IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Fergus, C. 1991 The Florida panther verges on extinction
Science (251)
Ferguson, A.W.; Currit, N.A.; Weckerly, F.W. 2009 Isometric scaling in home-range size of male and female bobcats (_Lynx rufus_)
Canadian Journal of Zoology (87)
Ferguson, M. 1993 Introduction of cheetah into Mthethomusha Game Reserve, South Africa
Book Chapter
Ferguson, S.H.; Lariviere, S. 2002 Can comparing life histories help conserve carnivores?
Animal Conservation (5 )
Fernandes, C.A.; Rohling, E.J.; Siddall, M. 2006 Absence of post-Miocene Red Sea land bridges: biogeographic implications
Journal of Biogeography (33)
Fernandes, M. 2007 Wildcat occurrence in Portugal. Report in support of digital mapping
Full Book
Fernandes, T.; Bernardino, R.; Duarte, M.; Fevereiro, M.; Correia, J.; Duarte, A.; Rosado, R.; Tavares, L. 2009 Fatal panleukopenia virus infection in a _Lynx lynx_
Conference Proceeding
Fernandez-Gonzalez, L.; Mller, K.; Jewgenow, K.; Zahmel, J. 2019 Felid-gamete-rescue within EAZA - efforts and results in biobanking felid oocytes and sperm
Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research (7)
Fernando, S. 2016 Evaluation of alternative strategies to limit leopard predation on livestock around Yala National Park, Sri Lanka
Full Book
Fern ndez, M.J.G.; Fameli, A.; G¢mez, J.R.; Pereira, J.A.; Mirol, P. 2020 Phylogeographical spatial diffusion analysis reveals the journey of Geoffroy's cat through the Quaternary glaciations of South America
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (129)
Fernex, M. 1979 La reintroduction du Lynx
Nouvelles de l'Environnement
Fernex, M. 1979 Problmes soulevs par une ventuelle rintroduction du lynx dans les Vosges Problems raised by a possible reintroduction of the Lynx in the Vosges Durch eine eventuelle Reintroduktion des Luchses in die Vogesen aufgeworfene Probleme
Conference Proceeding
Fernex, M. 1979 Le lynx et l'pizootie rabique en France The lynx and the rabic epizooty in France Der luchs und die Tollwutepizootie in Frankreich
Conference Proceeding
Fernex, M. 1976 The reintroduction of the lynx in Alsace
Bulletin de la societe industrielle de Mulhouse (4)
Fernndez, G.J.; Corley, J.C.; Capurro, A.F. 1997 Identification of cougar and jaguar feces through bile acid chromatography
Journal of Wildlife Management (61)
Fernndez, N.; Delibes, M.; Palomares, F. 2006 Landscape evaluation in conservation: molecular sampling and habitat modelling for the Iberian lynx
Ecological Applications (16)
Fernndez, N.; Delibes, M.; Palomares, F. 2007 Habitat-related heterogeneity in breeding in a metapopulation of the Iberian lynx
Ecography (30)
Fernndez, N.; Delibes, M.; Palomares, F.; Mladenoff, D.J. 2003 Identifying breeding habitat for the Iberian lynx: Inference from a fine-scale spatial analysis
Ecological Applications (13)
Fernndez, N.; Palomares, F. 2000 The selection of breeding dens by the endangered Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_): implications for its conservation
Biological Conservation (94)
Fernndez, N.; Palomares, F.; Delibes, M. 2002 The use of breeding dens and kitten development in the Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_)
Journal of Zoology (London) (258 )
Ferrand de Almeida, F. 1988 Threatened Species in Portugal
Ferraro, P.J.; Kiss, A. 2002 Direct Payments to Conserve Biodiversity
Science (298)
Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Beisiegel, B.M.; de Paula, R.C.; Sana, D.A.; de Campos, C.B.; de Oliveira, T.G.; Desbiez, A.L.J. 2012 How species distribution models can improve cat conservation - jaguars in Brazil
Cat News (Special Issue 7)
Ferr‚, D.; Quero, A.A.M.; Carracedo, R.; Lentini, V.; Mu¤oz, I.; Ludue¤a, R.; Bertotto, T.; Tornello, M.; Juaire, K.; Lucero, B.; Gorla, N.B.M. 2016 Domestic and wild animals as sentinels of cytogenotoxicity: in different environments
Ferreira, G.A.; Nakano-Oliveira, E.; Genaro, G. 2014 Domestic cat predation on Neotropical species in an insular Atlantic Forest remnant in southeastern Brazil
Wildlife Biology (20)
