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Rodriguez, J.P.; Rodriquez, K.M.; Baillie, J.E.M.; Ash, N.; Benson, J.; Boucher, T.; Brown, C.; Burgess, N.D.; Collen, B.; Jennings, M.; Keith, D.A.; Nicholson, E.; Revenga, C.; Reyers, B.; Rouget, M.; Smith, T.; Spalding, M.; Taber, A.; Walpole, M.; Zager, I.; Zamin, T. 2011 Establishing IUCN Red List Criteria for Threatened Ecosystems
Conservation Biology (25)
Rodriguez, M.A. 1995 Actas del primer taller sobre la conservacion del Jaguar en Costa Rica
Full Book
Rodriguez, T.; Jaramillo, A.; de la Rosa, N.; Bustillo, R.; Villalba, I.; Buelvas, C.; Osorio, F.; Buelvas, V.; Ante, R.F. 2013 The Malibu tiger festival in the Los Colorados Wildlife and Flora Sanctuary: a successful process that seeks to contribute to the connectivity of the protected areas from Montes de Mar¡a (El festival del tigre Malib£ en el Santuario de Fauna y Flora Los Colorados: un proceso exitoso que busca contribuir a la conectividad de las  reas protegidas de los Montes de Mar¡a)
Book Chapter
Rodriguez-Hidalgo, A.; Lloveras, L.; Moreno-Garcia, M.; Saladie, P.; Canals, A.; Nadal, J. 2013 Feeding behaviour and taphonomic characterization of non-ingested rabbit remains produced by the Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
Journal of Archaeological Science (40)
Rodriguez-Soto, C.; Monroy-Vilchis, O. 2011 Distribuci¢n potencial de los felinos peque¤os en M‚xico
Mastozoologia Neotropical (18)
Rodriguez-Valera, R.; Garcia, N.; Nores, C.; Alvarez-Lao, D.; Barnett, R.; Arsuaga, J.L.; Valdiosera, C. 2016 Ancient DNA reveals past existence of Eurasian lynx in Spain
Journal of Zoology (298)
Rodrguez, A.; Delibes, M. 2003 Population fragmentation and extinction in the Iberian lynx
Biological Conservation (109)
Rodrguez, A.; Delibes, M.; Ferreras, P. 2000 On recent actions undertaken for the conservation of the Iberian lynx in Spain
Full Book
Rodrguez, A.; Delibes, M.; Palomares, F. 2002 Iberian Lynx. Bases for its reintroduction in the Sierras de Cdiz
Full Book
Rodrguez, A.; Revilla, E.; Fernndez, N. 2002 Ecology of the lynx at the regional, population, and individual levels
Conference Proceeding
Rodrguez, R.; Ramrez, O.; Valdiosera, C.E.; Garca, N.; Alda, F.; Madurell-Malapeira, J.; Marmi, J.; Doadrio, I.; Willerslev, E.; Gtherstrm, A.; Arsuaga, J.L.; Thomas, M.G.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Daln, L. 2011 50,000 years of genetic uniformity in the critically endangered Iberian lynx
Molecular Ecology (20)
Rodrguez-de la Rosa, R.A.; Polaco-Ramos, O.J.; Aguilar, F.J.; Guzmn-Gutirrez, J.R. 2007 Footprints of Machairodontid felids form the late Tertiary of central Mexico
Conference Proceeding
Rodrguez-Soto, C.; Monroy-Vilchis, O.; Maiorano, L.; Boitani, L.; Faller, J.C.; Briones, M.A.; Nez, R.; Rosas-Rosas, O.; Ceballos, G.; Falcucci, A. 2011 Predicting potential distribution of the jaguar (_Panthera onca_) in Mexico: identification of priority areas for conservation
Diversity and Distributions (17)
Rodzen, J.A.; Banks, J.D.; Meredith, E.P.; Jones, K.C. 2007 Characterization of 37 microsatellite loci in mountain lions for use in forensic and population applications
Conservation Genetics (8)
