IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Damania, R.; Bulte, E.H. 2001 The economics of captive breeding and endangered species conservation
Damania, R.; Seidensticker, J.; Whitten, T.; Sethi, G.; MacKinnon, K.; Kiss, A.; Kushlin, A. 2008 A future for wild tigers
Full Book
Damania, R.; Stringer, R.; Karanth, K.U.; Stith, B. 2003 The Economics of Protecting Tiger Populations: Linking Household Behaviour to Poaching and Prey Depletion
Full Book
Damania, R.; Stringer, R.; Karanth, K.U.; Stith, B. 2001 The economics of protecting tiger populations: linking household behaviour to poaching and prey depletion
Full Book
Damasceno, J.; Genaro, G.; Quirke, T.; McCarthy, S.; McKeown, S.; O'Riordan, R. 2017 The effects of intrinsic enrichment on captive felids
Zoo Biology (36)
Damm, G. 2004 African indaba
Afircan Indaba e-Newsletter (2)
Damm, G.R. 2005 Hunting in South Africa: Facts, Risks, Opportunities
African Indaba e-Newsletter (3)
Damodaran, A. 2007 The Project Tiger Crisis in India: Moving Away from the Policy and Economics of Selectivity
The White Horse Press (16)
Damodaran, A. 2008 Risk management instruments for debt driven conservation efforts: The case of India`s Project Tiger
Ecological Economics (68)
Danell, A.C.; Andr‚n, H. 2010 Precision beats interval: appropriate monitoring efforts for management of a harvested Eurasian lynx_ __Lynx lynx_ population
Wildlife Biology (16)
Danell, A.C.; Andr‚n, H.; Segerstr”m, P.; Franz‚n, R. 2006 Space use by Eurasian lynx in relation to reindeer migration
Canadian Journal of Zoology (84)
Dang, N.X.; Nghia, N.X.; Lam, P.T. 2006 Results of status assessment of Francois langur and other primates in Tam Dao National Park
Full Book
Daniel, J.C. 1995 The leopards of the Sanjay Gandhi National Park
Daniel, J.C. 1970 The Tiger in India: An enquiry 1968 - 1969
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (67)
Daniels, M.J.; Balharry, D.; Hirst, D.; Kitchener, A.C.; Aspinall, R.J. 1998 Morphological and pelage characteristics of wild living cats in Scotland: implications for defining the "wildcat"
Journal of Zoology (244)
Daniels, M.J.; Beaumont, M.A.; Johnson, P.J.; Balharry, D.; MacDonald, D.W.; Barrat, E.M. 2001 Ecology and genetics of wild-living cats in the north-east of Scotland and the implications for the conservation of the wildcat
Journal of Applied Ecology (38)
Daniels, M.J.; Golder, M.C.; Jarrett, O.; MacDonald, D.W. 1999 Feline viruses in wildcats from Scottland
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (35)
Daniels, M.J.; Wright, T.C.M.; Bland, K.P.; Kitchener, A.C. 2002 Seasonality and reproduction in wild-living cats in Scotland
Acta Theriologica (47)
Daniels, R.J.R. 1998 Wildlife research Seminar 466 - Reconciling the needs of man and wildlife in India
Conference Proceeding
Danielsen, F.; Mendoza, M.M.; Alviola, P.; Belete, D.S.; Enghoff, M.; Poulsen, K.; Jensen, A.E. 2003 Biodiversity monitoring in developing countries: what are we trying to achieve?
