IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Coudrat, C.N.Z.; Nanthavong, C.; Sayavong, S.; Johnson, A.; Johnston, J.B.; Robichaud, W.G. 2014 Non-_Panthera_ cats in Nakai-Nam Theun National Protected Area, Lao PDR
Cat News (Special Issue 8)
Cougar Network, 2005 Cougar Management Guidelines for North America
Full Book
Council of Europe, 2002 Draft Recommendation on urgent measures for the conservation of the Iberian Lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
Conference Proceeding
Courchamp, F.; Clutton-Brock, T.; Grenfell, B. 2000 Multipack dynamics and the Allee effect in the African wild dog, _Lycaon pictus_
Animal Conservation (3)
Courchamp, F.; Cornell, S.J. 2000 Virus-vectored immunocontraception to control feral cats on islands: a mathematical model
Journal of Applied Ecology (37)
Courchamp, F.; Langlais, M.; Sugihara, G. 1999 Cats protecting birds: modelling the mesopredator release effect
Journal of Animal Ecology (68)
Courtenay, O. 2002 A new record of Pampas Cat, _Lynchailurus braccatus_, in Brazil
Mammalia (66)
Courtin, F.; Carpenter, T.E.; Paskin, R.D.; Chomel, B.B. 2000 Temporal patterns of domestic and wildlife rabies in central Namibia stock-ranching area, 1986-1996
Preventive Veterinary Medicine (43)
Cousins, D. 1977 The white tiger and its status in captivity
International Zoo News
Couvet, D. 2002 Deleterious effects of restricted gene flow in fragmented popualtions
Conservation Biology (16)
Cova, M.M.; Prieto, A.A. 2015 Index of value of use of wildlife in communities of the Araya Peninsula, Sucre State, Venezuela
Revista Eletronica Conocimiento Libre y Licenciamiento (11)
Cove, M.V.; Spinola, R.M.; Jackson, V.L.; Saenz, J. 2014 Camera trapping ocelots: an evaluation of felid attractants
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (25)
Cowlishaw, G. 1994 Vulnerability to predation in baboon populations
Behaviour (131)
Cowlishaw, G. 1997 Refuge use and predation risk in a desert baboon population
Animal Behaviour (54)
Cowlishaw, G. 1999 Predicting the pattern of decline of African primate diversity: an extiction debt from historical deforestation
Conservation Biology (13)
Cox, J.; Rice, F. 2017 Scottish Wildcats - development break out session
Full Book
Cox, R. 1988 The conservation status of biological resources in the Philippines
Full Book
Cox, S.M. 2014 Attitudes and perceptions of local stakeholders regarding puma in the Sierra la Laguna Biosphere Reserve, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Full Book
Cox, T.E.; Murray, P.J.; Hall, G.P.; Li, X. 2012 Manipulating resource use by goats with predator fecal odors
Wildlife Society Bulletin (36)
Cozzi, G. 2013 Patterns of habitat use and segregation among African large carnivores
Full Book
Cozzi, G.; Broekhuis, F.; McNutt, J.W.; Schmid, B. 2013 Comparison of the effects of artifical and natural barriers on large African carnivores: Implications for interspecific relationships and connectivity
Journal of Animal Ecology (82)
Cozzi, G.; Broekhuis, F.; McNutt, J.W.; Schmid, B. 2013 Density and habitat use of lions and spotted hyenas in northern Botswana and the influence of survey and ecological variables on call-in survey estimation
Biodiversity Conservation (22)
Cozzi, G.; Broekhuis, F.; McNutt, J.W.; Turnbull, L.A.; MacDonald, D.W.; Schmid, B. 2012 Fear of the dark or dinner by moonlight? Reduced temporal partitioning among Africa's large carnivores
Ecology (93)
Cracraft, J.; Feinstein, J.; Vaughn, J.; Helm-Bychowski, K. 1998 Sorting out tigers (Panthera tigris): mitochondrial sequences, nuclear inserts, systematics, and conservation genetics
Animal Conservation
Craft, M.; Volz, E.; Meyers, L.A.; Packer, C. 2007 Canine Distemper Virus Dynamics in Serengeti Lions: a Modeling Approach
Conference Proceeding
Craft, M.; Whitman, K.; Packer, C.; Durant, S.; Funston, P.; Maddox, T. 2007 How to Count Lions: Census Techniques for Estimating Densities of Large Felids
Conference Proceeding
Craft, M.E. 2008 Predicting disease dynamics in African lion populations
Full Book
Craft, M.E.; Caillaud, D. 2011 Network Models: An Underutilized Tool in Wildlife Epidemiology?
