IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Dul'a, M.; Bojda, M.; Chabanne, D.B.H.; Drengubiak, P.; Hrdì, L.; Krojerov -Prokesov , J.; Kubala, J.; Labuda, J.; Marc kov , L.; Oliveira, T.; Smolko, P.; V na, M.; Kutal, M. 2021 Multi-seasonal systematic camera-trapping reveals fluctuating densities and high turnover rates of Carpathian lynx on the western edge of its native range
Scientific Reports (11)
Dula, M.; Vana, M.; Dekar, P.; Bojda, M.; Kutal, M. 2019 Recent records of the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris_) in the Czech-Slovak borderland
Acta Carpathica Occidentalis (10)
Dular, A.K. 2015 Status of faunal diversity of Sariska Tiger Reserve in the Aravallis
International Journal of Science and Research (4)
Dumond, J.B. 1987 Necrologie: Meurtre dans les Vosges
Dunagan, S.P. 2015 Habitat Occupancy of Bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) in an urban fragmented landscape
Full Book
Dunbar Brander, A.A. 1934 Carnivora or beasts of prey
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
Dunbar Brander, A.A. 1934 The Tiger (_Panthera tigirs_ Linn.)
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
Dunbar Brander, A.A. 1934 The snow leopard or ounce (_Uncia uncia _Schreber)
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
Dunbar Brander, A.A. 1934 The cheetah or hunting leopard (_Acinonyx jubatus_ Erxleben)
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
Dunbar Brander, A.A. 1921 The tiger and the train
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (26)
Dunbar, M.R. 1994 Florida panther biomedical investigations
Conference Proceeding
Dunbar, M.R.; Cunningham, M.W.; Linda, S.B. 1999 Vitamin A concentrations in serum and liver from Florida panthers
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (35)
Duncan, C.; Nilsen, E.B.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Pettorelli, N. 2015 Life-history attributes and resource dynamics determine intraspecific home-range sizes in Carnivora
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (1)
Dunford, C.E.; Botha, A.; Faure, J.P.; Drouilly, M.; Stirnemann, I.A.; Mann, G.; Serieys, L.; Soultan, A.; Gallacher, E.; Mills, D. 2024 Factors affecting Asiatic caracal occupancy and activity in an arid landscape; vegetation, prey and predator presence are key
Global Ecology and Conservation (53)
Dunham, K.M.; Ghiurghi, A.; Cumbi, R.; Urbano, F. 2010 Human-wildlife conflict in Mozambique: a national perspective, with emphasis on wildlife attacks on humans
Oryx (44)
Dunham, K.M.; Roberstons, E.F.; Swanepoel, C.M. 2003 Population decline of tsessebe antelope (_Damaliscus lunatus lunatus_) on mixed cattle and wildlife ranch in Zimbabwe
Biological Conservation (113)
Dunishenko, Y.M. 1992 Information about the population of the Amur Tiger
Full Book
Dunishenko, Y.M. 2001 Report on results of Amur tiger monitoring program in Khabarovski Krai in winter 1999-2000
Full Book
Dunkley, R. 1997 Circus lion of ancient Rome rises from dead
Dunn, E. 2003 IUCN Red List Criteria
Conservation Biology (17)
Dunne, B.M.; Quinn, M.S. 2009 Effectiveness of above-ground pipeline mitigation for moose (_Alces alces_) and other large mammals
Biological Conservation (142)
Dunnink, J.A.; Hartley, R.; Rutina, L.; Alves, J.; Franco, A.M.A. 2020 A socio-ecological landscape analysis of human-wildlife conflict in northern Botswana
Oryx (54)
Dunston, E.J.; Abell, J.; Doyle, R.E.; Evershed, M.; Freire, R. 2016 Exploring African lion (Panthera leo) behavioural phenotypes: individual differences and correlations between sociality, boldness and behaviour
Journal of Ethology
Dunston, E.J.; Abell, J.; Doyle, R.E.; Span, D.D.; Span, C.P.; Kirk, J.; Hilley, V.B.; Forsyth, A.; Jenkins, E.; Mcallister, D.; Freire, R. 2017 Does captivity influence territorial and hunting behaviour? Assessment for an ex situ reintroduction program of African lions _Panthera leo_
Mammal Review (47)
Dunstone, N.; Durbin, L.; Wyllie, I.; Freer, R.; Jamett, G.A.; Mazzolli, M.; Rose, S. 2002 Spatial organization, ranging behaviour and habitat use of the kodkod (Oncifelis guigna) in southern Chile
Journal of Zoology (257)
Dupain, J.; Elsacker, L. 2002 Status of the Proposed Lomako Forest Bonobo Reserve: A Case Study of the Bushmeat Trade
Book Chapter
Duprez, M. 1987 Faut-il continuer protger le lopard africain?
