IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Tomkiewicz, S.M.; Burger, B. 2010 Telonics wildlife telemetry systems
Tomkiewicz, S.M.; Fuller, M.R.; Kie, J.G.; Bates, K.K. 2010 Global positioning system and associated technologies in animal behaviour and ecological research
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (165 )
Tomlinson, K.W.; Hearne, J.W.; Alexander, R.R. 2002 An approach to evaluate the effect of property size on land-use options in semi-arid rangelands
Ecological Modelling (149)
Toms, M.P.; Siriwardena, G.M.; Greenwood, J.J.D. 1999 Part IV Schemes for individual species
Full Book
Tonetti, N.; Berggoetz, M.; Rhle, C.; Pretorius, A.M.; Gern, L. 2009 Ticks and tick-borne pathogens from wildlife in the free State Province, South Africa
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (45)
Toni, P.; Lode, T. 2013 Fragmented populations of leopards in West-Central Africa: facing an uncertain future
African Zoology (48)
Tonkin, B.A.; Kohler, E. 1978 Breeding the African golden cat
International Zoo Yearbook (18)
Toops, C. 1995 Cats of one Color
National Parks
Topani, R. 1990 Status and distribution of tiger in Peninsular Malaysia
Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Ix)
Topp-Jorgensen, E.; Nielsen, M.R.; Marshall, A.R.; Pedersen, U. 2009 Relative densities of mammals in response to different levels of bushmeat hunting in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania
Tropical Conservation Science (2)
Torabian, S.; Ranaei, M.; Pourmanafi, S.; Chisholm, L. 2018 A Statistical Comparison between Less and Common Applied Models to Estimate Geographical Distribution of Endangered Species (_Felis margarita_) in Central Iran
Contemporary Problems of Ecology (11)
Torabian, S.; Soffianian, A.; Fakheran, S.; Asgarian, A.; Feizabadi, H.A.; Senn, J. 2017 Habitat suitability mapping for sand cat (_Felis margarita_) in Central Iran using remote sensing techniques
Spatial Information Research (26)
Torato, M.A.; de Oliveira, T.G. 2005 Ecology of the Oncilla (_Leopardus tigrinus_) at Serra do Tabuleiro State Park, Southern Brazil
Cat News (42)
Torralvo, K. 2017 Temporal variation in black caiman (_Melanosuchus niger_, Alligatoridae) nest predation in Central Amazonian, Brazil
Full Book
Torrents-TicĀ¢, M.; FernĀ ndez-Llamazares, Ā.µ; Burgas, D.; Nasak, J.G.; Cabeza, M. 2023 Biocultural conflicts: understanding complex interconnections between a traditional ceremony and threatened carnivores in north Kenya
Oryx (57)
Torres, I.L.; Ramos-Fernandez, G. 2011 Status of jaguars in the region of los Chimalapas, Oaxaca
Book Chapter
Torres, J.; Garc”a-Perea, R.; Gisbert, J.; Feliu, C. 1998 Helminth fauna of the Iberian lynx, _Lynx pardinus_
Journal of Helminthology (72)
Torres, N.M. 2010 Avaliaā€”Ɔo de modelos de distribuiā€”Ɔo de espā€šcies e sua aplicaā€”Ɔo na conservaā€”Ɔo da onā€”a-pintada
Full Book
Torres, N.M.; de Marco Jr, P.; Diniz Filho, J.A.F.; Silveira, L. 2008 Jaguar distribution in Brazil: past, present and future
Cat News (Special Issue 4)
Torres, N.M.; Junior, P.D.M.; Santos, T.; Silveira, L.; Jacomo, A.T.A.; Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. 2012 Can species distribution modelling provide estimates of population densities? A case study with jaguars in the Neotropics
Biodiversity Research (18)
Torres, S.G. 2000 Counting cougars in California
Outdoor California
Torres, S.G.; Mansfield, T.M.; Foley, J. 1996 Mountain lion depredation and human activity in California: Testing speculations Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Torres, S.G.; Mansfield, T.M.; Foley, J.E.; Lupo, T.; Brinkhaus, A. 1996 Mountain lion and human activity in California: testing speculations
Wildlife Society Bulletin (24)
Torres, T.F.; Pardinas, U.F.J.; Chemisquy, M.A. 2018 The mammals of la Rioja, eight decades after Yepes (Los mamĀ”feros de la Rioja, ocho dā€šcadas despuā€šs de Yepes)
