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Pedevillano, C. 1996 Stalking the Snow Leopard's Haunts
Russian Conservation News
Peebles, K.A.; Wielgus, R.B.; Maletzke, T.; Swanson, M.E. 2013 Effects of remedial sport hunting on cougar complaints and livestock depredations
PLoS ONE (8)
Peers, M.J.L.; Thornton, D.H.; Murray, D.L. 2012 Reconsidering the specialist-generalist paradigm in niche breadth dynamics: resource gradient selection by Canada lynx and bobcat
PLoS ONE (7)
Peers, M.J.L.; Wehtje, M.; Thornton, D.H.; Murray, D.L. 2014 Prey switching as a means of enhancing persistence in predators at the trailing southern edge
Global Change Biology (20)
Peetz, A.; Norconk, M.A.; Kinzey, W.G. 1992 Predation by jaguar on howler monkeys in Venezuela
American Journal of Primatology (28)
Peign‚, S. 1999 _Proailurus_, one of the oldest Felidae (Carnivora) from Eurasia: systematics and evolution
Bulletin de la Soci‚tŠ d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse (135 )
Peign‚, S. 2001 A primitive nimravine skull from the Quercy fissures, France: implications for the origin and evolution of Nimravidae (Carnivora)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (132 )
Peign‚, S. 2003 Systematic review of European Nimravinae (Mammalia, Carnivora, Nimravidae) and the phylogenetic relationships of Palaeogene Nimravidae
Zoologica Scripta (32)
Peign‚, S. 2000 A new species of_ Eofelis_ (Carnivora:Nimravidae) from the Phosphorites of Quercy, France
Earth and Planetary Scences (330)
Peign‚, S.; De Bonis, L. 2003 Juvenile cranial anatomy of Nimravidae (Mammalia, Carnivora): biological and phylogenetic implications
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (138)
Peign‚, S.; De Bonis, L.; Likius, A.; Mackaye, H.T.; Vignaud, P.; Brunet, M. 2005 A new machairodontine (Carnivora, Felidae) from the Late Miocene hominid locality of TM 266, Toros-Menalla, Chad
Comptes Rendus Palevol (4)
Peirce, M.A.; Laurenson, M.K.; Gascoyne, S.C. 1995 Hepatozoonosis in cheetahs and wild dogs in the Serengeti ecosystem
African Journal of Ecology (33 )
Peirce, M.F.; Cashman, J.L. 1996 Movements and diets of mountain lions in southwestern Arizona Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Pekor, A.; Miller, J.R.B.; Flyman, M.V.; Kasiki, S.; Kesch, M.K.; Miller, S.M.; Uiseb, K.; van der Mer, V.; Lindsey, P.A. 2019 Fencing Africa's protected areas: Costs, benefits, and management issues
Biological Conservation (229)
Pelican, K.M.; Abaigar, T.; Vargas, A.; Rodr¡guez, J.M.; Bergara, J.; L¢pez, J.; V zquez, A.; Chaparro, J.M.; Brown, J.; Wildt, D.E. 2009 Unusual gonadal hormone profiles in the Iberian lynx as determined by fecal monitoring (Perfiles poco habituales de hormonas gonadales en el lince ib‚rico seg£n an lisis de muestras fecales)
Book Chapter
Pelican, K.M.; Wildt, D.E.; Howard, J.G. 2006 GnRH agonist Lupron (R) (leuprolide acetate) pre-treatmenst prevent ovulation in response to gonadotropin stimulation in the clouded leopard (_Neofelis nebulosa_)
Theriogenology (66)
Pellerin, M.; Abdoulaye, M.; Mohamed, Y.I.; Huguet, N. 2009 Inventaire preliminaire de la faune de la Reserve villageoise de faune Rapidalibori
Full Book
Pellerin, M.; Belemsobgo, U.; Traor‚, D.; Chardonnet, P. 2016 Statut de conservation du lion (_Panthera leo_) au Burkina Faso
Full Book
Pellerin, M.; Kidjo, F.; Tehou, A.; Sogbohossou, E.A.; Ayegnon, D.; Chardonnet, P. 2009 Statut de conservation du lion (Panthera leo Linnaeus, 1758) au Benin
Full Book
Pelsy, C.; H”tte, M. 2002 Conservation de la panthŠre de l'Amour (Panthera pardus orientalis) en Sib‚rie orientale - Conservation of the Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) in eastern Siberia
Conference Proceeding
Pence, D.B.; Tewes, M.E.; Laack, L.L. 2003 Helminths of the Ocelot from Southern Texas
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (39)
Penfold, L.M.; Powell, D.; Traylor-Holzer, K.; Asa, C.S. 2014 Use it or lose it: characterization, implications, and mitigation of female infertility in captive wildlife
Zoo Biology (33)
Penjor, U. 2015 The conservation of clouded leopard in Bhutan
Journal of the Bhutan Ecological Society (2)
Penjor, U.; MacDonald, D.W.; Wangchuk, S.; Tandin, T. 2018 Identifying important conservation areas for the clouded leopard _Neofelis nebulosa_ in a mountainous landscape: Inference from spatial modeling techniques
Ecology and Evolution (8 )
Pennisi, E. Puma Genetics A Puma Is a Cougar Is a panther Meeting of the American Genetic Association
Conference Proceeding
