IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Baker, M.A.; Nassar, K.; Rifai, L.; Qarqaz, M.; Al-Melhim, W.; Amr, Z. 2003 On the current status and distribution of the Jungle Cat, _Felis chaus_, in Jordan (Mammalia:Carnivora)
Zoology in the Middle East (30)
Baker, P.J.; Molony, S.E.; Stone, E.; Cuthill, I.C.; Harris, S. 2008 Cats about town: is predation by free-ranging pet cats _Felis catus_ likely to affect urban bird populations?
Ibis (150)
Baker, R. 2006 Husbandry guidelines for the tiger
Full Book
Baker, S.J.; Wilson, C.J. 1995 The evidence for the presence of large exotic cats in the Bodmin area and their possible impact on livestock
Full Book
Bakker, C.E.; Kirsten, I.E.; Bauer, H.; Cores, B.M.; Tamis, W.L.M.; Tumenta, P.N.; Adam, S.; Kamang, A.S.; de Iongh, H.H. 2020 Divergent trends of large carnivore populations within the B‚nou‚ Complex, North Cameroon, shown by long-term fine-scale monitoring
European Journal of Wildlife Research (66)
Bakri, M.A.; Yusof, E.; Jawing, A.; Faizul, N.M.; Rahim, M.R.A.; Ilias, R.; Salim, N.; Saaban, S.; Hussin, M.Z.; Kasim, M.R.M. 2019 The presence of wildlife species at artificial pasture and artificial salt lick sites at protected areas in Peninsular Malaysia
Journal of Wildlife and Parks (34)
Bal, A.K.; Gouda, S.; Giordano, A.J. 2023 Hunting of clouded leopard in Mizoram India: a possible hotspot for illegal trade
Cat News (78)
Bal, A.K.; Panda, D.; Chauhan, N.S. 2022 First photographic evidence of marbled cat from Murlen National Park, Mizoram, India
Cat News (75)
Balaguera-Reina, S.; Gonzalez-Maya, J.F. 2008 Occasional Jaguar Hunting for Subsistence in Colombian Choc¢
Cat News (48)
Balajapalli, S. 2015 The impact of the global tiger recovery program on wildlife crime
Full Book
Balamurugan, V.; Sen, A.; Venkatesan, G.; Bhanot, V.; Yadav, V.; Bhanuprakash, V.; Singh, R.K. 2012 Peste des petits ruminants virus detected in tissues from an Asiatic lion (_Panthera leo persica_) belongs to Asian lineage IV
Journal of Veterinary Science (13)
Balarini, M.K.; de Paula, T.A.R.; da Matta, S.L.P.; Peixoto, J.V.; Guiao-Leite, F.L.; Rossi Junior, J.L.; Czermak Junior, A.C.; Walker, N.J. 2012 Stages and duration of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium in oncilla
Theriogenology (77)
Balbuena-Serrano, A.; Zarco-Gonzalez, M.M.; Monroy-Vilchis, O.; Morato, R.G.; de Paula, R.C. 2020 Hotspots of livestock depredation by pumas and jaguars in Brazil: a biome-scale analysis
Animal Conservation
Balciauskas, L.; Balciauskiene, L.; Litvaitis, J.A.; Tuusas, E. 2017 Preliminary impressions of a citizen-scientist effort to monitor large carnivores in Lithuania
Beitr„ge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung (42)
Balciauskas, L.; Kazlauskas, M.; Randveer, T. 2010 Lynx acceptance in Poland, Lithuania, and Estonia
Estonian Journal of Ecology (59)
Balciauskas, L.; Volodka, H. 2001 Some aspects of human dimensions of large carnivores in north-west Lithuania
Conference Proceeding
Baldania, R.D. 1966 Asiatic Lion - A Gir Lion "map"
Full Book
Baldi, R.; Cheli, G.; Udrizar Sauthier, D.E.; Gatto, A.; Pazos, G.E.; Avila, L.J. 2017 Animal Diversity, Distribution and Conservation
Book Chapter
Baldus, R.D. 2004 Lion conservation in Tanzania leads to serious human-lion conflicts with a case study of a man-eating lion killing 35 people
Baldus, R.D. 2006 A man-eating lion (_Panthera leo_) from Tanzania with a toothache
European Journal of Wildlife Research (52)
Baldus, R.D. 2002 Bushmeat: Some Experiences from Tanzania
Full Book
Baldus, R.D.; Cauldwell, A.E. 2004 Tourist hunting and it's role in development of wildlife management areas in Tanzania
Full Book
Baldus, R.D.; Child, G. 2010 Rebuilding the wildlife sector in a new Zimbabwe - A pre-feasibility study and proposals for action by donors and NGOs
Full Book
Balfour, D.; Kerley, G.I.H. 2018 Introduction - The need for, and value of a scientific assessment of livestock predation in South Africa
