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Andersson, K. 2003 Locomotor evolution in the Carnivora (Mammalia): evidence from the elbow joint
Full Book
Andersson, K. 2003 Aspects of locomotor evolution in the Carnivora (Mammalia) - Summary
Full Book
Andheria, A.P.; Karanth, K.U.; Kumar, N.S. 2007 Diet and prey profiles of three sympatric large carnivores in Bandipur Tiger Reserve, India
Journal of Zoology (273)
Andheria, A.P.; Karanth, K.U.; Kumar, S. 2007 Diet and Prey Profiles of Three Sympatric Large Carnivores in Bandipur Tiger Reserve, India
Conference Proceeding
Ando, A.; Camm, J.; Polasky, S.; Solow, A. 1998 Species Distributions, Land Values, and Efficient Conservation
Science (279)
Andrabi, S.M.H.; Maxwell, W.M.C. 2007 A review on reproductive biotechnologies for conservation of endangered mammalian species
Animal Reproduction Science (99)
Andrade Meneses, L.E. 2016 Identification of the habitat of the pampas cat _Leopardus pajeros_ (Desmarest, 1816), in the production Reserve of Fauna Chimborazo
Full Book
Andrade, R.P.; Salm, R.; Fran‡a, I.; Hernandez-Ruz, E.J. 2019 Accessibility do not explain abundance of medium and large-sized mammals in Terra Do Meio, Altamira, Par , Brazil
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (Nueva Serie) (35)
Andr‚, M.R. 2018 Diversity of Anaplasma and Ehrlichia/Neoehrlichia agents in terrestrial wild Carnivores worldwide: Implications for human and domestic animal health and wildlife conservation
Frontiers in Veterinary Science (5)
Andr‚, T.C.; Cechin, S.Z.; dos Santos, T.G. 2019 Anurans in the Brazilian Pampa biome: the first checklist from Biological Reserve of SÆo Donato and a summary on actual knowledge of conservation units
Herpetology Notes (12)
Andr‚n, H. 2011 Utbredning och trender i lodjurspopulationen i Skandinavien
Full Book
Andr‚n, H.; Chapron, G. 2011 Prognoser f”r lodjurspopulationen 2012 och 2013 i Sverige
Full Book
Andr‚n, H.; Hobbs, N.T.; Aronsson, M.; Br›seth, H.; Chapron, G.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Persson, J.; Nilsen, E.B. 2020 Harvest models of small populations of a large carnivore using Bayesian forecasting
Ecological Applications (30(3):e02063)
Andr‚n, H.; Liberg, O. 1999 Demografi och minsta livskraftiga population hos lodjur
Andr‚n, H.; Liberg, O. 2008 Slutrapport - Lodjursprojektet
Andr‚n, H.; Liberg, O. 2008 Den svenska lodjursstammen 2004-2008
Full Book
Andr‚n, H.; Liberg, O. 2009 Inventering av lodjur - felk„llor och naturlig variation
Vilt Och Fisk Fakta (5)
Andr‚n, H.; Liberg, O. 2015 Large impact of Eurasian lynx predation on roe deer population dynamics
PLoS ONE (10)
Andr‚n, H.; Liberg, O. 2024 Numerical response of predator to prey: Dynamic interactions and population cycles in Eurasian lynx and roe deer
Ecological Monographs (94)
Andr‚n, H.; Persson, J.; Mattisson, J.; Danell, A.C. 2011 Modelling the combined effect of an obligate predator and a facultative predator on a common prey: lynx_ Lynx lynx_ and wolverine _Gulo gulo_ predation on reindeer _Rangifer tarandus_
Wildlife Biology (17)
Andr‚n, H.; Samelius, G.; Segerstr”m, P.; Sk”ld, K.; Rauset, G.R.; Persson, J. 2011 Mortality and poaching of lynx in Sweden
Full Book
Andr‚n, H.; Svensson, L.; Liberg, O.; Hensel, H.; Hobbs, T.; Chapron, G. 2010 Den svenska lodjurspopulationen 2009-2010 samt prognoser f”r 2011-2012
Full Book
Andre, M.R.; Adania, C.H.; Allegretti, S.M.; Machado, R.Z. 2011 Hemoplasmas in wild canids and felids in Brazil
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (42)
Andreasen, A.M.; Beckmann, J.P.; Stewart, K.M.; Longland, W.; Lackey, C. 2014 Variation in prey selection and incidence of individual specialization on novel prey in the Great Basin
Conference Proceeding
Andreasen, A.M.; Stewart, K.M.; Longland, W.S.; Beckmann, J.P.; Forister, M.L. 2012 Identification of source-sink dynamics in mountain lions of the Great Basin
Molecular Ecology (21)
Andresen, L. 2015 Cheetah distribution, threats and landscape connectivity in south-western Mozambique
Full Book
Andresen, L. 2014 The influence of humans on the ecology of cheetah in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique
Full Book
Andresen, L.; Everatt, K.; Kerley, G. 2015 Preliminary report on the apex predators of Banhine National Park and the potential Limpopo-Banhine corridor
Full Book
Andresen, L.; Everatt, K.T.; Somers, M.J. 2014 Use of site occupancy models for targeted monitoring of the cheetah
