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Caro, T.; Riggi, J. 2014 Conservation and behavior of Africa's "Big Five"
Current Zoology (60)
Caro, T.; Walker, H.; Santana, S.E.; Stankowich, T. 2017 The evolution of anterior coloration in carnivorans
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (71)
Caro, T.M. 1993 Behavioral solutions to breeding cheetahs in captivity: insights form the wild
Zoo Biology (12)
Caro, T.M. 1989 The Brotherhood of Cheetahs
Natural History
Caro, T.M. 1987 Cheetah mothers' vigilance: looking out for prey or for predators?
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (20)
Caro, T.M. 1986 Indirect costs of play: cheetah cubs reduce maternal hunting success
Animal Behaviour (35)
Caro, T.M. 1982 A record of cheetah scavenging in the Serengeti
African Journal of Ecology (20)
Caro, T.M. 1989 Determinants of asociality in felids
Book Chapter
Caro, T.M. 1995 Pursuit-deterrence revisited
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (10)
Caro, T.M. 1999 Abundance and distribution of mammals in Katavi National Park, Tanzania
African Journal of Ecology (37)
Caro, T.M. 1999 Demography and behaviour of African mammals subject to exploitation
Biological Conservation (91)
Caro, T.M. 2001 Species richness and abundance of small mammals inside and outside an African national park
Biological Conservation (98)
Caro, T.M. 2002 Factors Affecting the Small Mammal Community Inside and Outside Katavi National Park, Tanzania
Biotropica (34)
Caro, T.M. 2003 Umbrella species: critique and lessons from East Africa
Animal Conservation (6)
Caro, T.M. 1999 Densities of mammals in partially protected areas: the Katavi ecosystem of western Tanzania
Journal of Applied Ecology (36)
Caro, T.M. 1995 Short-term costs and correlates of play in cheetahs
Animal Behaviour (49)
Caro, T.M.; Collins, D.A. 1987 Male cheetah social organization and territoriality
Ethology (74)
Caro, T.M.; Collins, D.A. 1987 Ecological characteristics of territories of male cheetahs (_Acinonyx jubatus_)
Journal of Zoology (211)
Caro, T.M.; Collins, D.A. 1986 Male cheetahs of the Serengeti
National Geographic Research (2)
Caro, T.M.; Durant, S.M. 1991 Use of quantitative analyses of pelage characteristics to reveal family resemblances in genetically monomorphic cheetahs
Journal of Heredity (82)
Caro, T.M.; Durant, S.M. 1995 The importance of behavioral ecology for conservation biology: examples from Serengeti carnivores
Book Chapter
Caro, T.M.; Engilis Jr, A.; Fitzherbst, E.; Gardner, T. 2004 Preliminary assessment of the flagship species concept at a small scale
Animal Conservation (7)
Caro, T.M.; FitzGibbon, C.D.; Holt, M.E. 1989 Physiological costs of behavioural strategies for male cheetahs
Animal Behaviour (38)
Caro, T.M.; Graham, C.M.; Stoner, C.J.; Vargas, J.K. 2004 Adaptive significance of antipredator behaviour in artiodactyls
Animal Behaviour (67)
Caro, T.M.; Holt, M.E.; FitzGibbon, C.D.; Bush, M.; Hawkey, C.M.; Kock, R.A. 1987 Health of adult free-living cheetahs
Journal of Zoology (212)
Caro, T.M.; Kelly, M.J.; Bol, N.; Matola, S. 2001 Inventorying mammals at multiple sites in the Maya mountains of Belize
Journal of Mammalogy (82)
Caro, T.M.; Laurenson, K. 1994 Ecological and genetic factors in conservation: A cautionary tale
Science (263)
Caro, T.M.; Laurenson, K. 1990 Serengeti Cheetah Project (preliminary)
Full Book
Caro, T.M.; Pelkey, N.; Borner, M.; Campbell, K.L.I.; Woodworth, B.L.; Farm, B.P.; Ole Kuwai, J.; Huish, S.A.; Severre, E.L.M. 1998 Consequences of different forms of conservation for large mammals in Tanzania: preliminary analyses
African Journal of Ecology (36)
Caro, T.M.; Pelkey, N.; Borner, M.; Severre, E.L.M.; Campbell, K.L.I.; Huish, S.A.; Ole Kuwai, J.; Farm, B.P.; Woodworth, B.L. 1998 The impact of tourist hunting on large mammals in Tanzania: an initial assassment
African Journal of Ecology (36)
Caro, T.M.; Rejm nek, M.; Pelkey, N. 2000 Which mammals benefit from protection in East Africa?
