IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            776 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Datta, A.; Anand, M.O.; Naniwadekar, R. 2008 Empty forests: Large carnivore and prey abundance in Namdapha National Park, north-east India
Biological Conservation (141)
Datta, P.; Rahut, D.B.; Behera, B.; Sonobe, T. 2023 Integrating community insights into leopard and tiger conservation: Lessons from the Indian sub-Himalayan forest
Global Ecology and Conservation (48)
Datye, H.S. 1993 First record of the Fishing cat Felis viverrina Bennett in Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary and Chhotanagpur Plateau of Bihar
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (90)
Datye, H.S. 1993 Elephant calf predation by tiger Panthera tigris in Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Bihar
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (90)
Datye, H.S. 1993 First record of Tiger _Panthera tigris_ in Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary, Bihar, and its predation on Sloth Bear _Melursus ursinus_
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (90)
Davate, M.; Chatterjee, N.; Dashahre, A.; Habib, B.; Nigam, P.; Trivedi, M.; Garad, G.P.; Kalaskar, A.; Ghaskadbi, P. 2015 Recent records of rusty-spotted cat in dry deciduous forest of Tadoba, Maharashtra, India
Cat News (62)
Dave, C. 2008 Ecology of chital (_Axis axis_) in Gir
Full Book
Davenport, M.A.; Nielsen, C.K.; Mangun, J.C. 2010 Attitudes toward mountain lion management in the Midwest: implications for a potentially recolonizing large predator
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (15)
Davic, R.D. 2003 Linking keystone species and functional groups: a new operational definition of the keystone species concept
Conservation Ecology (7)
Davidson, B. Wildlife Society cheetah status survey
Davidson, B.C.; Cantrill, R.C.; Varaday, D. 1986 The reversal of essential fatty acid deficiency symptoms in the cheetah
South African Journal of Zoology (21)
Davidson, B.C.; Morsbach, D.; Cantrill, R.C. 1986 The fatty acid composition of the liver and brain of southern African cheetahs
Progress in Lipid Research (25)
Davidson, G.A.; Clark, D.A.; Johnson, B.K.; Waits, L.P.; Adams, J.R. 2014 Estimating cougar densities in northeast Oregon using conservation detection dogs
Conference Proceeding
Davidson, G.A.; Clark, D.A.; Johnson, B.K.; Watts, L.P.; Adams, J.R. 2014 Estimating cougar densities in Northeast Oregon using conservation detection dogs
The Journal of Wildlife Management (78)
Davidson, Z.; Loveridge, A.; Smith, K.; Macdonald, D. 2007 The Value of Lion as a Component of the Photographic/Non-Consumptive Tourism Market
Conference Proceeding
Davidson, Z.; Valeix, M.; Loveridge, A.J.; Hunt, J.E.; Johnson, P.J.; Madzikanda, H.; MacDonald, D.W. 2012 Environmental determinants of habitat and kill site selection in a large carnivore: scale matters
Journal of Mammalogy (93)
Davidson, Z.; Valeix, M.; Loveridge, A.J.; Madzikanda, H.; MacDonald, D.W. 2011 Socio-spatial behaviour of an African lion population following perturbation by sport hunting
Biological Conservation (144 )
Davidson, Z.; Valeix, M.; Van Kesteren, F.; Loveridge, A.J.; Hunt, J.E.; Murindagomo, F.; MacDonald, D.W. 2013 Seasonal diet and prey preference of the African lion in a Waterhole-driven semi-arid savanna
PLoS ONE (8)
Davies, A.B.; Tambling, C.J.; Kerley, G.I.H.; Asner, G.P. 2016 Effects of vegetation structure on the location of lion kill sites in African thicket
PLoS ONE (11)
Davies, C.A.W. 1891 A man-eating panther
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (6)
Davies, G. 1989 Scenting a roaring success
Country Life
Davies, G.; Payne, J. Wild cats
Book Chapter
Davies-Mostert, H.; Swanepoel, L.H.; Do Linh San, E.; Botha, A.J.; Tjelele, J.; Dumalisile, L.; Marnewick, K.; Tafani, M.; Hunnicutt, M.A.; Tambling, C.J.; Minnie, L.; Hawkins, H.-J. 2018 Biology, Ecology and interaction of other predators with livestock
Book Chapter
Davis, A.R.; Gray, D. 2010 The distribution of Scottish wildcats (Felis silvestris) in Scotland (2006-2008)
Full Book
Davis, B.W.; Li, G.; Murphy, W.J. 2010 Supermatrix and species tree methods resolve phylogenetic relationships within the big cats, _Panthera_ (Carnivora: Felidae)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (56)