Pennisi, E. 1996 Evolutionary and systematic biologists converge
Science (273)
Pennycuick, C.J.; Rudnai, J.A. 1970 A method of identifying individual lions Panthera leo with an analysis of the reliability of identification
Journal of Zoology (160)
Pennycuick, C.J.; Sale, J.B.; Price, M.S.; Jolly, G.M. 1977 Aerial systematic sampling applied to censuses of large mammal populations in Kenya
East African Wildlife Journal (15)
Penteado, M.J.F. 2006 As on‡as e as abundƒncias de predadores intermedi rios em fragmentos de mata atlƒntica do estado de SÆo Paulo
Full Book
Penteado, M.J.F. 2012 µrea de vida, padräes de deslocamento e sele‡Æo de habitat por pumas e jaguatiricas, em paisagem fragmentada do estado de SÆo Paulo
Full Book
Penteriani, V.; del Mar Delgado, M.; Pinchera, F.; Naves, J.; Fernandez-Gil, A.; Kojola, I.; Haerkoenen, S.; Norberg, H.; Frank, J.; Fedriani, J.M.; Sahlen, V.; Stoen, O.-G.; Swenson, J.E.; Wabakken, P.; Pellegrini, M.; Herrero, S.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V. 2016 Human behaviour can trigger large carnivore attacks in developed countries
Scientific Reports (6)
Penteriani, V.; Kuparinen, A.; Delgado, M.d.M.; Palomares, F.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Fedriani, J.M.; Calzada, J.; Moreno, S.; Villafuerte, R.; Campioni, L.; Lourenco, R. 2013 Responses of a top and a meso predator and their prey to moon phases
Behavioral Ecology (173)
Penyusun, T.; Ario, A.; Gunawan, H. 2016 Conservation strategy and action plan of the Javan leopard _(Panthera pardus melas_) 2016-2026
Full Book
Pereira Leite, M.R. 2000 Relations between jaguar, puma and local residents in three conservation units of the Atlantic Forest of Paran  State, Brazil
Full Book
Pereira, J. 2010 El mas argentino de los felinos
Vida Silvestre
Pereira, J.; Lucherini, M.; Trigo, T. 2015 _Leopardus geoffroyi_, Geoffroy's cat
Full Book
Pereira, J.A. 2010 Activity pattern of Geoffroy's cats _(Leopardus geoffroyi)_ during a period of food shortage
Journal of Arid Environments (74)
Pereira, J.A. 2009 Efectos del manejo ganadero y disturbios asociados sobre la ecolog¡a tr¢fica y espacial y la demograf¡a del gato mont‚s en el desierto del Monte, Argentina
Full Book
Pereira, J.A.; Di Bitetti, M.S.; Fracassi, N.G.; Paviolo, A.; De Angelo, C.D.; Di Blanco, Y.E.; Novaro, A.J. 2011 Population density of Geoffroy's cat in scrublands of central Argentina
Journal of Zoology (283)
Pereira, J.A.; Fracassi, N.G.; Rago, V.; Ferreyra, H.; Marull, C.A.; McAloose, D.; Uhart, M.M. 2010 Causes of mortality in a Geoffroy's cat population-a long-term survey using diverse recording methods
European Journal of Wildlife Research (56)
Pereira, J.A.; Fracassi, N.G.; Uhart, M.M. 2006 Numerical and spatial responses of Geoffroy's cat (_Oncifelis geoffroyi_) to prey decline in Argentina
Journal of Mammalogy (87)
Pereira, J.A.; Mirol, P.M.; Di Bitetti, M.S.; Novaro, A.J. 2020 The last 25 years of research on terrestrial carnivore conservation in Argentina
Mastozoologia Neotropical (27)
Pereira, J.A.; Novaro, A.J. 2014 Habitat-specific demography and conservation of Geoffroy's cats in a human-dominated landscape
Journal of Mammalogy (95)
Pereira, J.A.; Thompson, J.; Di Bitetti, M.S.; Fracassi, N.G.; Paviolo, A.; Fameli, A.F.; Novaro, A.J. 2020 A small protected area facilitates persistence of a large carnivore in a ranching landscape
Journal for Nature Conservation (56)
Pereira, J.A.; Walker, R.S.; Novaro, A.J. 2011 Effects of livestock on the feeding and spatial ecology of Geoffroy's cat
Journal of Arid Environments
Pereira, K.S.; Gibson, L.; Biggs, D.; Samarasinghe, D.; Braczkowski, A.R. 2022 Individual identification of large felids in field studies: common methods, challenges, and implications for conservation science
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (10)
Pereira, M.R.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Crawshaw, L. 1999 Toinzinho e a onca
Peres Portugal, M.; Morato, R.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Rodrigues, F.H.G.; Jacobi, C.M. 2019 Priority areas for jaguar _Panthera onca_ conservation in the Cerrado
Oryx (54)
Perez Rosales, G.R.; Andagua Mendoza, K.E. 2015 Evaluation of basic pavement design techniques for road maintenance of section V of the road Acobamba - Alcomachay bridge in the department of Huancavelica
Full Book
Perez, I. 2003 Estimating the Arabian leopard (_Panthera pardus nimr_) population size in Israel using fecal DNA
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)