IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Bao, T.Q.; Tran, Q.B. 1997 1996 Tiger's Information in Vietnam
Conference Proceeding
Baogang, S.; Miquelle, D.G.; Xiaochen, Y.; Zhang, E.; Hiyai, S.; Goshen, G.; Pikunov, D.G.; Dunishenko, Y.M.; Nikolaev, I.G.; Daming, L. 1999 1999 Survey of Amur tigers and Far Eastern Leopards in Eastern Heilongjiang Province, China and recommendations for their conservation
Full Book
Baradarani, K.; Moqanaki, E.M. 2022 Down to the Caspian Sea: an unexpected occurrence of the Eurasian lynx in northern Iran
Cat News (75)
Baral, H.S. 2012 Biodiversity on the Move: Climate Change Impacts to Small Mammals
Conference Proceeding
Baral, K.; Bhandari, S.; Adhikari, B.; Kunwar, R.M.; Sharma, H.P.; Aryal, A.; Ji, W. 2024 Prey selection by leopards (_Panthera pardus fusca_) in the mid-hill region of Nepal
Ecology and Evolution (14)
Baral, N. 2005 Resources use and conservation attitudes of local people in the western Terai landscape, Nepal
Full Book
Baral, R.; Gurung, R.B.; Gurung, R.K.; Yadav, S.K.; Ghimirey, Y. 2019 A leopard cat with its kittens camera trapped in Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal
Cat News (69)
Barashkova, A.; Smelansky, I. 2011 Pallas's cat in the Altai Republic, Russia
Cat News (54)
Barashkova, A.N.; Kirilyuk, V.E.; Smelansky, I.E. 2017 Significance of protected areas for the Pallas's cat (_Otocolobus Manul_: Felidae) conservation in Russia
Nature Conservation Research (2)
Barbar, F.; Lambertucci, S.A. 2019 Introduced lagomorph produce stronger potential apparent competition in invaded communities than any other species in a similar but native food web
Biological Invasions (21)
Barbaran, F. 2004 Estado del habitat y registros de la presencia del tigre en el area de influencia de la Reserva Provincial Acambuco (Provincia de Salta, Argentina)
Ecosistemas (13)
Barber, G.; Horne, L.; Mason, M.; Perkins, S. 1984 Nansei Shoto Expedition Japan - Expedition Report
Full Book
Barber-Meyer, S.M. 2010 Dealing with the Clandestine Nature of Wildlife-Trade Market Surveys
Conservation Biology (24)
Barber-Meyer, S.M.; Jnawali, S.R.; Karki, J.B.; Khanal, P.; Lohani, S.; Long, B.; MacKenzie, D.I.; Pandav, B.; Pradhan, N.M.B.; Shrestha, R.; Subedi, N.; Thapa, G.; Thapa, K.; Wikramanayake, E. 2012 Influence of prey depletion and human disturbance on tiger occupancy in Nepal
Journal of Zoology
Barbero-Bermejo, I.; Crespo-Luengo, G.; Hern ndez-Lambra¤o, R.E.; R¢driguez de la Cruz, D.; S nchez-Agudo, J.A. 2022 Natural protected areas as providers of ecological connectivity in the landscape: The case of the Iberian lynx
Sustainability (13(1))
Barbosa, J.A.A.; Aguiar, J.O. 2015 Knowledge and use of wildlife by hunters in the Brazilian semiarid region: a case study in Para¡ba State
Biotemas (28)
Barboza, R.R.D.; Lopes, S.F.; Souto, W.M.S.; Fernandes-Ferreira, H.; Alves, R.R.N. 2016 The role of game mammals as bushmeat In the Caatinga, northeast Brazil
Ecology and Society (21)
Barbry, T.; Gallardo, G. 2006 First Camera Trap Photos of the Andean Cat in the Sajama National Park and Natural Area of Integrated Management, Boliva
Cat News (44)
Barcelos, D.; Vieira, E.M.; Pinheiro, M.S.; Ferreira, G.B. 2022 A before-after assessment of the response of mammals to tourism in a Brazilian national park
Oryx (56)
Barcenas, H.; Medellin, R.A. 2010 Ocelot in Aguascalientes, Mexico
The Southwestern Naturalist (55)
Barcenas, H.V.; Medellin, R.A. 2021 Sometimes I see spots: patterns of abundance and distribution of the bobcat (_Lynx rufus_) in different regions of M‚xico
Therya (12)
Barcenas, H.V.; Rubio-Rocha, Y.; Corrales, M.; Medellin, R.A. 2011 Abundancia de peque¤os carn¡voros en San Ignacio, Sinaloa, M‚xico
Mastozoologia Neotropical (18)
Barclay, D. 2018 Scottish wildcat conservation - past, present, future
Conference Proceeding
Barclay, F.G. 1915 The Manchurian Tiger
Book Chapter
Bargali, H.S.; Ahmed, T. 2018 Patterns of livestock depredation by tiger and leopard in and around Corbett Tiger Reserve, Uttarakhand, India
PLoS ONE (13)
Barichievy, C.; Wacher, T. 2016 Distribution update: confirmation of wildcat in central and southern Saudi Arabia
Cat News (63 )
Barja, I.; de Miguel, F.J. 2010 Chemical comunication in large carnivores: urine-marking frequencies in captive tigers and lions
Polish Journal of Ecology (58)
