IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Rais, M. 2017 Loss of Megafauna species from Pakistan
Conference Proceeding
Rajapandian, K. 2009 Factors affecting habitat occupancy of tiger in the Terai Arc Landscape, India
Full Book
Rajapandian, K.; Anwar, M.; Goyal, S.P. 2010 Evaluation of the functional status and quality of corridors connecting fragmented populations of tiger in the Indian part of Terai Arc Landscape
Full Book
Rajaratnam, R.; Sunquist, M.; Rajaratnam, L.; Ambu, L. 2007 Diet and habitat selection of the leopard cat (_Prionailurus bengalensis borneoensis_) in an agricultural landscape in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo
Journal of Tropical Ecology (23)
Rajaratnam, R.; Vernes, K.; Sangay, T. 2016 A review of livestock predation by large carnivores in the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan
Book Chapter
Rajkovic, J. 1999 Diet analysis of lynx in Croatia and Slovenia
Full Book
Raju, R.; Venugopal, B. 1994 Visitor behavior (teasing) at the Asiatic lion enclosure in the Mysore Zoo
Zoo's Print (9)
Rajvanshi, A.; Mathur, V.B.; Pragatheesh, A. 2013 Ecological effects of road through sensitive habitats - Implications for wildlife conservation
Full Book
Ralls, K.; Ballou, J.D.; Templeton, A. 1988 Estimates of lethal equivalents and the cost of inbreeding in mammals
Conservation Biology (2)
Raloff, J. 2000 Candid cameras catch rare Asian cats
Science News (157)
Ralph, S. 1977 Survey checks bobcat's status
Ram, M.; Vasavada, D.; Tikadar, S.; Mehta, D.; Zala, Y.; Jhala, L.; Mesariya, D. 2021 Home ranges of Asiatic lions in the Asiatic Lion Landscape, Gujarat, India
Cat News (73)
Ramakrishnan, U.; Coss, R.G.; Pelkey, N.W. 1999 Tiger decline caused by the reduction of large ungulate prey: evidence from a study of leopard diets in southern India
Biological Conservation (89)
Ramalho, E.E.; McCain, E.B. 2009 Jaguar News - February 2009
Ramesh, K.; Johnson, J.A.; Gurjar, R.L.; Gawande, P.J.; Parmar, R.N.; Polei, N.C.; Mathur, V.B.; Qureshi, Q.; Jhala, Y.V. 2009 Status of tiger and its prey species in Panna Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh
Full Book
Ramesh, K.; Johnson, J.A.; Sen, S.; Murthy, R.S.; Sarkar, M.S.; Malviya, M.; Bhardwaj, S.; Naveen, M.; Roamin, S.; Parihar, V.S.; Gupta, S. 2013 Status of tiger and prey species in Panna Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh: capture-recapture and distance sampling estimates
Full Book
Ramesh, T. 2010 Prey selection and food habits of large carnivores: tiger _Panthera tigris_, leopard _Panthera pardus_ and dhole _Cuon alpinus_ in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu
Full Book
Ramesh, T.; Downs, C.T. 2013 Impact of farmland use on population density and activity patterns of serval in South Africa
Journal of Mammalogy (94)
Ramesh, T.; Downs, C.T. 2015 Diet of serval on farmlands in the Drakensberg Midlands, South Africa
Mammalia (79)
Ramesh, T.; Downs, C.T. 2015 Impact of land use on occupancy and abundance of terrestrial mammals in the Drakensberg Midlands, South Africa
Journal for Nature Conservation (23)
Ramesh, T.; Downs, C.T.; Power, R.J.; Laurence, S.; Matthews, W.; Child, M.F. 2016 A conservation assessment of _Leptailurus serval_
Book Chapter
Ramesh, T.; Kalle, R.; Downs, C.T. 2015 Sex-specific indicators of landscape use by servals: consequences of living in fragmented landscapes
Ecological Indicators (52)
Ramesh, T.; Kalle, R.; Downs, C.T. 2016 Space use in a South African agriculture landscape by the caracal (_Caracal caracal_)
European Journal of Wildlife Research (63)
Ramesh, T.; Kalle, R.; Downs, C.T. 2016 Spatiotemporal variation in resource selection of servals: insights from a landscape under heavy land-use transformation
Journal of Mammalogy (97)
Ramesh, T.; Kalle, R.; Rosenlund, H.; Downs, C.T. 2016 Low leopard populations in protected areas of Maputaland: a consequence of poaching, habitat condition, abundance of prey, and a top predator
Ecology and Evolution (7)
Ramesh, T.; Kalle, R.; Sankar, K.; Qureshi, Q. 2012 Dietary partitioning in sympatric large carnivores in a tropical forest of Western Ghats, India
Mammal Study (37)
