IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Reed, J.M.; Mills, L.S.; Dunning Jr., J.B.; Menges, E.S.; McKevlvey, K.S.; Frye, R.; Beissinger, S.R.; Anstett, M.-C.; Miller, P. 2002 Emerging Issues in Population Viability Analysis
Conservation Biology (16)
Reed, J.M.; Murphy, D.D.; Brussard, P.F. 1998 Efficacy of population viability analysis
Wildlife Society Bulletin (26)
Reed, M.S. 2008 Stakeholder participation for environmental management: a literature review
Biological Conservation (141)
Reed, T.B. 1996 Friends of the Eastern Panther: Activities to Date
Conference Proceeding
Rees, E.E. 2002 Environmental change, and the late quarternary distribution of the eurasian/african wildcat (_Felis silvestris_)
Full Book
Regan, H.M.; Colyvan, M.; Burgman, M.A. 2000 A proposal for fuzzy International Union for the Conservation of Nature categories and criteria
Biological Conservation (92)
Regazzi, C. 2006 De l'‚tat solitaire … la vie sociale: adaptations d'un group de chats des sables et d'un couple de manuls … la vie collective en captivit‚
Full Book
Regmi, G.R.; Ale, P.B. 2021 Experts' opinion on status and threats of marbled cat
Cat News (73)
Regmi, G.R.; Ghale, T.R.; Lama, R.P. 2018 Conservation of Pallas's cat _Otocolobus manul_ in Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal
Conference Proceeding
Reher, D.; Stefen, C. 2021 Analysing variations in pelage patterning among European _Felis silvestris silvestris_ populations
Reichard, M.V.; Criffield, M.; Thomas, J.E.; Paritte, J.M.; Cunningham, M.; Onorato, D.; Logan, K.; Interisano, M.; Marucci, G.; Pozio, E. 2015 High prevalence of _Trichinella pseudospiralis_ in Florida panthers
Parasites & Vectors (8)
Reichard, M.V.; Van Den Bussche, R.A.; Meinkoth, J.H.; Hoover, J.P.; Kocan, A.A. 2005 A new species of _Cytauxzoon_ from Pallas' cats caught in Mongolia and comments on the systematics and taxonomy of piroplasmids
Journal of Parasitology (91)
Reid, R.E.B. 2015 A morphometric modeling approach to distinguishing among bobcat, coyote and gray fox scats
Wildife Biology (21)
Reig, S.; Daniels, M.J.; MacDonald, D.W. 2001 Craniometric differentiation within wild-living cats in Scotland using 3D morphometrics
Journal of Zoology (253)
Reig, S.; Jedrzejewski, W. 1988 Winter and early spring food of some carnivores in the Bialowieza National Park eastern Poland
Acta Theriologica (33(5))
Reinhardt, I.; Kaczensky, P.; Knauer, F.; Rauer, G.; Gesa, K.; W”lfl, S.; Huckschlag, D.; Wotschikowsky, U. 2015 Wolf, Lynx and bear monitoring in Germany (Monitoring von Wolf, Luchs und B„r in Deutschland)
Full Book
Reis, F.C. 2018 Trypanosomatids in wild mammals and potential insect vectors in Brasilia Zoo
Full Book
Reis, F.C.; Minuzzi-Souza, T.T.C.; Neiva, M.; Timb¢, R.V.; de Morais, I.O.B.; de Lima, T.M.; Hecht, M.; Nitz, N.; Gurgel-Gon‡alves, R. 2020 Trypanosomatid infections in captive wild mammals and potential vectors at the Brasilia Zoo, Federal District, Brazil
Veterinary Medicine and Science (6)
Renard, A.; Lavoie, M.; Pitt, J.A.; LariviŠre, S. 2015 _Felis nigripes_ (Carnivora: Felidae)
Mammalian Species (47)
Rend¢n Franco, E.; Caso, A.; Brousset Hernandez-Jauregui, D.M. 2007 Contencion quimica de un puma mediante ketamina-medetomidina, revertida con atipamezol, en Tamaulipas, Mexico
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (23)
Rendon-Franco, E.; Caso-Aguillar, A.; Jimenez-Sanchez, N.G.; Hernandez-Jauregui, D.M.B.; Sandoval-Sanchez, A.L.; Zepeda-Lopez, H.M. 2012 Prevalence of Anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody in free-ranging ocelots (_Leopardus pardalis_) from Tamaulipas, Mexico
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (48)
