IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Nayeri, D.; Mohammadi, A.; Qashqaei, A.T.; Vanak, A.T.; Gompper, M.E. 2021 Free-ranging dogs as a potential threat to Iranian mammals
Oryx (56)
Nayerul Haque, M.D. 1987 Scavenging habit of fishing Cat _Felis viverrina_ in Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (84)
Nayerul Haque, M.D.; Vijayan, V.S. 1993 Food habits of the fishing Cat _Felis viverrina _in Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (90)
Nazeri, M.; Madani, N.; Kumar, L.; Mahiny, A.S.; Kiabi, B.H. 2015 A geo-statistical approach to model Asiatic cheetah, onager, gazelle and wild sheep shared niche and distribution in Turan biosphere reserve-Iran
Ecological Informatics (29)
N jera, F.; Crespo, E.; Garc¡a-Talens, A.; Grande-G¢mez, R.; Herrera-S nchez, F.J.; Gentil, M.; Cort‚s-Garc¡a, C.; Mller, E.; Calero-Bernal, R.; Revuelta, L. 2021 First Description of Sarcoptic Mange in a Free-Ranging European Wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_) from Spain
Animals (11)
N£¤ez-P‚rez, R. 2011 Estimating jaguar population density using camera-traps: a comparison with radio-telemetry estimates
Journal of Zoology (285)
Neal, D.L.; Steger, G.N.; Bertram, R.C. 1987 Mountain lions: preliminary findings on home-range use and density in the Central Sierra Nevada
Neale, G. 1994 Island riddle of the sabre-toothed tabby
Neale, G. 1999 Captive breeding endangers wild tigers
Neale, J.C.C.; Sacks, B.N. 2001 Resource utilization and interspecific relations of sympatric bobcats and coyotes
Oikos (94)
Neale, J.C.C.; Sacks, B.N.; Jaeger, M.M.; McCullough, D.R. 1998 A comparison of bobcat and coyote predation on lambs in north-coastal California
Journal of Wildlife Management (62)
Neaves, L.E.; Hollingsworth, P.M. 2013 The Scottish wildcat (_Felis silvestris_) - A review of genetic information and its implications for management
Full Book
Neff, N.A. 1996 Cat Kin
Wildlife Conservation
Negi, S.S. 1969 Transplanting of Indian Lion in Uttar Pradesh State
Negres, N.; Sarmento, P.; Cruz, J.; Eira, C.; Revilla, E.; Fonseca, C.; Sollmann, R.; Trres, N.M.; Furtado, M.M.; Jcomo, A.T.A.; Silveira, L. 2010 Use of camera-trapping to estimate puma density and influencing factors in central Brazil
Journal of Wildlife Management (74)
Negroes, N.; Sollmann, R.; Fonseca, C.; Jacomo, A.T.A.; Revilla, E.; Silveira, L. 2012 One or two cameras per station? Monitoring jaguars and other mammals in the Amazon
Ecological Research (27)
Nei, G. 1998 Homesick tigers eager to get back to wilderness habitat
Neiburger, E.J.; Patterson, B. 2000 Man eating lions...a dental link
Journal of the American Association of Forensic Dentists (24)
Neiburger, E.J.; Patterson, B.D. 2002 A forensic dental determination of serial killings by three African lions
General Dentistry (January-February 2002)
Neiburger, E.J.; Patterson, B.D. 2000 The man-eaters with bad teeth
Nysdj (December 2000)
Neils, A.M. 2018 Caracals in a heterogeneous landscape: resolutions for human-carnivore conflicts
Full Book
Nekaris, K.A.I. 2003 Notes on the distribution and behaviour of three small wild cats in Sri Lanka
Full Book
Nekaris, K.A.I.; Arnell, A.P.; Svensson, M.S. 2015 Selecting a conservation surrogate species for small fragmented habitats using Ecological Niche Modelling
Animals (5)
Nekhay, O.; Gonzalez-Arenas, J.; Arriaza, M. 2008 Suitability assessment of olive plantations for Iberian lynx habitat restoration
Conference Proceeding
Nellemann, C.; Henriksen, R.; Raxter, P.; Neville, A.; Mrema, E. 2014 The environmental crime crisis. Threats to sustainable development from illegal exploitation and trade in wildlife and forest resources
