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Barnett, R.; Shapiro, B.; Barnes, I.; Ho, S.Y.W.; Burger, J.; Yamaguchi, N.; Higham, T.F.G.; Wheeler, T.; Rosendahl, W.; Sher, A.V.; Sotnikova, M.; Kuznetsova, T.; Baryshnikov, G.F.; Martin, L.D.; Harington, R.; Burns, J.A.; Cooper, A. 2009 Phylogeography of lions (_Panthera leo_ ssp.) reveals three distinct taxa and a late Pleistocene reduction in genetic diversity
Molecular Ecology (18)
Barnett, R.; Sinding, M.-H., S.; Vieira, F.G.; Mendoza, M.L.Z.; Bonnet, M.; Araldi, A.; Kienast, I.; Zambarda, A.; Yamaguchi, N.; Henschel, P.; Gilbert, M.T.P. 2018 No longer locally extinct? Tracing the origins of a lion (_Panthera leo_) living in Gabon
Conservation Genetics
Barnett, R.; Westbury, M.V.; Sandoval-Velasco, M.; Vieira, F.G.; Jeon, S.; Zazula, G.; Martin, M.D.; Ho, S.Y.W.; Mather, N.; Gopalakrishnan, S.; Ramos-Madrigal, J.; de Manuel, M.; Zepeda-Mendoza, M.L.; Antunes, A.; Baez, A.C.; De Cahsan, B.; Larson, G.; O'Brien, S.J.; Eizirik, E. 2020 Genomic adaptations and evolutionary history of the extinct scimitar-toothed cat,_ Homotherium latidens_
Current Biology (30)
Barnett, R.; Yamaguchi, N.; Barnes, I.; Cooper, A. 2006 The origin, current diversity and future conservation of the modern lion (_Panthera leo_)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. (273)
Barnett, R.; Yamaguchi, N.; Shapiro, B.; Ho, S.Y.W.; Barnes, I.; Sabin, R.; Werdelin, L.; Cuisin, J.; Larson, G. 2014 Revealing the maternal demographic history of Panthera leo using ancient DNA and a spatially explicit genealogical analysis
Evolutionary Biology (14)
Barnett, R.; Yamaguchi, N.; Shapiro, B.; Nijman, V. 2007 Using ancient DNA techniques to identify the origin of unprovenanced museum specimens, as illustrated by the identification of a 19th century lion from Amsterdam
Contributions to Zoology (76)
Barnett, R.; Yamaguchi, N.; Shapiro, B.; Sabin, R. 2008 Ancient DNA analysis indicates the first English lions originated from North Africa
Contributions to Zoology (77)
Baron, S.; McCarthy, J.; McCarthy, K.P.; Ehinola, K.; McGonigle, S.; Perea, J.; Yacelga, M.; Craighead, K. 2023 Jaguarundi occupancy and interaction with sympatric felids in Panama
Cat News (77)
Barone, M.A.; Roelke, M.E.; Howard, J.G.; Brown, J.L.; Anderson, A.E.; Wildt, D.E. 1994 Reproductive characteristics of male Florida panthers: comparative studies from Florida, Texas, Colorado, Latin America, and North American zoos
Journal of Mammalogy (75)
Barone, M.A.; Wildt, D.E.; Byers, A.P.; Roelke, M.E.; Glass, C.M.; Howard, J.G. 1994 Gonadodrophin dose and timing of anaesthesia for laparoscopic artificial insemination in the puma (_Felis concolor_)
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility (101 )
Barr, B.C.; Swift, P.K.; Clark, W.E.; Ardans, A. 1996 Necropsying mountain lions Invoelved in fatal of near fatal human attacks: the benefits of protocol and interagency network Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Barr, M.C.; Calle, P.P.; Roelke, M.E.; Scott, F.W. 1989 Feline immunodeficiency virus infection in nondomestic felids
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (20)
Barr, M.C.; Zou, L.; Holzschu, D.L.; Phillips, L.; Scott, F.W.; Casey, J.W.; Avery, R.J. 1995 Isolation of a highly cytopathic lentivirus from a nondomestic cat
Journal of Virology (69)
Barr, M.C.; Zou, L.; Long, F.; Hoose, W.A.; Avery, R.J. 1997 Proviral organization and sequence analysis of feline immunodeficiency virus isolated from a Pallas' cat
Virology (228)
Barrefelt, L. 2019 Populationsutveckling och b„rkraft f”r lodjur i ™sterg”tland
Full Book
Barreto, L.M. 2017 Use of drainage structures by ocelots (_Leopardus pardalis_) on a stretch of the BR-101 highway that intersects the sooretama biological reserve
Full Book
Barrett, K.G. 2023 Genetic structure of a large recolonizing carnivore: the case of the northern cougars (_Puma concolor_)
Full Book
Barri, F.R. 2016 Reintroducing Guanaco in the Upper Belt of Central Argentina: Using Population Viability Analysis to Evaluate Extinction Risk and Management Priorities
PLoS ONE (11)
Barrie, A.; Zwuen, S.; Kota, A.N.; Luo, M.; Luke, R. 2007 Rapid survey of large mammals of North Lorma, Gola and Grebo National Forests
Full Book
Barrientos, R.; Vickers, W.; Longcore, T.; Abelson, E.S.; Dellinger, J.; Waetjen, D.P.; Fandos, G.; Shilling, F.M. 2023 Nearby night lighting, rather than sky glow, is associated with habitat selection by a top predator in human-dominated landscapes
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (378)
Barros-Diaz, C.; Macias, M.; Salas, J.A. 2018 Richness and abundance of carnivorous mammals in two areas with different degrees of intervention in the protected Cerro Blanco Forest (Guayas-Ecuador)
Investigatio (11)
Barrow, E.; Gichohi, H.; Infield, M. 2000 Rhetoric or Reality? A review of Community Conservation Policy and practice in East Africa
Full Book
Barry, S.; Elith, J. 2006 Error and uncertainty in habitat models
Journal of Applied Ecology (43)
Barstow, A.L.; Leslie jr., D.M. 2012 _Leopardus braccatus_ (Carnivora: Felidae)
Mammalian Species (44)
Bartczak, A.; Meyerhoff, J. 2013 Valuing the chances of survival of two distinct Eurasian lynx populations in Poland - Do people want to keep the doors open?
