IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


            842 items matching your query were found in the database.  

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Gebresenbet, F.; Bauer, H.; Hunter, L.; Gebretensae, K. 2009 Proceedings of the National Lion Conservation Workshop
Conference Proceeding
Gebresenbet, F.; Bauer, H.; Hunter, L.; Gebretensae, K. 2010 Lion conservation workshop in Ethiopia
Cat News (52)
Gebresenbet, F.; Bauer, H.; Vadjunec, J.M.; Papes, M. 2018 Beyond the numbers: Human attitudes and conflict with lions (Panthera leo) in and around Gambella National Park, Ethiopia
PLoS ONE (13)
Gebretensae, K.; Kebede, F. 2022 Review of the status of African lion (_Panthera leo_) in Ethiopia
International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation (14)
Gee, E.P. 1959 Albinism and partial albinism in tigers
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (56)
Gee, E.P. 1956 Lion v. Tiger
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (54)
Gee, E.P. 1962 The present status of four rare animals of India
Cheetal (4)
Gee, E.P. 1962 A Leopard Cat (_felis bengalensis_ Kerr) in captivity
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (59)
Gee, E.P. 1967 Occurence of the Snow Leopard, _panthera unica_ (Schreber), in Bhutan
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (64)
Geerling, C. 1983 The Boucle du Baoule, Mali
Full Book
Geertsema, A. 1976 Impressions and observation on serval behaviour in Tanzania, East Africa
Mammalia (40)
Geertsema, A. 1985 Aspects of the ecology of the Serval Leptailurus serval in the Ngorongoro crater, Tanzania
Netherlands Journal of Zoology (35)
Geertsema, A. 1991 The Servals of Gorigor
Natural History
Geertsema, A. 1981 The servals of Gorigor
Wildlife News (16)
Gehle, T.; Herzog, S. 2012 Sense and nonsense of wildcat and domestic cat differentiation by genetic markers (Sinn und Unsinn einer Differenzierung von Wild- und Hauskatze mit Hilfe genetischer Marker)
S„ugetierkundliche Informationen (45)
Gehr, B.; Hofer, E.J.; Muff, S.; Ryser, A.; Vimercati, E.; Vogt, K.; Keller, L.F. 2017 A landscape of coexistence for a large predator in a human dominated landscape
Oikos (126)
Gehr, B.; Hofer, E.J.; Ryser, A.; Vimercati, E.; Vogt, K.; Keller, L.F. 2018 Evidence for nonconsumptive effects from a large predator in an ungulate prey?
Behavioral Ecology (29)
Gehrt, S.D.; Wilson, E.C.; Brown, J.L.; Anchor, C. 2013 Population ecology of free-roaming cats and interference competition by coyotes in urban parks
PLoS ONE (8)
Geigy, R.; Kauffmann, M. 1973 Sleeping Sickness Survey in the Serengeti Area (Tanzania) 1971
Acta Tropica (1)
Geissmann, T.; Grindley, M.; Momberg, F.; Lwin, N.; Moses, S. 2009 Hoolock gibbon and biodiversity survey and training in southern Rakhnie Yoma, Myanmar
Gibbon Journal
Geissmann, T.; Thanh, V.N.; Dine, M.C.; Tiep, T.M. 2009 Results of a gibbon survey in the Kim Hy Nature Reserve (Bac Kan province) in northeastern Vietnam
Full Book
Geist, V. 1992 Endangered species and the law
Nature (357)
Gelin, M.L.; Branch, L.C.; Thornton, D.H.; Novaro, A.J.; Gould, M.J.; Caragiulo, A. 2017 Response of pumas (_Puma concolor_) to migration of their primary prey in Patagonia
PLoS ONE (12)
Gelwicks, E.J.; Pope, C.E.; Turner, J.L.; Keller, G.L.; Dresser, B.L. 1990 An evaluation of meiotic stages and polyspermy in uncleaved oocytes following in vitro fertilization in domestic cats
Theriogenology (33)
Genaro, G.; Moraes, W.; Silva, J.C.R.; Adania, C.H.; Franci, C.R. 2007 Plasma hormones in neotropical and domestic cats undergoing routine manipulations
Research in Veterinary Science (82)
Gengler, N. 2018 Large-medium mammal diversity in fragmented habitat: a camera trap inventory surrounding a rural community in the upper Parana Atlantic Forest of Paraguay
Bol.Mus.Nat.Hist.Nat.Parag. (22)
Geniella, M. Education only defense against mountain lion encounters
Gennari, S.M.; Ogrzewalska, M.H.; Soares, H.S.; Saraiva, D.G.; Pinter, A.; Nieri-Bastos, F.A.; Labruna, M.B.; Szabo, M.P.J.; Dubey, J.P. 2015 _Toxoplasma gondii_ antibodies in wild rodents and marsupials from the Atlantic Forest, state of SÆo Paulo, Brazil