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases (2011)
Craft, M.E.; Hawthorne, P.L.; Packer, C.; Dobson, A.P. 2008 Cross-disciplinary demands of multihost pathogens
Journal of Animal Ecology (77)
Craft, M.E.; Hawthorne, P.L.; Packer, C.; Dobson, A.P. 2008 Dynamics of a multihost pathogen in a carnivore community
Journal of Animal Ecology (77)
Craft, M.E.; Volz, E.; Packer, C.; Meyers, L.A. 2009 Distinguishing epidemic waves from disease spillover in a wildlife population
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (276)
Craighead, K.A. 2019 A Multi-Scale Analysis of Jaguar (_Panthera onca_) and Puma (_Puma concolor_) Habitat Selection and Conservation in the Narrowest Section of Panama
Full Book
Craighead, K.A.; Yacelga, M. 2020 Plasticity on interference competition - puma and ocelot: an isolated event?
Cat News (71)
Craigie, I.D.; Baillie, J.E.M.; Balmford, A.; Carbone, C.; Collen, B.; Green, R.E.; Hutton, J.M. 2010 Large mammal population declines in Africa's protected areas
Biological Conservation (143)
Cramer, P.C. 1999 Modeling Florida panther movements to predict conservation strategies in North Florida
Full Book
Cramer, P.C.; Portier, K.M. 2001 Modeling Florida panther movements in response to human attributes of the landscape and ecological settings
Ecological Modelling (140)
Cranbrook, E. 2016 The zooarchaeology of carnivores in Borneo, with a proposal for continuing collection
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33)
Cravino, A.; Brazeiro, A.; Fernandez, P.; Ruiz, M. 2017 Extension of the distribution range of margay _Leopardus wiedii_ (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) for Uruguay
Boletin de la Sociedad Zoologica del Uruguay (26)
Crawford, D.A.; Cherry, M.J.:; Kelly, B.D.; Garrison, E.P.; Shindle, D.; Conner, L.M.; Chandler, R.B.; Miller, K.V. 2018 Chronology of reproductive investement determines predation risk aversion in a felid-ungulate system
Ecology and Evolution (9)
Crawford, J.C.; Dhanwatey, H.; Dhanwatey, P.; Nielsen, C.K. 2012 Efforts by TRACT to conserve tigers in human-dominated landscapes of central India
Cat News (56)
Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 1986 L'avenir de la conservation du jaguar au Bresil/ The prospects for jaguar conservation in Brazil - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 1986 Top cat in a vast Brazilian marsh
Animal Kingdom
Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 1989 A preliminary Jaguar survey at Hato Las Nieves, Edo. Bolivar, Venezuela
Full Book
Crawshaw Jr., P.G. The Prospects for Jaguar Conservation in Brazil
Full Book
Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 2003 Depredation of domestic animals by large cats in Brazil
Natureza & Conserva‡Æo (1)
Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 2004 Depredation of domestic animals by large cats in Brazil
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (9)
Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 2002 Human-induced mortality and jaguar conservation: the Pantanal and Igua‡u National Park in Brazil
Book Chapter
Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 2006 Jaguars in the Pantanal of Brazil
Wild Cat News
Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 1991 Recommendations for study design on research projects on neotropical felids
Conference Proceeding
Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Quigley, H.B. 1989 Notes on Ocelot Movement and Activity in the Pantanal Region, Brazil
Biotropica (21)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)