IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Rauset, G.R.; Mattisson, J.; Andr‚n, H.; Chapron, G.; Persson, J. 2013 When species' ranges meet: assessing differences in habitat selection between sympatric large carnivores
Oecologia (172)
Rautenbach, I.L. 1976 A survey of the mammals occurring in the Golden Gate Highlands National Park
Koedoe (19)
Rautenbach, I.L.; Schlitter, D.A.; de Graaf, G. 1979 Notes on the mammal fauna of the Augrabies Falls National Park and surrounding areas, with special reference to regional zoogeographical implications
Koedoe (22)
Rautenbach, T. 2010 Assessing the Diet of the Cape Leopard in the Cederberg and Gamka Mountains, South Africa
Full Book
Rawshan, K.; Feeroz, M.M.; Giordano, A.J.; Hasan, M.K. 2014 Use of the media to characterize recent trends in human-wildlife conflict in Bangladesh: 1990-2010
Book Chapter
Rawshan, K.; Feeroz, M.M.; Hasan, M.K. 2012 Human-carnivore conflicts in Bangladesh
Tigerpaper (39)
Ray, J.C. 2000 Mesocarnivores of northeastern North America: status and conservation issues
Full Book
Ray, J.C.; Hunter, L.; Zigouris, J. 2005 Setting conservation and research priorities for larger African carnivores
Full Book
Ray, J.C.; Organ, J.F.; O'Brien, M.S. 2002 Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) in the northern Appalachians: current knowledge, research priorities, and a call for regional cooperation and action
Conference Proceeding
Ray, J.C.; Sunquist, M.E. 2001 Trophic relations in a community of African rainforest carnivores
Oecologia (127)
Ray, R.-R. 2011 Ecology and population status and the impact of trophy hunting of the leopard Panthera pardus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Luambe National Park and surrounding Game Management Areas in Zambia
Full Book
Ray, R.-R. 2009 ™kologie und Populationsstatus des Leoparden (_Panthera pardus_) sowie Einfluss der Jagd auf dessen Lebensweise und Bestandsdichte im Luambe Nationalpark und umgebender Jagdgebiete in Sambia
Full Book
Rayan, D.M.; Linkie, M. 2015 Conserving tigers in Malaysia: a science-driven approach for eliciting conservation policy change
Biological Conservation (184)
Rayan, D.M.; Linkie, M. 2016 Managing conservation flagship species in competition: tiger, leopard and dhole in Malaysia
Biological Conservation (204)
Rayan, D.M.; Mohamad, S.W. 2009 The importance of selectively logged forests for tiger _Panthera tigris_ conservation: a population density estimate in Peninsular Malaysia
Oryx (43)
Rayan, M.; Mohamad, S. Determining the occupancy of tigers and its prey in the Belum-Temenggor area
Full Book
Raza, H.A.; Ahmad, S.A.; Hassan, N.A.; Qadir, K.A.M.; Ali, L. 2012 First photographic record of the Persian leopard in Kurdistan, northern Iraq
Cat News (56)
Raza, R.H.; Chauhan, D.S.; Pasha, M.K.S.; Sinha, S. 2012 Illuminating the blind spot: A study on illegal trade in leopard parts in India (2001-2010)
Full Book
Razak, M.H.S.A.; Hambali, K.; Amaludin, N.A.; Rak, A.E.; Malek, N.H.A. 2019 Density of Clouded Leopard (_Neofelis nebulosa_) in Gunung Basor-Stong Utara Forest Reserve, Kelantan, Malaysia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (269)
Rduch, V. 2017 Is there predation pressure on Puku-antilopes (_Kobus vardonii_) in Kasanka national park Zambia?
Zeitschrift des K”lner Zoos (2)
Read, J.A. 1981 Geographic variation in the bobcat (_Felis rufus_) in the Southcentral United States
Full Book
Read, S. 2016 Abundance estimation of snow leopards in eastern Afghanistan
Full Book
Reading, R.P.; Kenny, D.; Amgalanbaatar, S.; DeNicola, A.; Wingard, G. 2009 Argali lamb (_Ovis ammon_) morphometric measurements and survivorship in Mongolia
Mammalia (73)
Real, R.; Barbosa, A.M.; Rodrguez, A.; Garca, F.J.; Vargas, J.M.; Palomo, L.J.; Delibes, M. 2009 Conservation biogeography of ecologically interacting species: the case of the Iberian lynx and the European rabbit
Diversity and Distributions (15)
Rebelo Ifr n, N. 2017 Mechanisms of occupation and adaptation, costs and benefits of a contemporary process of urbanization in Aves
Full Book
Rector, A.; Lemey, P.; Tachezy, R.; Mostmans, S.; Ghim, S.-J.; van Doorslaer, K.; Roelke, M.; Bush, M.; Montali, R.J.; Joslin, J.; Burk, R.D.; Jenson, A.B.; Sundberg, J.P.; Shapiro, B.; van Ranst, M. 2007 Ancient papillomavirus-host co-speciation in Felidae
Genome Biology (8)
Reddy, G.V. 2008 Lessons from two local extinctions: Sariska and Kailadevi (Ranthambhore) in Rajasthan, India
Conservation and Society (6)
Reddy, H.S. 2003 Nagarjuna Sagar-Srisailam Tiger reserve (NSTR), India an Update
