IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Armstrong, J. 1977 The development and hand-rearing of black-footed cats
Conference Proceeding
Armsworth, P.R.; Roughgarden, J.E. 2003 The economic value of ecological stability
Pnas (100)
Arnemo, J.M.; Ahlqvist, P.; Andersen, R.; Berntsen, F.; Ericsson, G.; Odden, J.; Brunberg, S.; Segerstr”m, P.; Swenson, J.E. 2006 Risk of capture-related mortality in large free-ranging mammals: experiences from Scandinavia
Wildlife Biology (12)
Arnemo, J.M.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Wedul, S.J.; Ranheim, B.; Odden, J.; Andersen, R. 1999 Use of intraperitoneal radio-transmitters in lynx _Lynx lynx_ kittens: anaesthesia, surgery and behaviour
Wildlife Biology (5)
Arnett, G.R. 1982 Threatened Status for the Leopard in Southern Africa (Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants - Federal Register / Rules and Regulations)
Full Book
Arnold, H.R. 1984 Distribution maps of the mammals of the British Isles
Full Book
Arnold, S. 1994 A plan for genetic restoration and management of the Florida Panther
Full Book
Arnold, S. 1994 Genetic management strategies and population viability of the Florida panther
Full Book
Aronsen, G.P. 2010 New photographic evidence of the African golden cat _(Profelis aurata _Temminck) at Mainaro, Kibale National Park, Uganda
African Journal of Ecology (48)
Aronsson, M.; kesson, M.; Low, M.; Persson, J.; Andr‚n, H. 2020 Resource dispersion and relatedness interact to explain space use in a solitary predator
Oikos (129)
Aronsson, M.; Low, M.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Persson, J.; Odden, J.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Andr‚n, H. 2016 Intensity of space use reveals conditional sex-specific effects of prey and conspecific density on home range size
Ecology and Evolution (6)
Arrabal, J.P.; Avila, H.G.; Rivero, M.R.; Camicia, F.; Salas, M.M.; Costa, S.A.; Nocera, C.G.; Rosenzvit, M.C.; Kamenetzky, L. 2017 _Echinococcus oligarthrus_ in the subtropical region of Argentina: First integration of morphological and molecular analyses determines two distinct populations
Vet Parasitol (15)
Arranz, J.A.; Caldera, J.; Davila, C.; Delibes, M.; Garzon, P.; Gonzalez, J.L.; Gonzalez, L.M.; Heredia, B.; Guzman, J.N.; Pintos, R.; Dominguez, L.; Pereira, P.; Prada, L.; Ruiz, R. 1999 Estrategia para la conservation del lince Iberico (Lynx pardinus) en Espagna
Arrayyansyah, A.F. 2014 Infeksi Cacing Gastrointestinal pada Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_) di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan
Full Book
Arriaza, M.C.; Dominguez-Rodrigo, M.; Martinez-Maza, C.; Mabulla, A.; Baquedano, E. 2015 Differential predation by age and sex classes in blue wildebeest in Serengeti: study of a modern Carnivore den in Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)
Arriaza, M.C.; Dominguez-Rodrigo, M.; Yravedra, J.; Baquedano, E. 2016 Lions as bone accumulators? Paleontological and ecological implications of a modern bone assemblage from Olduvai Gorge
PLoS ONE (11)
Arribas, A.; Palmqvist, P. 1999 On the Ecological Connection Between Sabre-tooths and Hominids: Faunal Dispersal Events in the Lower Pleistocene and a Review of the Evidence for the First Human Arrival in Europe
Journal of Archaeological Science (26)
Arroyo Valencia, J.E.; Gonzalez Anaya, M.; Abadia, A.; Pardo Locarno, L.C.; Ramirez Arriaga, A. 2000 Diagnosis of biodiversity and ecosystems in the Colombian pacific
Full Book
Arroyo-Arce, S.; Thomson, I. 2023 Impacts of jaguar predation on nesting sea turtles at Tortuguero National Park
Cat News (78)
Arroyo-Arce, S.; Thomson, I.; Fernandez, C.; Salom-Perez, R. 2016 First record of a marine turtle predated by a jaguar in Pacuare Nature Reserve, Costa Rica
Cat News (64)
Arroyo-Arce, S.; Thomson, I.; Guy, D.; Searcy, A. 2019 First confirmed record of margay in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica
Cat News (69)
Artamonov, V.; Legky, S. 2020 Mammals of the region of the Buzkyi Gard National Park
Novitates Theriologicae (11)
Arthur, J. 2014 The utility of protected areas for large carnivore conservation
Full Book
Artois, M. 1980 Radio-pistage du renard et du chat forestier en lorraine
Bulletin Mensuel de l'Office de la chasse
Artois, M.; Remond, M. 1994 Viral diseases as a threat to free-living wild cats (Felis silvestris) in Continental Europe
