IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Fromont, E.; Pontier, D.; Langlais, M. 1998 Dynamics of a feline retrovirus (FeLV) in host populations with variable spatial structure
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. (265)
Fryxell, J.M.; Mosser, A.; Sinclair, A.R.E.; Packer, C. 2007 Group formation stabilizes predator-prey dynamics
Nature (449)
Fryxell, J.M.; Mosser, A.; Sinclair, A.R.E.; Packer, C. 2007 Group formation stabilizes predator-prey dynamics - supplementary material
Nature (449)
Fr”hlicher, M. 2004 Impact of lynx on numbers and behaviour of roe deer
Full Book
Fuda, R.K.; Ryan, S.J.; Cohen, J.B.; Hartter, J.; Frair, J.L. 2018 Assessing the impacts of oil exploration and restoration on mammals in Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Uganda
African Journal of Ecology (56)
Fuentes-Moreno, H.; Trejo-Ortiz, A.; Santos-Moreno, A. 2018 Records of two species of felines in Oaxaca, M‚xico
Therya (9)
Fuini, G.R. 2016 Puma attacking on domestic livestock in west of SÆo Paulo State, Brazil
Full Book
Fuller, A.K.; Harrison, D.J. 2010 Movement paths reveal scale-dependent habitat decisions by Canada lynx
Journal of Mammalogy (91)
Fuller, A.K.; Harrison, D.J.; Vashon, J.H. 2007 Winter habitat selection by Canada lynx in Maine: Prey abundance or accessibility?
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Fuller, R.A.; McGowan, P.J.K.; Carroll, J.P.; Dekker, R.W.R.J.; Garson, P.J. 2003 What does IUCN species action planning contribute to the conservation process?
Biological Conservation (112)
Fuller, T.K. 1998 Carnivore demography and the consequences of changes in prey availability
Conference Proceeding
Fuller, T.K.; Berendzen, S.L.; Decker, T.A.; Cardoza, J.E. 1995 Survival and cause-specific mortality rates of adult bobcats
American Midland Naturalist (134)
Fuller, T.K.; Berg, W.E.; Kuehn, D.W. 1985 Survival rates and mortality factors of adult bobcats in north-central Minnesota
Journal of Wildlife Management (49)
Funk, S.M.; Cleaveland, S.; Gompper, M.E.; Laurenson, K. 1998 Diseases and environmental toxins
Conference Proceeding
Funston, J.P. 2008 Conservation and management of lions in Southern Africa: status, threats, utilization and the restoration option
Conference Proceeding
Funston, P. 2014 The Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area - critical for African lions
Cat News (60)
Funston, P.; Ferreira, S. 2007 Variability in Lion Density and Survival in Kruger National Park
Conference Proceeding
Funston, P.; Hanssen, L.; Moeller, M. 2014 Large Carnivore Survey Bwabwata National Park, Namibia, July 2014 
Full Book
Funston, P.; Hemson, G.; Mosser, A.; Bauer, H.; Packer, C.; Loveridge, A.; Frank, L. 2007 Flexible Sociality Ensures the Persistence of Lion Populations When Persecuted by Humans
Conference Proceeding
Funston, P.; Henschel, P.; Hunter, L.; Lindsey, P.; Nowak, K.; Vallianos, C.; Wood, K. 2016 Beyond Cecil: Africa's lions in Crisis
Full Book
Funston, P.; Henschel, P.; Petracca, L.; Maclennan, S.; Whitesell, C.; Fabiano, E.; Castro, I. 2017 The distribution and status of lions and other large carnivores in Luengue-Luiana and Mavinga National Parks, Angola
Full Book
Funston, P.; Levendal, M. 2015 Biodiversity management plan for the lion in South Africa
Funston, P.J. 2001 On the edge - dying and living in the Kalahari
Africa Geographic
Funston, P.J. 2001 Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project - Population ecology and long term monitoring of a free-ranging popuation in an arid environment
Full Book
Funston, P.J. 2001 General Introduction Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Funston, P.J. 2001 Conservation of lions in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park: Boundary transgression and problem animal control Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Funston, P.J. 2001 Recommendations from the lion management workshops: "Initiating a process towards a management plan for KTP lions and other large predators" Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Funston, P.J. 2001 Executive Summary Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Funston, P.J. 2001 References, Appendices Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Funston, P.J. 2011 Population characteristics of lions (_Panthera leo_) in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (41)