Dupuy, A.R. 1984 Notice on the current status of some wild mammals of the North Senegalese Sahel
Mammalia (48)
Duque-Correa, M.; Biddle, R.; Patterson, S.; Masters, N. 2022 Retrospective study of captive jaguar _Panthera onca_ mortality in the European breeding population from 1998 to 2018
Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research (10)
Durant, S. 2004 Survival of the Fastest - The Cheetahs of Serengeti
Africa Geographic (June 2004)
Durant, S. 2007 Range-wide Conservation Planning for Cheetah and Wild Dog
Cat News (46)
Durant, S.M. 1998 Competition refuges and coexistence: an example from Serengeti carnivores
Journal of Animal Ecology (67)
Durant, S.M. 2000 Predator avoidance, breeding experience and reproductive success in endangered cheetahs, Acinonyx jubatus
Animal Behaviour (60)
Durant, S.M. 1994 Continuation of the cheetah project in the Serengeti National Park - Report to the Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute
Full Book
Durant, S.M. Cheetahs and Tourism - The Serengeti Cheetah Project
Full Book
Durant, S.M. 1998 Cheetahs of the Serengeti
Durant, S.M. 1998 With a roar and a whimper
Durant, S.M. 2000 Living with the enemy: avoidance of hyenas and lions by cheetahs in the Serengeti
Behavioral Ecology (11)
Durant, S.M. 2022 IUCN Red List assessment for cheetah - a species to watch
Cat News (76)
Durant, S.M.; Bashir, S.; Maddox, T.; Laurenson, M.K. 2007 Relating long-term studies to conservation practice: the case of the Serengeti Cheetah Project
Conservation Biology (21)
Durant, S.M.; Becker, M.S.; Creel, S.; Bahir, S.; Dickman, A.J.; Beudels-Jamar, R.C.; Lichtenfeld, L.; Hilborn, R.; Wall, J.; Wittemyer, G.; Badamjav, L.; Blake, S.; Boitani, L.; Breitenmoser, C.; Broekhuis, F.; Christianson, D.; Cozzi, G.; Davenport, T.R.B.; Deutsch, J.; Devillers, P.; Dollar, L.; Dolrenry, S.; Douglas-Hamilton, I.; Dr”ge, E.; Fitzherbert, E.; Foley, C.; Hazzah, L.; Hopcraft, J.G.C.; Ikanda, D.; Jacobson, A.; Joubert, D.; Kelly, M.J.; Milanzi, J.; Mitchell, N.; M'Soka, J.; Msuha, M.; Mweetwa, T.; Nyahongo, J.; Rosenblatt, E.; Schuette, P.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Sinclair, A.R.E.; Price, M.R.S.; Zimmermann, A.; Pettorelli, N. 2015 Developing fencing policies for dryland ecosystems
Journal of Applied Ecology (52)
Durant, S.M.; Caro, T.M.; Collins, D.A.; Alawi, R.M.; FitzGibbon, C.D. 1988 Migration patterns of Thomson's gazelles and cheetahs on the Serengeti Plains
African Journal of Ecology (26)
Durant, S.M.; Craft, M.E.; Foley, C.; Hampson, K.; Lobora, A.L.; Msuha, M.; Eblate, E.; Bukombe, J.; Mchetto, J.; Pettorelli, N. 2010 Does size matter? An investigation of habitat use across a carnivore assemblage in the Serengeti, Tanzania
Journal of Animal Ecology (79)
Durant, S.M.; Craft, M.E.; Hilborn, R.; Bashir, S.; Hando, J.; Thomas, L. 2011 Long-term trends in carnivore abundance using distance sampling in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
Journal of Applied Ecology (48)