Veterinary Record (134)
Artois, M.; Stahl, P. 1982 Un chat particulirement coopratif
Bulletin Mensuel de l'Office de la chasse
Arviazhagan, C.; Arumugam, R.; Thiyagesan, K. 2007 Food habits of leopard (_panthera pardus fusca_), dhole (_cuon alpinus_) and striped hyena (_hyaena hyaena_) in a tropical dry thorn forest of southern India
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (104)
Aryal, A.; Brunton, D.; Ji, W.; Barraclough, R.K.; Raubenheimer, D. 2014 Human-carnivore conflict: ecological and economical sustainability of predation on livestock by snow leopard and other carnivores in the Himalaya
Sustainability Science (9)
Aryal, A.; Brunton, D.; Ji, W.; Karmacharya, D.; McCarthy, T.; Bencini, R.; Raubenheimer, D. 2014 Multipronged strategy including genetic analysis for assessing conservation options for the snow leopard in the central Himalaya
Journal of Mammalogy (95)
Aryal, A.; Brunton, D.; Raubenheimer, D. 2013 Habitat assessment for the translocation of blue sheep to maintain a viable snow leopard population in the Mt Everest Region, Nepal
Zoology and Ecology (23)
Aryal, A.; Brunton, D.; Weihong, J.; Raubenheimer, D. 2014 Blue sheep in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal: habitat use, population biomass and their contribution to the carrying capacity of snow leopards
Integrative Zoology (9)
Aryal, A.; Kreigenhofer, B. 2009 Summer diet composition of the Common Leopard _Panthera pardus_ (Carnivora: Felidae) in Nepal 
JoTT Communication (1)
Aryal, A.; Shrestha, U.B.; Ji, W.; Ale, S.B.; Shrestha, S.; Ingty, T.; Maraseni, T.; Cockfield, G.; Raubenheimer, D. 2016 Predicting the distributions of predator (snow leopard) and prey (blue sheep) under climate change in the Himalaya
Ecology and Evolution (6)
Aryavand, A.; Fathpour, H. 2001 Preliminary survey of vascular plants and vertebrates of Muteh Wildlife Refuge, Isfahan Province
Journal of Water and Soil Science (5)
Arzate, E.M.; Davalos, L.I.I.; Gonzalez, C.A.L. 2011 High elevation records of ocelots (_Leopardus pardalis_) in Jalisco, Mexico
Mammalia (75)
Arzhanova, T.D.; Christie, S.; Shoemaker, A.H. 2001 Potential for the captive population of far eastern leopards to support recovery of wild leopard populations in the Russian Far East Session 3. Management of the Captive Population
Conference Proceeding
Asa, C.S. 1993 Relative contributions of urine and anal-sac secretions in scent marks of large felids
American Zoologist (33)
Asad Akhtar, S.; Tiwari, J.K. 1991 Food piracy by Jackal _canis aureus_ from a Jungle Cat_ felis chaus_ in Chhari-Dhandh, Kutch
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (88)
Asadi, H. 1997 The environmental limitations and future of the Asiatic cheetah in Iran
Full Book
Asadi, H. 1997 Some observation on hunting behaviours of the Iranian cheetah in captivity
Full Book
Ascencio, P.F.Q. 2002 Book review: Assessing demographic change for conservation purposes
Conservation Biology (16)
AscensÆo, F.; Desbiez, A.L.J.; Medici, E.P.; Bager, A. 2017 Spatial patterns of road mortality of medium-large mammals in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Wildlife Research (44)
Asean-Wen,; Traffic, 2008 Identification sheets for wildlife species traded in Southeast Asia
Full Book
Asefa, G.M. 2020 Community based ecotourism potentials for sustainable development in Gorgora, Ethiopia
Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism (11)
Ash, E.; Kaszta, Z.; Noochdumrong, A.; Redford, T.; Chanteap, P.; Hallam, C.; Jaroensuk, B.; Raksat, S.; Srinoppawan, K.; MacDonald, D.W. 2021 Opportunity for Thailand's forgotten tigers: assessment of the Indochinese tiger _Panthera tigris corbetti_ and its prey with camera-trap surveys
Oryx (55)
Ash, E.; Kaszta, Z.; Noochdumrong, A.; Redford, T.; MacDonald, D.W. 2020 Environmental factors, human presence and prey interact to explain patterns of tiger presence in Eastern Thailand
Animal Conservation
Ashan, M. 1990 Conservation of Asiatic lion
Zoo's Print (5)
Ashby, K.R.; Santiapillai, C. An outline strategy for the conservation of the tiger (panthera tigris) in southern Indonesia
Ashley, C.; Barnes, J. 1996 Wildlife Use for Economic Gain - the potential for wildlife to contribute to development in Namibia
Full Book
Ashraf, M. 2004 Mangrove forest & Wild tiger ecology: conservation implications
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)