Roe, D.; Day, M.; Booker, F.; Zhou, W.; Allebone-Webb, S.; Kmpel, N.; Hill, N.A.O.; Wright, J.; Rust, N.; Sunderland, T.C.; Redford, K.; Petrokofsky, G. 2014 Are alternative livelihood projects effective at reducing local threats to specified elements of biodiversity and/or improving or maintaining the conservation status of those elements?: a systematic review protocol
Environmental Evidence (3)
Roedel, H.G.; Scholze, W.W.A.; Paulsch, A. 2004 Notes on the feeding habits of the leopard in the alpine zone of Mount Kenya
Mammalia (68)
Roelke, M.E.; Forrester, D.J.; Jacobson, E.R.; Kollias, G.V.; Scott, F.W.; Barr, M.C.; Evermann, J.F.; Pirtle, E.C. 1993 Seroprevalence of infectious disease agents in free-ranging Florida panthers
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (29)
Roelke, M.E.; Johnson, W.E.; Milln, J.; Palomares, F.; Revilla, E.; Rodrguez, A.; Calzada, J.; Ferreras, P.; Len-Vizcano, L.; Delibes, M.; O'Brien, S.J. 2008 Exposure to disease agents in the endangered Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
European Journal of Wildlife Research (54)
Roelke, M.E.; Martenson, J.S.; O'Brien, S.J. 1993 The consequences of demographic reduction and genetic depletion in the endangered Florida pather
Current Biology (3 )
Roelke, M.E.; Pecon-Slattery, J.; Taylor, S.; Citino, S.; Brown, E.; Packer, C.; VandeWoude, S.; O'Brien, S.J. 2006 T-lymphocyte profiles in FIV-infected wild lions and pumas reveal CD4 depletion
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (42)
Roelke-Parker, M.; Munson, L.; Packer, C.; Kock, R.; Cleaveland, S.; Carpenter, M.; O'Brien, S.J.; Pospischil, A.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R.; Lutz, H.; Mwamengele, G.L.M.; Mgasa, M.N.; Machange, G.A.; Summers, B.A.; Appel, M.J.G. 1996 A canine distemper virus epidemic in Serengeti lions (Panthera leo)
Nature (379)
Roesch, H. 2003 Olfactory environmental enrichment of felids and the potential uses of conspecific odours
Full Book
Roese, M.W.V. 2014 Educa‡Æo ambiental dial¢gico-cr¡tica e a conserva‡Æo da biodiversidade no entorno de  reas protegidas
Full Book
Rogers, P.M. 1978 Predator-prey relationship between rabbit and lynx in southern Spain
La Terre et la Vie (32)
Roldan, E.R.S.; Gomendio, M.; Garde, J.J.; Gan, N.; Gonzlez, R.; Crespo, C.; Arregui, L. 2009 A Genetic Resource Bank and assisted reproduction for the critically endangered Iberian lynx
Book Chapter
Rolland, J.; Basille, M.; Marboutin, E.; Gaillard, J.-M. 2011 Comparing profile methods and site-occupancy modelling for the study of occurrence of an elusive species
European Journal of Wildlife Research (57)
Romanach, S.S.; Lindsey, P.A.; Woodroffe, R. 2007 Determinants of attitudes towards predators in central Kenya and suggestions for increasing tolerance in livestock dominated landscapes
Oryx (41)
Romano, B.; Ciabo, S.; Fabrizio, M. 2011 Infrastructure obstruction profiling: A method to analyse ecological barriers formed by transport infrastructure
Conference Proceeding
Romanowski, J. 1993 Status of the wildcat based on eastern Red Data Books
Conference Proceeding
Romanski, M.; Myslajek, R.W. 2018 Nowe stwierdzenia rysia euroazjatyckiego _Lynx lynx_ w Wigierskim Parku Narodowym
Przeglad Przyrodniczy (29)
