IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Hoogesteijn, R.; Hoogesteijn, A. 2014 Anti-predation strategies for cattle ranching in Latin America: a guide
Full Book
Hoogesteijn, R.; Hoogesteijn, A.; Mondolfi, E. 1991 Jaguar predation vs. conservation: cattle mortality by felines on three ranches in the Venezuelan Llanos
Conference Proceeding
Hoogesteijn, R.; Hoogesteijn, A.; Tortato, F.R.; Rampim, L.E.; Concone, H.V.B.; May, J.J.A.; Sartorello, L. 2016 Conservaci¢n de jaguares (_Panthera onca_) fuera de  reas protegidas: turismo de observaci¢n de jaguares en propiedades privadas del Pantanal, Brasil
Book Chapter
Hoogesteijn, R.; Hoogesteijn, A.L.; Tortato, F.; Payan, E.; Jedrzejewski, W.; Marchini, S.; Valderrama-Vasquez, C.A.; Boede, E.O. 2016 Consideraciones sobre la peligrosidad del jaguar para los humanos: Quien es letal para qui‚n?
Book Chapter
Hoogesteijn, R.; Mondolfi, E. 1996 Body mass and skull measurements in four Jaguar populations, and observations on their preybase
Full Book
Hoogesteijn, R.; Mondolfi, E. Observations about the population and legal situation of the Jaguar ( Panthera onca) in Venezuela 62 Meeting of the commission for the survival of species of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature / IUCN, Fueda and Marnr
Conference Proceeding
Hoogesteijn, R.; Mondolfi, E.; Michelangeli, A. 1986 Observationes sobre el estado de las poblationes y las medidas para la conservation del jaguar en Venezuela - International Symposium "Conservation status of the Jaguar"
Conference Proceeding
Hoogesteijn, R.; Payan, E.; Valderrama-Vasquez, C.A.; Tortato, F.; Hoogesteijn, A.L. 2016 Comportamiento del ganado criollo Sanmartinero y Pantaneiro: la experiencia brasile¤a y colombiana
Book Chapter
Hoover, J. 1999 Cattle, poachers destroying sanctuaries
Hopcraft, J.G.C.; Sinclair, A.R.E.; Packer, C. 2005 Planning for success: Serengeti lions seek prey accessibility rather than abundance
Journal of Animal Ecology (74)
Hope, K.; Deem, S.L. 2006 Retrospective study of morbidity and mortality of captive jaguars in North America: 1982-2002
Zoo Biology (25)
Hopkins, R.A. 1996 California statewide estimates and trend analysis: lessons from the diablo range Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Hoppe-Dominik, B. 1984 Etude du spectre des proies de la panthŠre, Panthera pardus, dans le Parc National de Tai en Cote d'Ivoire
Mammalia (48)
Hoppe-Dominik, B. 1988 Grass-eating Leopards: Wolves Turned into Sheep?
Naturwissenschaften (75)
Hoppe-Dominik, B. 1990 Specialist leopard: monkey catcher, grazer and rat hunter
Wild und Hund
Hoppitt, W.J.E.; Brown, G.R.; Kendal, R.; Rendell, L.; Thornton, A.; Webster, M.M.; Laland, K.N. 2008 Lessons from animal teaching
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (23)
Horak, I.G.; Heyne, H.; Williams, R.; Gallivan, G.J.; Spickett, A.M.; Bezuidenhout, J.D.; Estrada-Pe¤a, A. 2018 The Genus _Haemaphysalis_ Koch, 1844
Book Chapter
Horak, I.G.; Heyne, H.; Williams, R.; Gallivan, G.J.; Spickett, A.M.; Bezuidenhout, J.D.; Estrada-Pe¤a, A. 2018 Hosts and Host and Vegetation Tick Lists
Book Chapter
Horan, J. 1978 The search for the Florida panther
National Wildlife
Horeni, N.; Faruq, B.; Raza, H. 2022 The first record of a female Persian leopard from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Cat News (76)
Horeni, N.; Faruq, B.; Raza, H.; Rzgar, B. 2022 The first reproduction record of the Persian leopard from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Cat News (76)
Horev, A.; Yosef, R.; Tryjanowski, P.; Ovadia, O. 2012 Consequences of variation in male harem size to population persistence: Modeling poaching and extinction risk of Bengal tigers (_Panhtera tigris_)
Biological Conservation (147)
Horion, R.; Woodgate, Z.; Drouilly, M. 2024 First insights into the spatio-temporal ecology of sympatric large carnivores in Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal
Oryx (2024/05/09)
Horn, P.E. 2019 Spatio-temporal ecology of _Leopardus wiedii_ (Schinz, 1821) populations in southern areas of the Atlantic Forest
Full Book
Hornaday, W.T. 1913 Our vanishing wild life - its extermination and preservation
Full Book
Hornbrook, J. 2004 Conclusions of the working group of discussion and identification of prioritites
Conference Proceeding
Horne, J.S.; Haines, A.M.; Tewes, M.E.; Laack, L.L. 2009 Habitat partitioning by sympatric ocelots and bobcats: implications for recovery of ocelots in southern Texas
The Southwestern Naturalist (54)
Horne, L. 1984 What will become of Iriomote wildlife?
