IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            722 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Panait, L.C.; Hrazdilova, K.; Ionica, A.M.; Deak, G.; Chisamera, G.B.; Adam, C.; Gherman, C.M.; Mihalca, A.D. 2021 _Babesia pisicii_ n. sp. and _Babesia canis_ infect European wild cats, _Felis silvestris_, in Romania
Microorganisms (9)
Panait, L.C.; Mihalca, A.D.; Modry, D.; Jur nkov , J.; Ionica, A.M.; Deak, G.; Gherman, C.M.; Heddergott, M.; Hodzic, A.; Veronesi, F.; Reichard, M.; Zieman, E.A.; Nielsen, C.K.; Jim‚nez-Ruiz, F.A.; Hrazdilov , K. 2021 Three new species of _Cytauxzoon _in European wild felids
Veterinary Parasitology (290)
Panayotopoulou, M. 2001 Historical distribution and present status of the lynx in Greece
Full Book
Pandav, B.; Harihar, A. 2006 With a (remote) camera in tigerland
Sanctuary Asia (October 2006)
Pandav, B.; Mishra, S.K.; Yadav, S.P.; Madhusudan, M. 2009 Similipal Tiger Reserve
Full Book
Pande, A.; Vasava, A.; Solanki, R.; Bipin, C.M.; Jhala, Y.V. 2013 Photographic records of the Asiatic Wildcat from two states of India
Journal of Threatened Taxa (5)
Pandey, B.P. 2012 Clouded leopard in Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park, Nepal
Cat News (57)
Pandey, B.P.; Thami, S.; Shrestha, R.; Subedi, N.; Chalise, M.K.; Ale, S.B. 2021 Snow leopards and prey in Rolwaling Valley, Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Nepal
Cat News (73)
Pandey, K.C. 1994 The man eating leopardess of Kandagaon-Dost-Almora, U.P - India
Zoo's Print
Pandit, P.K. 2014 Human-tiger conflict in Sundarban Tiger Reserve and its mitigation through management strategies in India
Tigerpaper (41)
Pandit, R.V. 1994 Osteology of Indian tiger
Full Book
Pandiwijaya, A. 2011 Pendugaan Perubahan Cadangan Karbon di Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi
Full Book
Panjwani, R. 1996 WWF-India Petitions Court
Book Chapter
Pant, A.; Chavan, S.G.; Banubakode, S.B.; Holthausen, R.S.; Sawarkar, V.B.; Sen, S.; Wankhade, R. 2002 Volume V - Satpura Conservation Area
Full Book
Pant, R.; Ghosh, S.K.; Sekhsaria, P. 2001 Conservation and Livelihoods Network - Press statement 5th National Consultation on Wildlife Conservation and People's Livelihood Rights
Conference Proceeding
Panthera, Large carnivore track identification sheet
Panthera, 2014 Project Pardus - Saving the world's most persecuted big cat
Panwar, H.S. Tiger protection
Full Book
Panwar, H.S. 1990 Tiger's food in Kanha National Park
WII Newsletter (5)
Panwar, H.S. 1988 Report on the snow leopard research project of W.I.I
Full Book
Panwar, H.S. 2001 Ecodevelopment in retrospect and prospect
Conference Proceeding
Panwar, H.S. 1979 A Note on Tiger Census Technique based on Pugmark Tracings
Indian Forester (1979)
Panwar, H.S. 1984 Conservation of Wild Cats in India
Conference Proceeding
Panwar, H.S. 1984 What to do when you've succeeded - Project Tiger 10 years later
Conference Proceeding
Panwar, H.S. 1982 What to do when you've succeeded: Project Tiger ten years later
Ambio (11)
Panwar, H.S.; Rodgers, W.A. 1986 The re-introduction of large cats into wildlife protected areas
Indian Forester (112 - Special Issue on Wildlife Management)
Panwar, H.S.; Sale, J.B. 1986 The National Wildlife Action Plan
Indian Forester (112 - Special Issue on Wildlife Management)
Paplinska, J.Z.; Taggar, D.A.; Corrigan, T.; Eldridge, M.D.B.; Austin, J.J. 2011 Using DNA from museum specimens to preserve the integrity of evolutionarily significant unit boundaries in threatened species