Romero-Munoz, A.; Torres, T.; Noss, A.J.; Giordano, A.J.; Quiroga, V.; Thompson, J.J.; Baumann, M.; Altrichter, M.; McBride Jr., R.; Velilla, M.; Arispe, R.L.; Kuemmerle, T. 2018 Habitat loss and overhunting synergistically drive the extirpation of jaguars from the Gran Chaco
Diversity and Distributions (25)
Romero-Muoz, A.; Maffei, L.; Cullar, E.; Noss, A.J. 2010 Temporal separation between jaguar and puma in the dry forests of southern Bolivia
Journal of Tropical Ecology (26)
Romero-Muoz, A.; Noss, A.J.; Maffei, L.; Montao, R.M. 2007 Binational population of jaguars confirmed by camera-trapping in the American Gran Chaco
Cat News (46)
Romig, T.; Deplazes, P.; Jenkins, D.; Giraudoux, P.; Massolo, A.; Craig, P.S.; Wassermann, M.; Takahashi, K.; de la Rue, M. 2017 Ecology and Life Cycle Patterns of Echinococcus Species
Book Chapter
Romig, T.; Ebi, D.; Wassermann, M. 2015 Taxonomy and molecular epidemiology of _Echinococcus granulosus_ sensu lato
Veterinary Parasitology (213)
Rominger, E.M.; Whitlaw, H.A.; Weybright, D.L.; Dunn, W.C.; Ballard, W.B. 2004 The influence of mountain lion predation on bighorn sheep translocation
Journal of Wildlife Management (68)
Romo, M.C. 1995 Food habits of the Andean fox (Pseudalopex culpaeus) and notes on the mountain cat (Felis colocolo) and puma (Felis concolor) in the Ro Abiseo National Park, Per
Mammalia (59)
Romportl, D.; Andreas, M.; Andel, P.; Blahova, A.; Bufka, L.; Gorcicova, I.; Hlavac, V.; Minarikova, T.; Strnad, M. 2013 Designing migration corridors for large mammals in the Czech Republic
Journal of Landscape Ecology (6)
Rondinini, C.; Battistoni, A.; Peronace, V.; Teofili, C. (eds) 2013 IUCN Red List of Italian Vertebrates
Full Book
Rondinini, C.; Boitani, L. 2012 Mind the map: trips and pitfalls in making and reading maps of carnivore distribution
Book Chapter
Rondon, M.V.S.d.S. 2010 Biodiversidade de parasitas intestinais em mam¡feros silvestres de duas localidades do Estado de SÆo Paulo
Full Book
Rondoni Fern ndez, M. 2019 Effects of environmental factors on mammal richness in Paso Centuri¢n (Cerro Largo)
Full Book
Roonwal, M.L. 1982 Fauna of the Great Indian Desert
Book Chapter
Roopsind, A.; Caughlin, T.T.; Sambhu, H.; Fragoso, J.M.V.; Putz, F.E. 2017 Logging and indigenous hunting impacts on persistence of large Neotropical animals
Biotropica (49)
Roos, H. 2000 Konstruktionsprinzipien an der Vorder- und Hinterpfote der Hauskatze (Felid catus). 1. Mitteilung: Skelett
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia (29)
Roosevelt, T.; Heller, E. 1914 Life-histories of African game animals I
Full Book
Roosevelt, T.; Heller, E. 1914 Life-histories of African game animals II
Full Book
Ropiquet, A.; Knight, A.T.; Born, C.; Martins, Q.; Balme, G.; Kirkendall, L.; Hunter, L.; Senekal, C.; Matthee, C.A. 2015 Implications of spatial genetic patterns for conserving African leopards
Comptes rendus Biologies (338)
Roques, S.; Adrados, B.; Chavez, C.; Keller, C.; Magnusson, W.E.; Palomares, F.; Godoy, J.A. 2011 Identification of Neotropical felid faeces using RCP-PCR
Molecular Ecology (11)
Roques, S.; Furtado, M.; Jacomo, A.T.A.; Silveira, L.; Sollmann, R.; Torres, N.M.; Godoy, J.A.; Palomares, F. 2014 Monitoring jaguar populations _Panthera onca_ with non-invasive genetics: a pilot study in Brazilian ecosystems
Oryx (48)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)