IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Angelieri, C.C.S. 2015 Large mammals' conservation and land use planning in SÆo Paulo State/Brazil
Full Book
Angelieri, C.C.S.; Adams-Hosking, C.; Paschoaletto, K.M.; de Barros Ferraz, M.; de Souza, M.P.; McAlpine, C.A. 2016 Using species distribution models to predict potential landscape restoration effects on puma conservation
PLoS ONE (11)
Angier, N. Improbably, the Tiger Survives
Angman, H. 2015 I tigerns rike - En landskapsvetenskaplig studie om tv† underarters populationsf”r„ndring och ekologiska v„rde f”r landskapet
Full Book
Angmo, K.; Adhikari, B.S.; Rawat, G.S. 2012 Sighting of a snow leopard in Sumdoh Valley, Ladakh
Cat News (57)
Angom, S. 2012 Demographic status and genetic variation of sangai (_Cervus eldi eldi_) in Keibul Lamjao National Park, Manipur
Full Book
Angrimani, D.S.R.; Barros, P.M.H.; Losano, J.D.A.; Cortada, C.N.M.; Bertolla, R.P.; Guimaraes, M.A.B.V.; Correa, S.H.R.; Barnabe, V.H.; Nichi, M. 2017 Effect of different semen extenders for the storage of chilled sperm in Tigrina (_Leopardus tigrinus_)
Theriogenology (89)
Angst, C. 1998 Predation by lynx on sheep in the Swiss Alps Workshop on human dimension in large carnivore conservation
Conference Proceeding
Angst, C.; Olsson, P.; Breitenmoser, U. 2000 Uebergriffe von Luchsen auf Kleinvieh und Gehegetiere in der Schweiz Teil 1: Entwicklung und Verteilung der Schaeden
Full Book
Angst, W. 1979 First progress report: Operation tiger
Full Book
Anile, S.; Amico, C.; Ragni, B. 2012 Population density estimation of the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) in Sicily using camera trapping
Wildlife Biology in Practice (8)
Anile, S.; Arrabito, C.; Mazzamuto, M.V.; Scornavacca, D.; Ragni, B. 2012 A non-invasive monitoring on European wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_ Schreber, 1777) in Sicily using hair trapping and camera trapping: does scented lure work?
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (23)
Anile, S.; Bizzarri, L.; Lacrimini, M.; Sforzi, A.; Ragni, B.; Devillard, S. 2018 Home-range size of the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_): a report from two areas in Central Italy
Mammalia (82)
Anile, S.; Bizzarri, L.; Ragni, B. 2009 Camera trapping the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) in Sicily (Southern Italy): preliminary results
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (20)
Anile, S.; Bizzarri, L.; Ragni, B. 2010 Estimation of European wildcat population size in Sicily (Italy) using camera trapping and capture-recapture analyses
Italian Journal of Zoology (77)
Anile, S.; Devillard, S. 2016 Study design and body mass influence RAIs from camera trap studies: evidence from the Felidae
Animal Conservation (19)
Anile, S.; Devillard, S. 2018 Camera-trapping provides insights into adult sex ratio variability in felids
Mammal Review (48)
Anile, S.; Devillard, S. 2020 Spatial variance-mass allometry of population density in felids from camera-trapping studies worldwide
Scientific Reports (10)
Anile, S.; Devillard, S.; Nielsen, C.K.; Valvo, M.L. 2020 Record of a 10-year old European Wildcat _Felis silvestris silvestris_ Schreber, 1777 (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) from Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy
Journal of Threatened Taxa (12)
Anile, S.; Ragni, B.; Randi, E.; Mattucci, F.; Rovero, F. 2014 Wildcat population density on the Etna volcano, Italy: a comparison of density estimation methods
The Zoological Society of London (293)
Anleu, R.G.; Mcnab, R.B.; Polisar, J.; Ramos, V.H.; Moreira, J.; Ponce-Santizo, G.; Duchez, K.; Escobar, R.; Santos, A. 2016 Estado del Jaguar en Guatemala
Book Chapter
Annenkov, B.P. 1990 The snow leopard (_Uncia uncia_) in the Dzungarsky Ala Tau
Int.Ped.Book of Snow leopards (6)
Anonymous, 2001 Mammals of Cat Tien National Park Vietnam
Anonymous, 2002 Mammals in the Maliau Basin
Full Book
Anonymous, 1996 Vietnam's tiger economy
The Economist (June 15th 1996)
Anonymous, Ocelot
Full Book
Anonymous, 1986 Field survey for tigers in Primorski krai
Full Book
Anonymous, 2005 Panna Tiger Census Controversy
Anonymous, 2002 Tiger surveys in Myanmar
Full Book
Anonymous, 1994 Mountain lions increase; so do human conflicts
National Geographic (December 1994)
Anonymous, 2000 Wildlife as Canon sees it
National Geographic
Anonymous, 2000 India's black market is alive - wildlife is not
National Geographic (July 2000)
Anonymous, 2003 Integrated Tiger Protection and Monitoring in Bukit Tigapuluh National Park of Sumatra, Indonesia. Part 1
Full Book
Anonymous, 2002 Cambodian Tiger Conservation Project
Full Book
Anonymous, 2002 Central Vietnam Tiger Corridor Project # (2002-0301-030)
Full Book
Anonymous, 2003 Arazpa Tiger Campaign
Full Book
Anonymous, 2005 Lomphat Conservation Project Continuation of wildlife conservation and park protection practices in Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia
Full Book
Anonymous, 2002 Hunter outreach and education in Russian Far Est
Full Book
Anonymous, 2010 Large Carnivore in the Caucasus
Full Book
Anonymous, 2003 Jambi Tiger Project Update July 2003: The first Sumatran Tiger radiocollared
Full Book
Anonymous, 2003 Project Jaguar: Fostering International Cooperation for Jaguar Conservation in Venezuela
Full Book
Anonymous, 2004 Pelestrarian Harimau Sumatera Kerinci Seblat - Report on Activities and Progress 2004
Full Book
Anonymous, 2003 Pelestarian Harimau Sumatera: Kerinci Seblat. Final programmatic report for project number 2001-0152-015 Grant Period May 2002- April 2003
Full Book
Anonymous, 2010 Biometry Report of Asiatic cheetah, Kalmand protected area
Full Book
Anonymous, 2005 Siberian Tiger Protection Efforts in 2005
Full Book
Anonymous, 2002 Report on Tiger, Rhino and Elephant Law Enforcement Workshop Cipayung, Bogor, Indonesia August 2002
Full Book
Anonymous, 2004 Rhinoceros & Tiger Conservation Summary Report 2001-2003
Full Book
Anonymous, New Technologies: GPS Collars
Full Book
Anonymous, 2001 Operation Amba - Siberian Tiger Protection Efforts in 2001
Full Book
Anonymous, 2003 Operation Amba Siberian Tiger Protection III
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)