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Vandel, J.-M.; Stahl, P. 2005 Distribution trend of the Eurasian lynx _Lynx lynx_ populations in France
Mammalia (69)
Vandel, J.-M.; Stahl, P.; Herrenschmidt, V.; Marboutin, E. 2006 Reintroduction of the lynx into the Vosges mountain massif: From animal survival and movements to population development
Biological Conservation (131)
Vandel, J.-M.; Wecker, F. 1995 Present distribution of the Lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in the northern Vosges (France) and in the Palatinat (Germany)
Ciconia (19)
Vanderhoff, E.N.; Hodge, A.-M.; Arbogast, B.S.; Nilsson, J.; Knowles, T.W. 2011 Abundance and activity patterns of the margay at a mid-elevation site in the Eastern Andes of Ecuador
Mastozoologia Neotropical (18)
VanderWaal, K.L.; Mosser, A.; Packer, C. 2009 Optimal group size, dispersal decisions and postdispersal relationships in female African lions
Animal Behaviour (77)
VandeWoude, S.; O'Brien, S.J.; Langelier, K.; Hardy, W.D.; Slattery, J.P.; Zuckerman, E.E.; Hoover, E.A. 1997 Growth of lion and puma lentiviruses in domestic cat cells and comparisons with FIV
Virology (233)
VandeWoude, S.; Troyer, J.; Poss, M. 2010 Restrictions to cross-species transmission of lentiviral infection gleaned from studies of FIV
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology (134)
Vanessa, C.A.G. 2015 Evaluation of the water quality and quantity of the drinking water management boards of the canton Mont£far for the design of an improvement plan and proper use
Full Book
Vanherle, N. 2004 Capture of five lions for telemetric tracking
Full Book
Vanherle, N. 2004 Inventory and monitoring of the lion population of the Zakouma National Park
Full Book
Vanherle, N. 2006 Inventory and monitoring of the lion population in Zakouma National Park
Full Book
Vanherle, N. 2010 Inventory and monitoring of the lion population in Zakouma National Park
Full Book
Vanherle, N. 2011 Inventaire et suivi de la population de lions (_Panthera leo_) du parc national de Zakouma (Tchad)
Revue d'Ecologie (66)
Vanherle, N. 2008 Report of the DAS/ROCAL pilot project in Zakouma National Park, Chad
Conference Proceeding
Vanleeuwe, H.; Henschel, P.; P‚lissier, C.; GotanŠgre, A.; Moyer, D.; Hasson, M. 2009 Recensement des grands mammifŠres & impacts humains - Parcs Nationaux de l'Upemba & des Kundelungu
Full Book
Vanthomme, H.; Feizoure, J. 2007 Suivi de la grande faune de la zone ECOFAC - Forˆt de Ngotto pour une exploitation durable
Full Book
Vargas, A. 2006 Iberian Lynx_ Ex-Situ_ Conservation - Seminar Series 2006
Cat News (45)
Vargas, A. 2004 Ex-situ conservation programme for the Iberian Lynx - Organization, planning and current situation
Conference Proceeding
Vargas, A.; Breitenmoser, C.; Breitenmoser, U. (eds) 2009 Iberian lynx _ex situ_ conservation: an interdisciplinary approach
Full Book
Vargas, A.; Martinez, F.; Bergara, J.; D¡ez Klink, L.; Rodr¡guez, J.; Rodr¡guez, D. 2005 Iberian lynx ex-situ Conservation Program Update 
Cat News (43)
Vargas, A.; Mart¡nez, F.; Bergara, J.; Klink, L.D.; Rodr¡guez, J.M.; Rodriguez, D.; Rivas, A. 2006 Update on the Iberian Lynx ex-situ Conservation Program
Cat News (44)
Vargas, A.; Sanchez, I.; Godoy, J.; Roldan, E.; Martinez, F.; Siimon, M.A. 2007 Iberian lynx captive breeding action plan (Plan de Acci¢n para la cr¡a en cautividad del lince ib‚rico)
Full Book
Vargas, A.; Sanchez, I.; Martinez, F.; Rivas, A.; Godoy, J.A.; Roldan, E.; Simon, M.A.; Serra, R.; Perez, J.; Silwa, A.; Delibes, M.; Aymerich, M.; Breitenmoser, U. 2008 The Iberian lynx conservation breeding programme 
Conference Proceeding
Vargas, A.; Sim¢n, M.A.; Aymerich, M.; Mart¡nez, F.; S nchez, I.; Godoy, J.A.; Rold n, E.; Delibes, M.; Breitenmoser, U. 2007 The Design of Ex-situ Programs for Endangered Species Conservation: The Iberian Lynx as a Recent Example
Conference Proceeding
Vargas, A.; S nchez, I.; Mart¡nez, F.; Rivas, A.; Godoy, J.A.; Roldan, E.; Sim¢n, M.A.; Serra, R.; P‚rez, M.J.; Sliwa, A.; Delibes, M.; Aymerich, M.; Breitenmoser, U. 2009 Interdisciplinary methods in the Iberian Lynx (_Lynx pardinus_) Conservation Breeding Programme (M‚todos multidisciplinares en el Programa de Cr¡a para la Conservaci¢n del Lince Ib‚rico)
Book Chapter
