IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Sakaguchi, N. 1993 Ecological aspects and social system of the Iriomote cat Felis iriomotensis (Carnivora; Felidae)
Full Book
Sakaguchi, N. 1990 Habitat use of the Iriomote cat and changes in its response to prey availability in: WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Present Trends and Perspectives for the 21th Century
Conference Proceeding
Sakaguchi, N.; Harahap, S.A.; Okayama, K.T. Ecological research on leopards Panthera pardus in Cikaniki, Gn. Halimun National Park
In Press
Sakaguchi, N.; Izawa, M. 1992 Felis iriomotensis
Island Studies in Okinawa (10)
Sakaguchi, N.; Ono, Y. 1994 Seasonal change in the food habits of the Iriomote cat Felis irimotensis
Ecological Research (9)
Sakai, S.T.; Arsznov, B.M.; Hristova, A.E.; Yoon, E.J.; Lundrigan, B.L. 2016 Big cat coalitions: a comparative analysis of regional brain volumes in Felidae
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy (10)
Sakamoto, M.; Lloyd, G.T.; Benton, M.J. 2010 Phylogenetically structured variance in felid bite force: the role of phylogeny in the evolution of biting performance
Journal of Evolutionary Biology (23)
Sakamoto, M.; Ruta, M. 2012 Convergence and Divergence in the evolution of cat skulls: temporal and spatial patterns of morphological diversity
PLoS ONE (7)
Sakuma, M.; Nishio, T.; Nakanishi, N.; Izawa, M.; Asari, Y.; Okamura, M.; Miyama, T.S.; Setoguchi, A.; Endo, Y. 2011 A Case of Iriomote Cat (_Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis_) with Hepatozoon felis Parasitemia
The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (73)
Sala, O.E.; Chapin III, F.S.; Armesto, J.J.; Berlow, E.; Bloomfield, J.; Dirzo, R.; Huber-Sanwald, E.; Huenneke, L.F.; Jackson, R.B.; Kinzig, A.; Leemans, R.; Lodge, D.M.; Mooney, H.A.; Oesterheld, M.; LeRoy Poff, N.; Sykes, M.T.; Walker, B.H.; Walker, M.; Wall, D.H. 2000 Global Biodiversity Scenarios for the Year 2100
Science (287)
Salafsky, N.; Margoluis, R. 1999 Threat reduction assessment: a practical and cost-effective approach to evaluating conservation and development projects
Conservation Biology (13)
Salafsky, N.; Margoluis, R.; Redford, K.H.; Robinson, J.G. 2002 Improving the Practice of Conservation: a conceptual framework and research agenda for conservation science
Conservation Biology (16)
Salakij, C.; Prihirunkit, K.; Salakij, J.; Narkkong, N.-A.; Thongthainun, D. 2011 Characterisation of blood cells in jungle cat
Comparative Clinical Pathology (20)
Salame-Mendez, A.; Andrade-Herrera, M.; Zamora-Torres, L.; Serrano, H.; Soto-Mendoza, S.; Castro-Campillo, A.; Ramirez-Pulido, J.; Haro-Castellanos, J. 2012 M‚todo optimizado para evaluar  cidos biliares de muestras fecales secas o preservadas en etanol como herramienta para identificar carn¡voros silvestres
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (28)
Salas, L.A.; Kim, J.B. 2002 Spatial Factors and Stochasticity in the Evaluation of Sustainable Hunting of Tapirs
Conservation Biology (16)
Saldana, S.; Simon, M.A. 2008 Communication program in the Iberian lynx reintrocution areas in Andalusia: Communicating, our eternal problem 
Conference Proceeding
Saldaa Arce, S.; Prunier, F. 2006 Report on Serval Pelts in Morocco
Cat News (45)
Sale, J.B. 1986 Reintroduction in Indian wildlife management
Indian Forester (112 - Special Issue on Wildlife Management)
Sale, J.B.; Lamprey, H.; Rodgers, A.; Kingdon, J.; Rathbun, G.; Duff-McKay, A.; Douglas-Hamilton, I.; Gwynne, M.D.; Swank, W.; Myers, N.; Western, D.; Curry-Lindahl, K.; Hillman, J.C.; Ngure, E.M.; Field, A.C.; Hillman, A.K.K. 1977 Report of the working group on the distribution and status of East African mammals - Phase 1: Large Mammals
Full Book
Saleh, M.A.; Helmy, I.; Giegengack, R. 2001 The cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus (Schreber, 1776) in Egypt (Felidae, Acinonychinae)
Mammalia (65)
Salek, M.; Drahnikova, L.; Tkadlec, E. 2015 Changes in home range sizes and population densities of carnivore species along the natural to urban habitat gradient
Mammal Review (45)
Salesa, M.J.; Antn, M.; Morales, J. 2006 Inferred behaviour and ecology of the primitive sabre-toothed cat _Paramachairodus ogygia_ (Felidae, Machairodontinae) from the Late Miocene of Spain
Journal of Zoology
Salesa, M.J.; Antn, M.; Turner, A.; Morales, J. 2005 Aspects of the functional morphology in the cranial and cervical skeleton of the sabre-toothed cat _Paramachairodus ogygia_ (Kaup, 1832) (Felidae, Machairodontinae) from the Late Miocene of Spain: implications for the origins of the machairodont killing bite
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (144)
Salesa, M.J.; Montoya, P.; Alcal, L.; Morales, J. 2003 The genus_ Paramachairodus_ Pilgrim, 1913 (_Felidae, Machairodontinae_) in the Spanish Upper Miocene_ _
Coloquios de Paleontologa (1)
Salinas-Camarena, M.A.; Giordano, A.J.; Castillo-Hernandez, J.O.; Carrera-Trevino, R. 2016 Jaguarundi in Cumbres de Monterrey NP: A high elevation record for Mexico?
