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Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Quigley, H.B. 1991 Jaguar spacing, activity and habitat use in a seasonally flooded environment in Brazil
Journal of Zoology (223)
Crawshaw Jr., P.G.; Quigley, H.B. Notes on jaguar and puma feeding habits in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil, with implications for their management and conservation
Creative Conservation Alliance, 2016 A preliminary wildife survey in Sangu-Matamuhuri Reserve Forest, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
Full Book
Creel, S. 1998 The ecology of large carnivores in protected areas: what works (and what doesn't)?
Conference Proceeding
Creel, S. 2001 Four Factors Modifying the Effect of Competition on Carnivore Population Dynamics as Illustrated by African Wild Dogs
Conservation Biology (15)
Creel, S. 2006 Recovery of the Florida panther - genetic rescue, demographic rescue, or both? Response to Pimm et al. (2006)
Animal Conservation (9)
Creel, S.; Becker, M.; Christianson, D.; Droege, E.; Hammerschlag, N.; Hayward, M.W.; Karanth, U.; Loveridge, A.; MacDonald, D.W.; Matandiko, W.; M'Soka, J.; Murray, D.; Rosenblatt, E.; Schuette, P. 2015 Questionable policy for large carnivore hunting. U.S. wolf-hunting policies do not align with ecological theory or data
Science (350)
Creel, S.; Becker, M.S.; Durant, S.M.; M'Soka, J.; Matandiko, W.; Dickman, A.J.; Christianson, D.; Droege, E.; Mweetwa, T.; Pettorelli, N.; Rosenblatt, E.; Schuette, P.; Woodroffe, R.; Bashir, S.; Beudels-Jamar, R.C.; Blake, S.; Borner, M.; Breitenmoser, C.; Broekhuis, F.; Cozzi, G.; Davenport, T.R.B.; Deutsch, J.; Dollar, L.; Dolrenry, S.; Douglas-Hamilton, I.; Fitzherbert, E.; Foley, C.; Hazzah, L.; Henschel, P.; Hilborn, R.; Hopcraft, J.G.C.; Ikanda, D.; Jacobson, A.; Joubert, B.; Joubert, D.; Kelly, M.S.; Lichtenfeld, L.; Mace, G.M.; Milanzi, J.; Mitchell, N.; Msuha, M.; Muir, R.; Nyahongo, J.; Pimm, S.; Purchase, G.; Schenck, C.; Sillero-Zubiri, C.; Sinclair, A.R.E.; Songorwa, A.N.; Stanley-Price, M.; Tehou, C.A.; Trout, C.; Wall, J.; Wittemyer, G.; Zimmermann, A. 2013 Conserving large populations of lions - the argument for fences has holes
Ecology Letters
Creel, S.; Creel, N.M. 1997 Lion density and population structure in the Selous Game Reserve: evaluation of hunting quotas and offtake
African Journal of Ecology (35)
Creel, S.; Dr”ge, E.; M'Soka, J.; Smit, D.; Becker, M.; Christianson, D.; Schuette, P. 2018 The relationship between direct predation and antipredator responses: a test with multiple predators and multiple prey
Ecology (98)
Creel, S.; M'Soka, J.; Droege, E.; Rosenblatt, E.; Becker, M.; Matandiko, W.; Simpamba, T. 2016 Assessing the sustainability of African lion trophy hunting, with recommendations for policy
Ecological Applications
Creel, S.; Matandiko, W.; Schuette, P.; Rosenblatt, E.; Sanguinetti, C.; Banda, K.; Vinks, M.; Becker, M. 2018 Changes in African large carnivore diets over the past half-century reveal the loss of large prey
Journal of Applied Ecology (55)
Creel, S.; Rosenblatt, E. 2013 Using pedigree reconstruction to estimate population size: genotypes are more than individually unique marks
Ecology and Evolution (3)
Creel, S.; Spong, G.; Becker, M.; Simukonda, C.; Norman, A.; Schiffthaler, B.; Chifunte, C. 2019 Carnivores, competition and genetic connectivity in the Anthropocene
Scientific Reports (9)
Crehuet, M.S. 2018 Interspecific competition between the wild cat (_Felis silvestris_) and other small carnivores
Full Book
Crepel, S.G.M. 2001 Contribution a l'etude de l'amelioration des conditions de vie des pantheres en captivite
Full Book
Crespo, C.; Gomendio, M.; Roldan, E.R.S. 2007 Cryobanking of Iberian Lynx (_Lynx pardinus_) Somatic Cells: Optimization of Isolation, Culture and Cryopreservation for a Genetic Resource Bank
Conference Proceeding
Criado-Fornelio, A.; Buling, A.; Casado, N.; Gimenez, C.; Ruas, J.; Wendt, L.; da Rosa-Farias, N.; Pinheiro, M.; Rey-Valeiron, C.; Barba-Carretero, J.C. 2009 Molecular characterization of arthropod-borne hematozoans in wild mammals from Brazil, Venezuela and Spain
Acta Parasitologica (54)
Criffield, M. 2014 Florida Panther Status Report
Conference Proceeding
Criffield, M.; Thomas, J.E.; Logan, K.; Cunningham, M.; Onorato, D.; Pozio, E.; Reichard, M.V. 2014 Trichinella in two disjunct populations of puma
Conference Proceeding
Crissey, S.D.; Ange, K.D.; Jacobsen, K.L.; Slifka, K.A.; Bowen, P.E.; Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis, M.; Langman, C.B.; Sadler, W.; Kahn, S.; Ward, A. 2003 Serum concentrations of lipids, vitamin D metabolites, retinol, retinyl esters, tocopherols and selected carotenoids in twelve captive wild felid species at four zoos
The Journal of Nutrition (133)
