, K.S.; Squires, J.R. 2000 Ecology and conservation of lynx in the United States
Full Book
Ruggiero, L.F.; Aubry, K.B.; Buskirk, S.W.; Koehler, G.M.; Krebs, C.J.; McKelvey, K.S.; Squires, J.R. 2000 The scientific basis for lynx conservation: qualified insights
Book Chapter
Ruggiero, L.F.; Aubry, K.B.; Buskirk, S.W.; Koehler, G.M.; Krebs, C.J.; McKelvey, K.S.; Squires, J.R. 2000 Epilogue - The scientific basis for lynx conservation: can we get there from here ?
Book Chapter
Ruggiero, L.F.; Aubry, K.B.; Buskirk, S.W.; Lyon, L.J.; Zielinski, W.J. (eds) 1994 American marten, fisher, lynx, and wolverine in the Western United States
Full Book
Ruggiero, L.F.; McKelvey, K.S. 2000 Toward a defensible lynx conservation strategy: A framework for planning in the face of uncertainity
Book Chapter
Ruggiero, L.F.; Schwartz, M.K.; Aubry, K.B.; Krebs, C.J.; Stanley, A.; Buskirk, S.W. 2000 Species conservation and natural variation among populations
Book Chapter
Ruggiero, R.G. 1991 Prey selection of the lion (_Panthera leo_ L.) in the Manovo-Gounda-St. Floris National Park, Central African Republic
Mammalia (55)
Ruiz, G.; Franco, J.A.; Lopez, M.; Fernandez, L.; Lopez, G.; Simon, M.A. 2008 Genetic re-stocking in the Do¤ana Iberian lynx population 
Conference Proceeding
Ruiz, G.; L˘pez, M.; Fern ndez, L.; Franco, J.A.; L˘pez, G.; Sim˘n, M.A. 2009 Short communication on the first Iberian lynx translocation from Sierra Morena to the Do¤ana population
Book Chapter
Ruiz, R. 2001 El lince se nos va
Ruiz-Garc¡a, M. 2018 Review of the contributions of the molecular data to the mammalian conservation with special emphasis in the geopraphical assignment of exemplars from the illegal traffic and hunting in Colombia and Latin America
Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural (112)
Ruiz-Garc¡a, M.; Pinedo-Castro, M.; Shostell, J.M. 2018 Small spotted bodies with multiple specific mitochondrial DNAs: existence of diverse and differentiated tigrina lineages or species (_Leopardus _spp: _Felidae_, _Mammalia_) throughout Latin America
Mitochondrial DNA Part A (29)
Ruiz-Garcia, M.; Murillo, A.; Corrales, C.; Romero-Alean, N.; Alvarez-Prada, D. 2007 Gen‚tica de poblaciones amaz¢nicas: la historia evolutiva del jaguar, ocelote, delf¡n rosado, mono lanudo y piur¡, reconstruida a partir de sus genes
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation (30)
Ruiz-Garcia, M.; Payan, E. 2013 Craniometric variation in Jaguar subspecies (_Panthera onca)_ from Colombia
Book Chapter
Ruiz-Garcia, M.; Pay n, E.; Murillo, A.; Alvarez, D. 2006 DNA microsatellite characterisation of the jaguar (_Panthera onca_) in Colombia
Genes & Genetic Systems (81)
Ruiz-Garcia, M.; Pinedo-Castro, M.; Shostell, J.M. 2018 Mitogenomics of the jaguarundi (_Puma yagouaroundi_, Felidae, Carnivora): disagreement between morphological subspecies and molecular data
Mammalian Biology (93)
Ruiz-Lopez, M.J.; Ganan, N.; Godoy, J.A.; del Olmo, A.; Garde, J.; Espeso, G.; Vargas, A.; Martinez, F.; Roldan, E.R.S.; Gomendio, M. 2012 Heterozygosity-fitness correlations and inbreeding depression in two critically endangered mammals
Conservation Biology (26)
Ruiz-Olmo, J.; Mino, A. 1993 Reintroducing Wildcats in Catalonia (NE Spain)
Conference Proceeding
Ruiz-Olmo, J.; Such-Sanz, A.; Pinol, C. 2013 Substrate selection for urine spraying in captive wildcats
Journal of Zoology (290)
Ruiz-Villar, H.; Jubete, F.; Revilla, E.; Rom n, J.; Urra, F.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Palomares, F. 2021 Like cat and fox: diurnal interactions between two sympatric carnivores in pastoral landscapes of NW Spain
European Journal of Wildlife Research (67)
Ruiz-Villar, H.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Palomares, F. 2020 A small cat saving food for later: caching behavior in the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_)
European Journal of Wildlife Research (66)
Rumiz, D.; Polisar, J.; Maffei, L. 2012 El futuro del Jaguar en el Gran Chaco - Situacion en Bolivia, Paraguay y Argentina
Full Book
Runacres, A. 2016 The Panna revival: achievement and failure in Indian Tiger Conservation
Conference Proceeding
Russ, W.B. 1996 The status of mountain lions in Texas Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Russell, A.P.; Bryant, H.N. 2001 Claw retraction and protraction in Carnivora: the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) as an atypical felid
Journal of Zoology (254)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)