Durant, S.M.; Foley, C.; Foley, L.; Hilborn, A.; Kimaro, J.; Kipuyo, F.; Lobora, A.; Magoma, N.; Minushi, L.; Msuha, M.; Midala, B.M.; Mwangomo, E.; Shemkunde, J.; Tibanyenda, R. 2007 Proceedings of the first Tanzania cheetah Conservation Action Plan workshop
Full Book
Durant, S.M.; Foley, C.; Foley, L.; Kazaeli, C.; Keyyu, J.; Konzo, E.; Lobora, A.; Magoma, N.; Mduma, S.; Meing'ataki, G.E.O.; Midala, B.D.V.M.; Minushi, L.; Mpunga, N.; Mpuya, P.M.; Rwiza, M.; Tibyenda, R. 2009 The Tanzania Small Carnivore Conservation Action Plan
Full Book
Durant, S.M.; Kelly, M.; Caro, T.M. 2004 Factors affecting life and death in Serengeti cheetahs: environment, age, and sociality
Behavioral Ecology (15)
Durant, S.M.; Mitchell, N.; Groom, R.; Pettorelli, N.; Ipavec, A.; Jacobson, A.P.; Woodroffe, R.; Boehm, M.; Hunter, L.T.B.; Becker, M.S.; Broekhuis, F.; Bashir, S.; Andresen, L.; Aschenborn, O.; Beddiaf, M.; Belbachir, F.; Belbachir-Bazi, A.; Berbash, A.; Brandao de Matos Machado, I.; Breitenmoser, C.; Chege, M.; Cilliers, D.; Davies-Mostert, H.; Dickman, A.J.; Ezekiel, F.; Farhadinia, M.S.; Funston, P.; Henschel, P.; Horgan, J.; de Iongh, H.H.; Jowkar, H.; Klein, R.; Lindsey, P.A.; Marker, L.L.; Marnewick, K.; Melzheimer, J.; Merkle, J.; M'Soka, J.; Msuha, M.; O'Neill, H.; Parker, M.; Purchase, G.; Sahailou, S.; Saidu, Y.; Samna, A.; Schmidt-Kntzel, A.; Selebatso, E.; Sogbohossou, E.A.; Soultan, A.; Stone, E.; van der Meer, E.; van Vuuren, R.; Wykstra, M.; Young-Overton, K. 2017 The global decline of cheetah and what it means for conservation
Pnas (114)
Durant, S.M.; Pettorelli, N.; Bashir, S.; Woodroffe, R.; Wacher, T.; de Ornellas, P.; Ransom, C.; Abaigar, T.; Abdelgadir, M.; Elalqamy, H.; Beddiaf, M.; Belbachir, F.; Belbachir-Bazi, A.; Berbash, A.A.; Beudels-Jamar, R.; Boitani, L.; Breitenmoser, C.; Cano, M.; Chardonnet, P.; Collen, B.; Corniforth, W.A.; Cuzin, F.; Gerngross, P.; Haddane, B.; Hadjeloum, M.; Jacobson, A.; Jebali, A.; Lamarque, F.; Mallon, D.; Minkowski, K.; Monfort, S.; Ndossal, B.; Newby, J.; Ngakoutou, B.E.; Niagate, b.; Purchase, G.; Smaila, S.; Samna, A.K.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Soultan, A.E.; Price, M.R.S.; Baillie, J.E.M. 2012 Forgotten Biodiversity in Desert Ecosystems
Science (336)
Durant, S.M.; Wacher, T.; Bashir, S.; Woodroffe, R.; de Ornellas, P.; Ransom, C.; Newby, J.; Ab igar, t.; Abdelgadir, M.; El Alqamy, H.; Baillie, J.; Beddiaf, M.; Belbachir, F.; Belbachir-Bazi, A.; Berbash, A.A.; Bermadjim, N.E.; Beudels-Jamar, R.; Boitani, L.; Breitenmoser, C.; Cano, M.; Chardonnet, P.; Collen, B.; Cornforth, W.A.; Cuzin, F.; Gerngross, P.; Haddane, B.; Hadjeloum, M.; Jacobson, A.; Jebali, A.; Lamarque, F.; Mallon, D.; Minkowski, K.; Monfort, S.; Ndoassal, B.; Niagate, b.; Purchase, G.; Samaila, S.; Samna, A.K.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Soultan, A.E.; Stanley Price, M.R.; Pettorelli, N. 2014 Jouer dans les hauts lieux de la biodiversit‚ pendant que les d‚serts br–lent? D‚clin de la m‚gafaune du Sahara
Diversity and Distributions (20)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)