IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Divyabhanusinh, 1998 A princely bequest Seminar 466 - Reconciling the needs of man and wildlife in India
Conference Proceeding
Divyabhanusinh, 1987 Note on the sighting of a Caracal (Felis caracal) at the Sariska National Park
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (84)
Divyabhanusinh, 1986 Note on Indian Wild dogs (Cuon alpinus) in Sariska National Park
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (83)
Divyabhanusinh, 1986 Note on the strange behaviour of a Marsh Crocodile (Crocodylus Palustris)
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (83)
Divyabhanusinh, 1993 On mutant leopards Panthera pardus from India
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (90)
Divyabhanusinh, 1985 Note on Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica)
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (82)
Divyabhanusinh, 1987 Record of two unique observations of the Indian cheetah in Tuzuk-I-Jahangiri
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (84)
Divyabhanusinh, 1995 A note on the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
Book Chapter
Divyabhanusinh, 1984 Strange behaviour of a Tiger
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (81)
Divyabhanusinh, The Origin, Range and Status of the Asiatic (or Indian) Cheetah or Hunting Leopard (_Acinonyx jubatus veneticus_)
Conference Proceeding
Divyabhanusinh,; Kazmi, R. 2019 Asiatic Cheetah _Acinonyx jubatus venaticus_ in India a Chronology of Extinction and Related Reports
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (116)
Divyabhanusinh,; Ranjitsinh, M.K. 2013 Lion and cheetah in India: the reality
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (110)
Djoko, I.B.; Granados, A.; Weladji, R.B.; Par‚, P. 2021 First direct leopard evidence in 20 years in Campo-Ma'an conservation area, Cameroon
Cat News (72)
DLA Piper, 2014 Empty threat: does the law combat illegal wildlife trade? An eleven-country review of legislative and judicial approaches
Full Book
Dmoch, R.; Schomann, 1995 International Studbook for the rusty-spotted cat _Prionailurus rubiginosus phillipsi _(Pocock, 1939)
Full Book
Dnpwc, 2017 Snow Leopard Conservation Action Plan for Nepal 2017-2021
Full Book
do Carmo, R.R. 2011 Identifica‡Æo de animais silvestres de interesse criminal da fauna matogrossense por meio de DNA mitocondrial
Full Book
do Nascimento, C.A.R. 2009 Hist¢rico oficial do com‚rcio ilegal de fauna no Estado do Amazonas
Full Book
do Nascimento, F.O. 2010 RevisÆo taxon“mica do gˆnero _Leopardus_ Gray, 1842 (Carnivora, Felidae)
Full Book
do Prado, D.M. 2010 Dieta e rela‡Æo de abundƒncia de _Panthera onca_ e _Puma concolor_ com suas esp‚cies-presa na Amaz“nia central
Full Book
Dobbins, M.T. 2015 Habitat use, activity patterns, and human interactions of jaguars in southern Belize
Full Book
Dobigny, G.; Cornette, R.; Moulin, S.; Sidiyene, E.A. 2001 The mammals of Adrar des Iforas (Mali), with special emphasis on small mammals
Conference Proceeding
Dobroruka, L.J. 1969 Further notes on _Panthera pardus pernigra_ (Hudgson, 1863)
Zoologischer Anzeiger (182)
Dobroruka, L.J. 1964 The Hodgsons Panther, _Panthera pardus pernigra _Hodgson 1863
Der Zoologische Garten (29)
Dobroruka, L.J. 1963 About North Chinese leopards, especially about the name _Panthera pardus japonensis_ (Gray 1862)
Zoologischer Anzeiger (170)
Dobroruka, L.J. 1963 Leopards from Farther India and the southernmost provinces of China
Zeitschrift fr Sugetierkunde (28)
Dobroruka, L.J. 1966 Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis sdafrikanischer Leoparden, _Panthera pardus _(Linnaeus, 1758)
S„ugetierkundliche Mitteilungen (14)
Dobroruka, L.J. 1971 Gr”sse des Territoriums eines Leoparden, _Panthera pardus _L., 1758
S„ugetierkundliche Mitteilungen (19)
Dobroruka, L.J.; van Bree, P.J.H. 1965 Quelques donn‚es taxonomiques sur les panthŠres, _Panthera pardus_ (Linnaeus, 1758) de la r‚gion nord-est du Gabon
Biologia Gabonica (1)
Dobrynin, P.; Liu, S.; Tamazian, G.; Xiong, Z.; Yurchenko, A.A.; Krasheninnikova, K.; Kliver, S.; Schmidt-Kntzel, A.; Koepfli, K.-P.; Johnson, W.; Kuderna, L.F.K.; Garcia-Perez, R.; de Manuel, M.; Godinez, R.; Komissarov, A.; Makunin, A.; Brukhin, V.; Qiu, W.; Zhou, L.; Li, F.; Jian, Y.; Driscoll, C.; Antunes, A.; Oleksyk, T.K.; Eizirik, E.; Perelman, P.; Roelke, M.; Wildt, D.; Diekhans, M.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Marker, L.L.; Bhak, J.; Wang, J.; Zhang, G.; O'Brien, S.J. 2015 Genomic legacy of the African cheetah, _Acinonyx jubatus_
Genome Biology (16)
Dobryvoda, I. 2020 New records of rare and non-abundant mammal species in Medobory Nature Reserve and its vicinities
Novitates Theriologicae (11)
Dobson, C. 1995 Unusual Sponsor for Rare Tigers
Dobson, F.S.; Jones, W.T. 1985 Multiple causes of dispersal
The American Naturalist (126)
Doddridge, J.E. 1997 Final rule to extend endangered status for the Jaguar in the United States
Federal Register (62)
Doherty, J.G. 1990 Snow leopards in the Himalayan highlands exhibit in the Bronx Zoo
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1985 Order Carnivora - General Notes
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - General Notes
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Identification Aid to Felidae Species
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis aurata
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis bengalensis
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis bieti
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis caracal
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis chaus
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis colocolo
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis concolor
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis geoffroyi
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis guigna
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis jacobita
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis lynx
Book Chapter
Dollinger, P. 1982 Order Carnivora - Family Felidae - Felis manul
Book Chapter

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)