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales n.s. (20)
Tortato, F.R.; Devlin, A.L.; Hoogesteijn, R.; May, J.A.; Frair, J.L.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Izzo, T.J.; Quigley, H.B. 2017 Infanticide in jaguar (_Panthera onca_) population - does the provision of livestock carcasses increase the risk
Acta Ethologica (20)
Tortato, F.R.; Layme, V.M.G.; Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Izzo, T.J. 2015 The impact of herd composition and foraging area on livestock predation by big cats in the Pantanal of Brazil
Animal Conservation
Tortato, F.R.; Tortato, M.A.; Koehler, E. 2013 Poultry predation by_ Leopardus wiedii_ and _Leopardus tigrinus_ (Carnivora: Felidae) in southern Brazil
Latin American Journal of Conservation (3)
Toschi, A. 1968 Rapport sur la disparition du Lynx en Italy
Acta scientiarum naturalium Academiae scientiarum bohemoslovacae - Brno (4)
Tossens, S.; Drouilly, M.; Lhoest, S.; Vermeulen, C.; Doucet, J.L. 2024 Wild felids in trophic cascades: a global review
Mammal Review
Tourenq, C.; Coleman, L. 2011 The cat and the tree: a desert tale
Cat News (54)
Toweill, D.; Nadeau, S.; Smith, D. 2008 Cougars - Past, present and future challenges
Conference Proceeding
Townsend Peterson, A. 2001 Endangered Species and Peripherale Populations: Cause for Reflection
Endangered Species UPDATE (18)
Tracey, J.A.; Bevins, S.N.; Woude, S.V.; Crooks, K.R. 2014 An agent-based movement model to assess the impact of landscape fragmentation on diseases transmission
Ecosphere (5)
Tracey, J.A.; Zhu, J.; Boydston, E.; Lyren, L.; Fisher, R.N.; Crooks, A.R. 2013 Mapping behavioral landscapes for animal movement: a finite mixture modeling approach
Ecological Applications (23)
Tracy, C.R.; Brussard, P.F. 1996 The importance of science in conservation biology
Conservation Biology (10)
Traeholt, C.; Idris, M. 2011 Diurnal rhythm and feeding preference of flat-headed cat, in seminatural conditions
Cat News (55)
Traffic, 2004 Transfer of the African lion_ Panthera leo_ from Appendix II to Appendix I - TRAFFIC recommendation for voting
Full Book
Traffic, 2008 What's Driving the Wildlife Trade? A Review of Expert Opinion on Economic and Social Drivers of the Wildlife Trade and Trade Control Efforts in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR and Vietnam
Full Book
Traffic, 1998 While supplies last - The sale of tiger and other endangered species medicines in North America (1996-1997)
Full Book
Traffic, 2005 Massive tiger bone seizure in Taiwan highlights continued poaching threat
Full Book
Traffic, 2012 Creative expert's meeting on messaging to reduce consumer demand for tigers and other endangered wildlife species in Vietnam and China
Full Book
Traffic,; Wwf, 2002 Conservation of tigers and other Asian big cats - TRAFFIC and WWF briefing document
Full Book
Trail, M.A.; Tumlison, R. 1984 Anomalies of bobcat skulls from Oklahoma
Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science (64)
Trajce, A. 2010 Conservation planning for guilds or individual species? The relative perceptions of wolves, bears and lynx among the rural Albanian public
Full Book
Trajce, A.; Hoxha, B. 2011 Camera-trapping activiities in Albania during winter 2010-2011
Full Book
Travaini, A.; Delibes, M.; Ferreras, P.; Palomares, F. 1997 Diversity, abundance or rare species as a target for the conservation of mammalian carnivores: a case study in Southern Spain
Biodiversity and Conservation (6)
Traylor-Holzer, K. 1999 South China Tiger Biomedical Workshop
CBSG News (10)
Traylor-Holzer, K. 1999 Analysis of the Regional and Global Captive Populations of Sumatran Tigers _(Panthera tigris sumatrae)_ - 1999
Full Book
Traylor-Holzer, K. 2010 North American Regional Amur Tiger Studbook
Full Book
Traylor-Holzer, K. 2010 North American Regional Malayan Tiger Studbook Panthera Tigris Jacksoni
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)