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Keith, J.O.; Plowes, D.C.H. 1997 Considerations of Wildlife Resources and Land Use in Chad
Full Book
Kekule, L.B. Wildlife camara-trapping
Full Book
Keller, B. 1993 Has the cheetah outrun its chances for survival?
Keller, B.J.; Millspaugh, J.J.; Lehman, C.; Brundige, G. 2013 Adult Pronghorn (_Antilocapra americana_) survival and cause-specific mortality in Custer State Park, S.D
The American Midland Naturalist (170)
Kellert, S.R.; Black, M.; Rush, C.R.; Bath, A.J. 1996 Human culture and large carnivore conservation in North America
Conservation Biology (10)
Kellner, A.; Carver, S.; Scorza, V.; McKee, C.D.; Lapin, M.; Crooks, K.R.; VandeWoude, S.; Antolin, M.F. 2018 Transmission pathways and spillover of an erythrocytic bacterial pathogen from domestic cats to wild felids
Ecology and Evolution (8)
Kelly, J.; Dryman, T.; O'Brien, S.J.; Kraus, D.; Marker-Kraus, L. 1990 NOAHS Center - Leading the way
Kelly, M.J. 2001 Lineage loss in Serengeti cheetahs: consequences of high reproductive variance and heritability of fitness on effective population size
Conservation Biology (15)
Kelly, M.J. 2008 Design, evaluate, refine: camera trap studies for elusive species
Animal Conservation (11)
Kelly, M.J. 2001 Computeraided photograph matching in studies using individual identification: An example from Serengeti cheetahs
Journal of Mammalogy (82)
Kelly, M.J.; Betsch, J.; Wultsch, C.; Mesa, B.; Mills, L.S. 2012 Noninvasive sampling for carnivores
Book Chapter
Kelly, M.J.; Durant, S.M. 2000 Viability of the Serengeti cheetah population
Conservation Biology (14)
Kelly, M.J.; Holub, E.L. 2008 Camera Trapping of Carnivores: Trap Success Among Camera Types and Across Species, and Habitat Selection by Species, on Salt Pond Mountain, Giles County, Virginia
Northern Naturalist (15)
Kelly, M.J.; Laurenson, M.K.; FitzGibbon, C.D.; Collins, D.A.; Durant, S.M.; Frame, G.W.; Bertram, B.C.R.; Caro, T.M. 1998 Demography of the Serengeti cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) population: the first 25 years
Journal of Zoology (244)
Kelly, M.J.; Noss, A.J.; Di Bitetti, M.S.; Maffei, L.; Arispe, R.L.; Paviolo, A.; De Angelo, C.D.; Di Blanco, Y.E. 2008 Estimating puma densities from camera trapping across three study sites: Bolivia, Argentina, and Belize
Journal of Mammalogy (89)
Kelly, P.; Marabini, L.; Dutlow, K.; Zhang, J.; Loftis, A.; Wang, C. 2014 Molecular detection of tick-borne pathogens in captive wild felids, Zimbabwe
Parasites & Vectors (7)
Kelly, P.; Stack, D.; Harley, J. 2013 A review of the proposed reintroduction program for the Far Eastern leopard (_Panthera pardus orientalis_) and the role of conservation organizations, veterinarians, and zoos
Tropics in Companion Animal Medicine (28)
Kemper, S. 2000 Madidi National Park Bolivia
National Geographic (March 2000)
Kempf, C. 1979 Evolution et statut du lynx en France Evolution and status of the Lynx in France Evolution and Statut des Luchses in Frankreich
Conference Proceeding
Kempf, C. 1978 European Lynx and capercaillie: A false problem
Bulletin de la societe industrielle de Mulhouse (2)
Kenana, L.M.; Bakari, S.K.; Bitok, E.; Machoke, N.M.; Hamza, K.; Mukeka, J.; Chepkwony, R.K.; Mwiu, S.N. 2013 Aerial total count Amboseli - West Kilimanjaro and Magadi - Natron cross border landscape
Full Book
Kendall, K.C.; Metzgar, L.H.; Patterson, D.A.; Steele, B.M. 1992 Power of sign surveys to monitor population trends
Ecological Applications (2)
Kennedy, L.; Auty, H.; Brown, J.; Ollier, W.E.R.; Kitchener, A.; Radford, A.D. 2007 Characterising the MHC in Domestic and Wild Felids
Conference Proceeding
Kennedy, M.; Citino, S.; Hillis McNabb, A.; Serino Moffatt, A.; Gertz, K.; Kania, S. 2002 Detection of feline coronavirus in captive Felidae in the USA
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (14)
Kennedy, M.; Dolorico, T.; McNabb, A.; Moffatt, A.; Stylianides, E.; van Vuuren, M.; Kania, S. 2000 Characterization of Feline Coronavirus of cheetahs_ (Acinonyx jubatus) _- diagnosis, epidemiology, and viral genetic analysis
Conference Proceeding
Kennedy, M.; Kania, S.; Stylianides, E.; Bertschinger, H.; Keet, D.; van Vuuren, M. 2003 Detection of Feline Coronavirus infection in Southern African nondomestic Felids
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (39)
Kennerknecht, S. 2021 Wildlife photographers can help conservation
Cat News (73)
Kenney, J.; Allendorf, F.W.; McDougal, C.; Smith, J.L.D. 2014 How much gene flow is needed to avoid inbreeding depression in wild tiger populations?