Book Chapter
Caro, T.M.; Stoner, C.J. 2003 The potential for interspecific competition among African carnivores
Biological Conservation (110)
Caro, T.M.; Young, C.R.; Cauldwell, A.E.; Brown, D.D.E. 2009 Animal breeding systems and big game hunting: Models and application
Biological Conservation (142)
Caro-Munizaga, C.; Concha-Albornoz, I. 2014 Descripcion anatomica de los musculos del miembro pelvico de puma
International Journal of Morphology (32)
Carpaneto, G.M.; Fusari, A.; Okongo, H. 2007 Subsistence hunting and exploitation of mammals in the Haut-Ogoou‚ province, south-eastern Gabon
Journal of Anthropological Sciences (85)
Carpenter, M.A.; Appel, M.J.G.; Roelke-Parker, M.E.; Munson, L.; Hofer, H.; East, M.; O'Brien, S.J. 1998 Genetic characterization of canine distemper virus in Serengeti carnivores
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology (65)
Carpenter, M.A.; Brown, E.W.; Culver, M.; Johnson, W.E.; Pecon-Slattery, J.; Brousset, D.; O'Brien, S.J. 1996 Genetic and phylogenetic divergence of feline immunodeficiency virus in the puma
Journal of Virology (70)
Carr III, A.; Galindo-Leal, C.; Comiskey, J.; Dallmeier, F.; Mistry, S.; Pozo de la Tijera, C.; Meyer, J.R.; Miller, C.M.; Whitacre, D.F.; Miller, B.W. Biological Monitoring in the Selva Maya
Full Book
Carr, A. 1984 Plight of the Panther
Animal Kingdom
Carregaro, A.B.; Freitas, G.C.; Bisetto, S.P.; Xavier, N.V.; Sterzo, E.V. 2016 Inconsistency of allometric scaling for dissociative anesthesia of wild felids
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (43)
Carrera-Trevino, R.; Astudillo-Sanchez, C.C.; Garza-Torres, H.A.; Martinez-Garcia, L.; Soria-Diaz, L. 2018 Temporal and spatial interactions of sympatric mesocarnivores at a Biosphere Reserve: coexistence or competition?
Revista Biologia Tropical (66)
Carrera-Trevino, R.; Lira-Torres, I.; Martinez-Garcia, L.; Lopez-Hernandez, M. 2016 El jaguar en la Reserva de la Biosfera "El Cielo", Tamaulipas, Mexico
Revista de Biologia Tropical (64)
Carreras-Duro, J.; Moleon, M.; Barera-Azcon, J.M.; Ballesteros-Duper¢n, E.; Virgos, E. 2016 Optimization of sampling effort in carnivore surveys based on signs: a regional-scale study in a Mediterranean area
Mammalian Biology (81)
Carrillo, E.; Fuller, T.K.; Saenz, J.C. 2009 Jaguar (_Panthera onca_) hunting activity: effects of prey distribution and availability
Journal of Tropical Ecology (25)
Carrillo, E.; Saenz, J.; Fuller, T. 2009 Interbirth interval of a free-ranging jaguar
Mammalian Biology (74)
Carrillo, L.; Ceballos, C.; Chavez, C.; Cornejo, J.; Faller, J.C.; List, R.; Zarza, H. 2011 Population and habitat viability assessment of jaguars in Mexico
Book Chapter
Carrillo, L.; Ceballos, G.; Chavez, C.; Cornejo, J.; Faller, J.C.; List, R.; Zarza, H. (eds) 2006 2ø Simposio el jaguar Mexicano en el siglo XXI: Taller de An lisis de Viabilidad de Poblaciones y del H bitat
Full Book
Carroll, C. 2005 Following the stealth hunter
National Geographic (November 2005)
Carroll, C. 2007 Interacting effects of climate change, landscape conversion, and harvest on carnivore populatons at the range margin: marten and lynx in the northern Appalachians
Conservation Biology (21)
Carroll, C. 2005 Carnivore Restoration in the Northeastern U.S. and Southeastern Canada
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)