IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Alexander, J.S.; Cusack, J.J.; Pengju, C.; Kun, S.; Riordan, P. 2016 Conservation of snow leopards: spill-over benefits for other carnivores?
Oryx (50)
Alexander, J.S.; Gopalaswamy, A.M.; Shi, K.; Hughes, J.; Riordan, P. 2016 Patterns of snow leopard site use in an increasingly human-dominated landscape
PLoS ONE (11)
Alexander, J.S.; Johansson, ™. 2023 Snow Leopard Network: 20 years of collaboration among practitioners
Oryx (57)
Alexander, J.S.; Shi, K.; Tallents, L.A.; Riordan, P. 2015 On the high trail: examining determinants of site use by the Endangered snow leopard _Panthera uncia_ in Qilianshan, China
Oryx (50)
Alexander, J.S.; Zhang, C.; Shi, K.; Riordan, P. 2016 A spotlight on snow leopard conservation in China
Integrative Zoology (11)
Alexander, J.S.; Zhang, C.; Shi, K.; Riordan, P. 2016 A granular view of a snow leopard population using camera traps in Central China
Biological Conservation (197)
Alexander, K.A. 2009 Successful intervention in a disease outbreak in the endangered Iberian lynx: what can we learn?
Animal Conservation (12)
Alexander, K.A.; McNutt, J.W.; Briggs, M.B.; Standers, P.E.; Funston, P.; Hemson, G.; Keet, D.; van Vuuren, M. 2010 Multi-host pathogens and carnivore management in southern Africa
Science Direct (33)
Alexander, P.D. 2016 Comparing conventional and noninvasive monitoring techniques for assessing cougar population size in the southern greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Full Book
Alexander, P.D.; Gese, E.M.; Quigley, H.; Thompson, D.; Elbroch, M. 2014 Camera trapping vs radio-telemetry: a comparison of noninvasive and invasive methods for monitoring cougar populations
Conference Proceeding
Alexander, R.R. 2000 Modelling species extiction: the case for non-consumptive values
Ecological Economics (35)
Alexander, S.E. 2000 Resident attitudes towards conservation and black howler monkey in Belize: the Community Baboon Sanctuary
Environmental Conservation (27)
Alexander, S.M. 2008 Snow-tracking and GIS: using multiple species-environment models to determine optimal wildlife crossing sites and evaluate highway mitigation plans on the Trans-Canada Highway
The Canadian Geographer (52)
Alexander, S.M.; Logan, T.B.; Paquet, P.C. 2006 Spatio-temporal co-occurrence of cougars, wolves and their prey during winter: a comparison of two analytical methods
Journal of Biogeography (33)
Alexeicheva, I.A. 2006 Some specifics and problems associated with captive management of Pallas' cats
Conference Proceeding
Alexeicheva, I.A. 2006 Environment enrichment for cats at the Moscow Zoo
Conference Proceeding
Alfaya, P.; de Pablo, C.T.L.; de Agar, P.M.; Alonso, G. 2020 Assessing the influence of ecological interaction patterns among habitat types on species distribution: studying the Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_ Temminck 1827) in central Spain
Landscape Ecology (35)
Alfaya, P.; Invernon, A.; Alonso, G. 2020 Iberian Lynx _Lynx pardinus_ Temminck, 1827 (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in central Spain: trophic niche of an isolated population
Journal of Threatened Taxa (12)
Alfonso-Reyes, A.F. 2013 Abundƒncia relativa, padräes de atividade e uso de habitat de on‡a-pintada e on‡a-parda no norte da Amaz“nia Brasileira
Full Book
Alfred, J.R.B.; Ramakrishna,; Pradhan, M.S. 2006 Validation of Threatened Mammals of India
Full Book
Alhambra Silva Arimoro, O. 2015 Use of geotechnologies applied in studies of occupancy and connectivity models for medium and larger mammals in Cerrado
Full Book
Alho, C.J.R.; Camargo, G.; Fischer, E. 2011 Terrestrial and aquatic mammals of the Pantanal
Brazilian Journal of Biology (71)
Aliaga-Rossel, E.; Moreno, R.S.; Kays, R.W. 2006 Ocelot (_Leopardus pardalis_) Predation on Agouti (_Dasyprocta punctata_)