Davis, C.L.; Rich, L.N.; Farris, Z.J.; Kelly, M.J.; Di Bitetti, M.S.; Di Blanco, M.S.; Albanesi, S.; Farhadinia, M.S.; Gholikhani, N.; Hamel, S.; Harmsen, B.J.; Wultsch, C.; Kane, M.D.; Martins, Q.; Murphy, A.J.; Steenweg, R.; Sunarto, S.; Taktehrani, A.; Thapa, K.; Tucker, J.M.; Whittington, J.; Widodo, F.A.; Yoccoz, N.G.; Miller, D.A.W. 2018 Ecological correlates of the spatial co-occurrence of sympatric mammalian carnivores worldwide
Ecology Letters (21)
Davis, D.D. 1941 The arteries of the forearm in carnivores
Zoological Series (27)
Davis, D.D. 1958 Mammals of the Kelabit Plateau Northern Sarawak
Fieldiana Zoology (39)
Davis, J.L.; Chetkiewicz, C.-L.B.; Bleich, V.C.; Raygorodetsky, G.; Pierce, B.M.; Ostergard, J.W.; Wehausen, J.D. 1996 A device to safely remove immobilized mountain lions from trees and cliffs
Wildlife Society Bulletin (24)
Davis, J.L.; Chetkiewicz, C.L.B.; Bleich, V.C.; Raygorodetsky, G.; Pierce, B.M.; Ostergard, J.W.; Wehausen, J.D. 1996 A device to safely remove immobilized mountain lions from trees and cliffs Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Davis, M. 2008 Conflict Dynamics: An Analysis of Human-lynx Conflicts in Sweden and Switzerland
Full Book
Davis, M.L.; Kelly, M.J.; Stauffer, D.F. 2011 Carnivore co-existence and habitat use in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, Belize
Animal Conservation (14)
Davis, R. 1996 Giving the Eastern Cougar a Second Chance: A Feasibility Study of Reintroducing the Cougar (Puma concolor) into Allegheny National Forest
Conference Proceeding
Davis, S.J.M. 2002 The mammals and birds from the Gruta do CaldeirÆo, Portugal
Revista de Arqueologia (5)
Davoli, F.; Schmidt, K.; Kowalczyk, R.; Randi, E. 2013 Hair snaring and molecular genetic identification for reconstructing the spatial structure of Eurasian lynx populations
Mammalian Biology (78)
Davydov, E.S.; Ordzhonikidze, S.V. 2006 Breeding of snow leopards at the Moscow Zoo (Results and Perspectives)
Conference Proceeding
Dawn, D. 2002 Management of cougars (_Puma concolor_) in the western United States
Full Book
Dawood, M.M. 2000 Ecology of _Ragadia Makuta_ (Lepidoptera: satyrinae) in tropical rainforests of Sabah, Malaysia
Full Book
Day, J.M.-W. 2017 Exploring drivers of gene flow in jaguars and pumas in southern Mexico via molecular scatology and eco-evo simulations
Full Book
Day, L.M.; Jayne, B.C. 2007 Intespecific scaling of the morphology and posture of the limbs during the locomotion of cats (Felidae)
The Journal of Experimental Zoology (210)
Day, M. 1996 WWF Suppressed vital tiger report - Conservation giant failing in its bid to save the tiger
Day, M. 1996 The Big Cat Cover Up - The truth behind the Indian tiger crisis
Full Book
Day, S. 1990 Genes that control genes
New Scientist (40)
Dayan, T.; Simberloff, D.; Tchernov, E.; Yom-Tov, Y. 1990 Feline canines: community-wide character displacement among the small cats of Israel
The American Naturalist (136)
Dazzi, C.C.; Santos, A.; Machado, T.P.; Atide, M.W.; Rodriguez, R.; Pereira, A.M.; Garcia, P.S.; Motta, A.C. 2020 First case report of nematode parasitic myelopathy in a wild feline in Brazil
Braz J Vet Parasitol (29)
D¡az, I.G.A. 2018 Infrastructure to implement and improve the receptive capacity and tourist offering of the touristic and recreational use area of Cutervo National Park
Full Book
D¡az-Ruiz, F.; Caro, J.; Ferreras, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M. 2019 Assessing mammal community composition in the Huinay Biological Reserve (Chile) through questionnaire surveys: biases associated with respondents
Galemys (31)
de Abreu Bovo, A.A.; Magioli, M.; Reis Percequillo, A.; Kruszynski, C.; Alberici, V.; Mello, M.A.R.; Correa, L.S.; Zecchini Gebin, J.C.; Gomes Ribeiro, Y.G.; Borges Costa, F.; Nasciamento Ramos, V.; Ribeiro Benati, H.; Lopes, B.; Martins, M.Z.A.; Diniz-Reis, T.R.; de Camargo, P.B.; Bahia Labruna, M.; Micchi de Barros Ferraz, K.M.P. 2018 Human-modified landscape acts as refuge for mammals in Atlantic Forest
Biota Neotropica (18)
de Abreu, K.C.; de Paulo Koproski, L.; Kuczach, A.M.; de Camargo, P.C.; Boscarato, T.G. 2004 Grandes felinos e o fogo no Parque Nacional de Ilha Grande, Brasil
Floresta (34)
de Albuquerque, A.C.F. 2017 Diversity of medium-sized mammals and occurrence of domestic dogs as invasive species in Conservation Units in the Atlantic Forest of Para¡ba, Brazil
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)