Vargas, A.; S nchez, I.; Rivas, A.; Mart¡nez, F.; Godoy, J.A.; Rold n, E.; Serra, R.; P‚rez, M.J.; Sim¢n, M.A.; Delibes, M.; Aymerich, M. 2008 Update on the Iberian Lynx Ex-situ Conservation Program
Cat News (49)
Varma, V.; Ratnam, J.; Viswanathan, V.; Osuri, A.M.; Biesmeijer, J.C.; Madhusudan, M.D.; Sankaran, M.; Krishnadas, M.; Barua, D.; Budruk, M.; Isvaran, K.; Jayapal, R.; Joshi, J.; Karanth, K.K.; Krishnaswamy, J.; Kumar, R.; Mukherjee, S.; Nagendra, H.; Niphadkar, M.; Owen, N.; Page, N.; Prasad, S.; Quader, S.; Nandini, R.; Robin, V.V.; Sait, S.M.; Shah, M.A.; Somanathan, H.; Srinivasan, U.; Sundaram, B. 2015 Perceptions of priority issues in the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems in India
Biological Conservation (187)
Varty, N. 1988 Mammals and problems of their conservation in the riverine forests of the Jubba Valley, southern Somalia
Tropical Zoology (1)
Vasantrao, S.L.D. 2009 Study of Wildlife Conservation and Management at Chandoli Wildlife Sanctuary
Full Book
Vasava, A.; Bipin, C.M.; Solanki, R.; Singh, A. 2012 Record of rusty-spotted cat from Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, Madhya Pradesh, India
Cat News (57)
Vashon, J.; McLellan, S.; Crowley, S.; Meehan, A.; Laustsen, K. 2012 Canada lynx assessment
Full Book
Vashon, J.; Vashon, A.; Crowley, S. 2002 Partnership for lynx conservation in Maine December 2001 - December 2002 field report Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Full Book
Vashon, J.H.; Meehan, A.L.; Jakubas, W.J.; Organ, J.F.; Vashon, A.D.; McLaughlin, C.R.; Matula Jr, G.J.; Crowley, S.M. 2008 Spatial ecology of a Canada lynx population in northern Maine
Journal of Wildlife Management (72)
Vashon, J.H.; Meehan, A.L.; Organ, J.F.; Jakubas, W.J.; McLaughlin, C.R.; Vashon, A.D.; Crowley, S.M. 2008 Diurnal habitat relationships of Canada lynx in an intensively managed private forest landscape in northern Maine
Journal of Wildlife Management (72)
Vasilev, V.Y. 2001 Importance of hunting leases for Far Eastern Leopard conservation Session 7. Hunting Management and Anti-poaching
Conference Proceeding
Vasilijevic, M.; Zunckel, K.; McKinney, M.; Erg, B.; Schoon, M. 2015 Transboundary Conservation - A systematic and integrated approach
Full Book
Vasiliu, G.D.; Decei, P. 1964 About the lynx (_Lynx lynx_) in the Romanian Carpathians
Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen (12)
Vasudev, D.; Fletcher, R.J.; Goswami, V.R.; Krishnadas, M. 2015 From dispersal constraints to landscape connectivity: lessons from species distribution modeling
Ecography (38)
Vattakaven, J.; Grey, T.; Krishnamurthy, R. 2016 Active population recovery efforts to mitigate local extinctions of tiger populations in Asia
Conference Proceeding
Vattakaven, J.; Jhala, Y.V.; Qureshi, Q. 2010 Radio-telemetry study of tigers in Kanha Tiger Reserve, India
Vaughan, C. 1991 The mysterious Jaguarundi
Full Book
Vaughan, C. 1983 A report on dense forest habitat for endangered wildlife species in Costa Rica
Full Book
Vaz, J.; Narayan, E.J.; Kumar, R.D.; Thenmozhi, K.; Thiyagesan, K.; Baskaran, N. 2017 Prevalence and determinants of stereotypic behaviours and physiological stress among tigers and leopards in Indian zoos
PLoS ONE (12)
V squez Zuloeta, E. 2018 Mining Investment and Socio-Environmental Conflict in the high Andean Zone of Lambayeque. Ca¤aris Case and Intervention Proposal
Full Book
V zquez Garc¡a, P. 2020 Spatial ecology and activity patterns of the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris silvestris_ Schreber, 1777) in the Cantabrian mountain range
Full Book
Veevers-Carter, W. 1979 Felidae
Book Chapter
Vega, R.M.; Prous, C.G.; Krivokapich, S.; Gatti, G.; Brugni, N.L.; Semenas, L. 2018 Toxocariasis in Carnivora from Argentinean Patagonia: Species molecular identification, hosts, and geographical distribution
Parasites and Wildlife (7 )
Velazco-Macias, C.G.; Pe¤a-Mondrag¢n, J.L. 2015 Nuevo registro de ocelote en el Estado de Nuevo Le¢n, M‚xico
Acta Zoologica Mexicana (31)
Velho, N.; Karanth, K.K.; Laurence, W.F. 2012 Hunting: A serious and understudied threat in India, a globally significant conservation region
Biological Conservation (148)
Velho, N.; Srinivasan, U.; Singh, P.; Laurance, W.F. 2015 Large mammal use of protected and community-managed lands in a biodiversity hotspot
Animal Conservation (19)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)