IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Karanth, K.U.; Nichols, J.D.; Kumar, N.S.; Jathanna, D. 2011 Estimation of demographic parameters in a tiger population from long-term camera trap data
Book Chapter
Karanth, K.U.; Nichols, J.D.; Kumar, S.N.; Link, W.A.; Hines, J.E. 2004 Tigers and their prey: Predicting carnivore densities from prey abundance
Pnas (101)
Karanth, K.U.; Nichols, J.D.; Seidensticker, J.; Dinerstein, E.; Smith, J.L.D.; McDougal, C.; Johnsingh, A.J.T.; Chundawat, R.S.; Thapar, V. 2003 Science deficiency in conservation practice: the monitoring of tiger popoulations in India
Animal Conservation (6)
Karanth, K.U.; Sanderson, E.; Funston, P. 2007 Many Ways of Skinning a Cat: Methods and Tools for Studying Wild Felids
Conference Proceeding
Karanth, K.U.; Srivathsa, A.; Vasudev, D.; Puri, M.; Parameshwaran, R.; Kumar, N.S. 2017 Spatio-temporal interactions facilitate large carnivore sympatry across a resource gradient
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (284)
Karanth, K.U.; Stith, B.M. 1999 Prey depletion as a critical determinant of tiger population viability
Book Chapter
Karanth, K.U.; Sunquist, M.; Chinnappa, K.M. 1999 Long-term monitoring of tigers: lessons from Nagarahole
Book Chapter
Karanth, K.U.; Sunquist, M.E. 1992 Population structure, density and biomass of large herbivores in the tropical forests of Nagarahole, India
Journal of Tropical Ecology (8)
Karanth, K.U.; Sunquist, M.E. 1995 Prey selection by tiger, leopard and dhole in tropical forests
Journal of Animal Ecology (64)
Karanth, K.U.; Sunquist, M.E. 2000 Behavioural correlates of predation by tiger (Panthera tigris), leopard (Panthera pardus) and dhole (Cuon alpinus) in Nagarahole, India
Journal of Zoology (250 )
Karanth, U. 2013 Counting the Tigers That You Cannot See
Other Document
Karatas, A.; Bulut, S.; Akbaba, B. 2021 Camera trap records confirm the survival of the Leopard (_Panthera pardus_ L., 1758) in eastern Turkey (Mammalia: Felidae)
Zoology in the Middle East (67)
Karawita, A.C.; Perera, V.P.; Perera, S.; de Silva, D.S.; Jayaweera, W.R.; Himsworth, C.G.; Bollinger, T.K.; de S.Gunawardena, P. 2016 _Calodium hepaticum_ in jungle cats (Felis chaus) in Sri Lanka
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (52)
Karesh, W.B.; Smith, F.; Taylor, H.F. 1991 A remote method for obtaining skin biopsy samples
Zoo's Print
Karim, R.; Ashan, F. 2016 Mammalian fauna and conservational issues of the Baraiyadhala National Park in Chittagong, Bangladesh
Open Journal of Forestry (6)
Karim, S. Shot ends a tiger's long reign of terror
Karki, J.B. 2011 Occupancy and abundance of tigers and their prey in the Terai Arc Landscape, Nepal
Full Book
Karki, J.B.; Barber-Meyer, S.M.; Jhala, Y.D.; Pandav, B.; Jnawali, S.R.; Shrestha, R.; Thapa, K.; Thapa, G.; Pradhan, N.M.B.; Lamichane, B.R.; Dhakal, M. 2015 Estimating the abundance of tigers and their prey in Sukaphanta Wildlife Reserve of Terai Arc Landscape, Nepal
Biodiversity Conservation Efforts in Nepal (2072)
Karki, J.B.; Pandav, B.; Jnawali, S.R.; Shrestha, R.; Pradhan, N.M.B.; Lamichane, B.R.; Khanal, P.; Subedi, N.; Jhala, Y.V. 2013 Estimating the abundance of Nepal's largest population of tigers _Panthera tigris_
Karlin, M.S. 2016 Ethnoecology, ecosemiosis and integral ecology in Salinas Grandes (Argentina)
Etnobiolog¡a (14)
Karlsson, J. 2007 Management of wolf and lynx conflicts with human interests
Full Book
Karlsson, J.; Johansson, ™. 2010 Predictability of repeated carnivore attacks on livestock favours reactive use of mitigation measures
Journal of Applied Ecology (47)
Karlsson, J.; Sj”str”m, M. 2008 Direct use values and passive use values: implications for conservation of large carnivores
Biodiversity and Conservation (17)
Karlstetter, M. 2008 Wildlife surveys and wildlife conservation in Nuristan, Afghanistan
Full Book
Karmacharya, D.; Janecka, J.; Ale, S.B.; Shakya, J.; Joshi, P.; Manandhar, S.; Shrestha, S.; Kansakar, C.; Bista, M.; Awasthi, A. 2012 Genetic based population survey of snow leopard in Annapurna Conservation and Rolwaling areas of Nepal
Full Book
Karmacharya, D.; Manandhar, S.; Shakya, J.; Thapa, K.; Bista, M.; Sah, G.P.; Sharma, A.N.; Sherchan, A.; Dhakal, M.; Hero, J.-M.; Hughes, J.; Janecka, J.; Kelly, M.; Waits, L. 2016 Incidental discovery of non-focal carnivore species during genetic study of Bengal tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) and snow leopard (_Panthera uncia_) in Nepal
Asian Journal of Conservation Biology (5)
Karmacharya, D.; Sherchan, A.M.; Dulal, S.; Manandhar, P.; Manandhar, S.; Joshi, J.; Bhattarai, S.; Bhatta, T.R.; Awasthi, N.; Sharma, A.N.; Bista, M.; Silwal, N.R.; Pokharel, P.; Lamichhane, R.R.; Sharma, N.; Llewellyn, B.; Wultsch, C.; Kelly, M.J.; Gour, D.; Waits, L.; Hero, J.-M.; Hughes, J. 2018 Species, sex and geo-location identification of seized tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) parts in Nepal - A molecular forensic approach
PLoS ONE (13)
Karmacharya, D.B.; Thapa, K.; Shrestha, R.; Dhakal, M.; Janecka, J.E. 2011 Noninvasive genetic population survey of snow leopards in Kangchenjunga conservation area, Shey Phoksundo National Park and surrounding buffer zones of Nepal
BMC Research Notes (4)
Kartika, E.C. 2013 Tiger heroes: a community engagement on tiger conservation in Bangladesh Sundarbans
Full Book
Kartomi, M. 1976 Tigers into kittens?
