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            766 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Drouilly, M.; Nattrass, N.; O'Riain, M.J. 2018 Dietary niche relationships among predators on farmland and a protected area
Journal of Wildlife Management (82)
Drouilly, M.; Nattrass, N.; O'Riain, M.J. 2021 Beauty or beast? Farmers' dualistic views and the influence of aesthetic appreciation on tolerance towards black-backed jackal and caracal
PLoS ONE (16(3): e0248977)
Drouilly, M.; Nattrass, N.; O'Riain, M.J. 2019 Global positioning system location clusters vs. scats: comparing dietary estimates to determine mesopredator diet in a conflict framework
Journal of Zoology (310 )
Drouilly, M.; Nattrass, N.; O'Riain, M.J. 2023 Small-livestock farmers' perceived effectiveness of predation control methods and the correlates of reported illegal poison use in the South Africna Karoo
Ambio (52)
Drouilly, M.; O'Riain, M.J. 2021 Rewilding the world's large carnivores without neglecting the human dimension. A response to reintroducing the Eurasian lynx to southern Scotland, England and Wales
Biodiversity and Conservation (30)
Drouilly, M.; Tafani, M.; Nattrass, N.; O'Riain, J. 2018 Spatial, temporal and attitudinal dimensions of conflict between predators and small-livestock farmers in the Central Karoo
African Journal of Range & Forage Science (35)
Druce, D.; Genis, H.; Braak, J.; Greatwood, S.; Delsink, A.; Kettles, R.; Hunter, L.; Slotow, R. 2004 Population demography and spatial ecology of a reintroduced lion population in the Greater Makalali Conservancy, South Africa
Koedoe (47)
Druce, D.; Genis, H.; Braak, J.; Greatwood, S.; Delsink, A.; Kettles, R.; Hunter, L.; Slotow, R. 2004 Prey selection by a reintroduced lion population in the Greater Makalali Conservancy, South Africa
African Zoology (39)
Drucker, G.R.F. 1991 The Barbary Leopard _Panthera pardus barbarus_
Full Book
Drucker, G.R.F. 1985 Ecology of the Bou Tferda gorge: a feasibility study relating to the release of captive bred mammals
Full Book
du Plessis, H.; Smit, G.N. 2002 The development and final testing of an electrified leopard proof game fence on the farm Masequa
Full Book
du Plessis, J.J.; Avenant, N.L.; Botha, A.J.; Mkhize, N.R.; Mueller, L.; Mzileni, N.; O'Rain, M.J.; Parker, D.M.; Potgieter, G.; Richardson, P.R.K.; Rode, S.C.; Viljoen, N.; Hawkins, H.-J.; Tafani, M. 2018 Past and current management of predation on livestock
Book Chapter
du Preez, B.; Hart, T.; Loveridge, A.J.; MacDonald, D.W. 2014 Impact of risk on animal behaviour and habitat transition probabilities
Animal Behaviour (100)
du Preez, B.; Loveridge, A.J.; MacDonald, D.W. 2014 Making the best of camera-trap surveys in an imperfect world: a reply to Balme et al
Biological Conservation (179)
du Preez, B.D.; Loveridge, A.J.; MacDonald, D.W. 2014 To bait or not to bait: A comparison of camera-trapping methods for estimating leopard _Panthera pardus_ density
Biological Conservation (176)
du Preez, J.S. 1970 Report on the feeding and release of 30 cheetah in Etosha
Full Book
du Toit, J.T.; Walker, B.H.; Campbell, B.M. 2004 Conserving tropical nature: current challenges for ecologists
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (19)
Duangchantrasiri, S.; Umponjan, M.; Simcharoen, A.; Pattanavibool, A.; Chaiwattana, S.; Maneerat, S.; Kumar, N.S.; Jathanna, D.; Srivathsa, A.; Karanth, K.U. 2015 Dynamics of a low-density tiger population in Southeast Asia in the context of improved law enforcement
Conservation Biology (30)
