IUCN / SSC Cat Specialist Group - Digital Cat Library


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Elbroch, L.M.; Lendrum, P.E.; Quigley, H.; Caragiulo, A. 2016 Spatial overlap in a solitary carnivore: support for the land tenure, kinship or resource dispersion hypotheses?
Journal of Animal Ecology (85)
Elbroch, L.M.; Lendrum, P.E.; Robinson, H.; Quigley, H.B. 2016 Population- and individual-level prey selection by a solitary predator as determined with two estimates of prey availability
Canadian Journal of Zoology (94)
Elbroch, L.M.; Levy, M.; Lubell, M.; Quigley, H.; Caragiulo, A. 2017 Adaptive social strategies in a solitary carnivore
Behavioral Ecology (3)
Elbroch, L.M.; Lopez-Gonzalez, C.; Fitzgerald, J.; Kusler, A. 2017 Attraction-repulsion among top predators following reintroduction efforts
Mammalian Biology (86)
Elbroch, L.M.; Marescot, L.; Quigley, H.; Craighead, D.; Wittmer, H.U. 2018 Multiple anthropogenic interventions drive puma survival following wolf recovery in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Ecology and Evolution (8)
Elbroch, L.M.; Quigley, H. 2012 Observations of wild cougar (_Puma concolor_) kittens with live prey: implications for learning and survival
The Canadian Field-Naturalist (126)
Elbroch, L.M.; Robertson, L.; Combs, K.; Fitzgerald, J. 2017 Contrasting bobcat values
Biodiversity and Conservation (26)
Elbroch, L.M.; Saucedo, C.; Wittmer, H.U. 2010 Swimming by pumas in Patagonia: rethinking barriers to puma movement
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment (45)
Elbroch, L.M.; Wittmer, H.U. 2012 Table scraps: inter-trophic food provisioning by pumas
Biology Letters (8)
Elbroch, L.M.; Wittmer, H.U. 2013 The effects of puma prey selection and specialization on less abundant prey in Patagonia
Journal of Mammalogy (94)
Elbroch, L.M.; Wittmer, H.U. 2012 Puma spatial ecology in open habitats with aggregate prey
Mammalian Biology (77)
Elbroch, L.M.; Wittmer, H.U. 2013 Nuisance Ecology: Do scavenging condors exact foraging costs on pumas in Patagonia?
PLoS ONE (8)
Elbroch, M. 2017 Pumas: solitary but social?
Natural History Notes
Elbroch, M.; Wittmer, H.U.; Saucedo, C.; Corti, P. 2009 Long-distance dispersal of a male puma _(Puma concolor puma) _in Patagonia
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (82)
Elizalde, S.R.F.F.; Castells, D.E.; de Freitas, N.M.C.N.; Groom, R.J.; Durant, S.M. 2020 Several black servals from a single survey at the Luando Strict Nature Reserve, Angola
African Journal of Ecology
Elizalde-Arellano, C.; Lopez-Vidal, J.C.; Hern ndez, L.; Laundr‚, J.W.; Cervantes, F.A.; Alonso-Spilsbury, M. 2012 Home range size and activity patterns of bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) in southern part of their range in the Chihuahuan desert, Mexico
The American Midland Naturalist (168)
Elizalde-Arellano, C.; L¢pez-Vidal, J.C.; Hern ndez Garcia, L.; Laundr‚, J.W. 2007 Energy Needs of Bobcats (_Lynx rufus_) in an Arid Environment in M‚xico
Conference Proceeding
Ellerman, J.R.; Morrison-Scott, T.C.S. 1951 Family Felidae
Book Chapter
Ellerman, J.R.; Morrison-Scott, T.C.S.; Hayman, R.W. 1953 Southern African mammals 1758 to 1951: a reclassification
Full Book
Elliman, T. 1993 In search of the Chinese Tiger
Full Book
Ellins, S.R. 1985 Coyote Control and Taste Aversion: A Predation Problem or a People Problem?