Rensberger, J.M.; Wang, X. 2005 Microstructural Reinforcement in the Canine Enamel of the Hyaenid _Crocuta crocuta_, the Felid _Puma concolor_ and the Late Miocene Canid _Borophagus secundus_
Journal of Mammalian Evolution (12)
Renshaw, G. 1904 Natural History Essays
Full Book
Renshaw, G. 1905 More Natural History Essays
Full Book
Renshaw, G. 1907 Final natural history essays
Full Book
Reppucci, J.; Gardner, B.; Lucherini, M. 2011 Estimating detection and density of the Andean cat in the high Andes
Journal of Mammalogy (92)
Reppucci, J.; Tellaeche, C.; Vidal, E.L.; Lucherini, M. 2013 Cats captured in the High Andes close a door to potential monitoring programs
Cat News (58)
Reppucci, J.; Tellaeche, C.G.; Lucherini, M. 2011 Activity Patterns of three Andean carnivore species (Patrones de actividad de tres especies de carn¡voros altoandinos en simpatr¡a)
Conference Proceeding
Reppucci, J.I. 2012 Ecologia y abundancia poblacional del gato andino y gato del pajonal en los altos Andes Argentinos
Full Book
Rettie, W.J.; McLoughlin, P.D. 1999 Overcoming radiotelemetry bias in habitat-selection studies
Canadian Journal of Zoology (77)
Reuter, A.; Maffei, L.; Polisar, J.; Radachowsky, J. 2018 Jaguar hunting and trafficking in Mesoamerica - Recent observations
Full Book
Reuters, 1995 Chinese breeding Siberian Tigers
Reuters, 1957 Lions let loose near Benares - New home for vanishing species
Revilla, E. 2000 The social organization of Eurasian badgers in Spain
Mammal Review (30)
Revilla, E.; Wiegand, T. 2008 Individual movement behavior, matrix heterogeneity, and the dynamics of spatially structured populations
Pnas (105)
Revilla, E.; Wiegand, T.; Palomares, F.; Ferreras, P.; Delibes, M. 2004 Effects of matrix heterogeneity on animal dispersal: from individual behavior to metapopulation-level parameters
American Naturalist (164)
Rexstad, E.; Burnham, K. 1992 User's Guide for Interactive Program CAPTURE Abundance Estimation of Closed Animal Populations
Full Book
Rey-Herme, P. 2004 Infectious diseases of domestic mammals: threat to small carnivore populationse carnivores
Full Book
Reynolds, R.J. 1984 Alfred Court and his performing snow leopards (_Panthera uncia_)
Book Chapter
Reza, A.H.M.A. 1999 Sunderbans: The island of no return
Star Magazine (September 1999)
Reza, A.H.M.A. 2000 The Royal Bengal Tiger in the 21st Century
Star Magazine (January 2000)
Reza, A.H.M.A. 2004 Natural resources management in Bangladesh: Linking national priority to global perspective
Tiger Paper (31)
Reza, A.H.M.A.; Chowdhury, M.M.; Santiapillai, C. 2000 Tiger conservation in Bangladesh
Tiger Paper (27)
Reza, A.H.M.A.; Feeroz, M.M.; Islam, M.A. 2002 Man-tiger interaction in the Bangladesh Sundarbans
Banglasdesh Journal of Live Sciences (14)
Reza, A.H.M.A.; Feeroz, M.M.; Islam, M.A. 2002 Prey species density of Bengal tiger in the Sundarbans
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (28)
Reza, A.H.M.A.; Feeroz, M.M.; Islam, M.A. 2006 Habitat preferences of the Bengal tige, _Panthera tigris tigris_ in the Sundarbans
Banglasdesh Journal of Live Sciences (13)
Reza, A.H.M.A.; Feeroz, M.M.; Islam, M.A. 2001 Food habits of the Bengal tiger in the Sundarbans
Bangladesh Journal of Zoology (29)
Reza, A.H.M.A.; Islam, M.A.; Feeroz, M.M.; Nishat, A. 2004 Bengal tiger in the Bangladesh Sundarbans
Full Book
Rezende, G.Z. 2011 Rela‡äes de peso e sua importƒncia na coexistˆncia de felinos em remanescente de Mata Atlƒntica, Paran , Brasil
Full Book
Rhodes, J.R.; Ng, C.F.; de Villiers, D.L.; Preece, H.J.; McAlpine, C.A.; Possingham, H.P. 2011 Using integrated population modelling to quantify the implications of multiple threatening processes for a rapidly declining population
Biological Conservation (144)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)