Funston, P.J.; Alexander, K.A. 2001 Disease status of lions in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa/Botswana Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Funston, P.J.; Frank, L.; Stephens, T.; Davidson, Z.; Loveridge, A.; Macdonald, D.M.; Durant, S.; Packer, C.; Mosser, A.; Ferreira, S.M. 2010 Substrate and species constraints on the use of track incidences to estimate African large carnivore abundance
Journal of Zoology (281)
Funston, P.J.; Groom, R.J.; Lindsey, P.A. 2013 Insights into the management of large carnivores for profitable wildlife-based land uses in African Savannas
PLoS ONE (8)
Funston, P.J.; Hermann, E. 2001 Population-ecology and demography of lions in the Kgalagadi Trasfrontier Park - adaptations and prospects of survival in a harsh environment Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Funston, P.J.; Hermann, E.; Babupi, P.; Kruiper, A.; Kruiper, H.; Jaggers, H.; Masule, K.; Kruiper, K. 2001 Spoor frequency estimates as a method of determining lion and other large mammal densities in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Funston, P.J.; Levendal, M. 2015 Biodiversity management plan for the lion in South Africa
Full Book
Funston, P.J.; Mills, M.G.L. 2006 The influence of lion predation on the population dynamics of common large ungulates in the Kruger National Park
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (36)
Funston, P.J.; Mills, M.G.L.; Biggs, H.C. 2001 Factors affecting the hunting success of male and female lions in the Kruger National Park
Journal of Zoology (253)
Funston, P.J.; Mills, M.G.L.; Biggs, H.C.; Richardson, P.R.K. 1998 Hunting by male lions: ecological influences and socioecological implications
Animal Behaviour (56)
Funston, P.J.; Mills, M.G.L.; Richardson, P.R.K.; van Jaarsveld, A.S. 2003 Reduced dispersal and opportunistic territory acquisition in male lions (_Panthera leo_)
Journal of Zoology (London) (259)
Furbearer and Small Game Mammal Management Team, 2012 Management plan for bobcat in New York State 2012-2017
Full Book
Furstenburg, D. Serval _Leptailurus serval_ (Schreber, 1776)
Full Book
Furtado, M.M. 2010 Estudo epidemiol¢gico de pat¢genos circulantes nas popula‡äes de on‡a-pintada e animais dom‚sticos em  reas preservadas de trˆs biomas brasileiros: Cerrado, Pantanal e Amaz“nia
Full Book
Furtado, M.M.; Carrillo-Percastegui, S.E.; Jacomo, A.T.A.; Powell, G.; Silveira, L.; Vynne, C.; Sollmann, R. 2008 Studying jaguars in the wild: past experiences and future perspectives
Cat News (Special Issue 4)
Furtado, M.M.; de Ramos Filho, J.D.; Scheffer, K.C.; Coelho, C.J.; Cruz, P.S.; Ikuta, C.Y.; de Almeida Jacomo, A.T.; de Oliveira Porfirio, G.E.; Silveira, L.; Sollmann, R.; Torres, N.M.; Ferreira Neto, J.S. 2013 Serosurvey for selected viral infections in free-ranging jaguars (_Panthera onca_) and domestic carnivores in Brazilian Cerrado, Pantanal, and Amazon
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (49)
Furtado, M.M.; Filoni, C. 2008 Diseases and their role for jaguar conservation
Cat News (Special Issue 4)
Furtado, M.M.; Gennari, S.M.; Ikuta, C.Y.; de Almeida Jacomo, A.T.; de Morais, Z.M.; de Jesus Pena, H.F.; de Oliveira Porfirio, G.E.; Silveira, L.; Sollmann, R.; de Souza, G.O.; Torres, N.M.; Ferreira Neto, J.S. 2015 Serosurvey of smooth _Brucella, Leptospira _spp. and _Toxoplasma gondii_ in free-ranging jaguars and domestic animals from Brazil
PLoS ONE (10)
Furtado, M.M.; Hayashi, E.M.K.; Allendorf, S.D.; Coelho, C.J.; de Almeida Jacomo, A.T.; Megid, J.; Ramos Filho, J.D.; Silveira, L.; Torres, N.M.; Ferreira Neto, J.S. 2016 Exposure of free-ranging wild carnivores and domestic dogs to canine distemper virus and parvovirus in the Cerrado of Central Brazil
EcoHealth (13)
Furtado, M.M.; Kashivakura, C.K.; Ferreira Neto, J.S.; de Almeida J como, A.T.; Silveira, L. 2007 Jaguar Epidemiology Program in Brazil
Conference Proceeding
Fusari, A.; Cumbi, R.; Chardonnet, P.; Begg, C. 2010 Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for the African lion (_Panthera l. leo_) in Mozambique
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)