IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Gupta, P.D.; Rane, P.D.; Gupta, Y.N. 1984 Lesser Cats in Madhya Pradesh (India)
Conference Proceeding
Gupta, S. 2000 Animal farming could be the answer
Gupta, S. 2011 Ecology of medium and small sized carnivores in Sariska Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, India
Full Book
Gupta, S. 2016 An assessment of livelihood dependency and anthropogenic pressures on the tiger habitat in Kalakad - Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, India
Full Book
Guptha, M.B.; Ramanujam, M.E. 2017 A photographic record of the rusty-spotted cat _Prionailurus rubiginosus_ (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in a forest plantation on the east coast of Tamil Nadu, India
Journal of Threatened Taxa (9)
Gurjar, R.L. 2019 Tiger ecology in the human landscape around the Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve
Full Book
Gurjar, R.L.; Chhangani, A.K. 2018 Photographic evidence of desert cat _Felis silvestris ornata_ and Caracal _Felis caracal_ using camera traps in human dominated forests of Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, India
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (5)
Gurung, B. 2010 Communities collaborating in tiger monitoring - activities to reduce poaching
Full Book
Gurung, B.; David Smith, J.L.; Shrestha, M. 2006 Using A "Bagh Heralu" Network to Map the Metapopulation Structure of Tigers in Nepal
Book Chapter
Gurung, B.; Nelson, K.C.; Smith, J.L.D. 2013 Impact of grazing restrictions on livestock composition and husbandry practices in Madi Valley, Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Environmental Conservation (36)
Gurung, B.; Smith, J.L.D.; McDougal, C.; Karki, J.B.; Barlow, A. 2008 Factors associated with human-killing tigers in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Biological Conservation (141)
Gurung, B.B. 2008 Ecological and sociological aspects of human-tiger conflicts in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Full Book
Gurung, G.S. 2006 Reconciling biodiversity conservation priorities with livelihood needs in Kangchenjunga Conservation Area, Nepal
Full Book
Gurung, G.S.; Thapa, K.; Kunkel, K.; Thapa, G.J.; Kollmair, M.; Boeker, U.M. 2011 Enhancing herders' livelihood and conserving the snow leopard in Nepal
Cat News (55)
Guruswamy, L.D. 1999 The Convention on Biological Diversity: exposing the flawed foundations
Environmental Conservation (26)
Gusset, M. 2005 Faecal glucocorticoid level is not correlated with stereotypic pacing in two captive margays (_Leopardus wiedii_)
Animal Welfare (14)
Gusset, M.; Burgener, N. 2005 Estimating larger carnivore numbers from track counts and measurements
African Journal of Ecology (43)
Gusset, M.; Burgener, N.; Schmid, H. 2002 Wirkung einer aktiven Futterbeschaffung mittels Futterkisten auf das stereotype Gehen und den Glukokortikoidspiegel von Margays, Leopardus wiedii, im Zoo Zrich
Der Zoologische Garten (72)
Gusset, M.; Ryan, S.J.; Hofmeyr, M.; van Dyk, G.; Davies-Mostert, H.T.; Graf, J.A.; Owen, C.; Szykman, M.; MacDonald, D.W.; Monfort, S.L.; Wildt, D.E.; Maddock, A.H.; Mills, M.G.L.; Slotow, R.; Somers, M.J. 2008 Efforts going to the dogs? Evaluating attempts to re-introduce endangered wild dogs in South Africa
Journal of Applied Ecology (45)
Gusset, M.; Swarner, M.J.; Mponwane, L.; Keletile, K.; McNutt, J.W. 2009 Human-wildlife conflict in northern Botswana: livestock predation by Endangered African wild dog _Lycaon pictus_ and other carnivores
Oryx (43)
Gustafson, K.D.; Vickers, T.W.; Boyxe, W.M.; Ernest, H.B. 2017 A single migrant enhances the genetic diversity of an inbred puma population
Royal Society Open Science (4)
Guthrie, R.D.; Guthrie, M.L. 1990 On the Mammoth's dusty trail
Natural History (7/90)
GutiÅ rrez, M.A.; Kaufmann, C.A.; GonzĀ lez, M.E.; Scheifler, N.A.; Rafuse, D.J.; Massigoge, A.; Āµlvarez, M.C. 2015 The role of small carnivores in the movement of bones: implications for the Pampas archaeofaunal record, Argentina
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (8)
Gutierrez, A.C. 2015 Convergence analysis of mammalian species of wildlife habitats at high Andean habitats called Ccolpas, Puno-Peru
The Biologist (13)
Gutierrez-Gonzalez, C.E.; Gomez-Ramirez, M.A.; Lopez-Gonzalez, C.A. 2012 Estimation of the density of the Near Threatened jaguar _Panthera onca_ in Sonora, Mexico, using camera trapping and an open population model
Oryx (46)
Gutleb, B. Some comments upon leopard (Panthera pardus) in northern Iran
Gutleb, B. 1997 Iran-Excursion 8.-22.2.1997; Provinces Hormozgan, Fars and Esfahan
Full Book
Gutschick, V. 2012 Should you use a digital camera in your research?
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (83)
Guzman, J.N.; Garcia, F.J.; Garrote, G.; de Ayala, R.P. 2004 Monitoring and status of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Spain.2002-2004
Conference Proceeding
Guzman-Soriano, D.; Retana Guiascon, O.G.; Cu-Vizcarra, J.D. 2013 Lista de los mamĀ”feros terrestres del estado de Campeche, Mā€šxico
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (29)
Guzm n, J.N.; Garcia, F.J.; Garrote, G.; P‚rez de Ayala, R.; Iglesias Llamas, M.C. 2003 Census-diagnosis of the Iberian lynx ( Lynx pardinus ) populations in Spain, 2000-2002
Boletin de los Programas de Conservacion de Especies Amenazadas y del inventario de Biodiversidad
Guzm n, J.N.; Garcia, F.J.; Garrote, G.; P‚rez de Ayala, R.; Iglesias Llamas, M.C. 2002 Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_) distribution and current conservation status in Spain, 2000-2002. Report summary
Conference Proceeding
Guzvica, G. 1998 Panthera spelaea (Goldfuss 1810) from North-West Croatia
Geologia Croatica (51)
Gnther, A. 1886 Second Note on the Melanotic Variety of the South-African Leopard
Book Chapter
G”dickemeier, I. 1998 Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Workshop on human dimension in large carnivore conservation
Conference Proceeding
G”ritz, F.; Vargas, A.; Mart”nez, F.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Naidenko, S.V.; Palomares, F.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; P‚rez, M.J.; Quevedo, M.A.; Jewgenow, K. 2009 Ultrasonographical assessment of structure and function of the male and female reproductive organs in the Eurasian and the Iberian lynx (Evaluaci¢n ecogr fica de la estructura y funci¢n de los ¢rganos reproductivos masculinos y femeninos de linces boreales e ib‚ricos)
Book Chapter
G”ssling, S. 2000 Tourism - sustainable development option?
Environmental Conservation (27)
G”ssling, S. 2002 Funds for biodiversity
Environmental Conservation (29)
G”ssling, S. 1999 Ecotourism: a means safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem functions?
Ecological Economics (29)
G”ssling, S.; Borgstr”m Hansson, C.; H”rstmeier, O.; Saggel, S. 2002 Ecological footprint analysis as a tool to assess tourism sustainability
Ecological Economics (43)
G”tz, M. 2008 The wildcat in Saxony-Anhalt
G¢mez, H.; Wallace, R.B.; Ayala, G.; Tejada, R. 2005 Dry season activity periods of some Amazonian mammals
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment (40)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)