IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Douglas, E.M. Significance of the feline leukemia comples in exotic cats
Conference Proceeding
Douglas, L.R.; Alie, K. 2014 High-value natural resources: linking wildlife conservation to international conflict, insecurity, and development concerns
Biological Conservation (171)
Dougoud, M.; Mazza, C.; Schwaller, B.; Pecze, L. 2017 The phenomenon of growing surface interference explains the rosette pattern of jaguar
Quantitative Biology
Downey, P. 2005 The margay of El Cielo
Wild Cat News
Downey, P.J. 2005 Hair-snare survey to assess distribution of margay (_Leopardus wiedii_) inhabiting el Cielo Biosphere Reserve, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Full Book
Downey, P.J.; Hellgren, E.C.; Caso, A.; Carvajai, S.; Frangioso, K. 2007 Hair snares for noninvasive sampling of felids in North America: do gray foxes affect success?
Journal of Wildlife Management (71)
Downing, R.L. 1981 The current status of the cougar in the southern Appalachian
Conference Proceeding
Downing, R.L. 1996 Investigation to Determine the Status of the Cougar in the Southern Appalachians
Conference Proceeding
Downing, R.L. 1996 The Cougar in the East
Conference Proceeding
Downs, J.A.; Heller, J.H.; Loraamm, R.; Stein, D.O.; McDaniel, C.; Onorato, D. 2012 Accuracy of home range estimators for homogeneous and inhomogeneous point patterns
Ecological Modelling (225)
Dragesco-Joffe, A. 1993 Le Gu‚pard saharien, un F‚lin ‚gar‚ en enfer
Book Chapter
Dragesco-Joffe, A. 1993 Le Lynx caracal, une bete superbe et secrŠte
Book Chapter
Dragesco-Joffe, A. 1993 Le chat des sables, un redoutable chasseur de serpents
Book Chapter
Dragesco-Joffe, A. 1993 The sand cat - a formidable snake hunter
Book Chapter
Dragesco-Joffe, A. 1993 The African wild cat, strain of the domestic cat
Book Chapter
Dragesco-Joffe, A. 1993 The African Wildcat, ancestor of the domestic cat
Book Chapter
Drake-Brockman, R.E. 1910 The mammals of Somaliland
Full Book
Drakpa, R.; Dhendup, T. 2021 Camera trap records a tiger close to Phrumsengla National Park in Central Bhutan
Cat News (72)
Dratch, P.A.; Roslund, W.; Martenson, J.S.; Culver, M.; O'Brien, S.J. 1996 Molecular genetic identification of a Mexican Onza specimen as a Puma (Puma concolor)
Interdisciplinary Journal of the International Society of Cryptozoology (12)
Drechsler, M.; Waetzold, F. 2001 The importance of economic costs in the development of guidelines for spatial conservation management
Biological Conservation (97)
Dresser, B.L. 1989 Indian Desert Cat Birth Makes History
International Zoo News (215)
Dresser, B.L.; Gelwicks, E.J.; Wachs, K.B.; Keller, G.L. 1988 First Successful Transfer of Cryopreserved Feline (Felis catus) Embryos Resultiong in Live Offspring
Journal of Experimental Zoology (246)
Dresser, B.L.; Gelwicks, E.J.; Wachs, K.B.; Keller, G.L. 1988 Embryo cryopreservation and transfer in the domestic cat (Felis catus)
Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination
Dresser, B.L.; Gelwicks, E.J.; Wachs, K.B.; Keller, G.L. 1989 Cryopreservation and transfer of embryos of the domestic cat (Felis catus) In:Dog and cat reproduction, contraception and atrificial insemination - Proceedings of the First International Symposium on canine and feline reproduction held at Triniy College, Dublin, Ireland
Conference Proceeding
Dresser, B.L.; Gosselin, S.J.; Setchell, K.D.R.; Kramer, L.W.; Johnston, O.J.; Tarr, M.J.; Balistreri, W.F. 1985 Possible cause of infertility in captive cheetah
Conference Proceeding
Dresser, B.L.; Kramer, L.W.; Reece, B.; Russell, P.T. 1982 Induction of ovulation and successful artificial insemination in a Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor)
Zoo Biology (1)
Dresser, B.L.; Kramer, L.W.; Russell, P.T.; Reed, G.; Reece, B. 1981 Superovulation and artificial insemination in Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris), African lions (Panthera leo) and a Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor)
Conference Proceeding
Dresser, B.L.; Sehlhorst, C.S.; Keller, G.L.; Kramer, L.W.; Reece, B. 1987 Artificial insemination and embryo transfer in the Felidae
Book Chapter
Dresser, B.L.; Sehlhorst, C.S.; Wachs, K.B.; Keller, G.L.; Gelwicks, E.J.; Turner, J.L. 1987 Hormonal stimulation and embryo collection in the domestic cat (Felis catus)
Theriogenology (28)
Drew, S.J.; Perpi¤ n, D.; Baily, J. 2016 Concurrent Transitional Meningioma and Ceruminous Gland Adenocarcinoma in a Scottish Wildcat Hybrid (_Felis silvestris_)
Journal of Comparative Pathology (154)
