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Basille, M. 2008 Habitat selection by lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in a human-dominated landscape - From theory to application
Full Book
Basille, M.; Calenge, C.; Marboutin, E.; Andersen, R.; Gaillard, J.-M. 2008 Assessing habitat selection using multivariate statistics: some refinements of the ecological-niche factor analysis
Ecological Modelling (211)
Basille, M.; Herfindal, I.; Santin-Janin, H.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Andersen, R.; Gaillard, J.-M.; H›gda, K.A. 2009 What shapes Eurasian lynx distribution in human dominated landscape: selecting prey or avoiding people?
Ecography (32)
Basille, M.; van Moorter, B.; Herfindal, I.; Martin, J.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Odden, J.; Andersen, R.; Gaillard, J.-M. 2013 Selecting habitat to survive: the impact of road density on survival in a large carnivore
PLoS ONE (8)
Baskaya, S.; Baskaya, E.; Bilgili, E.; Glci, S. 2008 Populations Status and Principal Threats for Large Carnivores in alpine areas of Turkey
Conference Proceeding
Baskaya, S.; Bilgili, E. 2004 Does the leopard _Panthera pardus_ still exist in the Eastern Karadeniz Mountains of Turkey?
Oryx (38)
Baskaya, S.; U‡arli, Y.; Sari, A.; Ipek, A. 2008 Relationship between Rural Development and Hunting Tourism in Alpine Areas of Turkey
Conference Proceeding
Baskin, J.A. 1981 Barbourofelis (_Nimravidae_) and Nivravides (_Felidae_), with a description of two new species from the late Miocene of Florida
Journal of Mammalogy (62)
Baskin, J.A. 2005 Carnivora from the late Miocene Love Bone Bed of Florida
Bull.Fla.Mus.Nat.Hist. (45)
Bass, O.L. 1994 Ecology and population dynamics of the Florida panther in Everglades National Park
Conference Proceeding
Bass, O.L.; Maehr, D.S. 1991 Do recent panther deaths in Everglades National Park suggest an ephemeral population?
National Geographic Research & Exploration (7)
Basso, W.; Edelhofer, R.; Zenker, W.; Mā€stl, K.; KĀbber-Heiss, A.; Prosl, H. 2005 Toxoplasmosis in Pallas' cats raised in captivity
Parasitology (130)
Bastianelli, M.L.; Premier, J.; Herrmann, M.; Anile, S.; Monterroso, P.; Kuemmerle, T.; Dormann, C.F.; Streif, S.; Jerosch, S.; Gā€tz, M.; Simon, O.; MoleĀ¢n, M.; Gil-SĀ nchez, J.M.; BirĀ¢, Z.; Dekker, J.; Severon, A.; Krannich, A.; Hupe, K.; Germain, E.; Pontier, D.; Janssen, R.; Ferreras, P.; DĀ”az-Ruiz, F.; LĀ¢pez-MartĀ”n, J.M.; Urra, F.; Bizzarri, L.; Bertos-MartĀ”n, E.;,; Dietz, M.;,; Trinzen, M.;,; Ballesteros-DuperĀ¢n, E.;,; Barea-AzcĀ¢n, J.M.;,; Sforzi, A.;,; Poulle, M.L.;,; Heurich, M. 2021 Survival and cause-specific mortality of European wildcat (_Felis silvestris_) across Europe
Biological Conservation (261)
Bastl, K.; Nagel, D.; Solā€š, F. 2017 Incus facet morphology in carnivorous mammals from different ecosystems: Taxonomy vs. habitat
Comptes Rendus Palevol (16)
Basu, S. 2012 Evaluation of impact of landscape changes on large mammal habitats in Pench Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh, India
Full Book
Bateman, I.J.; Fisher, B.; Fitzherbert, E.; Glew, D.; Naidoo, R. 2010 Tigers, markets and palm oil: market potential for conservation
Oryx (44)
Bateman, I.J.; Fisher, B.; Watkinson, A.; Fitzherbert, E.; Glew, D.W. 2008 Making tigers pay: marketing conservation of the Suamatran tiger through 'tiger friendly' oil palm production
Full Book
Bateman, J.A. 1961 The mammals occurring in the Bredasdorp and Swellendam districts, C.P., since European settlement
Koedoe (4)
Bates, P.J.J. 1991 Mountain refugia in southern Arabia: their zoogeographical significance and special importance for conservation
Book Chapter
Bath, A.; Olszanska, A.; Okarma, H. 2008 From a Human Dimensions Perspective, the Unknown Large Carnivore: Public attitudes Toward Eurasian Lynx in Poland
Human Dimensions of Wildlife (13)
Bath, A.J. 1998 Results of group discussion work at the KORA workshop Workshop on human dimension in large carnivore conservation
Conference Proceeding
Batista, C.C.N. 2018 Study of environmental perception in an area of environmental protection in Cariri Paraibano
Full Book
Baudi, D.L.K.; Jewgenow, K.; Pukazhenthi, B.S.; Spercoski, K.M.; Santos, A.S.; Reghelin, A.L.S.; Candido, M.V.; Javorouski, M.L.; MĀller, G.; Morais, R.N. 2008 Influence of cooling rate on the ability of frozen-thawed sperm to bind to heterologous zona pellucida, as assessed by competitive _in vitro_ binding assays in the ocelot and tigrina