Book Chapter
Balfour, F. 1998 Wildife endangered by trade
Balharry, D.; Daniels, M. 1993 Wildcat recovery programme in Scotland, Wildcat survey 1983-1987
Conference Proceeding
Balharry, D.; Daniels, M.J. 1998 Wild living cats in Scotland
Full Book
Balharry, E.; Staines, B.W.; Marquiss, M.; Kruuk, H. 1994 Hybridisation in British Mammals
Full Book
Bali, A.; Kumar, A.; Krishnaswamy, J. 2007 The mammalian communities in coffee plantations around a protected area in the Western Ghats, India
Biological Conservation (139)
Balint, P.; Billerbeck, R.; Bright, P.; Egner, C.; Gnade, T.; Houle, C.; Lacoss, R.; Lake, R.; Latchis, I.; Lyke, J.; McAllister, N.; Steinberg, J. 1997 A New Conservation Strategy for the Namibian Cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_)
Full Book
Balkan Lynx Strategy Group, 2008 Strategy for the conservation of the Balkan lynx in "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and Albania
Full Book
Balkan Lynx Strategy Group, 2008 Strategy for the Conservation of the Balkan Lynx in Macedonia and Albania (Draft)
Full Book
Ballesteros-Duper¢n, E. 2013 How accurate are coat traits for discriminating wild and hybrid forms of_ Felis silvestris_?
Mammalia (79)
Ballou, J.D. 1995 An overview of small population biology
Zoo's Print
Ballou, J.D. 1989 Florida Panther viability analysis and survival plan- Demographic processes in small and fragmented populations
Conference Proceeding
Ballou, J.D. 1983 Demographic and genetic status of the captive population of Asian lions (Panthera leo persica)
Full Book
Ballou, J.D. 1993 Small Population Overview Population and Habitat Viability Analysis (P.H.V.A.), Global Animal Survival Plan (G.A.S.P.) of the Asiatic Lion (Panthera leo persica)
Conference Proceeding
Ballou, J.D.; Foose, T.J.; Lacy, R.C.; Seal, U.S. 1989 Florida Panther - Population Viability Analysis
Full Book
Balme, G. 2005 Counting cats
Africa Geographic
Balme, G.; Hunter, L. 2004 Mortality in a protected leopard population, Phinda Private Game Reserve, South Africa: A population decline
Ecological Journal (6)
Balme, G.; Hunter, L.; de Woronin Britz, N. 2012 A case of offspring adoption in leopards, _Panthera pardus_
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (42)
Balme, G.; Hunter, L.; Goodman, P.; Ferguson, H.; Craigie, J.; Hughes, S.; de Jager, S.; Slotow, R. 2007 A Model for Sustainable Trophy Hunting of Leopards in South Africa
Conference Proceeding
Balme, G.; Hunter, L.; Robinson, H. 2014 Baited camera-trap surveys - Marginally more precise but at what cost? A response to du Preez et al. 2014
Biological Conservation (179)
Balme, G.; Hunter, L.; Slotow, R. 2007 Feeding habitat selection by hunting leopards _Panthera pardus_ in a woodland savanna: prey catchability versus abundance
Animal Behaviour (74)
Balme, G.A.; Batchelor, A.; de Woronin Britz, N.; Seymour, G.; Grover, M.; MacDonald, D.W.; Hunter, L.T.B. 2013 Reproductive success of female leopards _Panthera pardus_: the importance of top-down processes
Mammal Review (43)
Balme, G.A.; Hunter, L.; Braczkowski, A.R. 2012 Applicability of Age-Based Hunting Regulations for African Leopards
PLoS ONE (7)
Balme, G.A.; Hunter, L.T.B. 2013 Why leopards commit infanticide
Animal Behaviour (86)
Balme, G.A.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Goodman, P.; Ferguson, H.; Craigie, J.; Slotow, R. 2011 An adaptive management approach to trophy hunting of leopards (_Panthera pardus_): a case study from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Book Chapter
Balme, G.A.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Slotow, R. 2009 Evaluating methods for counting cryptic carnivores
Journal of Wildlife Management (73)
Balme, G.A.; Lindsey, P.A.; Swanepoel, L.H.; Hunter, L.T.B. 2013 Failure of research to address the rangewide conservation needs of large carnivores: leopards in South Africa as a case study
Conservation Letters

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)