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Heptner, V.G.; Sludskii, A.A. 1992 Lion _Panthera leo_ Linnaeus, 1758
Book Chapter
Heptner, V.G.; Sludskii, A.A. 1992 Caracal Felis (_Lynx_) caracal Schreber (1776)
Book Chapter
Heptner, V.G.; Sludskii, A.A. 1992 B. Group libyca - steppe wildcats
Book Chapter
Heptner, V.G.; Sludskii, A.A. 1992 Tiger
Book Chapter
Herbert, D.M.; Lay, D. 1996 Cougar-human interactions in British Columbia Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Herbst, L.H.; Packer, C.; Seal, U.S. 1985 Immobilization of free-ranging lions (_Panthera leo_) with a combination of xylazine hydrochloride and ketamine hydrochloride
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (21)
Herbst, M. 2009 Behavioural ecology and population genetics of the African wild cat, _Felis silvestris_ Forster 1870, in the southern Kalahari
Full Book
Herbst, M.; Foxcroft, L.; Le Roux, J.; Bloomer, P.; Do Linh San, E. 2016 A conservation assessment of _Felis silvestris_
Book Chapter
Herbst, M.; Mills, M.G.L. 2010 Techniques used in the study of African wildcat, _Felis silvestris cafra_, in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (South Africa/Botswana)
Koedoe (52)
Herbst, M.; Mills, M.G.L. 2010 The feeding habits of Southern African wildcat, a facultative trophic specialist, in the southern Kalahari (Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, South Africa/Botswana)
Journal of Zoology (280)
Herce, T. 2011 Spatio-temporal interactions between sympatric felids in the Swiss jura mountains
Full Book
Herdtfelder, M. 2012 Natur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen anthropogen bedingter Mortalit…tsfaktoren und deren Einfluss auf die šberlebenswahrscheinlichkeit des Luchses (_Lynx lynx_)
Full Book
Herdtfelder, M.; Luechtrath, A.; Streif, S.; Schraml, U.; Suchant, R. 2012 Wildlife management in Baden-Wuerttemberg - bridging a gap between stakeholders using the lynx (_Lynx lynx_) as an example (Wildtiermanagement in Baden-Wrttemberg - Brckenbau fr eine verbesserte Kommunikation zwischen Interessenverb„nden am Beispiel des Luchses (_Lynx lynx_))
S„ugetierkundliche Informationen (45)
Heredia, B.; Gaona, P.; Vargas, A.; Ellis, S.; Seal, U.S. (eds) 1999 Taller Anlisis de la Viabilidad de Poblacin y del Hbitat para el Lince Ibrico (Lynx pardinus) - Informe, Compilado por los Participantes de Taller: Introduction & Summaries
Full Book
Heredia, B.; Gaona, P.; Vargas, A.; Ellis, S.; Seal, U.S. (eds) 1999 Taller Anlisis de la Viabilidad de Poblacin y del Hbitat para el Lince Ibrico (Lynx pardinus) - Informe, Compilado por los Participantes de Taller: Section 1
Full Book
Heredia, B.; Gaona, P.; Vargas, A.; Ellis, S.; Seal, U.S. (eds) 1999 Taller Anlisis de la Viabilidad de Poblacin y del Hbitat para el Lince Ibrico (Lynx pardinus) - Informe, Compilado por los Participantes de Taller: Section 2
Full Book
Heredia, B.; Gaona, P.; Vargas, A.; Ellis, S.; Seal, U.S. (eds) 1999 Taller Anlisis de la Viabilidad de Poblacin y del Hbitat para el Lince Ibrico (Lynx pardinus) - Informe, Compilado por los Participantes de Taller: Section 3
Full Book
Herfindal, I.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Moa, P.F.; Odden, J.; Austmo, L.B.; Andersen, R. 2005 Does recreational hunting of lynx reduce depredation losses of domestic sheep?
Journal of Wildlife Management (69)
Herfindal, I.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Birkeland Nilsen, E.; Andersen, R. 2005 Prey density, environmental productivity and home-range size in the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_)
Journal of Zoology (London) (265)
Herklots, G.A.C. 1951 South China Tiger (Felis tigris amoyensis Hilzheimer), Leopard (Felis paruds fusca F.A.A. Meyer) and Chinese Small Spotted Tiger-cat (Felis bengalensis chinensis Gray)
Book Chapter
Hermann, E.; Funston, P.J.; Babupi, P. 2001 A questionnaire-based survey of farming areas surrounding the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park: The extent of conflict between large carnivores and domestic livestock Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Hermann, E.; Kamler, J.F.; Avenant, N.L. 2008 New records of servals _Leptailurus serval_ in central South Africa
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (38)
Hermann, E.; Van Vuuren, J.; Funston, P.J. 2001 Population dynamics of lions in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park: Modelling the effect of human-caused mortality Kalahari Transfrontier Lion Project
Full Book
Hermon, G.B. 2021 Lion Re-ID: a non-invasive method for individual identification of Asiatic lions
Full Book
Hernandez, F.; Galvez, N.; Gimona, A.; Laker, J.; Bonacic, C. 2016 Activity patterns by two colour morphs of the vulnerable gui¤a, _Leopardus guigna_ (Molina 1782), in temperate forests of southern Chile