Appetite (6)
Elliot, N.; Masozera, M.; Wato, Y.; McVey, D. 2019 WWF's potential role and impact in lion conservation relative to other conservation organisations
Elliot, N.B.; Cushman, S.A.; Loveridge, A.J.; Mtare, G.; MacDonald, D.W. 2014 Movements vary according to dispersal stage, group size, and rainfall: the case of the African lion
Ecology (95)
Elliott, W. Solving conflicts between Asian big cats and humans: a portfolio of conservation action
Full Book
Ellis, M.M.; Ivan, J.S.; Schwartz, M.K. 2013 Spatially explicit power analyses for occupancy-based monitoring of wolverine in the U.S. Rocky Mountains
Conservation Biology
Ellison, A.M. 1996 An introduction to Bayesian inference for ecological research and environmental decision-making
Ecological Applications (6)
Ellner, S.P.; Fieberg, J.; Ludwig, D.; Wilcox, C. 2002 Precision of population viability analysis
Conservation Biology (16)
Elmer, M. 1996 Mounatin lion food habits in a desert environment: Preliminary results Abstracts Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop 27.02.-01.03., 1996 Bahia Hotel, San Diego, California
Conference Proceeding
Elmhagen, B.; Ludwig, G.; Rushton, S.P.; Helle, P.; Linden, H. 2010 Top predators, mesopredators and their prey: interference ecosystems along bioclimatic productivity gradients
Journal of Animal Ecology (79)
Eloff, F.C. 1980 Cub mortality in the Kalahari Lion Panthera leo vernayi (Roberts, 1948)
Koedoe (23)
Eloff, F.C. 1973 Water use by the Kalahari lion_ Panthera leo vernayi_
Koedoe (16)
Eloff, F.C. 1973 Lion predation in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park
Journal of the southern african wildlife management association (3)
Eloff, F.C. 1973 Ecology and behavior of the Kalahari lion
Conference Proceeding
Eloff, F.C. 1964 On the predatory habits of lions and hyaenas
Koedoe (7)
Eloff, F.C. 1984 Food ecology of the Kalahari lion _Panthera leo vernayi_
Koedoe (Supplement)
Elofsson, K.; H„ggmark, T. 2021 The impact of lynx and wolf on roe deer hunting benefits in Sweden
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (23)
Elton, C.; Nicholson, M. 1942 The ten-year cycle in numbers of the lynx in Canada
Journal of Animal Ecology (11)
Eltringham, S.K.; Cooksey, I.A.; Dixon, W.J.B.; Raine, N.E.; Sheldrick, C.J.; McWilliam, N.C.; Packer, M.J. 1999 Large mammals of Mkomazi
Book Chapter
Eltringham, S.K.; Morley, R.J.; Kingdon, J.; Coe, M.J.; McWilliam, N.C. 1999 Checklist: Mammals of Mkomazi
Book Chapter
Elvir, F.; Portillo, H. 2011 Los peque¤os carn¡voros en Honduras, su conocimiento y estado actual de conservaci¢n
Mastozoologia Neotropical (18)
Elwin, A.; Asfaw, E.; Vieto, R.; D'Cruze, N. 2024 Going over the wall: insights into the illegal production of jaguar products in a Bolivian prison
Oryx (58)
Ely, R.C. 2019 Dietary ecomorphological dispersion and phenotypic integration in _Felidae_ and _Mustelidae_ (Mammalia; Carnivora)
Full Book
Emanoil, M. 1994 Cheetah _Acinonyx jubatus_
Book Chapter
Emanoil, M. 1994 Spanish lynx _Lynx (Felis) pardius_
Book Chapter
Emanoil, M. 1994 Bay cat _Catopuma (Felis) badia_
Book Chapter
Emanoil, M. 1994 Andean cat _Oreailurus (Felis) jacobita_
Book Chapter
Emanoil, M. 1994 Iriomote cat _Felis iriomotensis_
Book Chapter
Emanoil, M. 1994 Jaguar _Panthera onca_
Book Chapter
Emanoil, M. 1994 Leopard _Panthera pardus_
Book Chapter
Emanoil, M. 1994 Tiger _Panthera tigris_
Book Chapter

(c) IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group ( IUCN - The World Conservation Union)