IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            518 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Jordan, D.B. 1992 Florida panther update (January 1992)
Full Book
Jordan, D.B. 1992 Florida panther update (February 1992)
Full Book
Jordan, D.B. 1991 Final - Supplemental Enviornmental Assessment: A proposal to establish a captive breeding population of Florida Panthers
Full Book
Jordan, D.B. 1994 Final preliminary analysis of some potential Florida panther population reestablishment sites
Full Book
Jordan, D.B. 1993 Final preliminary analysis of some potential Florida panther population reestablishment sites
Full Book
Jordan, D.B. 1994 Identification and evaluation of candidate Florida panther population reestablishment sites
Conference Proceeding
Jorde, P.E.; Rueness, E.K.; Stenseth, N.C.; Jakobsen, K.S. 2006 Cryptic population structuring in Scandinavian lynx: reply to Pamilo
Molecular Ecology (15)
Jorge, A.A. 2012 The sustainability of leopard _Panthera pardus_ sport hunting in Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique
Full Book
Jorge, A.A.; Vanak, A.T.; Thaker, M.; Begg, C.; Slotow, R. 2013 Costs and benefits of the presence of leopards to the sport-hunting industry and local communities in Niassa National Reserve, Mozambique
Conservation Biology (27)
Jorge, M.L.S.P.; Galetti, M.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B. 2013 Mammal defaunation as surrogate of trophic cascades in a biodiversity hotspot
Biological Conservation (163)
Jorge, R.S.P. 2008 Caracteriza‡Æo do estado sanit rio dos carn¡voros selvagens da RPPN SESC Pantanal e de animais dom‚sticos da regiÆo
Full Book
Jorgensen, B.S.; Wilson, M.A.; Heberlein, T.A. 2001 Fairness in the contingent valuation of environmental public goods: attitude toward paying for environmental improvements at two levels of scope
Ecological Economics (36)
Jorio, L. 2001 Myeik Archipelago Biodiversity Research Project (Taninthayi Division, Myanmar). Season report November 2000 - March 2001
Full Book
Joseph, L.N.; Maloney, R.F.; Possingham, H.P. 2009 Optimal Allocation of Resources among Threatened Species: a Project Prioritization Protocol
Conservation Biology (23)
Joseph, S.; Thomas, A.P.; Satheesh, R.; Sugathan, R. 2007 Foraging ecology and relative abundance of large carnivores in Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, southern India
Zoos' Print Journal (22)
Joshi, A.; Vaidyanathan, S.; Mondol, S.; Edgaonkar, A.; Ramakrishnan, U. 2013 Connectivity of tiger (_Panthera tigris_) populations in the human-influenced forest mosaic of Central India
PLoS ONE (8)
Joshi, A.R.; Dinerstein, E.; Wikramanayake, E.; Anderson, M.L.; Olson, D.; Jones, B.S.; Seidensticker, J.; Lumpkin, S.; Hansen, M.C.; Sizer, N.C.; Davis, C.L.; Palminteri, S.; Hahn, N.R. 2016 Tracking changes and preventing loss in critical tiger habitat
Conservation Biology (2)
Joshi, D. 1995 Spotted terror stalks highland villages of Chamoli
Joshi, H.; Deora, K.S.; Mathur, R.; Thanvi, P. 2008 Dentition of tiger
Indian Veterinary Journal (85)
Joshi, R. 2010 Train accidental deaths of leopards _Panthera pardus_ in Rajaji National Park: a population in threat
World Journal of Zoology (5)
Joshi, R. 2016 Mammalian fauna of Rajaji National Park, India: a review on ecological observations and checklist
Check List (12)
Joshi, R.; Agarwal, R. 2012 Mortality in the protected leopard's population, Uttarakhand, North India: A free-ranging wildlife species in threat
International Journal of Ecosystem (2)
Joslin, P. Cats - A description of the family Felidae with prticular reference to those species found at Brookfield Zoo
