IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Lehmann, M.B.; Funston, P.J.; Owen, C.R.; Slotow, R. 2008 Feeding behaviour of lions (_Panthera leo_) on a small reserve
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (38)
Lehmann, M.B.; Funston, P.J.; Owen, C.R.; Slotow, R. 2008 Home range utilisation and territorial behaviour of lions (_Panthera leo_) on Karongwe Game Reserve, South Africa
PLoS ONE (3)
Lehmkuhl, J.F. 1984 Determining Size and Dispersion of Minimum Viable Population for Land Management Planning and Species Conservation
Environmental Management (8)
Lehner, P.N.; Horn, S.W. 1985 Research on Forms of Conditioned Avoidance in Coyotes
Appetite (6)
Lehock , K.; Black, S.A.; Harland, A.; Kadlecik, O.; Kasarda, R.; Moravcikov , N. 2022 Genetic diversity, viability and conservation value of the global captive population of the Moroccan Royal lions
PLoS ONE (16)
Lehugeur, L.M. 2013 Caracteriza‡Æo evolutiva de uma zona h¡brida entre duas esp‚cies de fel¡deos neotropicais (_Leopardus tigrinus_ e _L. geoffroyi_) atrav‚s da an lise de marcadores nucleares
Full Book
Leighton, G.R.M.; Bishop, J.M.; O'Riain, M.J.; Broadfield, J.; Mer”ndun, J.; Avery, G.; Avery, D.M.; Serieys, L.E.K. 2020 An integrated dietary assessment increases feeding event detection in an urban carnivore
Urban Ecosystems (23)
Leighton-Jones, P. Carnivore biodiversity and distribution in continental Africa: Implications for conservation
Full Book
Leininger, R.W. 1984 Bilateral coxofemoral dysplasia in a snow leopard
Book Chapter
Leite, M.R.P.; Boulhosa, R.L.P.; Galvao, F.; Cullen, L. 2002 Conservation of jaguars in the protected areas of Atlantic coastal forest, Brazil
Book Chapter
Leite, M.R.P.; Galvao, F. 2002 Jaguar, Puma, and local people in three protected areas, Atlantic costal forest, Parana State, Brazil
Book Chapter
Lekagul, B.; McNeely, J.A. 1988 Family Felidae - The Cats
Book Chapter
Lele, Y.; Chunekar, H. 2013 Sighting of a rusty-spotted cat in Amboli village, India
Cat News (59)
Lelieveld, G.; van Bodegom, P.M.; Wamelink, W. 2019 No place to hide: Limited forest cover hampers the availability of suitable habitat for lynx in the Netherlands
Lutra (62)
Lembo, T.; Hampson, K.; Auty, H.; Beesley, C.A.; Bessell, P.; Packer, C.; Halliday, J.; Fyumagwa, R.; Hoare, R.; Ernest, E.; Mentzel, C.; Mlengeya, T.; Stamey, K.; Wilkins, P.P.; Cleaveland, S. 2011 Serologic surveillance of Anthrax in the Serengeti Ecosystem, Tanzania, 1996-2009
Emerging Infectious Diseases (17)
Lembo, T.; Hampson, K.; Haydon, D.T.; Craft, M.; Dobson, A.; Dushoff, J.; Ernest, E.; Hoare, R.; Kaare, M.; Mlengeya, T.; Mentzel, C.; Cleaveland, S. 2008 Exploring reservoir dynamics: a case study of rabies in the Serengeti ecosystem
Journal of Applied Ecology (45)
Lemelin, R.H. 2009 Doubting Thomases and the cougar: the perceptions of puma management in Northern Ontario, Canada
Sociologia Ruralis (49)
Lemeris, J.J.; Pimm, S. 2013 Identifying areas of socio-ecological value for the translocation of perceived conflict cheetah (A. jubatus) and leopard (P. pardus) in Namibia
Full Book
Lemes, L.P. 2016 Spatial priorities for the agricultural development in the Cerrado
Full Book
Lemes, P.; Loyola, R.D. 2013 Accommodating species climate-forced dispersal and uncertainties in spatial conservation planning
PLoS ONE (8)
Lemieux, A.M.; Bruschi, N. 2019 The production of jaguar paste in Suriname: a product-based crime script
Crime Science (8)
Lendrum, P.E.; Crooks, K.R.; Wittemyer, G. 2017 Changes in circadian activity patterns of a wildlife community post high-intensity energy development
Journal of Mammalogy (98)
Lendrum, P.E.; Elbroch, L.M.; Quigley, H.; Thompson, D.J.; Jimenez, M.; Craighead, D. 2014 Home range characteristics of a subordinate predator: selection for refugia or prey availability?