Gayana (79)
Hernandez-Blanco, J.A.; Naidenko, S.V.; Chistopoloba, M.D.; Lukarevskiy, V.S.; Kostyrya, A.; Rybin, A.; Sorokin, P.A.; Mikhail, N.L.; Kotlyar, A.K.; Miquelle, D.G.; Rozhnov, V.V. Social structure and space use of Amur tigers (_Panthera tigris altaica_) in Southern Russian Far East based on GPS telemetry data
Integrative Zoology (10)
Hernandez-Guzman, A.; Payan, E.; Monroy-Vilchis, O. 2011 H bitos alimentarios del _Puma concolor_ en el Parque Nacional Natural Purac‚, Colombia
Revista de Biologia Tropical (59)
Hernandez-Saintmart¡n, D.; Rosas-Rosas, O.C.; Palacio-Nu¤ez, J.; Tarango-Ar mbula, L.A.; Clemente-S nchez, F.; Hoogesteijn, A.R. 2013 Activity patterns of jaguar, puma and their potential prey in San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (29)
Hernandez-Santin, L.; Harveson, P.M.; Harveson, L.A. 2012 Suitable habitats for cougars (_Puma concolor_) in Texas
The Southwestern Naturalist (57)
Hern ndez, A.; Tamburini, D.S.; Leoni, J.B. 2018 Zooarchaeological study in a military Outpost of the west frontier line: the Fort¡n Algarrobos (Carlos Casares County, Buenos Aires Province)
Revista de Arqueolog¡a Hist¢rica Argentina y Latinoamericana (12)
Hernndez, L.; Laundr, J.W.; Gurung, M. 2005 From the Field: Use of camera traps to measure predation risk in a puma-mule deer system
Wildlife Society Bulletin (33)
Herrenschmidt, V. 1988 The role of information in connection with the reintroduction of the lynx in the Vosges Massif
Full Book
Herrenschmidt, V. 1987 Projet lynx - raport d'activit
Full Book
Herrenschmidt, V. 1987 Le Lynx, le point sur la colonisation naturelle du Jura et les premiers rsultats du suivi scientifique des animaux rintroduits dans les Vosges
Bulletin Mensuel de l'Office de la chasse
Herrenschmidt, V. 1989 Abstract about the French lynx reintroduction
Full Book
Herrenschmidt, V. 1988 Le lynx: cas de rintroduction d'un superprdateur Etude de cas Colloque: Reintroduction et soutien de population d'espces animales, Saint-Jean du Gard
Conference Proceeding
Herrenschmidt, V.; Leger, F. 1987 The Lynx _Lynx lynx_ in the north-east of France. The colonization of the French Jura massif and the reintroduction of the species in the Vosges massif
Ciconia (11(2))
Herrenschmidt, V.; Leger, F.; Terrier, G. 1986 Spatial occupancy of introduced lynx _Felis lynx_ L. in the Vosges mountains - first results
Gibier Faune Sauvage - Game and Wildlife (3)
Herrenschmidt, V.; Terrier, G. 1984 Mode d'occupation spatiotemporelle des Lynx, Lynx lynx L., introduits dans le massif vosgien: premiers rsultats
Acta Biologica Montana (4)
Herrenschmidt, V.; Vandel, J.-M. 1989 Dossier Lynx Commissions d'Observation Commissions d'Expertise Formation
Full Book
Herrenschmidt, V.; Vandel, J.-M. 1989 Premier bilan des dgats occasionns par les lynx sur les troupeaux d'animaux domestiques de la chaine du Jura
Full Book
Herrenschmidt, V.; Vandel, J.-M. 1990 Le lynx dans les Vosges, le Jura et les Alpes
Full Book
Herrera, H.; Chavez, E.J.; Aflaro, L.D.; Fuller, T.K.; Montalvo, V.; Rodrigues, F.; Carrillo, E. 2018 Time partitioning among jaguar_ Panthera onca_, puma _Puma concolor_ and ocelot _Leopardus pardalis_ (_Carnivora: Felidae_) in Costa Rica's dry and rainforests
Revista de Biologia Tropical (66)
Herrero, J.; Garc¡a-Serrano, A. 2023 Perspectives for Iberian lynx reintroduction in Aragon, Spain
Cat News (78)
Herrick, J.; Fletchall, N.; Swanson, W. (eds) 2007 Felid Taxon Advisory Group (TAG) Association of Zoos & Aquariums - 2007 Annual Report
Full Book
Herrick, J.R.; Bond, J.B.; Campbell, M.; Levens, G.; Moore, T.; Benson, K.; D'Agostino, J.; West, G.; Okeson, D.M.; Coke, R.; Portacio, S.C.; Leiske, K.; Kreider, C.; Polumbo, P.J.; Swanson, W.F. 2010 Fecal endocrine profiles and ejaculate traits in black-footed cats_ (Felis nigripes)_ and sand cats _(Felis margarita)_
General and Comparative Endocrinology (165)
Herrick, J.R.; Campbell, M.; Levens, G.; Moore, T.; Benson, K.; D'Agostino, J.; West, G.; Okeson, D.M.; Coke, R.; Portacio, S.C.; Leiske, K.; Kreider, C.; Polumbo, P.J.; Swanson, W.F. 2010 In Vitro Fertilization and Sperm Cryopreservation in the Black-Footed Cat (_Felis nigripes_) and Sand Cat (_Felis margarita_)
Biology of Reproduction (82)
Herrington, S.J. Subspecies and the Conservation of Panthera tigris: Preserving Genetic Heterogeneity
Book Chapter
Herrmann, D.C.; Wibbelt, G.; G”tz, M.; Conraths, F.J.; Schares, G. 2013 Genetic characterisation of _Toxoplasma gondii_ isolates from European beavers and European wildcats
Veterinary Parasitology (191)
Herrmann, E.; Kamler, J.F.; Avenant, N.L. 2008 New records of servals Leptailurus serval in central South Africa
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (28)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)