Theriogenology (69)
Bauer, D.; Schiess-Meier, M.; Mills, D.R.; Gusset, M. 2014 Using spoor and prey counts to determine temporal and spatial variation in lion (_Panthera leo_) density
Canadian Journal of Zoology (92)
Bauer, H. 2001 Use of tools by lions in Waza National Park, Cameroon
African Journal of Ecology (39)
Bauer, H. 1995 Carnivores and cattle-raising - a report of a survey on predation by carnivores of Waza National Park on livestock in the surroundings
Full Book
Bauer, H. 1999 Co-management in Africa, the case of Waza National Park, Cameroon
Conference Proceeding
Bauer, H. 2003 Lion conservation in west and central Africa - Integrating social and natural science for wildlife conflict resolution around Waza National Park, Cameroon
Full Book
Bauer, H. 2003 Lion conservation in West and Central Africa - Integrating Social and Natural science for Wildlife Conflict Resolution around Waza National Park, Cameroon
Full Book
Bauer, H. 2008 Synthesis of threats, distribution and status of the lion from the two lion conservation strategies
Conference Proceeding
Bauer, H. 2004 Report of a lion training and survey in northern Cameroon
Full Book
Bauer, H. Assessment of medium and large mammals in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve
Full Book
Bauer, H.; Acha, A.; Hussein, S.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2016 Site report: Kafa Biosphere Reserve and adjacent Protected Areas
Full Book
Bauer, H.; Awad, A.; Sitotaw, E.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2017 Follow-up visits to Alatash - Dinder Lion Conservation Unit Ethiopia & Sudan
Full Book
Bauer, H.; Chapron, G.; Nowell, K.; Henschel, P.; Funston, P.; Hunter, L.T.B.; MacDonald, D.W.; Dloniak, S.M.; Packer, C. 2016 Reply to Riggio et al.: Ongoing lion declines across most of African warrant urgent action
Pnas (113)
Bauer, H.; Chapron, G.; Nowell, K.; Henschel, P.; Funston, P.; Hunter, L.T.B.; MacDonald, D.W.; Packer, C. 2015 Lion (Panthera leo) populations are declining rapidly across Africa, except in intensively managed areas
Pnas (112)
Bauer, H.; Chardonnet, P.; Nowell, K. 2005 Status and distribution of the lion (_Panthera leo_) in east and southern Africa
Full Book
Bauer, H.; Chardonnet, P.; Nowell, K.; Crosmary, W.; Belemsobgo, U.; Koulagna, D. 2005 Conservation of the Lion in West Africa and Central Africa
Full Book
Bauer, H.; de Iongh, H.; Funston, P. 2007 Human Lion Conflict in West and Central Africa
Conference Proceeding
Bauer, H.; de Iongh, H.; Sogbohossou, E. 2010 Assessment and mitigation of human-lion conflict in West and Central Africa
Mammalia (74)
Bauer, H.; de Iongh, H.H.; Di Silvestre, I. 2003 Lion (_Panthera leo_) social behaviour in the West and Central African savannah belt
Mammal Biology (68)
Bauer, H.; de Iongh, H.H.; Princ‚e, F.P.G.; Ngantou, D. 2003 Research needs for lion conservation in West and Central Africa
Comptes rendus Biologies (326)
Bauer, H.; Dickman, A.; Chapron, G.; Oriol-Cotterill, A.; Nicholson, S.K.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Hunter, L.; Lindsey, P.; MacDonald, D.W. 2022 Threat analysis for more effective lion conservation
Oryx (56)
Bauer, H.; Gebresenbet, F. 2012 National Action Plan for the conservation of the African lion in Ethiopia
Full Book
Bauer, H.; Gebresenbet, F.; Kiki, M.; Simpson, L.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2019 Race and Gender Bias in the Research Community on African Lions
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (7 )
Bauer, H.; Gebresenbet, F.; Mathewos, H. 2016 Site report: Gambella
Full Book
Bauer, H.; Henschel, P.; Packer, C.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Chardonnet, B.; Sogbohossou, E.A.; de Iongh, H.H.; MacDonald, D.W. 2017 Lion trophy hunting in West Africa: a response to Bouchā€š et al
PLoS ONE (12)
Bauer, H.; Kamgang, A.S.; Tumenta, P.N.; Kirsten, I. 2015 Rapport de l'inventaire des grands carnivores dans le complexe de la Benoue
Full Book
Bauer, H.; Kamgang, S.A.; Kirsten, I.; Tumenta, P.; Saleh, A.; Henschel, P.; Sillero-Zubiri, C. 2015 Large carnivore abundance in the Benoue ecosystem, North Cameroon
African Journal of Ecology (54)
Bauer, H.; Kari, S. 2001 Assessment of the people-predator conflict through thematic PRA in the surroundings of Waza National Park, Cameroon
PLA Notes 41

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)