Hemisphere (20)
Kartomi, M. 1976 Tigers into kittens? Part 2
Hemisphere (20)
Karuzic, I.; Basak, S.M.; Loch, J.; Armatys, P.; Czarnota, P.; Wierzbowska, I.A. 2021 Use of Camera Traps as a Biodiversity Measurement Tool in Gorce National Park, Southern Poland
Biology and Life Sciences Forum (2)
Kashkarov, E.; Baranov, P.; Pomortsev, O.; Ishchenko, I. 2008 Global Warming and the Northern Expansion of the Big Cats of Asia
Cat News (48)
Kasiki, S.; Hamunyela, E. 2014 CITES periodic review of the status of African lion across its range
Full Book
Kasiringua, E.; Kopij, G.; Proches, S. 2017 Daily activity patterns of ungulates at water holes during the dry season in the Waterberg National Park, Namibia
Russian Journal of Theriology (16)
Kasparek, M. 1986 On a historical occurrence of the Lion, Panthera leo, in Turkey
Zoology in the Middle East (1)
Kasper, C.B. 2007 Composi‡Æo e abundƒncia relativa dos mam¡feros de m‚dio e grande porte no Parque Estadual do Turvo, com ˆnfase em felinos
Full Book
Kasper, C.B. 2007 Estudo sobre a densidade populacional de _Leopardus pardalis_ (Linnaeus, 1758) (Felidae: Carnivora) no Parque Estadual do Turvo, sul do Brasil
Full Book
Kasper, C.B.; Mazim, F.D.; Soares, J.B.G.; de Oliveira, T.G. 2015 Density estimates and conservation of Leopardus pardalis southernmost population of the Atlantic forest
Iheringia, S‚rie Zoologia (105)
Kasper, C.B.; Mazim, F.D.; Soares, J.B.G.; de Oliveira, T.G.; Fabian, M.E. 2007 Composi‡Æo e abundƒncia relativa dos mam¡feros de m‚dio e grande porte no Parque Estadual do Turvo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia (24)
Kasper, C.B.; Peters, F.B.; Christoff, A.U.; de Freitas, T.R.O. 2016 Trophic relationships of sympatric small carnivores in fragmented landscapes of southern Brazil: niche overlap and potential for competition
Mammalia (80)
Kasper, C.B.; Schneider, A.; Oliveira, T.G. 2016 Home range and density of three sympatric felids in the Southern Atlantic Forest, Brazil
Brazilian Journal of Biology (76)
Kassilly, F.N. 2002 The fence as a moderator of the wildlife menace in Kenya
African Journal of Ecology (40)
Kassilly, F.N. 2003 Notes and records Towards promotion af local tourism: The case of Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya
African Journal of Ecology (41)
Kassim, H.B. 1993 Distribution of large mammal in Tasek Kenyir Taman Negara Terengganu
The Journal of Wildlife and Parks (12)
Kasso, M.; Bekele, A. 2017 Diversity, Abundance and Distribution of Mammals in Fragmented Remnant Forests around Asella Town, Ethiopia
Journal of Biology (1)
Kasso, M.; Bekele, A. 2014 Threats to Mammals on Fragmented Habitats around Asella Town, Central Ethiopia 
International Journal of Biodiversity
Kaszta, Z.; Cushman, S.A.; Hearn, A.J.; Burnham, D.; Macdonald, E.A.; Goossens, B.; Nathan, S.K.S.S.; MacDonald, D.W. 2019 Integrating Sunda clouded leopard (_Neofelis diardi_) conservation into development and restoration planning in Sabah (Borneo)
Biological Conservation (235)
Kaszta, Z.; Cushman, S.A.; Htun, S.; Naing, H.; Burnham, D.; MacDonald, D.W. 2020 Simulating the impact of Belt and Road initiative and other major developments in Myanmar on an ambassador felid, the clouded leopard,_ Neofelis nebulosa_
Landscape Ecology (35)
Kat, P. What do we know about lions?
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)