Driciru, M.; Siefert, L.; Prager, K.C.; Dubovi, E.; Sande, R.; Princee, F.; Friday, T.; Munson, L. 2006 A Serosurvey of Viral Infections in Lions (_Panthera leo_), from Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (42)
Dricuru, M. 1999 The lions of Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda - their demographic and health status and relationships with people
Full Book
Dricuru, M.; Katabarwa, D.; Kisolo, D.; Lutaaya, B.; Pomeroy, D.; Tushabe, H. 2000 The lions of Queen Elizabeth National Park - Uganda - their demographic and health status and relationships with people
African Lion News - The newsletter of the AFRICAN lion working group (2)
Drieux-Dumont, A.-M. 2002 Etude pr‚liminaire du statut du gu‚pard du Sahara (Acinonyx jubatus), Adrar des Iforas, Mali
Conference Proceeding
Driscoll, C. An Appeal for Wildcat Samples and project Description
Driscoll, C.; Yamaguchi, N.; O'Brien, S.J.; MacDonald, D.W. 2011 A Suite of Genetic Markers Useful in Assessing Wildcat (_Felis silvestris_ ssp.)- Domestic Cat (_Felis silvestris catus_) Admixture
Journal of Heredity (102)
Driscoll, C.A. 2011 Phylogenetics and conservation of the wildcat, _Felis silvestris _and Caspian tiger, _Panthera tigris virgata_
Full Book
Driscoll, C.A.; Chestin, I.; Jungius, H.; Pereladova, O.; Darman, Y.; Dinerstein, E.; Seidensticker, J.; Sanderson, J.; Christie, S.; Luo, S.J.; Shrestha, M.; Zhuravlev, Y.; Uphyrkina, O.; Jhala, Y.V.; Yadav, S.P.; Pikunov, D.G.; Yamaguchi, N.; Wildt, D.E.; Smith, J.L.D.; Marker, L.L.; Nyhus, P.J.; Tilson, R.; MacDonald, D.W.; O'Brien, S.J. 2012 A postulate for tiger recovery: the case of the Caspian Tiger
JoTT Opinion (4)
Driscoll, C.A.; MacDonald, D.W.; O'Brien, S.J. 2009 From wild animals to domestic pets, an evolutionary view of domestication
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (106)
Driscoll, C.A.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Nelson, G.; Goldstein, D.; O'Brien, S.J. 2002 Genomic microsatellites as evolutionary chronometers: a test in wild cats
Genome Research (12)
Driscoll, C.A.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Roca, A.L.; Hupe, K.; Johnson, W.E.; Geffen, E.; Harley, E.; Delibes, M.; Pontier, D.; Kitchener, A.C.; Yamaguchi, N.; O'Brien, S.J.; Macdonald, D. 2007 Worldwide Phylogeography of the Wildcat, _Felis silvestris_, Suggests a Near Eastern Origin of Cat Domestication
Conference Proceeding
Driscoll, C.A.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Roca, A.L.; Hupe, K.; Johnson, W.E.; Geffen, E.; Harley, E.; Delibes, M.; Pontier, D.; Kitchener, A.C.; Yamaguchi, N.; O'Brien, S.J.; Macdonald, D. 2007 The Near Eastern Origin of Cat Domestication
Science express
Driscoll, C.A.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Roca, A.L.; Hupe, K.; Johnson, W.E.; Geffen, E.; Harley, E.; Delibes, M.; Pontier, D.; Kitchener, A.C.; Yamaguchi, N.; O'Brien, S.J.; Macdonald, D. 2007 The Near Eastern Origin of Cat Domestication - Supporting Online Material
Science express
Driscoll, C.A.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Roca, A.L.; Hupe, K.; Johnson, W.E.; Geffen, E.; Harley, E.; Delibes, M.; Pontier, D.; Kitchener, A.C.; Yamaguchi, N.; O'Brien, S.J.; Macdonald, D. 2007 The Near Eastern Origin of Cat Domestication - suppl. Fig S1 xls-sheet
Science express
Driscoll, C.A.; Menotti-Raymond, M.; Roca, A.L.; Hupe, K.; Johnson, W.E.; Geffen, E.; Harley, E.; Delibes, M.; Pontier, D.; Kitchener, A.C.; Yamaguchi, N.; O'Brien, S.J.; Macdonald, D. 2007 The Near Eastern Origin of Cat Domestication - suppl. Fig S2 xls-sheet
Science express
Driscoll, C.A.; Yamaguchi, N.; Kahila Bar-Gal, G.; Roca, A.L.; Luo, S.; Macdonald, D.; O'Brien, S.J. 2009 Mitochondrial Phylogeography Illuminates the Origin of the Extinct Caspian Tiger and Its Relationship to the Amur Tiger
PLoS ONE (4)
Droege, E.; Creel, S.; Becker, M.S.; Loveridge, A.J.; Sousa, L.L.; MacDonald, D.W. Assessing the performance of index calibration survey methods to monitor populations of wide-ranging low-density carnivores
Ecology and Evolution (10)
Drolet, C.A. 1990 Biological survey of Nigeria. Final Report
Full Book
Drouilly, M. (ed) 2019 Action Plan for the Conservation of the Lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in France - Proposals to be implemented by the State in the framework of an NPA
Full Book
Drouilly, M.; Horion, R.; Pryce-Fitchen, K.; Pickles, R.; Whittington-Jones, G.; Asamoah Boateng, B.; Mahama, A.; Mann, G.; Henschel, P. 2023 Wild cat species in flux: from tradition to trade in Ghanaian markets
Cat News (78)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)