Journal of Zoology (292)
Andresen, L.; Everatt, K.T.; Somers, M.J.; Purchase, G.K. 2012 Evidence for a resident population of cheetah in the Parque Nacional do Limpopo, Mozambique
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (42)
Andrews, C.J.; Thomas, D.G.; Yapura, J.; Potter, M.A. 2019 Reproductive biology of the 38 extant felid species: a review
Mammal Review (49)
Andrews, P.; Fernandez Jalvo, Y. 1997 Surface modifications of the Sima de los Huesos fossil humans
Journal of Human Evolution (33)
Andrian, A.G. 2014 Teknik Pemeliharaan dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Macan Tutul Jawa (_Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier, 1809) di Taman Satwa Cikembulan Garut
Full Book
Andriana, 2011 Potensi Populasi dan Karakteristik Habitat Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_, Pocock 1929) di Hutan Blangraweu - Ekosistem Ulu Masen, Provinsi Aceh
Full Book
Andriuskevicius, A. Occurrance of snow leopards in the Soviet Union
Full Book
Andr, M.R.; Adania, C.H.; Machado, R.Z.; Allegretti, S.M.; Felippe, P.A.N.; Silva, K.F.; Nakaghi, A.C.H.; Dagnone, A.S. 2009 Molecular Detection of Cytauxzoon spp. in Asymptomatic Brazilian Wild Captive Felids
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (45)
Andr, M.R.; Adania, C.H.; Teixeira, R.H.F.; Vargas, G.H.; Falcade, M.; Sousa, L.; Salles, A.R.; Allegretti, S.M.; Felippe, P.A.N.; Machado, R.Z. 2010 Molecular detection of _Hepatozoon_ spp. in Brazilian and exotic wild carnivores
Veterinary Parasitology (173)
Andrn, H.; Andersen, R.; Ahlqvist, P.; Kvam, T.; Liberg, O.; Linden, M.; Odden, J.; Overskaug, K.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Sergerstroem, P. 1997 The Scandinavian lynx project - Report 1997
Full Book
Andrn, H.; Linnell, J.; Odden, J. 2009 Compensation for carnivore killed reindeer and lynx survey
Conference Proceeding
Andrn, H.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Liberg, O.; Ahlqvist, P.; Andersen, R.; Danell, A.; Franzn, R.; Kvam, T.; Odden, J.; Segerstrm, P. 2002 Estimating total lynx _Lynx lynx _population size from censuses of family groups
Wildlife Biology (8)
Andrn, H.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Liberg, O.; Andersen, R.; Danell, A.; Karlsson, J.; Odden, J.; Moa, P.F.; Ahlqvist, P.; Kvam, T.; Franzen, R.; Segerstrm, P. 2006 Survival rates and causes of mortality in Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in multi-use landscapes
Biological Conservation (131)
Ang, B.B.; Charles, J.K. 2023 Distribution of the elusive Endangered flat-headed cat in Brunei Darussalam, Borneo
Cat News (78)
Ange-Jaramillo, C. 2013 Participatory approach for the conservation of biodiversity: theoretical foundations and practical elements in the first five years of implementation of the Feline Conservation Plan of the Colombian Caribbean (Enfoque participativo para la conservaci¢n de la biodiversidad: fundamentos te¢ricos y elementos pr cticos en el primer quinquenio de implementaci¢n del Plan de Conservaci¢n de Felinos del Caribe colombiano)
Book Chapter
Ange-Jaramillo, C.; Castano-Uribe, C. 2013 General framework of environmental education and practical applications of felines in the Colombian Caribbean (Marco general de la educaci¢n ambiental y aplicaciones pr cticas de los felinos en el Caribe colombiano)
Book Chapter
Angelici, F.M.; Akani, G.C.; Luiselli, L. 1998 The leopard (_Panthera pardus_) in southeastern Nigeria: status, ecological correlates of occurrence, and conservation implications
Italian Journal of Zoology (63)
Angelici, F.M.; Di Vittorio, M.; Petrozzi, F. New records of a threatened lion population (_Panthera leo_) in a West African National Park
African Zoology (47)
Angelici, F.M.; Mahama, A.; Rossi, L. 2015 The lion in Ghana: its historical and current status
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation (38)
Angelici, F.M.; Petrozzi, F. 2010 Lions in the Mole National Park in Ghana, Northern Region
Cat News (53)
Angelici, F.M.; Rossi, L. 2017 Further lion _(Panthera leo senegalensis, Meyer, 1826)_ sightings in Mole National Park, Ghana, and possible first serval (_Leptailurus serval Schreber, 1776)_ record after 39 years (_Mammalia Felidae_)
Biodiversity Journal (8)
Angelieri, C.C.S. 2011 Biodiversidade e planejamento de uso e ocupa‡Æo do solo: estudo de caso Brotas (SP)
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)