Cristescu, B.; Bernard, R.T.F.; Krause, J. 2013 Partitioning of space, habitat, and timing of activity by large felids in an enclosed South African system
Journal of Ethology (31)
Cristobal-Azkarate, J.; Dunn, J.C.; Day, J.M.W.; Amabile-Cuevas, C.F. 2014 Resistance to antibiotics of clinical relevance in the fecal microbiota of Mexican wildlife
PLoS ONE (9)
Croes, B.; Buij, R. 2009 3rd international seminar on the conservation and management of lions and other large carnivores in West and Central Africa
Full Book
Croes, B.; Buji, R.; van Dalen, J.; de Iongh, H. 2008 Livestock-carnivore conflicts: results of an inventory around B‚nou‚ National Park, Cameroon
Conference Proceeding
Croes, B.; de Iongh, H.; Rasmussen, G.; Buij, R.; Adam, S. 2010 Lion-livestock conflict mitigation and large carnivore monitoring in West and Central Africa
Full Book
Croes, B.M.; Funston, P.J.; Ramussen, G.; Buij, R.; Saleh, A.; Tumenta, P.N.; De longh, H.H. 2011 The impact of trophy hunting on lions (Panthera leo) and other large carnivores in the Bnou Complex, northern Cameroon
Biological Conservation (144 )
Croes, M.; Rasmussen, G.; De longh, H.H. 2010 Status of painted dog _Lycaon pictus_ in the B‚nou‚ Ecosystem, North Cameroon
Full Book
Croize, J.-P. 1987 Dans les Vosges, les lynx massacrs
Cronemberger, C.; de Aguiar Pereira, F.; de Faria Bacellar, A.E.; da Silva, L.G. 2018 First record of leucism in puma from Serra dos àrgÆos National Park, Brazil
Cat News (68)
Crook, C.; Clapp, R.A. 1998 Is market-oriented forest conservation a contradiction in terms?
Environmental Conservation (25)
Crook, C.; Clapp, R.A. 2001 Ecosystem structure, economic cycles and market-oriented conservation
Environmental Conservation (28)
Crooks, K.; Haas, C.; Baruch-Mordo, S.; Middledorf, K.; Magle, S.; Shenk, T.; Wilson, K.; Theobald, D. 2008 Roads and connectivity in Colorado: Animal-vehicle collisions, wildlife mitigation structures, and lynx-roadway interactions
Full Book
Crooks, K.R. 2002 Relative sensitivities of mammalian carnivores to habitat fragmentation
Conservation Biology (16)
Crooks, K.R.; Sanjayan, M.A.; Doak, D.F. 1998 New insights on cheetah conservation through demographic modeling
Conservation Biology (12)
Crosier, A.E.; Marker, L.; Howard, J.; Pukazhenthi, B.S.; Henghali, J.N.; Wildt, D. 2007 Ejaculate traits in the Namibian cheetah (_Acinonyx jubatus_): influence of age, season and captivity
Reproduction, Fertility and Development (19)
Crosier, A.E.; Pukazhenthi, B.S.; Henghali, J.N.; Howard, J.; Dickman, A.J.; Marker, L.L.; Wildt, D.E. 2006 Cryopreservation of spermatozoa from wild-born Namibian cheetahs and influence of glycerol on cryosurvival
Cryobiology (52)
Crosmary, W.-G.; Cote, S.D.; Fritz, H. 2015 The assessment of the role of trophy hunting in wildlife conservation
Animal Conservation (18)
Cross, P.C.; Creech, T.G.; Ebinger, M.R.; Heisey, D.M.; Irvine, K.M.; Creel, S. 2012 Wildlife contact analysis: emerging methods, questions, and challenges
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (66)
Crossley, B.; Hietala, S.; Hunt, T.; Benjamin, G.; Martinez, M.; Darnell, D.; Rubrum, A.; Webby, R. 2012 Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 in captive cheetah
Emerging Infectious Diseases (18)
Croteau, E.K. 2009 Population genetics and phylogeography of bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) using microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA
Full Book
Croteau, E.K.; Heist, E.J.; Nielsen, C.K. 2010 Fine-scale population structure and sex-biased dispersal in bobcats (_Lynx rufus)_ from southern Illinois
Canadian Journal of Zoology (88)
Croteau, E.K.; Heist, E.J.; Nielsen, C.K.; Hutchinson, J.R.; Hellgren, E.C. 2012 Microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA reveal regional population structure in bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) in North America
Conservation Genetics (13)
Crouzeilles, R.; Beyer, H.L.; Mills, M.; Grelle, C.E.V.; Possingham, H.P. 2015 Incorporating habitat availability into systematic planning for restoration: a species-specific approach for Atlantic Forest mammals
Diversity and Distributions (21)
Crovella, S.; Montagnon, D.; Natoli, E. 1993 Highly repeated DNA Sequences in European Wildcat and Domestic Cat (Carnivora)
Conference Proceeding
Crowe, D.M. 1975 A model for exploited bobcat populations in Wyoming
Journal of Wildlife Management (39)
Crowe, D.M.; Shryer, J. 1995 Eco-colonialism
African Wildlife (23)
Crowley, S. 2007 The eastern lynx
Wild Cat News (May 2007)
Crowley, S.M.; Hodder, D.P.; Larsen, K.W. 2013 Canada lynx (_Lynx canadensis_) detection and behaviour using remote cameras during the breeding season
Canadian Field-Naturalist (127)
Cruickshank, H.S. 2004 Prey selection and kill rates of cougars in northeastern Washington
Full Book

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)