Full Book
Joslin, P. 1986 Status of the Caspian tiger in Iran - Abstract
Book Chapter
Joslin, P. 1988 Leopards (Panthera pardus) in Iran
Book Chapter
Joslin, P. 1970 Conserving the Asiatic Lion in: Eleventh technical meeting, Papers and Proceedings, New Delhi, India, 25 to 28 November 1969
Conference Proceeding
Joslin, P. 1969 The Asiatic Lion in the Monsoon
IUCN Bulletin (2)
Joslin, P. 1984 The environmental limitations and future of the Asiatic lion
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (81)
Joslin, P. 1986 Distinguishing characteristics of the Asiatic Lion (Panthera leo persica) and its distribution within historical time
Joslin, P. 1977 Night stalking - Setting a camera trapline for noctural carnivores
Photo Life
Joslin, P. A phototrapline for cold temperatures
Full Book
Joslin, P. Factors associated with decline of the Asiatic lion
Book Chapter
Joslin, P. 1984 Indian Lion Survey
Conference Proceeding
Joslin, P. 1973 The Asiatic lion: a study of ecology and behaviour
Full Book
Jost, C.; Arino, O.; Arditi, R. 1999 About Deterministic Extinction in Ratio-dependent Predator-Prey Models
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (61)
Jotterand, M. 1994 Le surveillant de la faune montre du doigt le chien errang
Joubert, C.J.; Tarugara, A.; Clegg, B.W.; Gandiwa, E.; Muposhi, V.K. 2020 A baited-camera trapping method for estimating the size and sex structure of African leopard (_Panthera pardus_) populations
MethodsX (7)
Joubert, D. Lions of northern Botswana - Dilemma of a population on the move
Wildlife Watch (1)
Joubert, D. 2006 Hunting behaviour of lions (_Panthera leo_) on elephants (_Loxodonta africana_) in the Chobe National Park, Botswana
African Journal of Ecology (44)
Joubert, D. 1994 Lions of darkness
National Geographic (186)
Joubert, E. 1984 The Cheetah - South west Africa's spotted enigma 
Joubert, E.; Morsbach, D.; Wallis, V. 1982 The 1982 distribution patterns and status of some mammals on farms in south west Africa
Full Book
Joubert, E.; Mostert, P.K.N. 1975 Distribution patterns and status of some mammals in south west Africa
Madoqua (9)
Jowkar, H.; Ostrowski, S.; Hunter, L. 2008 Asiatic Cheetah Cub Recovered From a Poacher in Iran
Cat News (48)
Juarez, R.L.; Jenks, J.A.; Schwartz, M.K.; Pilgrim, K.P.; Thompson, D.J. 2014 Genetic structure of cougars in the Black Hills, South Dakota
Conference Proceeding
Juarez, R.L.; Schwartz, M.K.; Pilgrim, K.L.; Thompson, D.J.; Tucker, S.A.; Smith, J.B.; Jenks, J.A. 2016 Assessing temporal genetic variation in a cougar population: influence of harvest and neighboring populations
Conservation Genetics (17)
Judas, J.; Paillat, P.; Khoja, A.; Boug, A. 2006 Status of the Arabian leopard in Saudi Arabia
Cat News (Special Issue 1)
Juget, S. 2008 Identification and evaluation of populations of medium-sized and large mammals and preliminary estimation of the fauna exploitation in the Beekeping Zone de Mlele, Tanzania (Identification et ‚valuation des populations de moyens et grands mammifŠres et estimation pr‚liminaire de l'exploitation de la faune dans la Beekeeping Zone de Mlele, Tanzanie)
Full Book
Jule, K.R.; Leaver, L.A.; Lea, S.E.G. 2008 The effects of captive experience in reintroduction survival in carnivores: a review and analysis
Biological Conservation (141)
Jumabay-Uulu, K.; Wegge, P.; Mishra, C.; Sharma, K. 2014 Large carnivores and low diversity of optimal prey: a comparison of the diets of snow leopard _Panthera uncia_ and wolves _Canis lupus_ in Sarychat-Ertash Reserve in Kyrgyzstan
Oryx (48)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)