Rev Bras Parasitol Vet. (24 )
Genovesi, P.; Boitani, L. 1993 Spacing patterns and activity rhythms of a wildcat (Felis silvestris) in Italy
Conference Proceeding
Genoways, H.H.; Timm, R.M. 2005 Mammals of the Cosigina Peninsula of Nicaragua
Mastozoologia Neotropical (12)
Genping, W. 1999 Presentations of the country representatives - The People's Republic of China: Policy and measures for controlling illegal wildlife trade in China
Conference Proceeding
George, C. 2015 Locating a wildlife corridor for the wild tiger in India
Full Book
Georgiev, D.; Mechev, A.; Stoeva, E.; Dilovski, G.; Pavlova, A. 2015 On the activity of two medium-sized canids: the golden jackal (_Canis aureus_) and the red fox (_Vulpes vulpes_) in the Natural Bark "Sinite Kamani" (Bulgaria) revealed by camera traps
ZooNotes (69)
Geraads, D. 2004 First record of _Dinofelis_ (Felidae, Mammalia) from North Africa
Neues Jahrbuch fr Geologie und Palontologie / Monatshefte (2004)
Geraads, D. 2009 A new felid (Fissipeda, Mammalia) from the Middle Pleistocene of Morocco: _Lynx thomasi_ n. sp
Gobios (13)
Geraads, D.; Glec, E. 1997 Relationships of _Barbourofelis piveteaui_ (Ozansoy, 1965), a late Miocene Nimravid (Carnivora, Mammalia) from central Turkey
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (17)
Geraads, D.; Kaya, T.; Tuna, V. 2004 A skull of _Machairodus giganteurs_ (Felidae, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene of Turkey
Neues Jahrbuch fr Geologie und Palontologie / Monatshefte (2004)
Geraads, D.; Peign‚, S. 2017 Re-appraisal of _'Felis_' _pamiri_ Ozansoy, 1959 (Carnivora, Felidae) from the upper Miocene of Turkey: the earliest Pantherin cat?
Journal of Mammalian Evolution (24)
Gerdel, K. 2008 Leopard (_Panthera pardus_) Prey Prediction Using Line Transect Sampling in the Western Soutpansberg Mountain Range, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Full Book
Geret, C.P. 2010 Disease potential of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) collected from Iberian lynxes (Lynx pardinus): low pathogenicity in experimentally infected specified pathogen-free domestic cats
Full Book
Geret, C.P.; Cattori, V.; Meli, M.L.; Riond, B.; Martinez, F.; Lopez, G.; Vargas, A.; Simon, M.A.; L¢pez-Bao, J.V.; Hofmann-Lehmann, R.; Lutz, H. 2011 Feline leukemia virus outbreak in the critically endangered Iberian lynx (_Lynx pardinus_): high-throughput sequencing of envelope variable region A and experimental transmission
Archives of Virology (156)
Germain, E. 2004 Eco-ethological approach to hybridization between the European Forest Cat (_Felis silvestris silvestris _Schreber 1777) and the Domestic Cat (_Felis catus_ L.)
Full Book
Germain, E. 2007 Approche ‚co-‚thologique de l'hybridation entre le chat forestier d'Europe et le chat domestique
Full Book
Germain, E.; Benhamou, S.; Poule, M.-L. 2008 Spatio-temporal sharing between the European wildcat, the domestic cat and their hybrids
Journal of Zoology (276)
Germain, E.; Ruette, S.; Poulle, M.-L. 2009 Likeness between the food habits of Europe an wildcats, domestic cats and their hybrids in France
Mammalian Biology (74)
Gerner, J.; Heurich, M.; Gnther, S.; Schraml, U. 2011 Red deer at a crossroads - An analysis of communciation strategies concerning wildlife management in the "Bayerischer Wald" National Park, Germany
Nature Conservation (19)
Gerngross, P. 2014 Recent records of jungle cat in Turkey
Cat News (61)
Gerngross, P.; G”tz, M.; Breitenmoser, U.; Molinari-Jobin, A.; Maronde, L. 2023 Categorisation of European wildcat records according to the SCALP scheme
Cat News (78)
Gerngross, P.; Ghoddousi, A. 2022 Afro-Asiatic and European wildcats: first IUCN Red List assessments
Cat News (76)
Gerngross, P.; Slotta-Bachmayr, L.; Hagenstein, I. 2021 Is the European wildcat (_Felis silvestris_) back in Austria?
S„ugetierkundliche Informationen (12)

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)