Journal of Environmental Management (129)
Bartelega, O.F. 2015 Effect of area, quantity of habitat and type of matrix on diet of Margay _(Leopardus weidii)_
Full Book
Bartels, P.; Bouwer, V.; Crosier, A.; Cilliers, D.; Durant, S.; Grisham, J.; Marker, L.L.; Mulama, M.; Venter, L.; Wildt, D.; Friedmann, Y. (eds) 2002 Global cheetah Action Plan review
Full Book
Barthold, J.A.; Loveridge, A.J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Packer, C.; Colchero, F. 2016 Bayesian estimates of male and female African lion mortality for future use in population management
Journal of Applied Ecology (53)
Barthold, J.A.; Packer, C.; Loveridge, A.J.; MacDonald, D.W.; Colchero, F. 2016 Dead or gone? Bayesian inference on mortality for the dispersing sex
Ecology and Evolution (6)
Barthwal, S.C.; Mathur, V.B. 2012 Teachers' knowledge of and attitude toward wildlife and conservation
Mountain Research and Development (32)
Bartnick, T.D.; Cuthill, M.; Craighead, D.; Quigley, H.B. 2014 Apparent adoption of orphaned cougars (_Puma concolor_) in Northwestern Wyoming
Western North American Naturalist (74)
Bartnick, T.D.; Deelen, V.; Quigley, H.B.; Craighead, D. 2013 Variation in cougar (_Puma conolor_) predation habits during wolf (_Canis lupus_) recovery in the southern Great Yellowstone Ecosystem
Canadian Journal of Zoology (91)
Barton, E.L. 1891 A panther eating a panther
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (6)
Bartos, C. 2000 Use of mirrors to stimulate cheetah breeding interest at the Baltimore zoo
Cheetah News (10 )
Bartosiewicz, L. 2001 A leopard (_Panthera pardus_ L. 1758) find from the late middle ages in Hungary
Barycka, E. 2007 Evolution and systematics of the feliform Carnviora
Mammalian Biology (72)
Barycka, E.; Narojek, T. 2007 Pathology and growth abnormalities in _Panthera spelaea_ from Polish sites
Mineralia Slovaca (38)
Baryshnikov, G.F. 2011 Pleistocene Felidae from the Kudaro paleolithic cave sites in the Caucasus
Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS (315)
Baryshnikov, G.F. 2016 Late pleistocene Felidae remains from geographical society cave in the Russian Far East
Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS (320)
Barzani, M.S. 2013 A recent record of Eurasian lynx in northern Iraq
Cat News (58)
Basak, K.; Ahmed, M.; Suraj, M.; Sinha, C.; Reddy, B.V.; Yadav, O.P.; Mondal, K. 2018 First picture and temporal activity of rusty-spotted cat from Chhattisgarh, Central India
Cat News (67)
Basavaraju, H.; Manimozhi, A.; Baskar, N.; Sekar, M. 1994 Breeding history of the pure Asiatic Lions (Panthera leo persica) at Arignar Anna zoological park, Vandalur, Madras - 48
Zoo's Print
Bashalkhanov, S.; Pandey, M.; Rajora, O.P. 2009 A simple method for estimating genetic diversity in large populations from finite sample sizes
BMC Genetics (10)
Bashaw, M.J.; Bloomsmith, M.A.; Marr, M.J.; Maple, T.L. 2003 To hunt or not to hunt? A feeding enrichment experiment with captive large Felids
Zoo Biology (22)
Bashir, S. 2004 Spotting cheetahs on the Serengeti Plains
Lifewatch (Summer 2004)
Bashir, S.; Durant, S.; Friedman, Y. 2004 Cheetah Census Technique Development Workshop
Cat News (42)
Bashir, T. 2013 An assessment of abundance, habitat use and prey selection by carnivores in Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, Sikkim
Full Book
Bashir, T.; Bhattacharya, T.; Poudyal, K.; Sathyakumar, S. 2011 Notable observations on the melanistic Asiatic Golden cat (_Pardofelis temminckii_) of Sikkim, India
NeBIO (2)
Bashir, T.; Bhattacharya, T.; Poudyal, K.; Sathyakumar, S.; Quershi, Q. 2013 Estimating leopard cat _Prionailurus bengalensis_ densities using photographic captures and recaptures
Wildlife Biology (19)
Bashir, T.; Bhattacharya, T.; Poudyal, K.; Sathyakumar, S.; Qureshi, Q. 2014 Integrating aspects of ecology and predictive modelling: implications for the conservation of the leopard cat (_Prionailurus bengalensis_) in the Eastern Himalaya
Acta Theriologica (59)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)