Ferreira, G.A.; Pinto, M.L.; Nakano-Oliveira, E.; Genaro, G. 2013 Dermatitis prompted by a collar employed in radio-telemetry monitoring
Animal Welfare (22)
Ferreira, J.D.; Sliwa, A. 2017 Persian leopard semen collection at Tehran Zoo
Cat News (65)
Ferreira, M.K. 2017 Effect of patch size and landscape heterogeneity on the diet of Puma yagouaroundi_ _
Full Book
Ferreira, S.; Funston, P.J. 2010 Age assignment to individual African lions
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (40)
Ferreira, S.M.; Beukes, B.O.; Haas, T.C.; Radloff, F.G.T. 2020 Lion (_Panthera leo_) demographics in the south-western Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
African Journal of Ecology (58)
Ferreira, S.M.; Funston, P.J. 2010 Estimating lion population variables: prey and disease effects in Kruger National Park, South Africa
Wildlife Research (37)
Ferreira, S.M.; Govender, D.; Herbst, M. 2013 Conservation implications of Kalahari lion population dynamics
African Journal of Ecology (51)
Ferreira, S.M.; Hofmeyr, M. 2014 Managing charismatic carnivores in small areas: large felids in South Africa
South African Journal of Wildlife Research (44)
Ferreira, S.M.; Maruping, N.T.; Schoultz, D.; Smit, T.R. 2013 Effects of the number of people on efficient capture and sample collection: A lion case study
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (84)
Ferrer de Valdecebro, A. 1696 Propiedade de el Tigre
Book Chapter
Ferrer de Valdecebro, A. 1696 Propiedades de la Onza
Book Chapter
Ferrer, M.; Negro, J.J. 2004 The Near Extinction of Two Large European Predators: Super Specialists Pay a Price
Conservation Biology (18)
Ferreras, P. 2001 Landscape structure and asymmetrical inter-patch connectivity in a metapopulation of the endangered Iberian lynx
Biological Conservation (100)
Ferreras, P.; Aldama, J.J.; Beltran, J.F.; Delibes, M. 1992 Rates and causes of mortality in a fragmented population of Iberian lynx Felis pardina Temminck, 1824
Biological Conservation (61)
Ferreras, P.; Aldama, J.J.; Beltrn, J.F.; Delibes, M. 1994 Immobilization of the endangered Iberian lynx with Xylazine- and Ketamine-Hydrochloride
Journal of Wildlife Diseases (30)
Ferreras, P.; Beltran, J.F.; Aldama, J.J.; Delibes, M. 1997 Spatial organization and land tenure system of the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)
Journal of Zoology (243)
Ferreras, P.; Cousins, S.H. 1996 The use of a delphi technique with GIS for estimating the global abundance of top predators: the lion in Africa
Full Book
Ferreras, P.; D¡az-Ruiz, F.; Alves, P.C.; Monterroso, P. 2016 Factors of mesocarnivore coexistence in national parks in a mediterranean environment
Book Chapter
Ferreras, P.; D¡az-Ruiz, F.; Alves, P.C.; Monterroso, P. 2017 Optimizing camera-trapping protocols for characterizing mesocarnivore communities in south-western Europe
Journal of Zoology (301)
Ferreras, P.; Delibes, M.; Palomares, F.; Fedriani, J.M.; Calzada, J.; Revilla, E. 2004 Proximate and ultimate causes of dispersal in the Iberian lynx _Lynx pardinus_
Behavioral Ecology (15)
Ferreras, P.; Gaona, P.; Palomares, F.; Delibes, M. 2001 Restore habitat or reduce mortality? Implications from a population viability analysis of the Iberian lynx
Animal Conservation (4)
Ferreras, P.; Jim‚nez, J.; D¡az-Ruiz, F.; Tobajas, J.; Alves, P.C.; Monterroso, P. 2021 Integrating multiple datasets into spatially-explicit capture-recapture models to estimate the abundance of a locally scarce felid
Biodiversity and Conservation (30)
Ferreras, P.; Travaini, A.; Zapata, S.C.; Delibes, M. 2011 Short-term responses of mammalian carnivores to a sudden collapse of rabbits in Mediterranean Spain
Basic and Applied Ecology (12)
Ferrero, B.S. 2008 Primer registro de _Panthera onca_ en el Pleistoceno tard¡o de la provincia de Entre R¡os, Argentina
Insugeo (17)
Ferrero, D.M.; Lemon, J.K.; Fluegge, D.; Pashkovski, S.L.; Korzan, W.J.; Datta, S.R.; Spehr, M.; Fendt, M.; Liberles, S.D. 2011 Detection and avoidance of a carnivore odor by prey

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)