Ramesh, T.; Snehalatha, V.; Sankar, K.; Qureshi, Q. 2009 Food habits and prey selection of tiger and leopard in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India
Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation (2)
Ramesh, T.; Sridharan, N.; Sankar, K.; Qureshi, Q.; Selvan, K.M.; Gokulakkannan, N.; Francis, P.; Narasimmarajan, K.; Jhala, Y.V.; Gopal, R. 2012 Status of large carnivores and their prey in tropical rainforests of South-western Ghats, India
Tropical Ecology (53)
Ramirez, J.L.; Lescroart, J.; Figueir¢, H.V.; Torres-Florez, J.P.; Villela, P.M.S.; Coutinho, L.L.; Freitas, P.D.; Johnson, W.E.; Antunes, A.; Galetti, P.M.J.; Eizirik, E. 2022 Genomic Signatures of Divergent Ecological Strategies in a Recent Radiation of Neotropical Wild Cats
Molecular Biology and Evolution (39)
Ramirez-Chaves, H.E.; Noguera-Urbano, E.A.; Rodriguez-Posada, M.E. 2013 Mam¡feros del departamento de Putumayo, Colombia
Zoologia (37)
Ramirez-Chaves, H.E.; Perez, W.; Ramirez-Mosquera, J. 2008 Mam¡feros presentes en el municipo de Popay n, Cauca-Colombia
Boletin Cientifico Centro de Museos (12)
Ramirez-Fernandez, J.D.; Murillo, P.B.; Araya-Chavarria, F.; Dergado-Carazo, J.C.; Gallardo, V.; Pastor-Parajeles, S. 2021 Integrated actions for the conservation of the Central American oncilla
Cat News (73)
Ramirez-Pulido, J.; Gonzalez-Ruiz, N.; Genoways, H.H. 2005 Carnivores from the Mexican state of Puebla: distribution, taxonomy, and conservation
Mastozoologia Neotropical (12)
Ramli, M.; Simpson, B.; Traeholt, C. 2016 Detection and abundance of the flat-headed cat (_Prionailurus planiceps_) in different forest types in Malaysia
Conference Proceeding
Ramohavelo, C.D. 2011 Actual knowledge on lynx distribution in the canton of Valais
Fauna (19)
Ramono, W.S.; Santiapillai, C. 1993 Conservation of Sumatran Tiger (Panther tigris sumatrae) in Indonesia
Tiger Paper (20)
Rampim, L.E.; Sartorelle, L.S.; Fragoso, C.E.; Haberfeld, M.; Devlin, A.L. 2020 Antagonistic interactions between predator and prey: mobbing of jaguars (_Panthera onca_) by white-lipped peccaries (_Tayassu pecari_)
Acta Ethologica (23)
Ramsar Convention Bureau, 1999 Hula Nature Reserve (Israel)
Ramsauer, S.; Bay, G.; Meli, M.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R.; Lutz, H. 2007 Seroprevalence of selected infectious agents in a free-ranging, low-density lion population in the Central Kalahari Game Reserves in Botswana
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology (14)
Ram¡rez Bravo, O.E.; Lopez Gonzalez, C.A. 2007 Predictive Habitat and Population Viability Models for Jaguars (_Panthera onca_) in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico
Conference Proceeding
Ram¡rez Bravo, O.E.; Lopez Gonzalez, C.A. 2007 Analysis of Factors that Affect Jaguar (_Panthera onca_) Abundance Along its Distribution
Conference Proceeding
Randau da Costa Carvalho, M. 2017 Drivers and constraints of shape evolution in the vertebral column of felids (Felidae, Carnivora)
Full Book
Randau, M.; Goswami, A. 2017 Unravelling intravertebral integration, modularity and disparity in Felidae
Evolution & Development (19)
Randi, E. 2008 Detecting hybridization between wild species and their domesticated relatives
Molecular Ecology (17 )
Randi, E.; Pierpaoli, M.; Beaumont, M.A.; Ragni, B.; Sforzi, A. 2001 Genetic identification of wild and domestic cats (Felis silvestris) and their hybrids using Bayesian Clustering methods 
Molecular Biology and Evolution (18 )
Randi, E.; Ragni, B. 1991 Genetic variability and biochemical systematics of domestic and wild cat populations (Felis silvestris: Felidae)
Journal of Mammalogy (72)
Randveer, T. 2006 The attitude of Estonians towards large carnivores
Acta Zoologica lituanica (16)
Ranganathan, J.; Chan, K.M.A.; Karanth, K.U.; Smith, J.L.D. 2008 Where can tigers persist in the future? A landscape-scale density-based population model for the Indian subcontinent
Biological Conservation (141)
Ranganathan, P. 2017 The effects of land use change on carnivore use of wildlife dispersal routes in Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve, India
Full Book
Rangarajan, M. From princely symbol to conservation icon: A political history of the lion in India
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)