Duangchatrasiri, S.; Jornburom, P.; Jinamoy, S.; Pattanvibool, A.; Hines, J.E.; Arnold, T.W.; Fieberg, J.; Smith, J.L.D. 2019 Impact of prey occupancy and other ecological and anthropogenic factors on tiger distribution in Thailand's western forest complex
Ecology and Evolution (9)
Duarte, A.; Fernandes, M.; Santos, N.; Tavares, L. 2012 Virological survey in free-ranging wildcats and feral domestic cats in Portugal
Veterinary Microbiology (158)
Duarte, I.; Dias, S.; Castro Rego, F. 2018 Relacao entre territorio e territorialidade do Lince-iberico re-introduzido em Portugal - Factores determinantes na identificacao de areas provaveis de recolonizacao
Conference Proceeding
Duarte, M.D.; Barros, S.C.; Henriques, M.; Fernandes, T.L.; Bernardino, R.; Monteiro, M.; Fevereiro, M. 2009 Fatal infection with feline panleukopenia virus in two captive wild carnivores (_Panthera tigris_ and _Panthera leo_)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (40)
Dubach, J. 1996 Lion genetics
Dubach, J.; Patterson, B.D.; Briggs, M.B.; Venzke, K.; Flamand, J.; Stander, P.; Scheepers, L.; Kays, R.W. 2005 Molecular genetic variation across the southern and eastern geographic ranges of the African lion, _Panthera leo_
Conservation Genetics (6)
Dubach, J.M.; Briggs, M.B.; White, P.A.; Ament, B.A.; Patterson, B.D. 2013 Genetic perspectives on "Lion Conservation Units" in Eastern and Southern Africa
Conservation Genetics (14)
Dubey, J.P.; Alvarado-Esquivel, C.; Herrera-Valenzuela, V.H.; Ortiz-Diaz, J.J.; Oliveira, S.; Verma, S.K.; Choudhary, S.; Kwok, O.C.H.; Su, C. 2013 A new atypical genotype mouse virulent strain of Toxoplasma gondii isolated from the heart of a wild caught puma (_Felis concolor_) from Durango, Mexico
Veterinary Parasitology (197)
Dubey, J.P.; Houk, A.E.; Verma, S.K.; Calero-Bernal, R.; Humphreys, J.G.; Lindsay, D.S. 2015 Experimental transmission of _Cystoisospora felis_-like coccidium from bobcat to the domestic cat
Veterinary Parasitology (211)
Dubey, J.P.; Pas, A.; Rajendran, C.; Kwok, O.C.H.; Ferreira, L.R.; Martins, J.; Hebel, C.; Hammer, S.; Su, C. 2010 Toxoplasmosis in Sand cats_ (Felis margarita) _and other animals in the Breeding Centre for Endangered Arabian Wildlife in the United Arab Emirates and Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation, the State of Qatar
Veterinary Parasitology (172)
Dubey, J.P.; Quirk, T.; Pitt, J.A.; Sundar, N.; Velmurugan, G.V.; Kwok, O.C.H.; Leclair, D.; Hills, R.; Su, C. 2008 Isolation and genetic characterization of toxoplasma gondii from raccoons (_Procyn rocyon lotor_), cats (_Felis domesticus_), striped skunk (_Mephitis mephitis_), black bear (_Ursus americanus_), and cougar (_Puma concolor_) from Canada
Journal of Parasitology (94)
Dubey, Y. 1999 Sighting of rustyspotted cat _Prionailurus rubiginosus_ in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (96)
Dubois, N.; Caldas, A.; Boshoven, J.; Delach, A. 2011 Integrating climate change vulnerability assessments into adaptation planning - A case study using the NatureServe Climate Change Vulnerability Index to inform conservation planning for species in Florida
Full Book
Duc, H.D. 1991 Current status in Vietnam, 1991
Full Book
Duckler, G.L. 1998 An unsusual osteological formation in the posteriour skulls of captive tigers (_Panthera tigris_)
Zoo Biology (17)
Duckworth, J.W. 1997 Small carnivores in Laos: A status review with notes on ecology, behaviour and conservation
Small carnivore conservation (16)