Biological Conservation (144)
Paproski, M.T. 1996 Cougar Crisis Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Paquet, P.; Hackman, A. 1995 Large carnivore conservation in the Rocky Mountains - A long-term strategy for maintaining free-ranging and self-sustaining populations of carnivores
Full Book
Paradiso, J.L. 1972 Status report on cats of the world, 1971
Full Book
Paranjpe, S.A.; Gore, A.P.; Gogate, M.G. 1993 Application of Bhattacharya technique in sex determination and sex ratio estimation of tigers from bugmarks
Indian Forester
Paranjpe, S.A.; Tatke, V.; Kharshikar, A.V.; Gore, A.P. 1984 Quantitive Discrimination Between Tiger Pug-marks
Full Book
Paray, B.A.; Al-Sadoon, M.K. 2018 A survey of mammal diversity in the Turaif province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (25)
Par‚s-Casanova, P.M. 2021 Comparison of Neurocranium between domestic cat (_Felis catus_ Linneaus 1758) and wild cat (_Felis silvestris_ Schreber, 1777) by means of geometric morphometric techniques
International Journal of Morphology (39)
Parchizadeh, J.; Belant, J.L. 2022 Little time left to conserve the Asiatic cheetah
Oryx (56)
Pardo, J.M.; Paviolo, A.; Saura, S.; De Angelo, C. 2017 Halting the isolation of jaguars: where to act locally to sustain connectivity in their southernmost population
Animal Conservation (20)
Parihar, A.S. 1988 An interesting way of a tiger treating its wound
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (86)
Parihar, A.S. 1989 Caracal (Felis caracal Sohrober) sighted in Panna Forests
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (86)
Paris, B. 1991 Plan de developpement de la Reserve de Dulombi
Full Book
Parker, D.M. 2021 Mammals in the mountains: An historical review and updated checklist of the mammals of the Mountain Zebra National Park
Koedoe; Vol 63, No 1 (2021)DO - 10.4102/koedoe.v63i1.1683
Parker, D.M.; Whittington-Jones, B.M.; Bernard, R.T.F.; Davies-Mostert, H.T. 2014 Attitudes of rural communities toward dispersing African Wild Dogs in South Africa
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (19)
Parker, G. 1983 The Eastern Cougar in the Maritime Provinces
N.B.Naturalist (12)
Parker, G. 2001 Status report on the Canada lynx in Nova Scotia
Full Book
Parker, G.R.; Maxwell, J.W.; Morton, L.D.; Smith, G.E.J. 1983 The ecology of the lynx _Lynx canadensis_ on Cape Breton Island
Canadian Journal of Zoology (61)
Parker, G.R.; Smith, G.E.J. 1983 Sex specific and age specific reproductive and physical parameters of the bobcat_ Lynx rufus _on Cape Breton Island Nova-Scotia Canada
Canadian Journal of Zoology (61)
Parlato, E.H.; Armstrong, D.P. 2012 An Integrated Approach for Predicting Fates of Reintroductions with Demographic Data from Multiple Populations
Conservation Biology (26)
Parnell, T.; Narayan, E.J.; Nicolson, V.; Martin-Vegue, P.; Mucci, A.; Hero, J.-M. 2015 Maximizing the reliability of non-invasive endocrine sampling in the tiger: environmental decay and intra-sample variation in faecal glucocorticoid metabolites
Conservation Physiology (3)
Parng, E.; Crumpacker, A.; Kurle, C.M. 2014 Variation in the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope discrimination factors from diet to fur in four felid species held on different diets
Journal of Mammalogy (95)
Parry-Jones, R. 2013 Framework for CITES non-detriment findings for hunting trophies, with a focus on Argali Ovis ammon
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)