IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Acharjyo, L.N.; Patnaik, S.K. 1989 On the longevity of two species of Indian Wild Cats in captivity
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (87)
Acharjyo, L.N.; Patnaik, S.K. 1984 A note of the longevity of two species of wild carnivores in captivity
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (81)
Acharjyo, L.N.; Prusty, B.C.; Patnaik, S.K. 1999 On the longevity of the Tiger _Panthera tigris_ in captivity
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (97)
Acharjyo, L.N.; Purohit, K.L.; Patnaik, S.K. 1997 Occurrence of the rustyspotted cat (Felis rubiginosa) in Orissa
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (94)
Acharya, K.P.; Paudel, P.K.; Neupane, P.R.; K”hl, M. 2016 Human-wildlife conflicts in Nepal: patterns of human fatalities and injuries caused by large mammals
PLoS ONE (11)
Ackerman, B.B.; Lindzey, F.G.; Hemker, T.P. 1984 Cougar food habits in Southern Utah
Journal of Wildlife Management (48)
Acosta, L.; Leon-Quinto, T.; Bornay-Llinares, F.J.; Simon, M.A.; Esteban, J.G. 2011 Helminth parasites in faecal samples from the endangered Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
Veterinary Parasitology (179)
Acosta-Jamett, G.; Simonetti, J.A. 2007 Conservation of _Oncifelis guigna_ in Fragmented Forests of Central Chile
Conference Proceeding
Acosta-Jamett, G.; Simonetti, J.A.; Bustamante, R.O.; Dunstone, N. 2003 Metapopulation approach to assess survival of Oncifelis guigna in fragmented forests of central Chila: a theoretical model
Mastozoologia Neotropical (10)
Adachi, I.; Kusuda, S.; Nagao, E.; Taira, Y.; Asano, M.; Tsubota, T.; Doi, O. 2010 Fecal steroid metabolites and reproductive monitoring in a female Tsushima leopard cat
Theriogenology (74)
Adam, E. 1988 Lynx - Le temps du retour
Terre sauvage (17)
Adams, D.B. 1979 The Cheetah: Native American
Science (205)
Adams, E.S. 2001 Approaches to the Study of Territory Size and Shape
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics (32)
Adams, H.R.; van Vuuren, M.; Bosman, A.M.; Kania, S.; Kennedy, M.A. 2011 Detection and genetic analysis of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIVple) in southern African lions (_Panthera leo_)
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (41)
Adams, M.; Erasmus, M. 2018 Biodiversity baseline & impact assessment for the Greylingstad / Nthorwane WWTW and reticulation network BA
Full Book
Adams, W.M. 2009 Sportsman's shot, poacher's pot: hunting, local people and the history of conservation
Book Chapter
Adams, W.M.; Hulme, D. 2001 If community conservation is the answer in Africa, what is the question?
Oryx (35)
Adania, C.H. 2009 Estudo end¢crino nÆo invasivo e comportamental da gesta‡Æo, parto e lacta‡ao da jaguatirica (_Leopardus paradalis_) em cativeiro
Full Book
Adania, C.H.; de Carvalho, W.D.; Rosalino, L.M.; de Cassio Pereira, J.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 2017 First soft-release of a relocated puma in South America
Mammal Research (62)
Adaska, J.M. 1999 Peritoneal Coccidioidomycosis in a Mountain Lion in California
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (35)
Adhiasto, D.N.; Wilianto, E.; Wibisono, H.T. 2020 Uncover the unrevealed data: the magnitude of Javan leopard removal from the wild
Cat News (71)
Adhikari, B.; Lamichhane, S.; Karki, J.B. 2021 Discovery of clouded leopard pelt in a high altitude settlement in Tapleyjung, Nepal
Cat News (72)
Adhikari, D.; Joshi, P.R.; Poudyal, L.P.; Sigdel, P.; Poudel, S.; Shah, G.B.; Sanderson, J.G.; Chaudhary, S.; Dahal, S. 2019 Road-kill record of a rusty-spotted cat in Shuklaphanta National Park, Nepal
Cat News (69)
Adhya, T. 2011 Status Survey of Fishing Cats in Howrah and Hooghly, Western Bengal
Full Book
Adhya, T. 2014 Habitat use and diet of two sympatric felids - the Fishing cat (_Prionailurus viverrinus_) and the Jungle cat (_Felis chaus_) - in a human-dominated landscape in suburban Kolkata
Full Book
Adhya, T.; Dey, P.; Nanda, S.; Nayak, A.; Gowda, S.; Chetan, H.C. 2023 Distribution of the fishing cat in Chilika, a Ramsar site located in the Indian eastern coast