Barja, I.; Navarro-Castilla, A.; P‚rez, L. 2016 Effectiveness and Applications of Hair Traps for the Study of Wild mammal populations
Polish Journal of Ecology (64)
Barlow, A.; Alam, M.M.; Islam, M.K.; Ahsan, M.M.; Haque, M.A.; Islam, M.A.; Greenwood, C. 2011 Tiger human conflict report: 2010
Full Book
Barlow, A.C.D. 2009 The Sundarbans tiger - Adaption, population status, and conflict management
Full Book
Barlow, A.C.D. 2010 Monitoring tigers in the Sundarbans
Current Conservation (3)
Barlow, A.C.D.; Ahmad, I.U.; Smith, J.L.D. 2014 Profiling tigers (_Panthera tigris_) to formulate management responses to human-killing in the Bangladesh Sundarbans
Wildlife Biology in Practice (9)
Barlow, A.C.D.; Ahmed, I.U.; Smith, J.L.D.; Hossain, A.N.M. 2007 Small Sample Size and Wild Extrapolation; Preliminary Results from a Telemetry Study of Tigers in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh
Conference Proceeding
Barlow, A.C.D.; Ahmed, M.I.U.; Rahman, M.M.; Howlader, A.D.; Smith, A.C.; Smith, J.L.D. 2008 Linking monitoring and intervention for improved management of tigers in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh
Biological Conservation (141)
Barlow, A.C.D.; Ahmed, M.I.U.; Smith, J.L.D. 2007 Formulating a monitoring program for tigers in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh
Full Book
Barlow, A.C.D.; Chakma, S.; Hossain, A.N.M.; Rahman, M.; Howlader, A.; Greenwood, C.J.; Islam, M.A.; Ahmed, I.U.; Smith, J.L.D. 2009 Bangladesh Sundarbans relative tiger abundance survey - Field Manual
Full Book
Barlow, A.C.D.; Chakma, S.; Hossain, A.N.M.; Rahman, M.; Howlader, A.; Greenwood, C.J.; Islam, M.A.; Ahmed, I.U.; Smith, J.L.D. 2009 Bangladesh Sundarbans relative tiger abundance survey - Technical Report
Full Book
Barlow, A.C.D.; Greenwood, C.J.; Ahmad, I.U.; Smith, J.L.D. 2010 Use of an action-selection framework for human-carnivore conflict in Bangladesh Sundarbans
Conservation Biology (24)
Barlow, A.C.D.; Greenwood, C.J.; Aziz, M.A.; Ahmad, I.U.; Dey, T.K.; Hossain, M.A.; Islam, M.M.; Islam, M.A. 2011 Bangladesh Tiger Action Plan 2009-2017: Research agenda
Full Book
Barlow, A.C.D.; Mazak, J.; Ahmad, I.U.; Smith, J.L.D. 2010 A preliminary investigation of Sundarbans tiger morphology
Mammalia (74)
Barlow, A.C.D.; Rahaman, M.S.M.; Ahamed, M.I.; Islam, M.T.; Hossain, M.A.N.M.; Smith, J.L.D. 2005 Sundarbans Tiger Project Report - August 2005
Full Book
Barlow, A.C.D.; Smith, J.L.D.; Ahmad, I.U.; Hossain, A.N.M.; Rahman, M.; Howlader, A. 2011 Female tiger _Panthera tigris_ home range size in the Bangladesh Sundarbans: the value of this mangrove ecosystem for the species' conservation
Oryx (45)
Barlow, A.C.D.; Smith, J.L.D.; McDougal, C.; Gurung, B.; Bhatta, S.R.; Kumal, S.; Mahato, B.; Tamang, D.B. 2009 Temporal variation in tiger (_Panthera tigris_) populations and its implications for monitoring
Journal of Mammalogy (90)
Barnes, J.I. 2001 Economic returns and allocation of resources in the wildlife sector of Botswana
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (31)
Barnett, A.A.; Prangley, M.L. 1997 Mammalogy in the Republic of Guinea: an overview of research from 1946 to 1996, a preliminary check-list and a summary of research recommendations for the future
Mammal Review (27)
Barnett, R. 2014 An inventory of British remains of Homotherium (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae), with special reference to the material from Kent's Cavern
Geobios (47)
Barnett, R.; Barnes, I.; Phillips, M.J.; Martin, L.D.; Harington, C.R.; Leonard, J.A.; Cooper, A. 2005 Evolution of the extinct Sabretooths and the American cheetah-like cat
Current Biology (15)
Barnett, R.; Mendoza, M.L.Z.; Soares, A.E.R.; Ho, S.Y.W.; Zazula, G.; Yamaguchi, N.; Shapiro, B.; Kirillova, I.V.; Larson, G.; Gilbert, M.T.P. 2016 Mitogenomics of the Extinct Cave Lion, _Panthera spelea_ (Goldfuss, 1810), Resolve its Position within the _Panthera _Cats
Open Quaternary (2)
Barnett, R.; Nobuyuki, Y.; Barnes, I.; Cooper, A. 2006 Lost populations and preserving genetic diversity in the lion _Panthera leo_: implications for its _ex situ_ conservation
Conservation Genetics (7)
Barnett, R.; Patterson, C. 2006 Sport hunting in the southern african development community (SADC) region
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)