IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Espinoza-Medinilla, E.E.; Torres-Romero, E.J.; Tarango-Arembula, L.A. 2018 Additional records of wild mammals in the forest management area: Los Ocotones, Chiapas, Mexico
Agrociencia (52)
Espinoza-Ramirez, M.K.; Luna-Krauletz, M.D.; Alfonso-Corrado, C.; Clark-Tapia, R. 2017 Recent record of big cats in cloud forest of Santiago Comaltepec, Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (33)
Esterhuizen, W.C.N.; Norton, P.M. 1985 The leopard as a problem animal in the Cape Province, as determined by the permit system
Bontebok (4)
Estes, J.A. 1996 Predators and ecosystem management
Wildlife Society Bulletin (24)
Estes, J.A.; Terborgh, J.; Brashares, J.S.; Power, M.E.; Berger, J.; Bond, W.J.; Carpenter, S.R.; Essington, T.E.; Holt, R.D.; Jackson, J.B.C.; Marquis, R.J.; Oksanen, L.; Oksanen, T.; Paine, R.T.; Pikitch, E.K.; Ripple, W.J.; Sandin, S.A.; Scheffer, M.; Schoener, T.W.; Shurin, J.B.; Sinclair, A.R.E.; Soul‚, M.E.; Virtanen, R.; Wardle, D.A. 2011 Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth
Science (333)
Estes, R.D. 1991 Cats - Family Felidae
Book Chapter
Estes, R.D. 1993 Cat Family - Felidae
Book Chapter
Estes, R.D. 2003 Predators and scavengers
Natural History (76 )
Estonian Fund for Nature, 2001 Status of Large Carnivore Conservation in the Baltic States and Action Plan for the Baltic Large Carnivore Initiative, 2001-2005
Full Book
Estrada Hern ndez, C.G. 2006 Diet, habitat use and activity patterns of Puma (Puma concolor) and Jaguar (Panthera onca) in the Mayan Forest
Full Book
Estrada, C.; Lopez, J.E. 2006 Dieta, uso de habitat y patrones de actividad del puma (_Puma concolor_) y el jaguar (_Panthera onca_) en la Selva Maya
Estraver, W.Z.; Vel squez, L.P.; Tafur, C.M.; Bentez, H.C. 2014 Vertebrates of the Cerro Campana lomal system, Trujillo-La Libertad, Peru
Arnaldoa (21)
Est‚vez, J. 2004 Vanishing Carnivores:What can the Disappearance of Large Carnivores tell us about the Neanderthal World?
International Journal of Osteoarcheaology (14)
Etheridge, M. 1995 Conserving biodiversity: a reformed CITES in an integrated approach
Etheridge, M.A. 1995 Developing effective cheetah conservation and recovery plans: Namibia as a case study
Full Book
Evans, A.R.; Sanson, G.D. 2003 The tooth of perfection: functional and spatial constraints on mammalian tooth shape
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (78)
Evans, C. 1994 Improving cooperation between private landowners and government agencies to protect panther habitat
Conference Proceeding
Evans, D.M.; Barnard, P.; Koh, L.P.; Chapman, C.A.; Altwegg, R.; Garner, T.W.J.; Gompper, M.E.; Gordon, I.J.; Katzner, T.E.; Pettorelli, N. 2012 Funding nature conservation: who pays?
Animal Conservation (15)
Evans, M.R.; Norris, K.J.; Benton, T.G. 2012 Predictive ecology: systems approaches
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B (367)
Evans, T.; Timmins, R. 1994 News from Laos - an informal summary of the January-June 1994 results
Full Book
Evans, T.S.; Myat, T.W.; Aung, P.; Oo, Z.M.; Maw, M.T.; Toe, A.T.; Aung, T.H.; Hom, N.S.; Shein, K.T.; Thant, K.Z.; Win, Y.T.; Thein, W.Z.; Gilardi, K.; Thu, H.M.; Kreuder Johnson, C. 2020 Bushmeat hunting and trade in Myanmar's central teak forests: Threats to biodiversity and human livelihoods
Global Ecology and Conservation (22)
Everatt, K. 2014 Lion population and habitat ecology in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique
Full Book
Everatt, K. 2015 Improving the conservation prospects for lions in the Greater Limpopo Lion Conservation Unit; determining key threats and identifying appropriate solutions
Full Book
Everatt, K.; Andresen, L. 2012 Spatial occurrence of mammalian biodiversity in central Parque Nacional do Limpopo
Full Book
Everatt, K.T.; Andresen, L.; Somers, M.J. 2014 Trophic scaling and occupancy analysis reveals a lion population limited by top-down anthropogenic pressure in the Limpopo National Park, Mozambique
PLoS ONE (9)
Everatt, K.T.; Andresen, L.; Somers, M.J. 2015 The influence of prey, pastoralism and poaching on the hierarchical use of habitat by an apex predator
African Journal of Wildlife Research (45)
Everett, D.D. 1983 Study of the endangered ocelot occurring in Texas; Distribution, status, and ecology of the ocelot and jaguarundi in Texas
Full Book
Evermann, J.F.; Laurenson, M.K.; McKeirnan, A.J.; Caro, T.M. 1993 Infectious Disease Surveillance in Captive and Free-Living Cheetahs: An Integral Part of the Species Survival Plan
Zoo Biology (12)
Evermann, J.F.; Leathers, C.W.; Gorham, J.R.; McKeirnan, A.J.; Appel, M.J.G. 2001 Pathogenesis of Two Strains of Lion (_Panthera leo_) Morbillivirus in Ferrets (_Mustela putorius furo_)
Veterinary Pathology (38)
Evermann, J.F.; McKeirnan, A.J.; Ott, R.L. 1991 Perspectives on the Epizootiology of Feline Enteric Coronavirus and the Pathogenesis of Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Veterinary Microbiology (28)
Evermann, J.F.; Roelke, M.E.; Briggs, M.B. 1986 Feline coronavirus infections of cheetahs
Feline Practice (16)
Evink, G. 1994 Florida Department of Transportation program to reduce highway mortality of Florida panthers
Conference Proceeding
Ewer, R.F. 1974 The evolution of mating systems in the Felidae
Conference Proceeding
Ewer, R.F. 1974 Viverrid behavior and the evolution of reproductive behavior in the Felidae
Conference Proceeding

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)