Cat News (78)
Adibi, M.A.; Shirazi, M.R.; Moqanaki, E.M. 2018 A Pallas's cat roadkill in Iran
Cat News (68)
Adie, F.; Galat-Luong, A.; Galat, G. 1996 Les grands mammifŠres du Niokolo Badiar
Full Book
Aditya, V.; Ganesh, T. 2016 Camera trap records of rusty-spotted cat _Prionailurus rubiginosus _and leopard cat _Prionailurus bengalensis _(Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) from Papikonda National Park, Northern Eastern Ghats, India
Journal of Threatened Taxa (8)
Aditya, V.M. 2019 Assessing the impacts of landscape change and habitat degradation on mammal diversity and distribution in the Northern Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh, using ecological, geographic and social information
Full Book
Adrados, B.; Zanin, M.; Silveira, L.; Villalva, P.; Ch vez, C.; Keller, C.; Gonz lez-Borrajo, N.; Harmsen, B.J.; Rubio, Y.; Palomares, F. 2017 Non-invasive genetic identification of two sympatric sister-species: ocelot (_Leopardus pardalis_) and margay (_L. wiedii_) in different biomes
Conservation Genetics Resources (11)
Adyla, M.N.N.; Ikhwan, Z.; Zuhairi, M.; Ngah, N.; Shukor, M.N. 2016 Diversity and activity pattern of wildlife inhabiting catchment of Hulu Terangganu Hydroelectric Dam, Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia
AIP Conference Proceedings (1784)
Aebischer, T.; Ibrahim, T.; Furrer, R.D.; Leuenberger, C.; Wegmann, D. 2019 Apex predators delcine after an influx of pastoralists in former Central African Republic hunting zones
Biological Conservation (241)
Aebischer, T.; Ibrahim, T.; Hickisch, R.; Furrer, R.D.; Leuenberger, C.; Wegmann, D. 2020 Apex predators decline after an influx of pastoralists in former Central African Republic hunting zones
Biological Conservation (24)
Aerts, S.; van Heijnsbergen, P. 2006 The Iberian lynx: extinction or recovery?
Full Book
Afnan, E.M.A. 2009 Studi Karakteristik dan Preferensi habitat Macan Tutul (_Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier, 1809) di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon
Full Book
African Parks, 2012 African Parks - Annual Report 2012
Full Book
Agarwal, M.; Chauhan, D.S.; Goyal, S.P.; Qureshi, Q. 2011 Managing human-leopard conflicts in Pauri Garhwal, Uttaranchal, India using geographical information system and remote sensing
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (2)
Agee, J.K. 2000 Disturbance ecology of North American boreal Forests and associated northern mixed/subalpine Forests
Book Chapter
Agfd, 2007 The Mexican Jaguar in the 21st century: present situation and management (Symposium in 2005; Proceedings published November 2006)
Full Book
Agha, M.; Batter, T.; Bolas, E.C.; Collins, A.C.; da Rocha, D.G.; Monteza-Moreno, C.N.; Preckler-Quisquater, S.; Sollmann, R. 2018 A review of wildlife camera trapping trends across Africa
African Journal of Ecology (56)
Aghashani, A.; Kim, A.S.; Kass, P.H.; Verstraete, F.J.M. 2016 Dental pathology of the California bobcat (_Lynx rufus californicus_)
Journal of Comparative Pathology (154)
Aghili, A. 2005 Leopard Survey in Caucasus Ecoregion (Northwest) of Iran
Full Book
Aghili, A. 2005 Leopard Survey in Northeast part of Iran
Full Book
Aghili, A.; Masoud, R.; Murdoch, J.D.; Mallon, D.P. 2008 First Record of Pallas's Cat in Northwest Iran
Cat News (49)
Agnarsson, I.; Kuntner, M.; May-Collado, L.J. 2010 Dogs, cats, and kin: A molecular species-level phylogeny of Carnivora
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (54)
Agnelli, P.; Azzaroli, M.L.; Simonetta, A.M. 1988 Some remarks on the mammals of Somalia
Biogeographia (14)
Agnihotri, A. 2000 Gir lions to be shifted to adjoining forest
Aguiar Azevedo, A.; Gomes Monteiro J.L., 2002 Analysis of the Environmental Impacts of Crop and Livestock Activities in the Cerrado and Its Inter-relationship with Water Resources in the Pantanal
Full Book
Aguilar, L. 2017 What, where, why: a survey of Felidae populations at Enashiva Nature Refuge, Tanzania
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)