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Aguilar-Lopez, M.; Ramos-Frias, J.; Rojas-Martinez, A.E.; Cornejo-Latorre, C. 2015 First record of jaguar (_Panthera onca_) from the state of Hidalgo, Mexico
Western North American Naturalist (75)
Aguilar-Lopez, M.; Rojas-Martinez, A.E.; Cornejo-Latorre, C.; Sanchez-Hernandez, C.; Vite-Silva, V.D.; Ramos-Frias, J. 2015 Registros notables de mamiferos terrestres del estado de Hidalgo, Mexico (Noteworthy records of terrestrial mammals from state of Hidalgo, Mexico)
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (31)
Aguirre, L.F.; Tarifa, T.; Wallace, R.B.; Bernal, N.; Siles, L.; Aliaga-Rossel, E.; Salazar-Bravo, J. 2019 Updated and annotated checklist of mammals from Bolivia
Ecolog¡a en Bolivia (54)
Ahearn, S.C.; Smith, J.L.D.; Joshi, A.R.; DIng, J. 2001 TIGMOD: an individual-based spatially explicit model for simulating tiger/human interaction in multiple use forests
Ecological Modelling
Ahearn, S.C.; Smith, J.L.D.; Simchareon, A.; Simchareon, S.; Garcia, J. 2010 Modeling the relationships between patterns of movement of Panthera tigris and its behavioral states
Conference Proceeding
Ahearn, S.C.; Smith, J.L.D.; Wee, C. Framework for a geographically referenced tabular/visual conservation data base: Case study Nepal
Full Book
Ahlborn, G.G.; Jackson, R. A survey of Sagarmatha National Park for the endangered Snow leopard
Full Book
Ahlborn, G.G.; Jackson, R. Marking in free-ranging Snow leopards in West Nepal A preliminary assessment
Full Book
Ahlers, N.; Creecy, J.; Frankham, G.; Johnson, R.N.; Kotze, A.; Linacre, A.; McEwing, R.; Mwale, M.; Rovie-Ryan, J.J.; Sitam, F.; Webster, L.M.I. 2017 'ForCyt' DNA database of wildlife species
Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series (6)
Ahlheim, M. 1998 Contingent valuation and the budget constraint
Ecological Economics (27)
Ahmad, A. 1992 Protection of snow leopards through grazier communities - some examples from WWF-Pakistan's projects in northern areas
Conference Proceeding
Ahmad, G. 2007 Analisis Pola Sebaran Spasial _Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier, 1809 di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo
Full Book
Ahmad, I.U.; Greenwood, C.J.; Barlow, A.C.D.; Islam, M.A.; Hossain, A.N.M.; Khan, M.M.H.; Smith, J.L.D. 2009 Bangladesh Tiger Action Plan 2009-2017
Full Book
Ahmad, S.; Hameed, S.; Ali, H.; Khan, T.U.; Mehmood, T.; Nawaz, M.A. 2016 Carnivores' diversity and conflicts with humans in Musk Deer National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan
European Journal of Wildlife Research (62)
Ahmadi, M.; Balouchi, B.N.; Jowkar, H.; Hemami, M.-R.; Fadakar, D.; Malakouti-Khah, S.; Ostrowski, S. 2017 Combining landscape suitability and habitat connectivity to conserve the last surviving population of cheetah in Asia
Diversity and Distributions (23)
Ahmed, K.; Khan, J. 2008 Food habits of leopard in tropical moist deciduous forest of Dudhwa National Park, Uttar Pradesh, India
International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (34)
Ahmed, M.F.; Borah, J.; Das, C.; Basumatary, A.; Sarma, R.N.; Gogoi, D.D.; Buragohain, S.N.; Vasu, N.K.; Talukdar, B.K.; Jhala, Y.V.; Qureshi, Q. 2010 Monitoring tigers and prey animals of Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India
Full Book
Ahmed, M.F.; Lahkar, D.; Tshering, U.; Zara, C.; Chaida, L.; Dendup, S.; Sarma, M.; Lahkar, B.P.; Sarma, H.K. 2019 Transboundary Tiger Conservation in Indo-Bhutan Barnadi-Jomotshangkha Forest Complex
Full Book
Ahmed, N. 2001 Present Distribution and Recent Sightings of Panthera Pardus in Pakistan
Ahmed, S.; Al Zaabi, R.; Soorae, P.; Shah, J.N.; Al Hammadi, E.; Pusey, R.; Al Dhaheri, S. 2016 Rediscovering the Arabian sand cat (_Felis margarita harrisoni_) after a gap of 10 years using camera traps in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
European Journal of Wildlife Research (62)
Ahmed, Z.U. 2001 The Bengal tiger in the Sundarbans - A study on tiger-human conflict
Full Book
Ahnelt, P.K.; Schubert, C.; Kbber-Heiss, A.; Anger, E.M. 2006 Adaptive design in retinal cone topographies of the domestic cat, cheetah and other felids
Conference Proceeding
Ahsan, M.M.; Hoque, A.K.F.; Rashid, A.Z.M.M. 2014 Knowledge, attitude and perception of local people of Baiddyamari village towards tiger conservation: a case study from the Sundarbans of Bangladesh
Book Chapter
Ahumada, J.A.; Hurtado, J.; Lizcano, D. 2013 Monitoring the status and trends of tropical forest terrestrial vertebrate communities from camera trap data: a tool for conservation
PLoS ONE (8)
Ahumada, J.A.; Silva, C.E.F.; Gajapersad, K.; Hallam, C.; Hurtado, J.; Martin, E.; McWilliam, A.; Mugerwa, B.; O'Brien, T.; Rovero, F.; Sheil, D.; Spironello, W.R.; Winarni, N.; Andelman, S.J. 2011 Community structure and diversity of tropical forest mammals: data from a global camera trap network