Hornocker, M. 1997 Siberian Tigers
National Geographic (191)
Hornocker, M.G. 1992 Plan for research: Ecology and conservation of the Siberian Tiger
Full Book
Hornocker, M.G. 2001 Cats
Amicus Journal
Hornocker, M.G. 1996 Can Cats Survive?
Wildlife Conservation
Hornocker, M.G. 1999 International Team Surveys Potential Habitat in China for Siberian Tigers and Amur Leopards
Hornocker Wildlife Institute Newsletter (1)
Hornocker, M.G. 1978 Interaction between threatened and endangered species and wilderness
Conference Proceeding
Hornocker, M.G. 1969 Winter territoriality in mountain lions
Journal of Wildlife Management (33)
Hornocker, M.G.; Bailey, T.N. 1986 Natural regulation in three species of Felids
Book Chapter
Hornocker, M.G.; Quigley, H.; Miquelle, D.; Augustine, J. Death of an Amur leopard in Kedrovya Pad Zapovednik
Hornocker, M.G.; Quigley, H.B. 1993 The Siberian tiger and Amur leopard: A research and conservation prospectusfor the Primorye Kray, Russia
Hornocker, M.G.; Quigley, H.B. 1990 Ecology and Conservation of the Siberian Tiger
Full Book
Hornseth, M.L.; Walpole, A.A.; Walton, L.R.; Bowman, J.; Ray, J.C.; Fortin, M.-J.; Murray, D.L. 2014 Habitat loss, not fragmentation, drives occurrence patterns of Canada lynx at the southern range periphery
PLoS ONE (9)
Hornsey, T. 1999 Breeding the fossa at Suffolk Wildlife Park
International Zoo News (46)
Horvath, E.; Kanuch, P.; Uhrin, M. 2021 Predation on nests of the European pond turtle (_Emys orbicularis_): remarks from failed field experiments
Herpetology Notes (14)
Hossain, A.N.M.; Barlow, A.; Barlow, C.G.; Lynam, A.J.; Chakma, S.; Savini, T. 2016 Assessing the efficacy of camera trapping as a tool for increasing detection rates of wildlife crime in tropical protected areas
Biological Conservation (201)
Hosseini, S.M.; Ronaghi, H.; Moshrefi, A.H.; Zaheri, B.A.; Adibi, M.A.; Tavassoli, K. 2019 Histopathological study of gastric infection with_ Spirocerca lupi_ in Pallas's cat (_Otocolobus manul_)
Comparative Clinical Pathology (28)
Hossfeld, E.; Reif, U.; Reith, U. 1993 The wildcat in the Taunus Mountains, Results of preliminary investigations and a draft of a research and protection project
Conference Proceeding
Hostetler, J.A.; Onorato, D.P.; Bolker, B.M.; Johnson, W.E.; O'Brien, S.J.; Jansen, D.; Oli, M.K. 2012 Does genetic introgression improve female reproductive performance? A test on the endangered Florida panther
Oecologia (168)
Hostetler, J.A.; Onorato, D.P.; Jansen, D.; Oli, M.K. 2013 A cat's tale: the impact of genetic restoration on Florida panther population dynamics and persistence
Journal of Animal Ecology (82)
Hostetler, J.A.; Onorato, D.P.; Nichols, J.D.; Johnson, W.E.; Roelke, M.E.; O'Brien, S.J.; Jansen, D.; Oli, M.K. 2010 Genetic introgression and the survival of Florida panther kittens
Biological Conservation (143)
Houji, L. Habitat availability and prospects for tigers in China
Houji, L. 1989 Proposal for field survey of the Chinese tiger together with Leopard and Clouded Leopard in Southern China
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)