Full Book
Reddy, H.S.; Srinivasulu, C.; Rao, K.T. 2004 Prey selection by the Indian tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) in Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Tiger Reserve, India
Mammalian Biology (69)
Reddy, P.A. 2019 Elucidating population dynamics of tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) using DNA-based genetic analysis
Full Book
Reddy, P.A.; Bhavanishankar, M.; Bhagavatula, J.; Harika, K.; Mahla, R.S.; Shivaji, S. 2012 Improved methods of carnivore faecal sample preservation, DNA extraction and quantification for accurate genotyping of wild tigers
PLoS ONE (7)
Reddy, P.A.; Gour, D.S.; Bhavanishankar, M.; Jaggi, K.; Hussain, S.M.; Harika, K.; Shivaji, S. 2012 Genetic evidence of tiger population structure and migration within an isolated and fragmented landscape in Northwest India
PLoS ONE (7)
Reddy, P.A.; Kumaraguru, A.; Bhagavatula, J.; Gour, D.S.; Bhavanishankar, M.; Sarkar, M.S.; Harika, K.; Hussain, S.M.; Shivaji, S. 2012 Tiger presence in a hitherto unsurveyed jungle of India-the Sathyamangalam forests
Conservation Genetics (13)
Reddy, P.A.; Kumaraguru, A.; Yadav, P.R.; Ramyashree, A.; Bhagavatula, J.; Shivaji, S. 2011 Studies to determine presence or absence of the Indian tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) in Kawal Wildlife Sanctuary, India
European Journal of Wildlife Research (57)
Redfield, B. 2012 A study of clouded leopards in captivity
Full Book
Redfield, B. 2012 Wild Cat Conservation Needs: A comparative Analysis of Public Perception
Full Book
Redford, K.H.; Amato, G.; Baillie, J.; Beldomenico, P.; Bennett, E.L.; Clum, N.; Cook, R.; Fonseca, G.; Hedges, S.; Launay, F.; Lieberman, S.; Mace, G.M.; Murayama, A.; Putnam, A.; Robinson, J.G.; Rosenbaum, H.; Sanderson, E.W.; Stuart, S.N.; Thomas, P.; Thorbjarnarson, J. 2011 What Does It Mean to Successfully Conserve a (Vertebrate) Species?
BioScience (61)
Redford, K.H.; Coppolillo, P.; Sanderson, E.W.; da Fonseca, G.A.B.; Dinerstein, E.; Groves, C.; Mace, G.; Maginnis, S.; Mittermeier, R.A.; Noss, R.; Olson, D.; Robinson, J.G.; Vedder, A.; Wright, M. 2003 Mapping the conservation landscape
Conservation Biology (17 )
Redford, K.H.; Eisenberg, J.F. 1992 Felidae
Book Chapter
Reding, D.M. 2011 Patterns and processes of spatial genetic structure in a mobile and continuously distributed species, the bobcat (_Lynx rufus_)
Full Book
Reding, D.M.; Bronikowski, A.M.; Johnson, W.E.; Clark, W.R. 2012 Pleistocene and ecological effects on continental-scale genetic differentiation in the bobcat (_Lynx rufus_)
Molecular Ecology (21)
Reding, D.M.; Cushman, S.A.; Gosselink, T.E.; Clark, W.R. 2013 Linking movement behavior and fine-scale genetic structure to model landscape connectivity for bobcats (_Lyns rufus_)
Landscape Ecology (28)
Redpath, S.M.; Young, J.; Evely, A.; Adams, W.M.; Sutherland, W.J.; Whitehouse, A.; Amar, A.; Lambert, R.A.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Watt, A.; Gutierrez, R.J. 2012 Understanding and managing conservation conflicts
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (28)
Reece, B.; Dresser, B.L.; Reed, G.; Russell, P.T.; Kramer, L.W.; Pindell, K.; Berringer, P. 1981 Superovulation and artificial insemination of Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris) and an interspecies embryo transfer to the African lion (Panthera leo) Proceedings of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Seattle
Conference Proceeding
Reed, D.H. 2003 Extinction risk in fragmented habitats
Animal Conservation (7)
Reed, D.H.; Briscoe, D.A.; Frankham, R. 2002 Inbreeding and extinction: The effect of environmental stress and lineage
Conservation Genetics (3)
Reed, D.H.; Bryant, E.H. 2000 Experimental test of minimum viable population size
Animal Conservation
Reed, D.H.; O'Grady, J.J.; Brook, B.W.; Ballou, J.D.; Frankham, R. 2003 Estimates of minimum viable population sizes for vertebrates and factors influencing those estimates
Biological Conservation (113)
Reed, G.C.; Litvaitis, J.A.; Callahan, C.; Carroll, R.P.; Litvaitis, M.K.; Broman, D.J.A. 2017 Modeling landscape connectivity for bobcats using expert-opinion and empirically derived models: how well do they work?
Animal Conservation (20)
Reed, G.C.; Litvaitis, J.A.; Ellingwood, M.; Tate, P.; Broman, D.J.A.; Siren, A.P.K.; Carroll, R.P. 2017 Describing habitat suitability of bobcats using several sources of information obtained at multiple spatial scales
Mammalian Biology (82)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)