IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Guggisberg, C.A.W. 1975 Oncilla, Little Spotted Cat _Leopardus tigrinus_ (Schreiber 1775)
Book Chapter
Guggisberg, C.A.W. 1975 Pampas Cat _Lynchailurus colocolo_ (Molina 1782)
Book Chapter
Guggisberg, C.A.W. 1975 Puma, Cougar _Puma concolor_ (Linnaeus 1771)
Book Chapter
Guggisberg, C.A.W. 1975 Snow Leopard, Ounce _Uncia uncia _(Schreiber 1775)
Book Chapter
Guggisberg, C.A.W. 1975 Tiger _Panthera tigris_ (Linnaeus 1758)
Book Chapter
Guggisberg, C.A.W. 1975 Wild Cats and Man
Book Chapter
Guggisberg, C.A.W. 1975 Lion _Panthera leo _(Linnaeus 1758)
Book Chapter
Gugolz, D.; Bernasconi, M.V.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Wandeler, P. 2008 Historical DNA reveals the phylogenetic position of the extinct Alpine lynx
Journal of Zoology (275)
Guha, I.; Ghosh, S. 2009 A glimpse of the tiger: how much are Indians willing to pay for it?
Guha, R. 1998 The authoritarian biologist Seminar 466 - Reconciling the needs of man and wildlife in India
Conference Proceeding
Gui, X.J. The challenge and strategies for management of South China Tiger
Guiao-Leite, F.L. 2006 Avaliaā€”Ɔo da eficiĖ†ncia da eletroforese capilar como tā€šcnica analĀ”tica na prospecā€”Ɔo de metabĀ¢litos de esterĀ¢ides em extratos fecais de onā€”a-pintada
Full Book
Guiao-Leite, F.L.; de Paula, T.A.R.; da Matta, S.L.P.; Fonseca, C.C.; das Neves, M.T.D.; de Barros, J.B.G. 2006 Cycle and duration of the seminiferous epithelium in puma
Animal Reproduction Science (91)
Guidobono, J.S.; Cueto, G.R.; Teta, P.; Busch, M. 2018 Effect of environmental factors on the abundance variations of two native rodents in agricultural system of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Austral Ecology (44)
Guidobono, J.S.; MuĀ¤oz, J.; Muschetto, E.; Teta, P.; Busch, M. 2016 Food habits of Geoffroy's cat (_Leopardus geoffroyi_) in agroecosystem habitats of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ecologia Austral (26)
Guijos-Guadarrama, E.; PeĀ¤a-Mondragon, J.L.; Schallert, A.; Rosas, A.; Torres, Y.; Cruz, E.; Torres, E.; Roldan, F.J.; Romero, L.D.; Garcia, P.; Calderon, V.; Praxediz, J. 2021 First confirmed record of puma in the state of Tlaxcala, East-Central Mexico
Cat News (73)
Guil, F.; Agudin, S.; El-Khadir, N.; Fernandez-Olalla, M.; Figueredo, J.; Dom”nguez, F.G.; Garzon, P.; Gonzalez, G.; Mu¤oz-Igualada, J.; Oria, J.; Silvestre, F. 2010 Factors conditioning the camera-trapping efficiency for the Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
European Journal of Wildlife Research (56)
Guilder, J.; Barca, B.; Arroyo-Arce, S.; Gramajo, R.; Salom-Perez, R. 2015 Jaguars (_Panthera onca_) increase kill utilization rates and share prey in response to seasonal fluctuations in nesting green turtle (_Chelonia mydas mydas_) abundance in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica
Mammalian Biology (80)
Guillaumet, A.; Bowman, J.; Thornton, D.; Murray, D.L. 2015 The influence of coyote on Canada lynx populations assessed at two different spatial scales
Community Ecology (16)
Guillera-Arroita, G.; Morgan, B.J.T.; Ridout, M.S.; Linkie, M. 2011 Species Occupancy Modeling for Detection Data Collected Along a Transect
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics (16)
Guillot, G.; Leblois, R.; Coulon, A.; Frantz, A.C. 2009 Statistical methods in spatial genetics
Molecular Ecology (18)
Guimaraes, A.M.d.S. 2008 Detecā€”Ɔo de micoplasmas, bartonelas e vĀ”rus da leucemia felina em pequenos felĀ”deos neotropicais mantidos em cativeiro no RefĀ£gio Bela Vista, Foz do Iguaā€”u
Full Book
Guimaraes, A.M.S.; Brandao, P.E.; Moraes, W.; Kiihl, S.; Santos, L.C.; Filoni, C.; Cubas, Z.S.; Robes, R.R.; Marques, L.M.; Neto, R.L.; Yamaguti, M.; Oliveira, R.C.; Catao-Dias, J.L.; Richtzenhain, L.J.; Messick, J.B.; Biondo, A.W.; Timenetsky, J. 2010 Detection of Bartonella spp. in neotropical felids and evaluation of risk factors and hematological abnormalities associated with infection
Veterinary Microbiology (142)
Guintard, C.; Arnaud, S. 2003 Comparative osteology of the skull in three species of western European felids: Lynx (_Lynx lynx_), wild cat (_Felis sylvestris_) and domestic cat (_Felis catus_)
Bulletin de la Soci‚t‚ des sciences naturelles de l'Ouest de la France (25)
Guisan, A.; Zimmermann, N.E. 2000 Predictive habitat distribution models in ecology
Ecography (135)
