IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Fonseca, A.R.; Silva, G.A. 2019 Medium- and large-sized terrestrial mammals in a nature reserve area in central-western Minas Gerais State
Biotemas (32)
Fonseca, L.G.; Arroyo-Arce, S.; Thomson, I.; Villachica, W.N.; Valverde, R.A. 2018 Records of pumas scavenging at jaguar kills in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica
Cat News (67)
Fonseca-Salamanca, F.; Nogal-Ruiz, J.J.; Benito, C.; Camacho, M.V.; Martinez-Fernndez, A.R. 2006 Molecular characterization of _Trichinella_ genotypes by inter-simple sequence repeat polymerase chain reaction (ISSR-PCR)
Journal of Parasitology (92)
Fonseca-Salamanca, F.; Nogal-Ruiz, J.J.; Garca-Snchez, R.N.; Bolas-Fernandez, F.; lamo, R.; Grate, T.; Martnez-Fernandez, A.R.; Jimnez, S. 2009 Prevalence of _Trichinella_ spp. in North Spain wild fauna and new variety of _Trichinella britovi _identification
Veterinary Parasitology (159)
Fontbonne, A. 2020 Small Animal Reproduction: scientific facts versus dogmas or unverified beliefs
Theriogenology (1)
Fontbonne, A.; Lvy, X.; Fontaine, E.; Jacques, H.; Esser, C.; Routier, J.-Y. 2007 Development of a Non-Invasive Intra-Uterine Artificial Insemination Technique for Large Felids
Conference Proceeding
Fonturbel, F.E.; Simonetti, J.A. 2011 Translocations and human-carnivore conflicts: problem solving or problem creating?
Wildlife Biology (17)
Foose, T.; Tilson, R. And now, a G.A.S.P
Conference Proceeding
Foose, T.J. 1993 Interactive management of small wild and captive populations
Conference Proceeding
Foose, T.J. 1989 Florida Panther viability analysis and survival plan- Interactive management of small wild and captive populations
Conference Proceeding
Foose, T.J. 1993 Regional captive propagation programs as part of conservation strategies for threatened wildlife
Zoo's Print
Ford, A.T.; Clevenger, A.P. 2010 Validity of the Prey-Trap Hypothesis for Carnivore-Ungulate Interactions at Wildlife-Crossing Structures
Conservation Biology (24)
Ford, E.D.; Ishii, H. 2001 The method of synthesis in ecology
Oikos (93)
Ford, M.J. 2002 Selection in captivity during supportive breeding may reduce fitness in the wild
Conservation Biology (16)
Fordham, D.A.; Ak‡akaya, H.R.; Brook, B.W.; Rodriquez, A.; Alves, P.C.; Civantos, E.; Trivino, M.; Watts, M.J.; Araujo, M.B. 2013 Adapted conservation measures are required to save the Iberian lynx in a changing climate
Nature climate change (3)
Foreman, G. 1111 Pampas cat (_Felis colocco_) - based on report by Broad (1988)
Foreman, G.E. Small Wild Felids: Not Just Pussycats
Foreman, L.B. 2006 Through the eyes of a cougar - Project cougars & teaching
Wild Cat News (2)
Forero-Medina, G.; Vieira, M.V.; de Viveiros Grelle, C.E.; Almeida, P.J. 2009 Body size and extinction risk in Brazilian carnivores
Biota Neotropica (9)
Forman, L.; Kleiman, D.G.; Bush, R.M.; Dietz, J.M.; Ballou, J.D.; Phillips, L.G.; Coimbra-Filho, A.F.; O'Brien, S.J. 1986 Genetic variation within and among lion tamarins
American Journal of Physical Anthropology (71)
Formanova, D.; Pyszko, M.; Horak, O.; Sadkova, J.; Rihova, P.; Kubatova, A. 2024 Foramen ovale as a new determinative sign for the identification of tiger (_Panthera tigris_) and lion (_Panthera leo_) skulls
Mammalian Biology (104)
Fornara, C. 2015 Wildcats - secretive hunters
Katzen Magazin (1)
Fornitano, L. 2015 Taxa de ocupa‡Æo da jaguatirica (_Leopardus pardalis_) e segrega‡Æo espacial e temporal de fel¡deos na regiÆo norte e nordeste do Estado de SÆo Paulo
Full Book
Forrest, J.L.; Bomhard, B.; Budiman, A.; Coad, L.; Cox, N.; Dinerstein, E.; Hammer, D.; Huang, C.; Huy, K.; Kraft, R.; Lysenko, I.; Magrath, W. 2011 Single-species conservation in a multiple-use landscape: current protection of the tiger range
Animal Conservation (14)
Forrest, J.L.; Wikramanayake, E.; Shrestha, R.; Areendran, G.; Gyeltshen, K.; Maheshwari, A.; Mazumdar, S.; Naidoo, R.; Thapa, G.J.; Thapa, K. 2012 Conservation and climate change: Assessing the vulnerability of snow leopard habitat to treeline shift in the Himalaya
Biological Conservation (150)
Forrester, T.D.; Casady, D.S.; Wittmer, H.U. 2015 Home sweet home: fitness consequences of site familiarity
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (69 )
Forstenzer, M. 2000 Clawing its way to the top - The cougars burgeoning population is proving a challenge for some other creatures
National Wildlife
Forstner, M. 1988 A lynx in the Wald- and Mhlviertel - What will become of it?