Oryx (37)
Danilov, P.; Tirronen, K. 2011 Large predators in the Russian North-West
Beitr„ge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung (36)
Danilov-Danilyan, V.I. 1998 Strategies for saving the far eastern leopard in Russia
Full Book
Dany, C.; Divan, N.; Chase-Grey, J.N.; Nowell, K.; Sovanna, P.; Weiler, H. 2006 Cambodia Community Wildlife Ranger tiger and elephant Conservation Program
Full Book
Dany, C.; Divan, N.; Grey, J.C.; Nowell, K.; Sovanna, P.; Weiler, H. 2006 Cambodia Community Wildlife Ranger Tiger and Elephant Conservation Program Final Report May 1, 2003-August 31, 2005
Full Book
Dao, V.T. The status of the leopard, Panthera pardus, in Vietnam
Full Book
Daoust, P.-Y.; McBurney, S.R.; Godson, D.L.; van de Bildt, M.W.G.; Osterhaus, A.D.M.E. 2009 Canine distemper virus-associated encephalitis in free-living lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) and bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) of eastern Canada
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (45)
Dar, M.A. 2021 Study of human-wildlife conflict in Kashmir valley with special reference to leopard and Asiatic black bear
Full Book
Dar, N.I.; Minhas, R.A.; Zaman, Q.; Linkie, M. 2009 Predicting the patterns, perceptions and causes of human-carnivore conflict in and around Machaira National Park, Pakistan
Biological Conservation (142)
Dare, O.K.; Watkins, W.G. 2012 First record of parasites from cougars (_Puma concolor_) in Manitoba, Canada
The Canadian Field-Naturalist (126)
Darehshuri, B.F. 1978 Threatened cats of Asia: Asiatic Cheetah
Wildlife (London) (20)
Darman, Y.; Williams, L. (eds) 2003 Conservation Action Plan for the Russian Far East Ecoregion Complex - Part 2: NGO Joint Action Plan
Full Book
Darman, Y.A. 2001 Priority Activities to improve territorial protection of the Far Eastern Leopard Session 1.Managing Leopard Habitat in SW Primorski Krai
Conference Proceeding
Darman, Y.A.; Krechmar, M.A.; Fomenko, P.V. 2006 Conservation of Amur tiger habitat and prey base
Conference Proceeding
Darman, Y.A.; Purekhovsky, A.G.; Barma, A.Y. 2018 Tiger Econet - the results of the protected areas network formation for Amur tiger
Conference Proceeding
Darmaraj, M.R. 2007 Tiger Monitoring Study in Gunung Basor Forest Reserve, Jeli, Kelantan
Full Book
Darmaraj, M.R.; Shariff, W.M. 2009 The importance of selectively logged forests for tiger _Panthera tigris_ conservation: a population density estimate in Peninsular Malaysia
Oryx (43)
Darnell, A.M.; Graf, J.A.; Somers, M.J.; Slotow, R.; Szykman Gunther, M. 2014 Space use of African wild dogs in relation to other large carnivores
PLoS ONE (9)
Das, A.; Krishnaswamy, J.; Bawa, K.S.; Kiran, M.C.; Sriniva, V.; Kumar, N.S.; Karanth, K.U. 2006 Prioritisation of conservation areas in the Western Ghats, India
Biological Conservation (133)
Das, C.S. 2012 Tiger straying incidents in Indian Sundarban: statistical analysis of case studies as well as depredation caused by conflict
European Journal of Wildlife Research (58)
Das, I. 1998 Animal farm Seminar 466 - Reconciling the needs of man and wildlife in India
Conference Proceeding
Das, J.P.; Chakdar, B.; Boruah, A. 2021 A tiger with an unusual body colouration in Kaziranga Tiger Reserve, India
Cat News (72)
Das, P.K.; Sanyal, P. 1995 Assessment of stable pug measurement parameters for identification of tigers
Tiger Paper (22 )
Das, S.K.; Dutta, D.K.; Borthakur, S.K.; Saha, R.; Sharma, T.; Chanchani, P.; Sarmah, A.; Sarmah, A.C.; Swargowari, A. 2021 First picture of tiger outside core area (Ripu reserve forest) in Manas Tiger Reserve, India
Cat News (73)
Das, S.K.; Saha, R.; Mukherjee, S.; Danda, A.A.; Borah, J. 2017 First estimates of fishing cat abundance and density in Lothian WS, Sundarbans, India
Cat News (66)
Das, S.K.; Sarkar, P.K.; Saha, R.; Vyas, P.; Danda, A.A.; Vattakavan, J. 2012 Status of tigers in Sundarban Biospere Reserve, 24-Parganas (South) Forest Division, Wet Bengal, India
Full Book
Das, S.K.; Sarkar, P.K.; Saha, R.; Vyas, P.; Danda, A.A.; Vattakavan, J. 2012 Status of tigers in 24-Parganas (South) Forest Division, Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, West Bengal, India
Full Book
Das, S.K.; Sarkar, P.K.; Saha, R.; Vyas, P.; Danda, A.A.; Vattakaven, J. 2012 First photographic capture of melanistic leopard cat in the Sundarbans
Cat News (57)
Dasan, Y. 1999 Woman tapper dies after attack by tiger 
Daszak, P.; Cunningham, A.A.; Hyatt, A.D. 2000 Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife - threats to biodiversity and human health
Science (287)
Datta, A. 1998 Evidence of Clouded Leopard _neofelis nebulosa_ in Pakhui Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachai Pradesh
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (95)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)