Guix, J.C. 1992 El jaguar en la pluvisilva atlantica de Brasil
Vida Silvestre (71)
Guix, J.C. 1997 Cat communities in six areas of the state of SĘo Paulo, southeastern Brazil, with observations on their feeding habits
Gula, R.; Perzanowski, K. 2003 Improvement of a protection system for large carnivores
Biosphere Conservation (5)
Guleria, H.; Hussain, A.; Khan, K.A.; Pandav, B.; Mali, P.K.; Rawat, G.S. 2022 First fishing cat camera trap record in Nandhaur Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand, India
Cat News (75)
Gullifer, B. 1983 Hunt is on for Tin Fu's tiger
Gumal, M.; bin Mohamed Salleh, A.B.; Yasak, M.N.; Horng, L.S.; Lee, B.P.Y.-H.; Pheng, L.C.; Hamzah, H.; Kong, D.; Magintan, D.; Yung, D.T.C.; bin Zalaluddin, A.Z.; Azmi, A.B.; Khalid, N.B.; Yen, T.P.; Mufeng, V.; Meng, F.C.F.; Ng, S. 2014 Small-medium wild cats of Endau Rompin Landscape in Johor, Peninsular Malaysia
Cat News (Special Issue 8)
Gumal, M.; Kong, D.; Hon, J.; Juat, N.; Ng, S. 2010 Observations of the flat-headed cat from Sarawak, Malaysia
Cat News (52)
Gunawan, 2007 Keanekaragaman Jenis Mamalia Besar Berdasarkan Komposisi Vegetasi dan Ketinggian Tempat di Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai
Full Book
Gunawan, H. 2010 Habitat dan penyebaran macan tutul jawa (_Panthera prdus melas_ Cuvier 1809) di Lansekap Terfragmentasi di Jawa Tengah
Full Book
Gunawan, H.; Prasetyo, L.B.; Mardiastuti, A.; Kartono, A.P. 2009 Habitat macan tutul jawa (_Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier 1809) di lanskap hutan produksi yang terfragmentasi
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam (6)
Gunawan, H.; Prasetyo, L.B.; Mardiastuti, A.; Kartono, A.P. 2012 Sebaran populasi dan seleksi habitat macan tutul jawa, _Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier 1809 di provinsi jawa tengah
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam (9)
Gunawan, H.; Prasetyo, L.B.; Mardiastuti, A.; Kartono, A.P. 2012 Habitat macan tutul jawa (_Panthera pardus melas_ Cuvier 1809) di lansekap hutan tanaman pinus
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam (9)
Gundersen, S.K.; Jackson, R. 1999 Snow leopard in Nepal
Gunderson, H.L. 1978 A Mid-Continent Irruption of Canada Lynx, 1962-63
Prairie Naturalist (10)
Gunner, R.M.; Wilson, R.P.; Holton, M.D.; Hopkins, P.; Bell, S.H.; Marks, N.J.; Bennett, N.C.; Ferreira, S.; Govender, D.; Viljoen, P.; Bruns, A.; van Schalkwyk, O.L.; Bertelsen, M.F.; Duarte, C.M.; Van Rooyen, M.C.; Tambling, C.J.; Gā€ppert, A.; Diesel, D.; Scantlebury, D.M. 2022 Decision rules for determining terrestrial movement and the consequences for filtering high-resolution global positioning system tracks: a case study using the African lion (_Panthera leo_)
Journal of the Royal Society Interface (19)
Gunson, J.R. 1997 Evaluation of quota hunting for cougar in Alberta during 1990-1997
Full Book
Gunther, I.; Terkel, J. 2002 Regulation of free-roaming cat (_Felis silvestris catus_) populations: a survey of the literature and its application to Israel
Animal Welfare (11 )
Guo, J. 2007 Year of the tiger
Nature (449)
Guo, J. 2009 Will Captive Breeding Save Africa's King of Beasts?
Science (324 )
Guo, J.; Zhao, X.; Wei, Z.; Chen, Z.; Zhou, H. 2021 Progress, problems, and key directions for establishing the first national park demonstration province in Qinghai, China
International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks (9)
Guo, K.; Liu, H.; Bao, H.; Hu, J.; Wang, S.; Zhang, W.; Zhao, Y.; Jiang, G. 2017 Habitat selection and their interspecific interactions for mammal assemblage in the Greater Khingan Mountains, northeastern China
Wildlife Biology
Guo, W.; Cao, G.; Quan, R.-C. 2017 Population dynamics and space use of wild boar in a tropical forest, Southwest China
Global Ecology and Conservation (11)
Guo, Y.; Liu, C.Q.; Xu, L.S.; Lu, T.F.; Liu, D.; Li, X.C.; Ma, J.Z.; Ma, Y.H.; Guan, W.J. 2015 Primary analysis of the expressed sequence tags from a full-length enriched cDNA library of Siberian tiger
The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (25)
Guo, Y.; Zou, X.; Chen, Y.; Wang, D.; Wang, S. 1997 Sustainability of wildlife use in traditional Chinese medicine
Book Chapter
Guoliang, P.; Alexander, J.S.; Riordan, P.; Shi, K.; Kederhan,; Yang, H. 2016 Detection of a snow leopard population in northern Bortala, Xinjiang, China
Cat News (63)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)