Conference Proceeding
Lensing, J.E.; Joubert, E. 1976 Intensity distribution patterns for five species of problem animals in south west Africa
Madoqua (10)
Lenzen, M.; Moran, D.; Kanemoto, K.; Foran, B.; Lobefaro, L.; Geschke, A. 2012 International trade drives biodiversity threats in developing nations
Nature (486)
Leon-Quinto, T.; Simon, M.A.; Cadenas, R.; Jones, J.; Martinez-Hernandez, F.J.; Moreno, J.M.; Vargas, A.; Martinez, F.; Soria, B. 2009 Developing biological resource banks as a supporting tool for wildlife reproduction and conservation: The Iberian lynx bank as a model for other endangered species
Animal Reproduction Science (112)
Leon-Quinto, T.; Simon, M.A.; Sanchez, A.; Martin, F.; Soria, B. 2011 Cryobanking the genetic diversity in the critically endangered Iberian lynx (_Lynx 3 pardinus_) from skin biopsies. Investigating the cryopreservation and culture 4 ability of highly valuable explants and cells
Cryobiology (62)
Leopard Project Team of WWF-Pakistan Nathiagali Office, 2007 Investigate human-leopard conflict in Galliat and contiguous to Abbottabad and Margalla - Final Progress Report
Full Book
Leopard Project Team of WWF-Pakistan Nathiagali Office, 2007 Preliminary study to know leopard population in and around Ayubia National Park
Full Book
Leopold, B.D.; Krausman, P.R. 1986 Diets of 3 predators in Big Bend national park, Texas
Journal of Wildlife Management (50)
Lesch, R.; Kitchener, A.C.; Hantke, G.; Kotrschal, K.; Fitch, W.T. 2022 Cranial volume and palate length of cats, _Felis_ spp., under domestication, hybridization and in wild populations
Royal Society Open Science (9)
Leschinski, L. 2020 Occurrence and activity patterns of the Balkan lynx (_Lynx lynx bylcanicus)_, its prey species and the grey wolf _(Canis lupus)_ as a competitive predator, in the Mavrovo National Park, North Macedonia
Full Book
Lescroart, J.; Bonilla-S nchez, A.; Napolitano, C.; Buitrago-Torres, D.L.; Ram¡rez-Chaves, H.E.; Pulido-Santacruz, P.; Murphy, W.J.; Svardal, H.; Eizirik, E. 2023 Extensive Phylogenomic Discordance and the Complex Evolutionary History of the Neotropical Cat Genus Leopardus
Molecular Biology and Evolution (40)
Lescureux, N. 2010 The good, the bad and the ghost
Fondation Fyssen Annales (24)
Lescureux, N.; Linnell, J.D.C. 2010 Knowledge and Perceptions of Macedonian Hunters and Herders: The Influence of Species Specific Ecology of Bears, Wolves, and Lynx
Human Ecology (38)
Lescureux, N.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Mustafa, S.; Melovski, D.; Stojanov, A.; Ivanov, G.; Avukatov, V.; von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser, U. 2011 Fear of the unknown: local knowledge and perceptions of the Eurasian lynx _Lynx lynx _in western Macedonia
Leslie, E. 2001 Mountain lion-human interactions on the Colorado Palteau: the effects of human use areas on mountain lion movements, behavior, and activity patterns
Conference Proceeding
Lesmeister, D.B.; Nielsen, C.K.; Schauber, E.M.; Hellgren, E. 2015 Spatial and temporal structure of a mesocarnivore guild in Midwestern North America
Wildlife Monographs (191)
Lessa, I.C.M. 2012 Os mam¡feros de m‚dio porte e suas respostas … fatores ambientais, f¡sicos e antr¢picos, sobre diferentes perspectivas, no Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande - RJ
Full Book
Lestari, N.S. 2006 Studi Habitat Harimau Sumatera (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_ Pocock, 1929) di Taman Nasional Way Kambas
Full Book
Lester, C.D. 1900 Curious conduct of a panther
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (12)
Letro, L.; Duba, D. 2019 Clouded leopard in biological corridor of Bhutan, an opportunity for population dispersal
Cat News (69)
Letro, L.; Duba, D.; Tandin, T.; Wangdi, S. 2021 Rare capture of a snow leopard in Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park, Bhutan
Cat News (73)
Letro, L.; Fischer, K.; Duba, D.; Tandin, T. 2022 Occupancy patterns of prey species in a biological corridor and inferences for tiger population connectivity between national parks in Bhutan
Oryx (56)
Lettink, M.; Armstrong, D.P. 2003 An introduction to using mark-recapture analysis for monitoring threatened species
Letts, Q. 1991 Coy pumas step out of shadows
Leuchtenberger, C.; Almeida, S.B.; Andriolo, A.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G. 2016 Jaguar mobbing by giant otter groups
Acta Ethologica (19)
Leuchtenberger, C.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Mouro, G.; Lehn, C.R. 2009 Courtship behavior by Jaguars in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul
Natureza & Conservao (7)
Leuchtenberger, C.; de Oliveira, E.S.; Cariolatto, L.P.; Kasper, C.B. 2018 Activity pattern of medium and large sized mammals and density estimates of _Cuniculus paca _(Rodentia: Cuniculidae) in the Brazilian Pampa
Brazilian Journal of Biology
Leus, K.; Lacy, R.C. 2009 Genetic and demographic management of conservation breeding programmes oriented towards reintroduction
Book Chapter

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)