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (281)
Kenney, J.S.; Smith, J.L.D.; Starfield, A.M. The poaching threat to the tiger in the wild - Letter to NATURE
Nature (369)
Kenney, J.S.; Smith, J.L.D.; Starfield, A.M.; McDougal, C.W. 1994 Saving the tiger in the wild
Nature (369)
Kenney, J.S.; Smith, J.L.D.; Starfield, A.M.; McDougal, C.W. 1994 The long-term Effects of Tiger Poaching on Population Viability
Conservation Biology (9)
Kenny, D.E.; Lappin, M.R.; Knightly, F.; Baier, J.; Brewer, M.; Getzy, D.M. 2002 Toxoplasmosis in Pallas' cats at the Denver Zoological Gardens
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (33)
Kent, V.T. 2011 The status and conservation potential of carnivores in semi-arid rangelands, Botswana the Ghanzi farmlands: A case study
Full Book
Kenya Wildlife Service, 2012 Annual Carnivore Researchers and Conservation Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceeding
Kenyon, K.A. 1993 Reintroduction of captive-bred animals into their native habitat: a bibliography
Full Book
Kenyon, M.W. 2014 Events in California's Mountain Lion Management, 2011-2014
Conference Proceeding
Kepe, T. 2001 Tourism, protected areas and development in South Africa: views of visitors to Mkambati Nature Reserve
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (31)
Kerbis Peterhans, J.C.; Gnoske, T.P. 2001 The science of `man-eating*` among lions _Panthera leo_ with a reconstruction of the natural history of the `man-eaters of Tsavo`
Journal of East African Natural History (90)
Kerezi, V. 2012 Meanings of hunting in Gorski Kotar, Croatia
Full Book
Kerley, G.I.H.; Behrens, K.G.; Carruthers, J.; Diemont, M.; du Plessis, J.; Minnie, L.; Tichardson, P.R.K.; Somers, M.J.; Tambling, C.J.; Turpie, J.; van Niekerk, H.N.; Balfour, D. 2017 Livestock predation in South Africa: The need for and value of a scientific assessment
South African Journal of Science (113)
Kerley, G.I.H.; Geach, B.G.S.; Vial, C. 2003 Jumbos or bust: do tourists' perceptions lead to an under-appreciation of biodiversity?
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (33)
Kerley, G.I.H.; Wilson, S.L.; Balfour, D. 2018 Livestock predation and its management in South Africa: A Scientific Assessment
Full Book
Kerley, L. 2004 Scent Dog Monitoring of Amur Tiger (2003-0087-018) March 1, 2003 - March1,2004
Full Book
Kerley, L. 2003 Scent Dog Monitoring of Amur Tigers-II
Full Book
Kerley, L.; Borisenko, M.M. 2013 New locations for the leopard cat in the Russian Far East
Cat News (59)
Kerley, L.; Salkina, G. 2007 Using Dogs to Monitor Amur Tigers in Russia
Conference Proceeding
Kerley, L.L.; Goodrich, J.M.; Miquelle, D.G.; Smirnov, E.N.; Quigley, H.B.; Hornocker, M.G. 2002 Reproductive parameters of wild female Amur (Siberian) tigers (Panthera tigris altaica)
In Press
Kerley, L.L.; Goodrich, J.M.; Miquelle, D.G.; Smirnov, E.N.; Quigley, H.B.; Hornocker, M.G. 2002 Effects of roads and human disturbance on Amur tigers
Conservation Biology (16)
Kerley, L.L.; Salkina, G.P. 2007 Using scent-matching dogs to identify individual Amur tigers from scats
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Kerley, L.L.; Salkina, G.P. 2010 Scent-matching dogs: a new tool for identifying wild tigers
Book Chapter

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)