IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            518 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Jackson, R.M. 1996 Study method
Full Book
Jackson, R.M. 1996 Study animals
Full Book
Jackson, R.M. 1996 Movement and activity patterns
Full Book
Jackson, R.M. 1996 Home range configuration and utilization patterns
Full Book
Jackson, R.M. 1996 Habitat use patterns
Full Book
Jackson, R.M. 1996 Social interaction patterns and communication
Full Book
Jackson, R.M. 1996 Food habits and prey species distribution pattern
Full Book
Jackson, R.M. 1996 Discussion
Full Book
Jackson, R.M. 1996 References and appendices
Full Book
Jackson, R.M.; Ahlborn, G.G.; Gurung, M.; Ale, S.B. 1996 Reducing livestock depredation losses in the Nepalese Himalaya
Conference Proceeding
Jackson, R.M.; Hillard, D. 2001 Snow leopard conservancy Progress Report
Full Book
Jackson, R.M.; Munkhtsog, B.; Mallon, D.P.; Naranbaatar, G.; Gerelmaa, K. 2009 Camera-trapping snow leopards in the Tost Uul region of Mongolia
Cat News (51)
Jackson, R.M.; Roe, J. 2002 Preliminary observations on non-invasive techniques for identifying individual snow leopards and monitoring populations
Conference Proceeding
Jackson, R.M.; Roe, J.D.; Wangchuk, R.; Hunter, D.O. 2005 Surveying snow leopard populations with emphasis on Camera trapping - a handbook
Full Book
Jackson, R.M.; Roe, J.D.; Wangchuk, R.; Hunter, D.O. 2006 Estimating snow leopard population abundance using photography and capture-recapture techinques
Wildlife Society Bulletin (34)
Jackson, R.M.; Roe, J.D.; Wangchuk, R.; Hunter, D.O. 2005 Camera-Trapping of Snow Leopards
Cat News (42)
Jackson, R.M.; Wangchuk, R. 2005 A community-based approach to mitigating livestock depredation by snow leopards
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (9)
Jackson-Farrell, A. 1951 A Tiger Shoot in Independent India
Jacobs, C.; Main, M. 2014 Florida panther recovery: livestock depredation, predation risk maps, and new approaches to compensation programs
Conference Proceeding
Jacobs, M.J.; Schloeder, C.A. 2001 Impacts of conflict on biodiversity and protected areas in Ethiopia
Full Book
Jacobson, A.P.; Cattau, M.E.; Riggio, J.S.; Petracca, L.S.; Fedak, D.A. 2013 Distribution and abundance of lions in northwest Tete Province, Mozambique
Tropical Conservation Science (6)
Jacobson, A.P.; Gerngross, P.; Lemeris, J.R.J.; Schoonover, R.F.; Anco, C.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Durant, S.M.; Farhadinia, M.S.; Henschel, P.; Kamler, J.F.; Laguardia, A.; Rostro-Garcia, S.; Stein, A.B.; Dollar, L. 2016 Leopard (_Panthera pardus_) status, distribution, and the research efforts across its range
PeerJ (e1974)
Jacobson, R.H. 1991 How well do serodiagnostic tests predict the infection or disease status of cats?
Javma (199)
Jacobson, S.K.; Langin, C. 2008 Quantitative study of public support for Florida Panther (_Puma concolor coryi_) recovery
Full Book
Jacobson, S.K.; Langin, C.; Carlton, J.S.; Kaid, L.L. 2011 Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of the Florida Panther
Conservation Biology (26)
Jacques, G.S. 2005 Identifica‡Æo de esp‚cies animais usando seqˆncias de genes mitocondriais no combate aos crimes contra a fauna
Full Book
Jacquier, M.; Woodfine, T. 2007 A pilot GPS study on a single male cheetah in Zimbabwe
Cat News (47)
Jaeger, P. 1960 Faut-il prot‚ger la panthŠre?