Biotropica (38)
Alibhai, S.K.; Jewell, Z.; Evans, J. 2017 The challenge of monitoring elusive large carnivores: an accurate and cost-effective tool to identify and sex pumas (_Puma concolor_) from footprints
PLoS ONE (12)
Alic, A.; Traversa, D.; Duscher, G.G.; Kadric, M.; di Cesare, A.; Hodzic, A. 2015 _Troglostrongylus brevior_ in an Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Parasites & Vectors (8)
Aliev, F. 1973 The Caucasian black cat, Felis silvestris caucasica Satunin, 1905
Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen
Alisha, A.; Minakshi, P.; Ranjan, K.; Prasad, G. 2014 Comparison of D-Loop gene for subspecies confirmation of tigers
Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences (2)
all members, 1996 Subramaniam Committee Report (Excerpts)
Book Chapter
Allan, C.W. 1906 Tigers hamstringing their prey before killing
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (16)
Allayarov, A.M. 1964 Data on the ecology and geographical distribution of the jungle cat in Uzbekistan
Uzbek Biological Journal
Allayarov, A.M. Information on the ecology and geographical distribution of the spotted cat in Uzbekistan
Uzbek Biological Journal
Alldredge, M.W. 2014 Cougar and bear demographics and human interactions in Colorado
Full Book
Allen, G.M. 1938 Carnivora - Felidae
Book Chapter
Allen, G.M. 1940 The south China tiger - Felis tigris amoyensis Hilzheimer
Book Chapter
Allen, G.M. 1929 Carnivora from the Asiatic Expeditions
American Museum Novitates (360)
Allen, G.O. 1921 Caracal and hunting leopard in Mirzapur, U. P
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (26)
Allen, J.A. 1903 A new deer and a new lynx from the state of Sinaola, Mexico
Bulletin American Museum of Natural History (19)
Allen, J.A. 1924 Carnivora collected by the American museum Congo expedition
Allen, J.A. 1924 Carnivora collected by the American museum Congo expedition (Plates)
Allen, L.A.; Wallace, C.F.; Wilmers, C.C. 2015 Patterns in bobcat (Lynx rufus) scent marking and communication behaviors
Journal of Ethology (33)
Allen, L.R.; Sparkes, E.C. 2001 The effect of dingo control on sheep and beef cattle in Queensland
Journal of Applied Ecology (38)
Allen, M.E.; Oftedal, O.T.; Earle, K.E.; Seidensticker, J.; Vilarin, L. Do maintenance energy requirements of felids reflect their feeding strategies?
Allen, M.L. 2014 The ecology and behaviour of pumas (_Puma concolor_) in Northern California, U.S.A
Full Book
Allen, M.L.; Elbroch, D.S.; Casady, D.S.; Wittmer, H.U. 2014 Seasonal variation in the feeding ecology of pumas (_Puma concolor_) in northern California
Canadian Journal of Zoology (92)
Allen, M.L.; Elbroch, L.M.; Casady, D.S.; Wittmer, H.K. 2015 Feeding and spatial ecology of mountain lions in the Mendocino National Forest, California
California Fish and Game (110)
Allen, M.L.; Elbroch, L.M.; Wilmers, C.C.; Wittmer, H.U. 2014 Trophic facilitation or limitation? Comparative effects of pumas and black bears on the scavenger community
PLoS ONE (9)
Allen, M.L.; Elbroch, L.M.; Wilmers, C.C.; Wittmer, H.U. 2015 The comparative effects of large carnivores on the acquisition of carrion by scavengers
The American Naturalist (185)
Allen, M.L.; Elbroch, L.M.; Wittmer, H.U. 2013 Encounter Competition between a Cougar,_ Puma concolor_, and a Western Spotted Skunk,_ Spilogale gracilis_
Canadian Field-Naturalist (127)
Allen, M.L.; Gunther, M.S.; Wilmers, C.C. 2017 The scent of your enemy is my friend? The acquisition of large carnivore scent by a smaller carnivore
Journal of Ethology (35)
Allen, M.L.; Hocevar, L.; de Groot, M.; Krofel, M. 2017 Where to leave a message? The selection and adaptive significance of scent-marking sites for Eurasian lynx
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (71)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)