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (366)
Aihara, Y.; Hosaka, T.; Yasuda, M.; Hashim, M.; Numata, S. 2016 Mammalian wildlife tourism in South-east Asian tropical rainforests: the case of Endau Rompin National Park, Malaysia
Journal of Tropical Forest Science (28)
Aitken-Palmer, C.; Isaza, R.; Dunbar, M.; Blackwood, S.; Gerlach, T.; Russell, K. 2011 Anterior uveitis as an atypical presentation of large granular lymphoma in a caracal (_Caracal caracal_)
Veterinary Ophthalmology (14)
Aiyadurai, A. 2016 Tigers are our brothers: Understanding human-nature relations in the Mishmi Hills, northeast India
Conservation and Society (14)
Aiyadurai, A.; Varma, S. 2008 Dog and Bull - An investigation into carnivore-human conflict in and around Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh
Full Book
Ajagun, E.J.; Anyaju, C.E.; Afolayan, M.P. 2017 A survey of the traditional medical and non-medical uses of animals species and parts of the indigenous people of Ogbomoso, Oyo State
International Journal of Herbal Medicine (5)
Ajagun, J.E.; Anyaku, E.C. 2017 Conservation status of animal species used by indigenous traditional medicine practicitoners in Ogbomoso, Oyo State
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research (3)
Akash, M.; Trageser, S.; Zakir, T.; Rahman, S.C.; Mila, F.-T.-Z.K.; Ghose, A. 2021 Detecting the spots: a review on leopard occurrences in Bangladesh
Cat News (73)
Akash, M.; Zakir, T. 2020 Appraising carnivore (Mammalia: Carnivora) studies in Bangladesh from 1971 to 2019 bibliographic retrieves: trends, biases, and opportunities
Journal of Threatened Taxa (12)
Akash, M.; Zakir, T.; Ahmed, S.; Biswas, J.; Debbarma, H.; Alam, M.S.; Guala, C.; Islam, T. 2022 Camera trapping insights into leopard cat movement in eastern Bangladesh
Cat News (75)
Ak‡akaya, H.R.; Bennet, E.L.; Brooks, T.M.; Grace, M.K.; Heath, A.; Hedges, S.; Hilton-Taylor, H.; Hoffmann, M.; Keith, D.A.; Long, B.; Mallon, D.P.; Meijaard, E.; Milner-Gulland, E.J.; Rodrigues, A.S.L.; Rodriguez, J.P.; Stephenson, P.J.; Stuart, S.N.; Young, R.P. 2018 Quantifying species recovery and conservation success to develop an IUCN Green List of Species
Conservation Biology
Ak‡akaya, H.R.; McCarthy, M.A.; Pearce, J.L. 1995 Linking landscape data with population viability analysis: management options for the helmeted honeyeater (_Lichenostomus melanops cassidix_)
Biological Conservation (73)
Akbaba, B.; Ayas, Z. 2017 Spatial and temporal distribution of Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_ L. 1758) in north-western Turkey
Conference Proceeding
Akbaba, B.; Ayas, Z. 2012 Camera trap study on inventory and daily activity patterns of large mammals in a mixed forest in north-western Turkey
Mammalia (76)
Akbari Feizabadi, H.; Naderi, M.; Ashrafi, S.; Reza Hemami, M. 2018 Space Partitioning among Two Sympatric Species, Sand Cat (_Felis margarita_) and Rppell's Fox (_Vulpes rueppellii_), in a Desert Landscape in Central Iran
Polish Journal of Ecology (66)
Akbari, H.; Moradi, H.V.; Rezaie, H.R.; Baghestani, N. 2015 Seasonal changes in group size and composition of Chinkara (_Gazella bennettii shikarii_) (Mammalia: Bovidae) in central Iran
Italian Journal of Zoology (82)
Akchousanh, R. 2016 Spatial and temporal segregation among the felids and dholes in NEPL
Conference Proceeding
Akenson, J.J.; Henjum, M.; Craddock, T. 1996 Diurnal bedding habitat of mountain lions in northeast Oregon Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Akersten, W.A. 1985 Canine function in Smilodon (Mammalia: Felidae; Machairodontinae)
Contributions in Science
Akhtar, N.; Chauhan, N.P.S. 2008 Status of human-wildlife conflict and mitigation strategies in Marwahi Forest Division, Bilaspur Chhattisgarh
Indian Forester
Akin, A. 1991 The status of the leopard in Turkey
Conference Proceeding
Akin, A. 1989 "Leopard records between 1923-1974 in Turkey"
Personal Communication
Akonda, A.W.; Rashik, S.M.A.; Standford, C.H. 1986 Capped langur (Presbytis piteatus) in the Madhupur National Park
Conference Proceeding
Akrim, F.; Mahmood, T.; Belant, J.L.; Nadeem, M.S.; Qasim, S.; Zangi, I.U.D.; Asdi, M.A. 2020 Livestock depredations by leopards in Pir Lasura National Park, Pakistan: characteristics, control and costs
Wildlife Biology (wlb.00782)
Akuzawa, M. 1986 Le chat d'Iriomote tient bon! (Mais il a du mrite...)
Arvicola (3)
Akuzawa, M.; Yasuda, N.; Sakaguchi, N.; Murata, S.; Itani, G.; Okamura, M.; Doi, T. 1996 Records of deaths and clinical pathological examinations of the Iriomote cat, Felis iriomotensis, in 1995
Island Studies in Okinawa (14)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)