Zooleo (6)
Jakob, W.; Stolte, M.; Valentin, A.; Schr”der, H.-D. 1997 Demonstration of _Helicobacter pylori_-like organisms in the gastric mucosa of captive exotic carnivores
Journal of Comparative Pathology (116)
Jaksic, F.M.; Delibes, M. 1987 A comparative analysis of food-niche relationships and trophic guild structure in two assemblages of vertebrate predators differing in species richness: causes, correlations, and consequences
Oecologia (71)
Jaksic, F.M.; Soriguer, R.C. 1981 Predation upon the European rabbit (_Oryctolagus cuniculus_) in mediterranean habitats of Chile and Spain: A comparative analysis
Journal of Animal Ecology (50)
Jaksic-Born, C. 2008 Das Feuerregime im Queen Elizabeth Nationalpark, Uganda - Auswirkungen auf die Verbreitung und Habitatnutzung grosser Herbivoren
Full Book
Jalais, A. 2004 People and tigers: an anthropological study of the Sundarbans of West Bengal, India
Full Book
Jalais, A. 2007 The Sundarbans: whose world heritage site?
Conservation and Society (5)
Jalais, A. 2008 Unmasking the cosmopolitan tiger
Nature and Culture (3)
Jalanka, H.H. 1991 Medetomidine, medetomidine-ketamine combinations and atipamezole in nondomestic mammals
Full Book
Jalanka, H.H.; Vane-Tempest, M.-A. 1990 Athelmintic efficacy of pyrantel embonate, flubendazole, and two forms of ivermectin in captive snow leopards (_Panthera uncia_)
Book Chapter
Jalil, B.M. 1992 Bengal tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_) in Bangladesh
Full Book
Jalkotzy, M.; Ross, I.; Gunson, J.R. 1992 Management plan for cougars in Alberta
Full Book
Jalkotzy, M.G. 1995 Cougar Responses to Human Activity
Cat Times - ISEC Newsletter
Jalkotzy, M.G.; Ross, P.I. 1996 Cougar responses to human activity at sheep river, Alberta Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Jalkotzy, M.G.; Ross, P.I.; Schmidt, R.W. 1996 Winter food habits of cougars in southwestern Alberta Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
James, A.N.; Gaston, K.J.; Balmford, A. 1999 Balancing the Earth's accounts
Nature (401)
James, B. 1990 Could culling be the key to saving tigers?
Jamieson, A.; Carmagnini, A.; Howard-McCombe, J.; Doherty, S.; Hirons, A.; Dimopoulos, E.; Lin, A.T.; Allen, R.; Anderson-Whymark, H.; Barnett, R.; Batey, C.; Beglane, F.; Bowden, W.; Bratten, J.; de Cupere, B.; Drew, E.; Foley, N.M.; Fowler, T.; Fox, A.; Geigl, E.M.; Gotfredsen, A.B.; Grange, T.; Griffiths, D.; Gross, D.; Haruda, A.; Hjermind, J.; Knapp, Z.; Lebrasseur, O.; Librado, P.; Lyons, L.A.; Mainland, I.; McDonnell, C.; Munoz-Fuentes, V.; Nowak, C.; O'Connor, T.; Peters, J.; Russo, I.R.; Ryan, H.; Sheridan, A.; Sinding, M.H.; Skoglund, P.; Swali, P.; Symmons, R.; Thomas, G.; Trolle Jensen, T.Z.; Kitchener, A.C.; Senn, H.; Lawson, D.; Driscoll, C.; Murphy, W.J.; Beaumont, M.; Ottoni, C.; Sykes, N.; Larson, G.; Frantz, L. 2023 Limited historical admixture between European wildcats and domestic cats
Current Biology (33)
Jamtsho, Y.; Dendup, P.; Dorji, T.; Dorji, T.; Dorji, R.; Dorji, R. 2021 Jigme Dorji National Park: A wild felid biodiversity hotspot in Bhutan
Cat News (72)
Jamtsho, Y.; Katel, O. 2019 Livestock depredation by snow leopard and Tibetan wolf: Implications for herders' livelihoods in Wangchuck Centennial National Park, Bhutan
Pastoralism Research, Policy and Practice (9)
Janardhanan, R.; Mukherjee, S.; Karunakaran, P.V.; Athreya, R. 2014 On the occurrence of the fishing cat _Prionailurus viverrinus_ Bennet, 1833 (Carnivora: Felidae) in coastal Kerala, India
Journal of Threatened Taxa (6)
Janczewski, D.N.; Modi, W.S.; Stephens, J.C.; O'Brien, S.J. 1995 Molecular evolution of mitochondrial 12S RNA and Cytochrome b sequences in the Pantherine lineage of Felidae
Molecular Biology and Evolution (12)
Janczewski, D.N.; Yuhki, N.; Gilbert, D.A.; Jefferson, G.T.; O'Brien, S.J. 1992 Molecular phylogenetic inference from saber-toothed cat fossils of Rancho La Brea
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (89)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)