Cat News (64)
Salis, A.T.; Bray, S.C.E.; Lee, M.S.Y.; Heiniger, H.; Barnett, R.; Burns, J.A.; Doronichev, V.; Fedje, D.; Golovanova, L.; Harington, C.R.; Hockett, B.; Kosintsev, P.; Lai, X.; Mackie, Q.; Vasiliev, S.; Weinstock, J.; Yamaguchi, N.; Meachen, J.A.; Cooper, A.; Mitchell, K.J. 2021 Lions and brown bears colonized North America in multiple synchronous waves of dispersal across the Bering Land Bridge
Molecular Ecology
Salkina, G. Raising the Viability of Amur Tiger
Personal Communication
Salkina, G.P. 1999 Project proposal: Peaceful coexistence of tiger with man in Primorye
Full Book
Salkina, G.P. 1994 Tiger protection
Salkina, G.P. 2000 In the Russian Far East, Fewer Ungulates Ominous Sign for Siberian Tiger
Russian Conservation News
Salkina, G.P. 1993 Tiger population present state in Sikhote-Alin south-east
Salles, L.O. 1992 Felid Phylogenetics: Extant Taxa and Skull Morphology (Felidae, Aeluroidea)
American Museum Novitates
Salom-Prez, R.; Camillo, E.; Senz, J.C.; Mora, J.M. 2007 Critical condition of the jaguar _Panthera onca_ population in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica
Oryx (41)
Salopek, P. 2008 Lost in the Sahel
National Geographic (213)
Salotti, M. 1993 Le chat sauvage (Felis silvestris lybica) en Corse: une population en danger d'extinction
Conference Proceeding
Salter, R.E. 1993 Wildlife in Lao PDR. A status report
Full Book
Salvador, S.; Clavero, M.; Pitman, R.L. 2011 Large mammal species richness and habitat use in an upper Amazonian forest used for ecotourism
Mammalian Biology (76)
Salvatori, V. 2004 Mapping Conservation Areas for Carnivores in the Carpathian Mountains - (Part 1: p.1-100)
Full Book
Salvatori, V. 2004 Mapping Conservation Areas for Carnivores in the Carpathian Mountains - (Part 2: p.101-232)
Full Book
Salvatori, V. 2002 The development of an ecological network in the Carpathian Ecoregion: identification of special areas for conservation of large carnivores
Full Book
Salvatori, V.; Okarma, H.; Ionescu, O.; Dovhanych, Y.; Findo, S.; Boitani, L. 2002 Hunting legislation in the Carpathian Mountains: implications for the conservation and management of large carnivores
Wildlife Biology (8)
Samayoa, R. 2004 Relationship between Conservation and Planning. The case of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) in the Doana region
Full Book
Samejima, H.; Meijaard, E.; Duckworth, J.W.; Yasuma, S.; Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; Mohamed, A.; Alfred, R.; Bernard, H.; Boonratana, R.; Pilgrim, J.D.; Eaton, J.; Belant, J.L.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Semiadi, G.; Wilting, A. 2016 Predicted distribution of the Sunda stink-badger _Mydaus javanensis_ (Mammalia: Carnivora: Mephitidae) on Borneo
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33)
Samejima, H.; Ong, R.; Lagan, P.; Kitayama, K. 2012 Camera-trapping rates of mammals and birds in a Bornean tropical rainforest under sustainable forest management
Forest Ecology and Management (270)
Samelius, G.; Andr‚n, H.; Kjellander, P.; Liberg, O. 2013 Habitat selection and risk of predation: re-colonization by lynx had limited impact on habitat selection by roe deer
PLoS ONE (8)
Samelius, G.; Andr‚n, H.; Liberg, O.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Ahlqvist, P.; Segerstr”m, P.; Sk”ld, K.; Glad, E. 2012 Spridningsm”nster hos lodjur i Skandinavien
Full Book
Samelius, G.; Andrn, H.; Liberg, O.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Ahlqvist, P.; Segerstrm, P.; Skld, K. 2012 Spatial and temporal variation in natal dispersal by Eurasian lynx in Scandinavia
Journal of Zoology (286)
Samelius, G.; Suryawanshi, K.; Frank, J.; Agvaantseren, B.; Baasandamba, E.; Mijiddorj, T.; Johansson, ™.; Tumursukh, L.; Mishra, C. 2021 Keeping predators out: testing fences to reduce livestock depredation at night-time corrals
Oryx (55)
Samelius, G.; Xiao, L.; Lkhagvajav, P.; Johansson, O. 2022 Risky business: red foxes killed when scavenging from snow leopard kills
Snow Leopard Reports (1)
Sana, D.A. 2022 Big cats in a changing landscape: ecology and genetics in the upper Paran  river, Atlantic forest, Brazil
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)