Duckworth, J.W.; Batters, G.; Belant, J.L.; Bennett, E.L.; Brunner, J.; Burton, J.; Challender, D.W.S.; Cowling, V.; Duplaix, N.; Harris, J.D.; Hedges, S.; Long, B.; Mahood, S.P.; McGowan, P.J.K.; McShea, W.J.; Oliver, W.L.R.; Perkin, S.; Rawson, B.M.; Shepherd, C.R.; Stuart, S.N.; Talukdar, B.K.; van Dijk, P.P.; Vie, J.-C.; Walston, J.L.; Whitten, T.; Wirth, R. 2012 Why South-east Asia should be the world's priority for averting imminent species extinctions, and a call to join a developing cross-institutional programme to tackle this urgent issue
S.A.P.I.En.S (5)
Duckworth, J.W.; Fredriksson, G.; Heydon, M.; Alfred, R.; Boonratana, R.; Eaton, J.; Hall, J.; Marshall, A.J.; Nakashima, Y.; Samejima, H.; Augeri, D.M.; Cheyne, S.M.; Hearn, A.J.; Lim, N.T.-L.; Mathai, J.; Ross, J.; Rustam,; Belant, J.L.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Wilting, A. 2016 Predicted distribution of small-toothed palm civet Arctogalidia trivirgata (Mammalia: Carnivora: Viverridae) on Borneo
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33)
Duckworth, J.W.; Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; Samejima, H.; Mohamed, A.; Cheyne, S.M.; Alfred, R.; Augeri, D.M.; Mathai, J.; Heydon, M.; Boonratana, R.; Rustam,; Semiadi, G.; van Berkel, T.; Brodie, J.F.; Giordano, A.; Eaton, J.; Fredriksson, G.; Hall, J.; Hon, J.J.; Nakashima, Y.; MacDonald, D.W.; Belant, J.L.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Wilting, A. 2016 Predicted distribution of short-tailed mongoose _Herpestes brachyurus_ (Mammalia: Carnivorea: Herpestidae) on Borneo
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33)
Duckworth, J.W.; Hedges, S. 1998 Tracking Tigers
Full Book
Duckworth, J.W.; Lynam, A.J.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C. 2014 Non-_Panthera_ cats in South-east Asia: present knowledge and recommendations
Cat News (Special Issue 8)
Duckworth, J.W.; Poole, C.M.; Tizard, R.J.; Walston, J.L.; Timmins, R.J. 2005 The jungle cat Felis chaus in Indochina: a threatened population of a widespread and adaptable species
Biodiversity and Conservation (14)
Duckworth, J.W.; Salter, R.E.; Khounboline, K. (eds) 1999 Wildlife in Lao PDR: 1999 Status Report
Full Book
Duckworth, J.W.; Samejima, H.; Semiadi, G.; Hearn, A.J.; Ross, J.; Fredriksson, G.; Cheyne, S.M.; Heydon, M.; Augeri, D.M.; Brodie, J.; Giordiano, A.; Nakashima, Y.; Boonratana, R.; Hon, J.; Marshall, A.J.; Mathai, J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Belant, J.L.; Kramer-Schadt, S.; Wilting, A. 2016 Predicted distribution of banded linsang _Prionodon linsang_ (Mammalia: Carnivora: Prionodontidae) on Borneo
Raffles bulletin of Zoology (33)
Duckworth, J.W.; Shepherd, C.R.; Semiadi, G.; Schauenberg, P.; Sanderson, J.; Roberton, S.I.; O'Brien, T.G.; Maddox, T.; Linkie, M.; Holden, J.; Brickle, N.W. 2009 Does the fishing cat inhabit Sumatra?
Cat News (51)
Duckworth, J.W.; Stones, T.; Tizard, R.; Watson, S.; Wolstencroft, J. 2010 Does the fishing cat inhabit Laos?
Cat News (52)
Dudley, J.P. 2002 Book review: Issues and priorities for mammal conservation
Conservation Biology (16)
Dudley, J.P.; Ginsberg, J.R.; Plumptre, A.J.; Hart, J.A.; Campos, L.C. 2002 Effects of war and civil strife on wildlife and wildlife habitats
Conservation Biology (16)
Dueck, H. 1990 Carnivore conservation - a proposal for the Canadian Rockies - Final report
Full Book
Duffy, J.E. 2002 Biodiversity and ecosystem function: the consumer connection
Oikos (99)
Duke, J.A. 1921 Tigress attacking a sloth bear
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (26)
Duke, T. 1984 The Bobcat Cycle
Conservation Nova Scotia (8)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)