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von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001
Full Book
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001 - Introduction, Species Information, Material and Methods
Full Book
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001 - Countries I: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia
Full Book
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001 - Countries II: Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, (FYR) Macedonia
Full Book
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001 - Countries III: Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kaliningrad Oblast (RU), Latvia
Full Book
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001 - Countries IV: Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro
Full Book
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001 - Countries V: Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine
Full Book
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001 - Populations I: Nordic, Baltic, Carpathian
Full Book
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001 - Populations II: Balkan, Dinaric, Bohemian-Bavarian, Alpine
Full Book
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001 - Populations III: Jura, Vosges-Palatinian, Additional Occurrences
Full Book
von Arx, M.; Breitenmoser-Wrsten, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Breitenmoser, U. 2004 Status and conservation of the Eurasian lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in Europe in 2001 - Europe, Conclusions, Contacts, Literature
Full Book
von den Driesch, A.; Boessneck, J. 1985 Extract: L”we, Panthera leo in: Die Tierknochenfunde aus der neolithischen Siedlung von Merimde-Benisalƒme am westlichen Nildelta
Full Book
von Heuglin, T.; Fitzinger, L.J. 1866 _Panthera pardus nimr_
von Mhlen, E.M. 2018 The effect of flood pulse on habitat use for felines and other mammals in Amazonia: understanding the importance of flooded areas for the survival and conservation of species
Full Book
von Richter, W. 1974 Survey of the adequacy of existing conserved areas in relation to wild animal species
Koedoe (17)
von Richter, W.; Butynski, T.M. 1974 Wildlife utilization in Botswana: a review and evaluation of hunter returns as a source of administrative and biological data
Journal of the southern african wildlife management association (4)
von Schreber, J.C.D.; Wagner, J.A. 1841 Die S„ugethiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur - Supplementband Die Raubthiere
Full Book
von Thaden, A.; Cocchiararo, B.; Mueller, S.A.; Reiners, T.E.; Reinert, K.; Tuchscherer, I.; Janke, A.; Nowak, C. 2021 Informing conservation strategies with museum genomics: Long-term effects of past anthropogenic persecution on the elusive European wildcat
Ecology and Evolution (11)
von Thaden, A.; Nowak, C.; Tiesmeyer, A.; Reiners, T.; Alves, P.C.; Lyons, L.A.; Matucci, F.; Randi, E.; Cragnolini, M.; Galian, J.; Hegyeli, Z.; Kitchener, A.C.; Lambient, C.; Lucas, J.M.; M”lich, T.; Ramos, L.; Schockert, V.; Cocchiararo, B. 2020 Applying genomic data in wildlife monitoring: Development guidelines for genotyping degraded samples with reduced single nucleotide polymorphism panels
Molecular Ecology Resources (20)
von Tschudi, F. 1865 Das Thierleben der Alpenwelt
Full Book
Vongkhamheng, C. 2003 Survey, Assessment and Conservation of the Indochinese Tiger _(Panthera tigris corbetti)_ in Lao PDR - Year I
Full Book
Vos, J. 2012 The institutional framework of tiger conservation: a role for CMS?
Full Book
Voskanyan, G. 2014 One male and two females of Caucasian leopard live in Southern Armenia
Full Book
Vucetich, J.A.; Peterson, R.O.; Schaefer, C.L. 2002 The effect of prey and predator densities on wolf predation
Ecology (83)
Vucetich, J.A.; Waite, T.A. 1998 Number of censuses required for demographic estimation of effective population size
Conservation Biology (12)
Vuosola, E. 1976 Once there was a tiger
Wildlife Society Bulletin (4)
Vuvu Makaya, J. 2017 Conservation of biodiversity in Luki Biosphere Reserve
Full Book
Vyas, P.; Sengupta, K.; Mathur, V.B. 2014 Human-tiger conflicts during honey collection in the Indian Sundarban: an insight into blood honey
Tigerpaper (41)
Vyas, R.; Shukla, A.; Vaghashiya, P. 2018 Rusty-spotted cat: Distribution account of _Prionailurus rubiginosus_ (Carnivora: Felidae) with comments on unusual irregularity observed in Gujarat, India
Zoo's Print (33)
Vyas, R.; Upadhyay, K. 2014 Sightings and distribution of rusty-spotted cat in Gujarat State, India
Cat News (61)
Vyas, V.R.; Lakhmapurkar, J.J.; Gavali, D. 2007 Sighting of rusty-spotted cat from new localities in Central Gujarat
Cat News (46)
Vynne, C.; Almeida, R.; Silveira, L. 2007 Landscape Matrix Composition Affects Distribution of Puma and Jaguar in a Cerrado Ecosystem
Conference Proceeding
Vynne, C.; Keim, J.L.; Machado, R.B.; Marinho-Filho, J.; Silveira, L.; Groom, M.J.; Wasser, S.K. 2011 Resource selection and its implications for wide-ranging mammals of the Brazilian Cerrado
PLoS ONE (6)
V„h„, J.-P.; Primmer, C.R. 2006 Efficiency of model-based Bayesian methods for detecting hybrid individuals under different hybridization scenarios and with different numbers of loci
Molecular Ecology (15)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)