Full Book
Nellis, C.H.; Keith, L.B. 1968 Hunting activities and success of lynxes in Alberta
Journal of Wildlife Management (32)
Nellis, C.H.; Wetmore, S.P.; Keith, L.B. 1972 Lynx-prey interactions in central Alberta
Journal of Wildlife Management (36)
Nelson, E.W. 1918 Wild animals of North America
Full Book
Neo, W.H.Y.; Lubis, M.I.; Lee, J.S.H. 2023 Settlements and plantations are sites of human-tiger interactions in Riau, Indonesia
Oryx (57)
Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists NEFEJ, 1994 Control on the trade of wildlife specimens
Full Book
Neronov, V.M.; Bobrov, V.V. 1991 Conservation of rare mammals in the deserts of the USSR
Book Chapter
Nesmachnyi, Y.A. 2001 Importance of deer farms to the economy of the county and krai Session 4. Management of Deer Farms
Conference Proceeding
Nesmith, J. 1993 Cats' cozy living has cost: tinier brains
Nesslage, G.M.; Wilberg, M.J.; Riley, S.J. 2006 Rates and spatial patterns of decline in historical cougar and wolf populations in Montana
Intermountain Journal of Sciences (12)
Neumann, W. 1996 Bilateral congenital cataract removal and intraocular lens implantation in a tiger _(Tigris tigris)_
Conference Proceeding
Neumann-Denzau, G. 2006 The tiger as scavenger: case histories and deduced recommendations
Tigerpaper (33)
Neumann-Denzau, G.; Denzau, H. 2010 Examining the extent of human-tiger conflict in the Sundarbans Forest, Bangladesh
Tiger Paper (37)
Neumann-Denzau, G.; Denzau, H. 2010 Examining certain aspects of human-tiger conflict in the Sundarbans forest, Bangladesh
Tigerpaper (37)
Newbury, R.K. 2013 Behavioral ecology of the bobcat in a region with deep winter snows
Full Book
Newby, J. 2007 Saving Saharan wildlife
Wildlife Middle East (2)
Newby, J. 2007 Saving Saharan wildlife
Wildlife Middle East (2)
Newby, J.R.; Mills, L.S.; Ruth, T.K.; Pletscher, D.H.; Mitchell, M.S.; Quigley, H.B.; Murphy, K.M.; DeSimone, R. 2013 Human-caused mortality influences spatial population dynamics: Pumas in landscapes with varying mortality risks
Biological Conservation (159)
Newell-Fugate, A.; Kennedy-Stoskopf, S.; Brown, J.L.; Levine, J.F.; Swanson, W.F. 2007 Seminal and endocrine characteristics of male Pallas' cats maintained under artificial lighting with simulated natural photoperiods
Zoo Biology (26)
Newey, S.; Potts, J.; Irvine, R.J. 2015 Simulation study to inform the design of wildcat camera trap monitoring protocols
Full Book
Newlan Bower, J. 1983 The Snow leopard Shy, elusive, struggling to survive
The Explorer
Newman, A.; Bush, M.E.; Wildt, D.E.; van Dam, D.; Frankenhuis, M.T.; Simmons, L.; Phillips, L.G.; O'Brien, S.J. 1985 Biochemical genetic variation in eight endangered or threatened Felid species
Journal of Mammalogy (66)
Newman, C. 1997 Cats nature`s masterwork
National Geographic (June 1997)
Newman, C.; Buesching, C.D.; MacDonald, D.W. 2003 Validating mammal monitoring methods and assessing the performance of volunteers in wildlife conservation-"_Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodies?"_
Biological Conservation (113)
Newman, J.; Zillioux, E.; Rich, E.; Liang, L.; Newman, C. 2004 Historical and other patterns of monomethyl and inorganic mercury in the Florida panther (_Puma concolor coryi_)
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (46)
Newmark, W.D.; Hough, J.L. 2000 Conserving Wildlife in Africa: Integrated Conservation and Development Projects and Beyond
BioScience (50)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)