Oesterreichische Forstzeitung (5)
Forstner, M.; Reimoser, F.; Hackl, J.; Heckl, F. 2003 Criteria and indicators of sustainable hunting
Forsyth, J. 1985 The highlands of central India - Abstract
Fort, J. 2016 Large carnivore occupancy and human-wildlife conflict in Panama
Full Book
Fort, J.L.; Nielsen, C.K.; Donoso, E.; Samudio, R.J.; Duran, G.A. 2014 First camera survey of wild felids in Cerro Hoya National Park, Panama
Cat News (60)
Forthmand, D.L. Experimental Application of Conditioned Taste Aversion (CTA) to Large Carnivores
Full Book
Forthmand, D.L.; Gustavson, S.R.; Rusiniak, K.W. 1985 Coyote Control and Taste Aversion
Appetite (6)
Forthmand, D.L.; Gustavson, S.R.; Rusiniak, K.W. 1985 Coyotes and Taste Aversion: The Authors' Reply
Appetite (6)
Fortin, D.; Boyce, M.S.; Merrill, E.H.; Fryxell, J.M. 2004 Foraging costs of vigilance in large mammalian herbivores
Oikos (107)
Foster, D. 1998 Cougar attacks increasing in West
Foster, M.L.; Humphrey, S.R. 1995 Use of highway underpasses by Florida panthers and other wildlife
Wildlife Society Bulletin (23)
Foster, R.J. 2008 The ecology of jaguars in a human-influenced landscape
Full Book
Foster, R.J.; Harmsen, B.J. 2012 A Critique of Density Estimation From Camera-Trap Data
The Journal of Wildlife Management (76)
Foster, R.J.; Harmsen, B.J.; Doncaster, C.P. 2010 Sample-size effects on diet analysis from scats of jaguars and pumas
Mammalia (74)
Foster, R.J.; Harmsen, B.J.; Doncaster, C.P. 2010 Habitat use by sympatric jaguars and pumas across a gradient of human disturbance in Belize
Biotropica (42)
Foster, R.J.; Harmsen, B.J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Collins, J.; Urbina, Y.; Garcia, R.; Doncater, C.P. 2014 Wild meat: a shared resource amongst people and predators
Foster, R.J.; Harmsen, B.J.; Urbina, Y.L.; Wooldridge, R.L.; Doncaster, C.P.; Quigley, H.; Figueroa, O.A. 2020 Jaguar (_Panthera onca_) density and tenure in a crititcal biological corridor
Journal of Mammalogy (101)
Foster, R.J.; Harmsen, B.J.; Valdes, B.; Pomilla, C.; Doncaster, C.P. 2010 Food habits of sympatric jaguars and pumas across a gradient of human disturbance
Journal of Zoology (280)
Foster, V.C.; Sarmento, P.; Sollmann, R.; Torres, N.; Jacomo, A.T.A.; Negroes, N.; Fonseca, C.; Silveria, L. 2013 Jaguar and Puma Activity Patterns and Predator-Prey Interactions in four Brazilian Biomes
Fouraker, M. 1994 The new international studbook for Asiatic lion
Zoo's Print (9)
Fowler, M.E. 1986 Felidae
Book Chapter
Fox, E.B. 1920 Notes on Panthers
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (27)
Fox, J.L. 1985 An observation of lynx in Nepal
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (82)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)